Modules by Name in Detail

A |B |C |D |E |F |G |H |I |J |K |L |M |O |P |Q |R |S |T |U |V |W |X |Z
AbsoluteDifference MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleCalculates the absolute difference between two images
AccumulateImage MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleResampleMLResample1Allows to accumulate images into a reference volume, resampling them to the resolution of the reference image
AddNoise MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleGeneratorsMLBasicModulesCreates noise based on various models.
AffineTransformation2D MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleSpatialTransformationMLTransformationaffine transformation using MPR
AffineTransformation3D MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleSpatialTransformationMLTransformationaffine transformation using MPR
AnimationRecorder MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModule
AnonymizeMacro MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleDICOMAnonymize a DICOM dataset.
ApplyLUT MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleLUTMLLUTToolsApply LUT to an ML image
Arithmetic0 MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLMiscModulessimple arithmetic and logic expresions evaluated one or two float or Vector3 arguments, simpler to use than SoCalculator
Arithmetic1 MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleUnaryMLBasicModulesArithmetic processing of an image
Arithmetic2 MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleBinaryMLBasicModulesArithmetic processing of two images
AsyncMemoryImageFetch MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLAsyncImageLoadersLoads an input image into a memory image asynchronously.
AsyncMemoryImageLoad MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLAsyncImageLoadersLoads an image from disk into a memory image asynchronously.
AutoImage MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleFileAutomatically generate/update a downsampled image file, e.g. for preview purposes
BackgroundTasksInspector MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleInspectorsDisplay background tasks
BallDraggerGeometry MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleInteractionA geometry for use in the MIPlaneDragger
BaseBypass MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleFieldsBypass base input or not.
BaseClear MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleFieldsMLBasicModulesClear or bypass a base object; allows explicit update of output.
BaseSwitch MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleFlowControlMLMiscModulesPasses through one of a set of inputs
BitConvert MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleImageMLFilter2Set/Clears/Inverts certain bit planes in an image
BitImageArithmetic MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleBitImageToolsMLBitImageToolsUnary and binary operations on a bit image
BitImageLoad MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleBitImageIOMLBitImageToolsLoads a BitImage from file and provides it as ML image and base object
BitImageSave MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleBitImageIOMLBitImageToolsSave an ML image as BitImage with interval segmentation
BitImageToML MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleBitImageToolsMLBitImageToolsConverts a BitImage and provides it as ML image
BitMaskConvert MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleImageMLFilter2Set/Clears/Inverts certain bit planes in an image in dependency of a second input image as mask
BitMorphology MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMorphologyMLKernelImplements dilation and erosion filters that separately act on single bits
BoolArithmetic MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLBasicModulesStandard boolean arithmetic operations.
BoolInt MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleFieldsTranslate between a bool and an integer field
BoolString MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleFieldsTranslate between a bool and a string field
BoundingBox MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleSubimageMLMiscModulesExtracts the bounding box of an object given by an interval from an image
BoxCountingDimension MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleStatisticsMLFilter2Calculates the box-counting (Minkowski) dimension of an object
Bypass MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleFlowControlMLBasicModulesDummy operator, maybe useful to connect a single network input to multiple modules
CacheView MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleInspectorsMLDiagnosisView Cache utilization
CalculateAngle MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleGeometryMLCoordUtils1Calculates angle between two vectors
CalculateGradient MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleFiltersMLFilter1Calculates the gradient image in all directions
CalculateVectorFromVectors MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleVectorMLCoordUtils1Calculates vector from two vectors
CalculateVolume MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleVolumetryMLVolumetryCalculates voxel volume and number of voxels in interval, also for all timepoints and individual timepoints
CArmDRR MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleProjectionC-Arm device specific interface for DRR ML module
CavitySeeker MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMorphologyMLBeamCavity search doing sophisticate kernel based evaluation of surrounding area.
ChangeLUTColor MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleLUTMLLUTToolsApply color, intensity and/or alpha factors to a LUT
ChangePageExtent MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleImageMainMLBasicModulesChange the page extent of the image
Checksum MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleInspectorsMLDiagnosisCompute checksum of an image
ChromaKey MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLColorimplements the chroma key algorithm for masking a background color (e.g. a greenscreen)
CLAHE MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLCLAHEimplements CLAHE contrast enhancement filter
CloneDicomTree MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleDICOMMLDicomTreeModulesdoes a deep copy of the input DicomTree
CloneImageAsEmptyImage MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleClones an image as an empty image and persists it in a network.
CloseGap MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMorphologyMLKernelCloses gaps within binary images. Also includes majority, contour point extraction and binary dilation/erosion filters.
ClusterToMarkers MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMarkerMLClusterToMarkersConverts clusters to markers.
ColorMatrix MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleLUTMLColorApplys a matrix to an input image to change the colors
ColorModelConverter MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleLUTMLColorchanges color model of an input image
ColorTable MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleLUTMLColorOffers different Color Tables
CombineLabels MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleArithmeticCombines selected bits of up to three input images into of a label image
CommandNotifier MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleTestNotifies buttons of script commands
Comment MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleExtrasStore comments in a network
CompareNetworks MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModulecompares two *.mlab files
Compass MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleKernelMLKernelApplys compass filter to an input image.
ComplexArithmetic1 MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleUnaryMLComplexArithmeticPerforms some complex number specific functions
ComplexArithmetic2 MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleBinaryMLComplexArithmeticperforms complex arithmetics on two inputs
ComplexToReal MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleUnaryMLComplexArithmeticComputes either abs, arg or power of complex number
Compose3DFrom2DFiles MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleFileCreates a 3d image from 2d images with the same size. This can be used to create a ML image from a set of tiff slices.
ComposeArray MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleCoordinateMLCoordUtils1Compose ML Multifield
ComposeBaseList MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleFieldsMLBaseComposes two base objects to one BaseList.
ComposeMatrix MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleCoordinateMLCoordUtils1Composes matrix from float values or vectors
ComposePlane MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModulePlaneMLCoordUtils1Composes plane from point and normal vector
ComposeRotation MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleCoordinateMLCoordUtils1Compute composition of two rotations
ComposeRTStruct MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleDICOMMLRTStructSupportCreate an RT structure set from CSO contours
ComposeVector3 MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleVectorMLCoordUtils1Composes vector3 from single float values
ComposeVector4 MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleVectorMLCoordUtils1Composes vector4 from single float values
ComposeWEMDescriptionForU3D MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleWEMPersistenceComposes the WEM description string for the WEMSaveAsU3D module.
ComputeConnectedComponents MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLClusterComputes the connected components of an image and outputs a cluster object.
ComputeMajorAxis MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLGeometry1Computes the major and minor axes of a segmented object on the given slices.
ConcatenateCurves MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleDiagramMLCurveConcatenate input curves and curve lists to a single output curve list
ConcatenateImages MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleBinaryMLGeometry1concatenates images
ConnectedComponentsInfo MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLClusterProvides information about all clusters and an active cluster.
ConnectedComponentsInspector MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleInspectorsInspector for connected components clustering.
ConnectedComponentsToImage MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLClusterConverts a clusters object to an ML image.
ConnectEdges MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLGraphEditingConnects edges in a graph
Console MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleInspectorsMLDiagnosisAppends ML messages to a userdefined log file
ConstantImage MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleGeneratorsMLBasicModulesGenerates a constant image
ConstrainedConnectionCost MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMorphologyMLRatecalculates connection costs with respect to marker set
ConvexHull MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleRegionMLFuzzyCalculates (2D / slice-wise) convex hulls of one or more objects.
Convolution MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleKernelMLKernelSimple constant convolution filters like Average, Gauss, Sobel, Laplace
CopyList MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleFieldsMLBaseCopies (ListBase-derived) object lists.
CoreControl MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLControlInterface module to ML core settings
Correlation MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleKernelMLKernelcomputes the correlation/convolution of one image with another
Counter MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleFieldsCounter for integer numbers
CreateBoundingVolume MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleCoordinateMLCoordUtils1creates a bounding volume that contains all volumes that are added at the input
CSOAffineTransformationModificator MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleCSOModuleMLCSOModulesTransforms a list of selected CSOs by a 4x4 matrix.
CSOFilter MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleCSOModuleMLCSOModulesFilters an input CSOList by certain options.
CSOGenerateSmoothSurfaceFromSparseContours MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleCSOModuleMLCSOModulesGenerates a smooth surface for sparsly distributed, arbitrarily oriented but plane, and closed contours, and voxelizes that surface into an ML image.
CSOInfo MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleCSOModuleMLCSOModulesProvides some info about a CSOList
CSOInspector MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleInspectorsInspector for CSOs (contour segmentation objects).
CSOIsoGenerator MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleCSOModuleMLCSOModulesFinds all iso contours on given input image.
CSOLabelPlacementDistanceLines MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleSoCSOPlugin for the SoCSOLabelRenderer for rendering labels of DistanceLines CSOs.
CSOLabelPlacementGlobal MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleSoCSOPlugin for the SoCSOLabelRenderer for rendering labels globally.
CSOLabelPlacementLocal MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleSoCSOPlugin for the SoCSOLabelRenderer for rendering labels locally to CSOs.
CSOLabelRenderer MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleSoCSOEditor extension for rendering labels that are configurable with Python.
CSOListContainer MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleCSOModuleMLCSOModulesLight-weight container for a CSOList, to be used instead of CSOManager.
CSOListToXMarkerList MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleConvert CSOs to XMarkerLists
CSOLoad MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleCSOPersistenceMLCSOModulesLoads a CSOList from a file.
CSOManager MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleCSOModuleMLCSOAdministers and maintains CSOs
CSOMerge MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleCSOModuleMLCSOModulesMerges two input CSOLists.
CSOSave MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleCSOPersistenceMLCSOModulesSaves a CSOList to file.
CSOSliceInterpolator MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleCSOModuleMLCSOModulesInterpolates parallel CSOs on slices.
CSOToSurface MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLOpenVDBcreates a WEM surface from a list of CSOs
CSOVoxelizeContours MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleCSOModuleMLCSOModulesVoxelizes all closed, plane contours into an ML image.
CSOVoxelSetToImage MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleCSOModuleMLCSOModulesConverts CSOVoxelSets to an ML image for testing.
CSOVoxelSetToMarkerList MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleCSOModuleMLCSOModulesConverts a CSOVoxelSetList to a XMarkerList for testing.
CurvatureEstimation MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleFiltersMLKernelKernel filter to estimate the curvature of a 2D-contour in a defined neighbourhood of a voxel
CurveCreator MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleDiagramMLCurve
CurveCursor MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleDiagramMLCurvePick curve values and display curve cursor
CurveInspector MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleInspectorsInspector for CurveData/CurveList objects.
CurveToHistogram MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleHistogramMLVolumetryConvert curve data to histogram object.
cvAdaptiveThreshold MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLOpenCVModuleswraps the OpenCV adaptive threshold function
cvBilateralFilter MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLOpenCVModuleswraps the OpenCV 2D bilateralFilter
cvCannyEdgeDetector MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLOpenCVModuleswraps the OpenCV 2D canny edge detector
cvGaussianBlur MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLOpenCVModuleswraps the OpenCV 2D GaussianBlur function
cvHoughCircles MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLOpenCVModuleswraps the OpenCV cvHoughCircles function
cvLinearPolar MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLOpenCVModuleswraps the OpenCV 2D linearPolar function
cvMedian MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLOpenCVModuleswraps the OpenCV 2D median filter
CylinderDraggerGeometry MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleInteractionA geometry for use with SoRotateCylindricalDragger or SoRotateDiscDragger
DecomposeArray MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleCoordinateMLCoordUtils1Decompose ML Multifield
DecomposeBaseList MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleFieldsMLBaseDecomposes a BaseList in a solitary object and a rest list.
DecomposeMatrix MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleCoordinateMLCoordUtils1Decomposes matrix to vectors
DecomposeVector3 MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleVectorMLCoordUtils1Decomposes vector3 to single float values
DecomposeVector4 MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleVectorMLCoordUtils1Decomposes vector4 to single float values
DeMosaic MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleNeuroMLGeometry1Extracts mosaic features from fMRI and DTI data and converts data to 4d data.
DicomDeidentify MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLDicomDeidentifyRemove identifying information from DICOM data according to PS 3.15, annex E
DicomFrameSelect MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleDICOMMLImageFileSelects the DICOM sub-tree for a specified z-slice and time point.
DicomFrameTagInfo MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleDICOMMLImageFileDisplays information about the shared and frame specific values of a given DICOM tag.
DicomImport MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleDICOMDicomImportModule to import DICOM data
DicomImportExtraOutput MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleDICOMDicomImportModule to import DICOM data
DicomLUT MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleLUTMLLUTToolsGenerate modality and/or VOI LUT from an image's DICOM tags, optionally compose with input LUT
DicomPaletteLUT MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleLUTMLLUTToolsGenerate color palette LUT from an image's DICOM tags
DicomQuery MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleDICOMQuery the contents of a PACS server
DicomQueryEditor MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleDICOMEdit PACS queries, used by DicomQuery
DicomReceiver MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleDICOMA DICOM C-STORE Service Class Provider (storescp) which can be used to receive images from remote PACS systems.
DicomRescale MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleDICOMMLImageFileRescales (DICOM) images to user-defined (DICOM) intercept and slope values
DicomSetPatientInformation MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleDICOMMacro to set patient and series information
DicomSourceEditor MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleDICOMEdit PACS server entries, used by DicomQuery
DicomTagBrowser MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleDICOMDisplay the DICOM tree belonging to an image
DicomTagModify MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleDICOMMLImageFileModify Dicom tags of an image
DicomTagViewer MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleDICOMMLImageFileShows DICOM tags of an image
DicomTimeTool MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleDICOMVarious time/date calculations on DICOM time/date strings
DicomTool MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleDICOMSeveral DICOM tools: Save slices, send to PACS (storescu, dcmsend), check DICOM connectivity (echoscu).
DicomTreeInspector MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleInspectorsInspector for DicomTree objects.
DicomTreeToDummyImage MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleDICOMMLDicomTreeModulessets a given DicomTree on a dummy image
DicomUIDGenerator MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleDICOMTool to create DICOM UID (Unique Identifiers)
DicomViewer MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleVisualization, ApplicationsMenuConvenience module to load a directory containing DICOM files and view the images in 2D and 3D.
Diffusion MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleDiffusionMLDiffusion1Nonlinear Diffusion Filter
DimensionSliceClone MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleSubimageMLGeometry1clones dimension slices of an image
DiscardNegative MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleImageMLBasicModulesReplaces negative voxels by 0. Algorithm optimized for this special task, faster than IntervalThreshold.
DisconnectEdges MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLGraphEditingDisconnects or removes edges in a graph
DisplayLUT MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleLUTLUT viewer displaying a LUT as a diagram and as a color bar
DistanceFromXMarkerList MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMarkerMLDTFCalculate nearest list element to given spatial position
Downsample3D MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleResampleDownsample an image according to given size restrictions
Draw3D MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleDrawMLMiscModulesPermits drawing some 3D primitives into an image
Draw3DMacro MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleDrawSimple Draw3D Editor with input and output.
DrawVoxels3D MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLDrawVoxels3DDraws with simple brushes in a 3D volume.
DrawVoxels3DMacro MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleDrawCombines the drawing of voxels with a preview.
DrawVoxels3DPreview MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModule
DRR MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleProjectionMLDRRCreates a (2D) Digitally Reconstructed Radiograph from 3D CT data
DRRLUT MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleProjectionMLDRRGenerates LUTs for LUT based projections of the DRR module
DtfSkeletonization MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleDistanceMLDTF3D distance transformation by homotopic thinning, skeletonization
DynaCurve MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleDiagramMLDynaCurveExtract time curves from dynamic image data
DynamicStylePalette MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleVisualizationMLBaseProvides a dynamic number of colors, line and marker styles.
EditObject MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleFieldsMLParserAllows the editing of a base object via its XML representation.
ErrorTest MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleTestMLDiagnosisPrints/Forces different types of messages and forces desired error types
EuclideanDistanceTransform MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleDistanceMLDTFcalculates the euclidean distance image in 1D, 2D or 3D. It is also possible to calculate the Voronoi division.
EvaluateRelativeLUT MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleLUTEvaluates the input LUT at a defined position and returns the color.
ExportImageAsSlices MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleFileSave a 3D image as a stack of 2D images.
ExtendedConvolution MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleKernelMLKernelConvolution filters with some options
ExtractLabels MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleUnaryMLBasicModulesExtracts objects identified via a defined labels (= bitmasks) from a given label image
ExtractObjectFromList MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleFieldsMLBaseExtract a single object from an ML object list.
ExtractRTStruct MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleDICOMMLRTStructSupportExtract a RT structure set from a DICOM object as CSO contours
FanInVector MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleVectorHas multiple input vectors and outputs the last changed input vector (breaking loops if values are equal)
FieldBypass MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleFieldsMLMiscModulesSwitch on/off field notification
FieldIterator MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleFieldsSet field values from a field value list and iterate through the list in a batch mode
FieldListener MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleFieldsDisplay name, type and value of a connected field
FieldShift MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleFieldsShifts field contents out0-out9 forward if input is changed. Then it puts input into out0.
FieldTracer MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleInspectorsMLDiagnosisRecorder for Field Notifications
FieldUndo MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleFieldsObserve an attached field and undo / redo changes
FieldValueTestCaseConverter MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleTestA module to convert field-value test case sets.
FieldValueTestCaseEditor MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleTestA module to edit field-value test case sets.
FieldValueTestCaseGenerator MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleTestGenerates XML with FieldValueTestCases which can be uses with the FieldValueTestCaseEditor, -Iterator and -Converter
FieldValueTestCaseIterator MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleTestiterates TestCases of a FieldValueTestCase
FileDirectory MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleFileGenerate a list of files in a directory, possibly including subdirectories
FileInformation MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleFileAccess file information such as size, creation date and permissions. Can also be used to create valid pathnames from directory, basename and extension and check for existance of files.
FilterConnectedComponents MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLClusterFilters and selects computed cluster objects.
FloydSteinberg MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleDiffusionMLFilter2Uses Floyd-Steinberg dithering to reduce number of gray values in image with error distribution
FuzzyCluster MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleFuzzyMLFuzzyUses the fuzzy cmeans algorithm to extract a given number of clusters.
FuzzyConnectDistance MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleFuzzyMLFuzzyUses distance-based fuzzy connectedness for the segmentation of an image.
GenerateImageForBoundingBox MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLGenerateImageForBoundingBoxGenerates an ML image for a bounding box.
GenericPointingAction MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleInteractionSoInteractionControllersGeneric pointing action supporting the Managed Interaction scheme
GenericSoView2DPointingAction MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleInteractionSoInteractionControllersGeneric pointing action supporting the Managed Interaction scheme
GetDicomTreeFromImage MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleDICOMMLDicomTreeModulesgets the DicomTree from the given image
GetTreeLabels MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLGraphEditingRetrieves tree labels
GetVoxelValue MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleUnaryMLBasicModulesGetting the value of an image to a given world coordinate
GraphManager MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLGraphEditingEnables graph editing with undo/redo
GraphToMarker MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLGraphEditingConverts a graph (nodes, edges) to XMarkers (Positions, Vectors)
GraphToVolume MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLVesselGraphModulesRasterizes the labels of a graph to a volume
GraphViewer MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleOffers a view of the logical structure of a graph
GVRAmbientOcclusion MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleimplements ambient occlusion
GVRAutoCache MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModulewrites or reuses an existing GVR cache file
GVRCacheInfo MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLGVRmanages the GVR caches
GVRDeepShadowMapping MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleimplements deep shadow mapping for the GVR ray caster
GVRGeometryClipping MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleallows to clip GVR volume rendering with GL geometry
GVRGradientVolumeSave MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleOctreeMLGVRwrites GVR gradient volume cache files to disk
GVRImageToVolume MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleOctreeMLGVRcreates a GVR volume in memory
GVROrthoOverlay MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleDisplays an ML image as an overlay in an (ortho) viewer.
GVROrthoView2D MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleView2DOrthogonal viewer using GVR volume
GVRPickResultInfo MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleOctreeMLGVRget information on a picking result
GVRPickResultToCurve MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleOctreeMLGVRconvert a picking result to curve objects
GVRPreloadVolume MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleOctreeMLGVRpreloads a complete gvr volume from cache file
GVRShaderFunctionEditor MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleeditor for SoGVRShaderFunctions
GVRTemporalDifference MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleVolRendExtensionsrenders a temporal difference image using a secondary image and a custom shader
GVRTestPattern MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLGVRcreate test patterns for GVR rendering
GVRTestPatternAnalyzer MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLGVRanalyze test pattern screenshot for GVR rendering
GVRVolumeInfo MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleOctreeMLGVRprints information on a GVRVolume
GVRVolumeInspector MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleInspectorsInspector for GVR Volumes.
GVRVolumeLoad MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleOctreeMLGVRreads GVR cache files from disk
GVRVolumeSave MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleOctreeMLGVRwrites GVR cache files to disk
GVRVolumeToImage MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleOctreeMLGVRaccesses the GVRVolume and extracts ML image
GVRVolumeToOrthoImages MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleOctreeMLGVRaccesses the GVRVolume and extracts 3 ortho ML images
HessianFilter MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleKernelMLFilter2Vesselness filter similar to Frangi et al.
Histogram MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleHistogramMLVolumetryCreates a histogram from an input image, optionally using a mask image.
HistogramEqualization MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleFiltersMLFilter2Applys a histogram equalization to an input image
HistogramParameters MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleHistogramMLVolumetryCalculate (normalized) histogram parameters.
HistogramPeakEstimate MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleHistogramMLVolumetryCompute estimate of peak positions of a histogram.
HistogramVolumetrySimple MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleHistogramMLVolumetryComputes the volume of a specified gray value interval from a histogram.
HTTPFileDownload MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleFileallows to asynchronously download a file via HTTP protocol
IdleTrigger MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleFieldsMLMiscModulesInvTriggers another field periodically after a certain time
ImageCalculationDiagnosis MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLDiagnosisA module that shows internal details of an ML module's output image and the involved settings
ImageClear MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleFlowControlMLBasicModulesClears automatically output image if input image changes.
ImageCompare MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleTestMLMiscModulesCompares two images and posts error on inequality
ImageComposer MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleComposeMLMiscModulesConcatenation of input images
ImageHash MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleInspectorsMLCryptoModule to generate different hashes for an image.
ImageIteratorEnd MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleFlowControlMLImageIteratorEnd module for a network in which an image is iterated
ImageIteratorStart MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleFlowControlMLImageIteratorStart module for a network in which an image is iterated
ImageLoad MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleFileMainMLImageFileLoads an image.
ImageLoadMulti MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleFileProvides convenient access to sets of images.
ImagePropertyConvert MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleImageMainMLBasicModulesConverts image properties.
ImageROIsFileCache MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleCaches an image in a file and allows for combining new ROIs into this initial image; useful for combining masks.
ImageSave MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleFileMainMLImageFileSaves an image to a file
ImageSeparator MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleSubimageMLGeometry1Separates matrix columns of an input image
ImageStatistics MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleStatisticsMLMiscModulesCompute statistical values for a complete image or slice by slice
ImageToCSOVoxelSet MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleCSOModuleMLCSOModulesConverts an ML image to a CSOVoxelSetList for testing.
ImageToLUT MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleLUTMLLUTToolsConvert an ML image to a 1/2/3D-LUT
Info MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleInfoMLBasicModulesDisplay properties of input image
InteractiveRampLUT MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleView2DRamp LUT modifiable through mouse interaction, used in View2DExtensions
InterleaveDimension MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleResampleMLGeometry1Merges a dimension sequentially into another one
IntervalThreshold MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleSegmentationMLMiscModulesSimple Segmentation with one or two thresholds.
InventorRayPicker MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleInteractionMLMiscModulesInvApply a SoRayPickAction to a scene graph and get hit point.
InventorSceneChangeObserver MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleobserves the incoming scene for field/node changes
IsoSurface MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleIsoSurfGenerates a WEM iso surface and provides smoothing and polygon reduction.
ItemModelAttributeFilter MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLABMLItemModelSupportImplements an attribute filtering proxy for an ItemModel
ItemModelInspector MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleInspectorsallows to inspect an ItemModel
ItemModelItemFilter MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLABMLItemModelSupportImplements an item filtering proxy for an ItemModel
JointDisplay MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleImageMLJointHistMerges two images for joint display.
JointHistogram MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleHistogramMLJointHistGenerate 2D histogram
JointHistogramMask MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleHistogramMLJointHistGenerate binary mask using rectangle region from 2D histogram
KernelEditor MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleKernelMLKernelEditor to edit 6D kernels
KernelMask MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleKernelMLFilter2Puts values of an image area into a kernel with defined extention
KeyCounter MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleFieldsA numerical index field that can be incremented and decremented by pressing a key in a viewer
KeyFrameBox MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleResampleMLResample1Computes the bounding box of a key frame list.
LabelByThresholdedVolume MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLGraphEditingSets labels for image voxel values under the skeleton positions
LabelFromEdgeToLeaves MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLGraphEditingSets labels from a selected down to the leaves
LabelSelectedTree MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLGraphEditingSets labels to a selected tree
LabelTrees MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLGraphEditingSets labels to trees in order of descending size
LapTimer MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleExtrasMLMiscModulesLap Timer to measure times. Used in HepaVision for automatic logging of times for each image processing step.
LinearLUT MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleLUTMLLUTToolsA simple color/gray wedge LUT
ListFieldPassThrough MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleTestMLDiagnosisSimple test module for pass-through of list fields
ListModules MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleInspectorsGenerate a list of modules for a given set of packages.
LoadAny MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleFileModule to identify, analyze, open and perhaps load most MeVisLab, ML, WEM, CSO itk, vtk and many other file formats
LoadBase MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleFileMLParserLoads a ml::Base object from a file.
LoadDicomTree MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleDICOMMLDicomTreeModulesloads a DICOM file as DicomTree base object
LoadInventorFile MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleLoads in Open Inventor *.iv file
LocalBase MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleFileUsed to resolve base object files relative to network or to the local MeVisLab installation
LocalCSOLoad MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleCSOPersistenceLoads a CSO from local paths.
LocalImage MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleFileUsed to resolve images relative to network or to the local MeVisLab installation
LocalMaxima MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleFiltersMLKernelKernel filter to detect if a voxel is a local maximum in a defined neighborhood
LocalPath MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleFileCreates an absolute path using relative path variables.
LocalSoFile MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleInventorFileUsed to resolve iv files relative to a given variable
LocalWEMLoad MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleWEMPersistenceLoads a WEM from local paths.
LUTBlend MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleLUTMLLUTToolsGenerate an nD-LUT by blending two input LUTs
LUTChannelMap MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleLUTMLLUTToolsmaps the channels of the input lut to the channels of the output lut
LUTCombiner MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleLUTMLLUTToolscombines several LUTs
LUTCompose MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleLUTMLLUTToolsCompose several input LUTs to a single output LUT by chained evaluation of the input LUTs
LUTConcat MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleLUTMLLUTToolsConcatenate several input LUTs to a single 2D- or 3D-output LUT
LUTCurve MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleLUTMLLUTToolsConvert a LUT into a curve object
LUTDuplicate MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleLUTMLLUTToolsDuplicate input LUT to a single 2D- or 3D-output LUT
LUTInfo MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleLUTMLLUTToolsDisplay properties of a LUT object
LUTPrimitive MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleLUTMLLUTToolsA single channel LUT with predefined primitives of different shapes
LUTRescale MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleLUTMLLUTToolsRescale a LUT's index range
LUTSelect MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleLUTMLLUTToolsSelect a 1D-LUT from a specified row/layer of a 2D- or 3D-LUT
LUTToMLImage MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleLUTMLLUTToolsConvert a 1/2/3D-LUT to an ML image
Magnify MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleSubimageMLGeometry1Extract a region from the input image and scale its voxel-to-world-matrix
MagnifyMacro MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleshows a moveable magnifier rectangle on a SoView2D
MakeName MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleFileGenerates a new filename from an input filename and a template
MarkerListInspector MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleInspectorsInspector for MarkerLists.
MarkerListToWEMPlane MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleWEMGenerateMLWEMModulesGenerates a deformed plane out of a marker list.
MarkerPCA MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMarkerMLGeometry1Does a principal component analysis on the markers.
MarkerStatistics MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMarkerMLGeometry1Compute statistics on a marker list
MarkersToSurface MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLOpenVDBcreates a WEM surface from a marker list by rasterizing the markers as spheres
Mask MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleImageMLMiscModulesMasks the image at input 1 with mask at input 2 with selectable mode.
MaskSliceInterpolator MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleSegmentationInterpolates slices of a binary mask
MaskToMarkers MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMarkerMLGeometry1Create a list of XMarkers from a Mask image
MatrixArithmetic MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLCoordUtils1Standard matrix operations for (two) 4x4 homogenous matrices.
MemoryCache MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleImageMLMiscModulesBuffers the input volume in memory and can protect it from input changes.
MemoryCacheBuffer MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleStore an arbitrary number of images
MemoryTracer MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleInspectorsMLDiagnosisCounts and memory allocations frees and memory block exceeds in windows debug mode it
MergeLists MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleFieldsMLBaseMerges two lists of the same arbitrary (BaseListTemplate-derived, for example XMarkerList) type.
MergeRegions MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleSubimageMLGeometry1Merges up to 4 different Regions belonging to the same volume. Several merge modes (mask, max, ...) available.
MessageBox MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleGUIConfigurable message dialog
MessageBoxExt MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleGUIConfigurable message dialog with additional elements
MinMaxScan MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleInfoMLMiscModulesDetermines correct minimum and maximum values and the adequate data type of an input image.
MIPlaneDragger MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleInteractionPlane dragger with Managed Interaction
MLABGlobalModules MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleglobal modules that are created on mevislab startup and take there settings from mevislab prefs
MLBaseInspector MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleInspectorsGeneric inspector for MLBase objects.
MLImageFormatFileCache MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLImageFormatMLImageFormatBuffers the input volume in an cache file of ML image format and can protect it from input changes.
MLImageFormatInfo MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLImageFormatMLImageFormatInformation module for ML image format
MLImageFormatLoad MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLImageFormatMLImageFormatLoad module for ML image format
MLImageFormatSave MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLImageFormatMLImageFormatSave module for ML image format
MLImageInspector MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleInspectorsInspector for ML images.
MLLogFile MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleInspectorsMLDiagnosisAppends ML messages to a userdefined log file
MLLUTInspector MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleInspectorsInspector for LUT objects.
MLParallelProcessingInspector MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleshow the time line for the ML host
MLReplaceDeprecatedAPI MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleRuns a Python script that replaces or warns about the usage of the deprecated ML API
MLToBitImage MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleBitImageToolsMLBitImageToolsSave an ML image as BitImage with interval segementation
ModifyRegion MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleRegionAllows up- or downsizing of an ROI by absolute mm or voxel offsets or a relative fraction in x,y and z dimension.
ModuleDependencyAnalyzer MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleInspectorsCheck dependencies of modules.
ModuleDependencyAnalyzerTestMacro MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModule
ModuleDependencyAnalyzerTestMacro2 MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModule
ModuleDependencyAnalyzerTestMacro3 MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModule
ModuleGenreSelector MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleAllows for the selection of an existing genre.
ModuleView MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleInspectorsMLDiagnosisModule to show internal state ML module
ModuleWizardCppProject MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModulemacro module that is shared accross cpp wizards
ModuleWizardMenu MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModulethe project wizard of MeVisLab, typically started via File menu
ModuleWizardPackageSelector MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleselect one of the available packages
MorphologicalGradient MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleFiltersComputes the Morphological Gradient
Morphology MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMorphologyMLKernelImplements dilation and erosion filters.
MPR MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleResampleMLResample1Compute a multi-planar reformation (MPR) defined by a translation and a rotation (world coords)
MPRLight MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleResampleMLResample1Compute a multi-planar reformation (MPR) defined by a translation and a rotation (world coords). No Inventor dependencies
MPRPath MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleResampleMLResample1Draws an MPR slice on a given position of the given path.
MultiFieldInventorTrafo MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleCoordinateMLCoordUtils1Transform between inventor and ml multifields
ObjectInspector MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleFieldsAllows inspecting, editing and extraction of field values of ML objects that support TreeNode-Export.
OffscreenRenderer MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleVisualizationMLOffscreenRenderOpenGL accelerated offscreen renderer
OpenVDBLoad MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLOpenVDBload a sparse grid as an ML volume
OpenVDBSave MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLOpenVDBsaves a volume to a sparse OpenVDB grid
OrthoProjection MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleResampleMLGeometry1Projects a volume dataset along a given dimension
OrthoReformat3 MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleResampleMLCoordUtils1Reformat for sagittal, coronal and transversal view.
OrthoSwapFlip MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleResampleMLCoordUtils1Swap and flip coordinates, select view direction.
OrthoTriplePlaneViewer MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleView2DOrthogonal variable triple plane viewer
OrthoView2D MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleView2DOrthogonal viewer
OSType MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleInfoMacro provides field connections to control os-dependent information flow
OtsuThreshold MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleSegmentationMLSegmentationautomatic thresholding (Otsu)
OutputInspector MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleInspectorsDisplay the data object at the most recently clicked connector.
OutputInspectorRecentList MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleInspectorsDisplays the recent outputs that the output inspector showed.
OverwriteVectorComponent MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleVectorAllows to overwrite selected components of an input vector.
PageCache MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLMiscModulesCaches an input image in memory using pages instead of a MemoryImage.
PathToKeyFrame MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleResampleMLResample1Converts a list of path positions to a KeyFrameList (for curved MPRs).
PointCloudToMask MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLPointCloudToMaskConverts a list of points and normal pairs (surface) to a 3D mask image.
PostEffectAntiAliasing MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleView3Doffers a configuration of the SoPostEffectRenderer that offers anti-aliasing
PostEffectRenderer MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleView3Doffers a typical configuration of the SoPostEffectRenderer
PrintCurves MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleDiagramMLCurvePrint curve data into a text field and/or to a text file.
ProcessAllPages MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleFlowControlMLMiscModulesModule to force the input networks to calculate all pages of the requested image (might be limited by available memory). This is useful if image calculations are to slow to be displayed interactively.
ProfileCurve MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleDiagramMLCurveExtract profile curve data from an image.
PythonArithmetic MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLPythonImageProcessinga generic module that allow to process ML images with python
PythonImage MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLPythonImageProcessingallows to set an image from python
PythonObjectInspector MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleInspectorsallows to inspect a Python object
PythonPip MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModule
QImageToML MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLPythonImageProcessingallows to set a QImage from python
QPainterImage MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleallows to render an image using QPainter
Radon MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleProjectionMLTransformation2D Radon Transform
RampBias MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleFiltersMultiplies image with linear function in order to simulate or compensate for bias field.
RampFilter MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleGeneratorsMLBasicModulesCreates a grey value ramp with amplitude and direction; add to input or ramp alone.
RampLUT MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleLUTMLLUTToolsA pair of RGB/alpha ramp LUTs
Rank MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleKernelMLKernelExample for a simple average filter to an image.
Raster MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleDrawMLMiscModulesRasters an object (list) into an image.
RasterFunctions MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleDrawMLMiscModulesA collection of raster functions.
RasterMacro MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleGeneratorsGenerates a binary image with a definable, basic shape in it.
RecAnisoDiffusion MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleDiffusionMLFilter1Recursive (iterative), anisotropic (edge preserving 'EP') binomial (Gaussian) filter.
RecGaussFilter MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleDiffusionMLFilter1Recursive (iterative) binomial (Gaussian) filter
RectMaskImage MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleGeneratorsGenerate a rectangular mask image for a given source image
RedirectStream MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLControlPermits redirection and suppression of stream outputs
Reformat MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleResampleMLResample1Reformats image0 into coordinate system of image1 by interpolation and can also be used in cooperation with the SoView2DOverlay module.
RegionGrowing MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleRegionMLSegmentationSimple 2D/3D/4D region growing operator.
RegionGrowingMacro MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleRegionWraps the RegionGrowing module to simplify its usage.
RegistrationManual MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleRegistrationManual 3D rigid body registration
RemoteMasterFile MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleRemoteMLRemoteFileTransfertransfer files to/from a remote module
RemotePanelRendering MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleRemoteMLRemoteRendering
RemotePanelRenderingExampleMacro MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModule
RemoteRendering MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleRemoteMLRemoteRenderingallow remote rendering on a remote worker process
RemoteRenderingClient MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleRemotedisplay remote rendering of a remote worker process
RemoteRenderingCSOExampleModule MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleThis module can demonstrate/test the interactive speed of remote rendering
RemoteRenderingEventRecorder MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleallows to record events on a RemoteRenderingClient viewer
RemoteRenderingEventReplay MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleallows to replay events recorded with RemoteRenderingEventRecorder
RemoteRenderingTestClient MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleRemotedisplay remote rendering of a remote worker process with a configurable size
RemoteSlaveFile MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleRemoteMLRemoteFileTransfertransfer files to/from a local module
RemoveTree MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLGraphEditingRemoves a tree
Replicate MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleSubimageMLGeometry1replicates an image
Resample3D MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleResampleMLGeometry1Interpolation in 3d on arbitrary planar parallel grid. 17 filters available
Reshape MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleResampleMLGeometry1reshapes / converts the image size (x, y, z, c, t, u) to a new (x1, y1, z1, c1, t1, u1)
Roberts MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleKernelMLKernelProvides the opportunity to apply one of several Roberts Cross operators to an image
ROISelect MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleSubimageAllows to select a volume of interest interactively. For 4d images, all or one specific timepoint is selected.
Round MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleImageMLBasicModulesConverts a float image to an integer image using Round, Floor, or Ceil.
RunPythonScript MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleFlowControlThis macro allows to execute Python scripts from within a MeVisLab network
RuntimeDump MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleInspectorsMLDiagnosisInstalls a dump function for bad runtime typed object
RuntimeView MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleInspectorsMLDiagnosisModule to give an overview about currently registered runtime types
SaveBase MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleFileMLParserSaves an ml::Base object to a file.
SaveDicomTree MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleDICOMMLDicomTreeModulessaves a DicomTree as DICOM file
Scale MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleScaleMLMiscModulesScales data from input to output with possible data type conversion.
SceneInspector MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleInspectorsInspector for OpenInventor scenes.
SeparateBits MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleScaleMLVolumetrySpreads all gray levels that occur in an image to separate bits, and reverse.
SetDicomTreeOnImage MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleDICOMMLDicomTreeModulessets a given DicomTree on the image
SetFileName MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLImageFileSet file name associated with image
SetImagePropertiesToGraph MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLGraphEditingSets image properties (matrix, image extend) to a graph
SetLabelToTreeDepth MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLGraphEditingSets labels accordings to tree depth from roots to leaves
SetRoot MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLGraphEditingSets a new root in a tree
SettingsManager MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleFieldsUsed to load and save settings of modules in the network.
SetVoxelValue MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleUnaryMLBasicModulesSets a single voxel value of an image at a given world or voxel position
SetWorldMatrix MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleCoordinateMLCoordUtils1Copy voxel-to-world-matrix from reference image or compose using elementary transforms
Sigma MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleKernelMLKernelKernel based sigma filter
SignedEuclideanDistanceTransform MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleDistancecalculates a signed euclidian distance image
SignFiles MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleSign MeVisLab Files
SliceDistanceTransform MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleSliceDistanceTransformComputes a slice-wise distance transform and can also interpolate slices in-between
SmartMarker MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModulecan be used to set include/exclude marker, decision in-/exclude marker is automatic - defined by the mask input image
SmoothHistogram MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleHistogramMLVolumetrySmooth graph of histogram.
So3DMarkerEditor MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSo3DXMarkervisualization and interactive placement of markers in three dimensions
So3DMarkerRenderer MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSo3DXMarkervisualization of markers in three dimensions
SoActionLog MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleVisualizationSoUtilslog currently passing action
SoActionNotify MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleVisualizationSoUtilsTouches trigger fields on certain actions
SoAnnotation Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic,InventorGroup
SoAntiSquish Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoArray Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic,InventorGroup
SoArrow MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleVisualizationSoUtilsDraws an arrow
SoAxis MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleVisualizationSoUtilsDraws a 3D coordinate system
SoBackground MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleView3DSoUtilsDraws a background bar, can be combined with a LUT.
SoBaseColor Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
Sobel3D MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleKernelMLKernelEdge detection or gradient estimation in 3D
SoBlendMode MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleShaderSoShadermodify OpenGL blending
SoBlinker Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoBlockNotification MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleInventorGroupSoUtilsBlocks parent notifications, preventing repaints caused by the underlying scene
SoBoolOperation Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorEngines
SoBorderMenu MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleInteractionSoMenuBorder menu for Inventor
SoBoundingBoxVis MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleComputes and visualizes an axis aligned bounding box for an arbitrary OpenInventor scene.
SoBypass MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleFieldsDisconnects Inventor sub-graph from scene
SoCalculator MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleFieldsSoUtilsGeneral calculator for float and vector3f fields
SoCameraAnimation MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoCameraAnimationRotates a camera around an inventor scene in a smooth pan.
SoCameraInteraction MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoCameraInteractionControl camera/headlight with mouse.
SoCameraViewAll MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoUtilsAllows to trigger the view all action of a camera, independent of a viewer
SoCameraWidget MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoCameraInteractionControl existing camera with viewer widgets.
SoCenterballDragger Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorDraggers
SoCenterballManip Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorManipulators
SoCheckFramebufferObjectSupport MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleVisualization,ShaderSoFrameBufferObjectscheck for framebuffer object support
SoCheckShaderSupport MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleShaderSoShadercheck for shader support
SoClearBuffers MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoUtilsClears the GL buffer.
SoClearShaderState MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleShaderSoShaderclear shader-related elements in traversal state
SoClipBox MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleInteractionSoUtilsProvides 6 clipping planes that surround the scene
SoClipPlane Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoComplexity Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoComplexitySwitch MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleVisualizationSoFrameBufferObjectscomplexity-dependent switch
SoComposeMatrix Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorEngines
SoComposeRotation Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorEngines
SoComposeRotationFromTo Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorEngines
SoComposeVec2f Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorEngines
SoComposeVec3f Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorEngines
SoComposeVec4f Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorEngines
SoComputeBoundingBox Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorEngines
SoCone Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoControl MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleInspectorsSoControlInventor core control
SoCoordinate3 Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoCoordinate4 Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoCoordinateSystem MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoUtilsRenders x/y/z coordinate system
SoCounter Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorEngines
SoCreateCubeMapSampler MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoImageSamplersrenders a cube map using the input inventor scene
SoCrosshair MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleInteractionSoUtilsA positionable line cross for selections and positions
SoCSO3DRenderer MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoCSOSoCSORenders the CSOs of a CSOList in 3D.
SoCSOAngleEditor MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoCSOEditor extension for rendering, creating, and modifying angle CSOs.
SoCSOAnnotationDeviceCoordinates MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoCSOEditor extension for computing device coordinates of visible CSOs.
SoCSOArrowEditor MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoCSOEditor extension for rendering, creating, and modifying arrow CSOs.
SoCSOBulgeEditor MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoCSOEditor extension for bulging any existing CSO.
SoCSOCrossSectionRenderer MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoCSOEditor extension for rendering cross sections of CSOs that cross the current 2D slice.
SoCSODefaultRenderer MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoCSODefault renderer extension for CSOs with unspecific type; also used for selection.
SoCSODistanceLineEditor MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoCSOEditor extension for rendering, creating, and modifying distance line CSOs.
SoCSODistancePolylineEditor MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoCSOEditor extension for rendering, creating, and modifying polyline CSOs.
SoCSODrawOnSurface MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoCSOSoCSOAllows to draw CSOs on 3D surfaces.
SoCSOEllipseEditor MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoCSOEditor extension for rendering, creating, and modifying ellipse/circle CSOs.
SoCSOFillingRenderer MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoCSOEditor extension for rendering filled CSOs on a slice.
SoCSOImageStatistics MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoCSOEditor extension for computing image statistics of values inside closed CSOs.
SoCSOIsoEditor MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoCSOEditor extension for rendering, creating, and modifying iso CSOs.
SoCSOLiveWireEditor MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoCSOEditor extension for rendering, creating, and modifying live wire CSOs.
SoCSOModifyEditor MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoCSOEditor extension for modyfing an existing CSO.
SoCSOPointEditor MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoCSOEditor extension for rendering, creating, and modifying point CSOs.
SoCSOPolygonEditor MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoCSOEditor extension for rendering, creating, and modifying polygon CSOs.
SoCSORectangleEditor MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoCSOEditor extension for rendering, creating, and modifying rectangle CSOs.
SoCSOSplineEditor MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoCSOEditor extension for rendering, creating, and modifying spline CSOs.
SoCSOTransform MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoCSOSoCSOTransforms CSOs by an affine matrix.
SoCSOTransformEditor MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoCSOEditor extension for transforming CSOs on a slice.
SoCSOVisualizationSettings MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoCSOOverwrites visual settings for CSOs.
SoCube Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoCustomExaminerViewer MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleView3DSoCustomViewercustomizable examiner viewer
SoCylinder Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoDecomposeMatrix Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorEngines
SoDecomposeRotation Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorEngines
SoDecomposeVec2f Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorEngines
SoDecomposeVec3f Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorEngines
SoDecomposeVec4f Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorEngines
SoDepthPeelRenderer MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleVisualizationSoRenderersrenders a scene with depth peeling
SoDiagram2D MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleDiagramSoDiagram2DDraws a diagram using OpenGL. The diagram supports extensions which can be added to the scene.
SoDiagram2DAxisZoom MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleDiagramSoDiagram2DZooms a diagram independently in x and y direction and to shift along an axis.
SoDiagram2DBackground MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleDiagramSoDiagram2DRenders a colored background behind a diagram.
SoDiagram2DCursor MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleDiagramSoDiagram2DShows a cursor with the curve data at the mouse cursor.
SoDiagram2DCurveSection2 MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleDiagramSoDiagram2DDivides the background of a diagram into two interactively adjustable halves.
SoDiagram2DCurveSection3 MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleDiagramSoDiagram2DDivides the background of a diagram into three interactively adjustable halves.
SoDiagram2DExtension MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleDiagramSoDiagram2DPrototype module for help generation.
SoDiagram2DInteractionExtension MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleDiagramSoDiagram2DPrototype module for help generation.
SoDiagram2DIntervalMarker MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleDiagramSoDiagram2DDraws a highlighting rectangle onto a diagram.
SoDiagram2DPan MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleDiagramSoDiagram2DEnables pan interaction within a SoDiagram2D.
SoDiagram2DRuler MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleDiagramSoDiagram2DMeasures interactively distances in a diagram.
SoDiagram2DZoom MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleDiagramSoDiagram2DZooms a diagram.
SoDirectionalLight Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic,InventorLights
SoDirectionalLightDragger Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorDraggers
SoDirectionalLightManip Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorManipulators
SoDragPointDragger Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorDraggers
SoDrawInstanced MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoRenderersrenders geometry multiple times using instancing
SoDrawStyle Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoEdgeEmphasize MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleVisualizationSoSilhouetteOpen Inventor feature-lines enhancement node
SoElapsedTime Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorEngines
SoEnvironment Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoExaminerViewer MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleView3DSoViewersThe examiner viewer is used to view an OpenInventor scene graph. It stores the current settings and the camera position
SoExecuteCommandAction MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleInteractionSoInteractionControllersAllows to manually trigger a command action in an Inventor scene
SoExtText2 MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleVisualizationSoView2Dnicer font node than SoText2
SoFaceSet Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoFile Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic,InventorGroup
SoFixedMenu MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleInteractionSoMenuMenu with fixed item positions for Inventor
SoFlash MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleVisualizationSoFlashSmoothly flashing material node
SoFocus MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleInteractionSoUtilsGeneral facility to detect focus changes
SoFont Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoFontStyle Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoFragmentShader MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleShaderSoShaderfragment shader
SoFramebufferRenderer MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleVisualizationSoRenderersrenders a scene with a fixed resolution
SoFramebufferSampler MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleShaderSoShader
SoFramebufferSampler2D MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleShaderSoShaderframebuffer object sampler parameter
SoFramebufferSampler3D MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleShaderSoShaderframebuffer object sampler parameter
SoFramebufferTexture MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleVisualizationSoFrameBufferObjectsframebuffer object texture
SoGenericCommandAction MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleInteractionSoInteractionControllersGeneric command action supporting the Managed Interaction scheme
SoGenericOffsetAction MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleInteractionSoInteractionControllersGeneric offset action supporting the Managed Interaction scheme
SoGeometryShader MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleShaderSoShadergeometry shader
SoGLClearError MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoUtilsLogs/clears GL errors while rendering
SoGLColorDepthInfo MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoUtilsShows information on GL state while rendering
SoGLGet MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoUtilsAllows to get GL state infos while rendering
SoGLRenderState MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleShaderSoShadermodify OpenGL state
SoGLStateInfo MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoUtilsShows information on GL state while rendering
SoGroup Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic,InventorGroup
SoGVRAmbientOcclusion MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoGVRextends the GVR with local ambient occlusion
SoGVRDebug MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoGVRallows to show additional debug information of a running GVR
SoGVRDecoration MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoGVRallows to decorate the rendered (sub)volume with a bounding box
SoGVRDeepShadowMap MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoGVRextends the GVR with deep shadow mapping
SoGVRDepthPeel MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleVolRendSoGVRadd transparent geometry to the SoGVRVolumeRenderer
SoGVRDiagnosis MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoGVRallows to show additional debug information of a running GVR
SoGVRDrawOnPlane MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleVolRendExtensionsSoGVRspecifies a plane for the GVR to draw onto
SoGVRFirstHitAmbientOcclusion MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleVolRendExtensionsSoGVRimplements ambient occlusion for the first hit ray caster
SoGVRFirstHitRayCastSettings MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleVolRendExtensionsSoGVRenables the GVR first hit ray caster, requires SoGVRRayCastSettings to be present
SoGVRForceRenderingInBox MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoGVRforces the GVR to draw in defined box
SoGVRFramebufferSettings MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleVolRendSoGVRAllows to modify blend function/equation and polygon offset
SoGVRGradientVolume MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleVolRendExtensionsSoGVRallows to set a gradient volume for a SoGVRVolumeRenderer
SoGVRIlluminationSettings MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleVolRendExtensionsSoGVRallows to override the illuminated shader settings of the SoGVRVolumeRenderer
SoGVRIncrementalUpdater MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleVolRendExtensionsSoGVRallows to have incremental updates of the same SoGVRVolumeRenderer module in multiple viewers
SoGVRLitSphereShading MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleVolRendExtensionsSoGVRimplements lit sphere shading using shader pipeline
SoGVRMaskSettings MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleVolRendExtensionsSoGVRallows to override the settings (not the volume itself) of a SoGVRMaskVolume node
SoGVRMaskVolume MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleVolRendExtensionsSoGVRallows to mask volume data of the SoGVRVolumeRenderer
SoGVRMeanIPMode MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleVolRendExtensionsSoGVRimplements a mean/average intensity projection as GVR extension
SoGVROptimizations MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleVolRendExtensionsSoGVRallows to set the optimization modes of the GVR to enable/disable them for custom shaders and debugging
SoGVRPickResult MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleVolRendExtensionsSoGVRallows to get the complete GVR picking result
SoGVRPointLight MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoGVRAdds a point light to the GVR shader pipeline
SoGVRQualitySettings MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleVolRendExtensionsSoGVRallows to override the quality settings of the SoGVRVolumeRenderer
SoGVRRayCastSettings MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleVolRendExtensionsSoGVRenables the GVR ray caster
SoGVRSecondaryLUT MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleVolRendExtensionsSoGVRallows to set additional secondary LUTs
SoGVRSecondaryVolume MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleVolRendExtensionsSoGVRallows to set additional octree volumes
SoGVRSecondaryVolumeSettings MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleVolRendExtensionsSoGVRallows to overwrite settings for secondary volumes
SoGVRShaderDiagnosis MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoGVRallows to show shader infos of the running SoGVRVolRen
SoGVRShaderFunction MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoGVRDefines a custom GLSL function and adds it to the rendering pipeline of GVR
SoGVRShaderInclude MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleVolRendSoGVRDefines GLSL code which can used by functions defined with SoGVRShaderFunction
SoGVRShaderMain MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleVolRendSoGVRDefines GLSL code which replaces the main function
SoGVRShaderParameterDirection MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoGVRDefines a direction parameter available in the GVR shader
SoGVRShaderParameterPlane MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoGVRDefines a plane parameter available in the GVR shader
SoGVRShaderParameterPosition MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoGVRDefines a position parameter available in the GVR shader
SoGVRSlabHint MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleVolRendExtensionsSoGVRtells the GVR that is rendering slabs on a SoView2D via SoView2DScene
SoGVRSubVolumeSettings MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleVolRendExtensionsSoGVRallows to override the sub volume settings of the SoGVRVolumeRenderer
SoGVRTagObjectStyle MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleVolRendExtensionsSoGVRallows to extend the SoGVRVolumeRenderer with shading parameters per tag object id
SoGVRTagVolume MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleVolRendExtensionsSoGVRallows to set a tag volume for a SoGVRVolumeRenderer
SoGVRTransformedVolume MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleVolRendExtensionsSoGVRallows to set additional transformed 3d volumes
SoGVRTransformedVolumeSettings MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleVolRendExtensionsSoGVRallows to overwrite settings for transformed volumes
SoGVRVolumeRenderer MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleVolRendSoGVRVolume Renderer using OpenGL and shaders
SoHandleBoxDragger Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorDraggers
SoHandleBoxManip Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorManipulators
SoImageFileSampler MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoImageSamplersloads an image file from disk and adds it as a sampler
SoImagePlane MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleShaderSoFrameBufferObjectsscreen aligned image plane
SoIndexedFaceSet Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoIndexedLineSet Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoIndexedNurbsCurve Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoIndexedNurbsSurface Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoIndexedTriangleSet Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoIndexedTriangleStripSet Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoInfo Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoInheritedFramebufferSampler MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleShaderSoShaderframebuffer object sampler parameter
SoInteractionInfo MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleInteractionSoInteractionControllersShows available pointing (mouse), command (keyboard), and offset (mouse wheel) actions by ID
SoInteractionMapping MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleInteractionSoInteractionControllersOverrides pointing (mouse), command (keyboard), and offset (mouse wheel) mappings for the Managed Interaction scheme
SoInterpolateFloat Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorInterpolate
SoInterpolateRotation Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorInterpolate
SoInterpolateVec2f Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorInterpolate
SoInterpolateVec3f Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorInterpolate
SoInterpolateVec4f Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorInterpolate
SoInventorFieldBridge MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleMLMiscModulesInvHelper module to connect a Inventor engine field with a ML field
SoJackDragger Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorDraggers
SoJackManip Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorManipulators
SoKeyGrabber MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleInteractionSoUtilsGrabs keyboard events in an Inventor scene
SoLabel Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoLevelOfDetail Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoLightModel Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoLinearProfile Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoLineSet Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoLocateHighlight Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic,InventorGroup
SoLOD Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoLUTEditor MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleLUTSoLUTToolsa lookup table editor for RGBA tables
SoLUTEditor2D MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleLUTSoLUTToolsa 2D lookup table editor for RGBA tables
SoMarkerListPointSet MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoRenderersrenders a marker list as a SoPointSet
SoMaterial Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoMaterialBinding Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoMatrixTransform Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoMenuItem MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleInteractionSoMenuItem for Inventor menus
SoMetaInformation1d MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleRemoteSoMetaInformationStores meta information in the Inventor state
SoMetaInformation1f MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleRemoteSoMetaInformationStores meta information in the Inventor state
SoMetaInformation1i MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleRemoteSoMetaInformationStores meta information in the Inventor state
SoMetaInformation2f MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleRemoteSoMetaInformationStores meta information in the Inventor state
SoMetaInformation3f MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleRemoteSoMetaInformationStores meta information in the Inventor state
SoMetaInformation4f MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleRemoteSoMetaInformationStores meta information in the Inventor state
SoMetaInformationMatrix MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleRemoteSoMetaInformationStores meta information in the Inventor state
SoMetaInformationString MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleRemoteSoMetaInformationStores meta information in the Inventor state
SoMIBaseDragger MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleInteractionSoManagedInteractionDraggersBase class for all draggers
SoMIDraggerContainer MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleInteractionSoManagedInteractionDraggersContainer for Managed Interaction draggers
SoMIRotateCylindricalDragger MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleInteractionSoManagedInteractionDraggersSpherical rotation dragger with Managed Interaction
SoMIRotateDiscDragger MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleInteractionSoManagedInteractionDraggersDisc rotation dragger with Managed Interaction
SoMIRotateSphericalDragger MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleInteractionSoManagedInteractionDraggersSpherical rotation dragger with Managed Interaction
SoMITranslate1Dragger MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleInteractionSoManagedInteractionDraggersTranslation along one axis dragger with Managed Interaction
SoMITranslate2Dragger MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleInteractionSoManagedInteractionDraggersTranslation in a plane dragger with Managed Interaction
SoMLImageProperties MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleShaderSoMLSupportset ML image properties in Open Inventor state
SoMLLUT MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleLUTSoUtilsSets an ML look-up table in the state of the inventor scene
SoMLLUTChangeColor MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleLUTSoUtilsChanges following SoMLLUT as it is done by the ChangeLUTColor module.
SoMLSampler1D MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleShaderSoShadershader sampler 1D parameter
SoMLSampler2D MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleShaderSoShadershader sampler 2D parameter
SoMLSampler3D MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleShaderSoShadershader sampler 3D parameter
SoMLSamplerCubeMap MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleShaderSoShadershader sampler cubemap parameter
SoMLTexture2 MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleVisualizationSoUtilsapply ML texture
SoMLTransform MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleInventorTransformTransforms the Inventor scene with the WorldToVoxel matrix (or inverse: VoxelToWorld matrix) of the image
SoMLVolumeBox MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleView3DSoUtilsDraws the bounding box of the ML image's volume in world coordinates
SoMLVoxelToWorld MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleInventorTransformTransforms the Inventor scene with the WorldToVoxel matrix of the image
SoMLWorldToVoxel MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleInventorTransformTransforms the Inventor scene with the VoxelToWorld matrix of the image
SoMouseGrabber MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleInteractionSoUtilsGrabs mouse events in an Inventor scene and converts them to floats
SoMovieScripter MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoMovieScriptertool for script based or interactively generated movies
SoMultiPassFramebufferSampler MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleShaderSoShaderframebuffer object sampler parameter
SoMultipleCopy Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic,InventorGroup
SoMultiplePass MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleShaderSoShaderrender scene multiple times
SoNormal Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoNormalBinding Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoNurbsCurve Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoNurbsProfile Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoNurbsSurface Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoOneShot Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorEngines
SoOnOff Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorEngines
SoOrientationInset MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleVisualizationSoOrientationdisplays a scene graph as inset with the same orientation as the main scene
SoOrientationModel MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleVisualizationSoOrientationdisplays several predefined models
SoOrthographicCamera Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic,InventorCameras
SoOrthoView2D MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleView2DSoView2D2D viewer that show three orthogonal viewers and allows different layout types
SoPackedColor Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoPathTracer MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoPathTracerMonte carlo path tracer, allows to render photorealistic images of volumes and geometry.
SoPathTracerAreaLight MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoPathTracerAdds an area light to a SoPathTracer.
SoPathTracerBackgroundLight MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoPathTracerAdds a background light to a SoPathTracer.
SoPathTracerGradientVolume MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoPathTracerAllows to set a gradient volume for a SoPathTracerVolume and SoPathTracerVolumeInstance.
SoPathTracerIsoSurface MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoPathTracerAdds a first-hit iso surface to the SoPathTracer.
SoPathTracerLines MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoPathTracerRenders thick lines in a SoPathTracer.
SoPathTracerMaskVolume MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoPathTracerAllows to mask a SoPathTracerVolume and SoPathTracerVolumeInstance.
SoPathTracerMaterial MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoPathTracerSelects the material properties for various path tracer nodes.
SoPathTracerMesh MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoPathTracerRenders a triangle mesh in a SoPathTracer.
SoPathTracerSlice MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoPathTracerRenders an oblique slice of a given volume.
SoPathTracerSpheres MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoPathTracerRenders markers as spheres in a SoPathTracer.
SoPathTracerTagVolume MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoPathTracerAdds tag values to a SoPathTracerVolume and SoPathTracerVolumeInstance.
SoPathTracerVolume MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoPathTracerAdds a volume to a SoPathTracer.
SoPathTracerVolumeBase MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoPathTracer
SoPathTracerVolumeInstance MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoPathTracerAllows to render an instance of a SoPathTracerVolume
SoPendulum Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoPerspectiveCamera Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic,InventorCameras
SoPicking MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleInteractionSoUtilsHelper module for picking in Inventor scenes
SoPickStyle Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoPixelScaleAccess MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoUtilsProvides access to the current pixel scale factor of the viewer
SoPlaneDragger MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModulePlaneSoUtilsA simple plane dragger, can be connected to a SoClipPlane
SoPlaneSync MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModulePlaneSoUtilsCalculates a parallel plane from a plane given by a position and a rotation
SoPointingActionSwitcher MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleFieldsSwitch managed pointing actions depending on mouse cursor position
SoPointLight Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic,InventorLights
SoPointLightDragger Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorDraggers
SoPointSet Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoPointSpriteRenderer MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoRenderersrenders points as spheres using point sprites
SoPolygonOffset MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomaticSoUtilsThe SoPolygonOffset node encapsulates the OpenGL 1.1 polygon offset feature
SoPopupMenu MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleInteractionSoMenuSimple popup menu for Inventor
SoPostEffectAdditionalGeometry MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoRenderersdraws additional geometry, e.g. transparent geometry or volume rendering
SoPostEffectAmbientOcclusion MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoRenderersrenders screen space ambient occlusion
SoPostEffectAntiAliasing MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoRenderersadd screen space anti-aliasing
SoPostEffectBackground MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoRenderersadds a background gradient
SoPostEffectBlendBuffer MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoRenderersblends a buffer onto another buffer
SoPostEffectBlur MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoRenderersblurs a given buffer
SoPostEffectCopyBuffer MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoRendererscopies one buffer into another buffer
SoPostEffectCreateBuffer MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoRendererscreates a new empty buffer
SoPostEffectCustomPass MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoRenderersadds a custom shader pass to the post effect renderer
SoPostEffectDeferredShading MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoRenderersadds deferred lighting
SoPostEffectDepthHalo MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoRenderersadds depth enhancement to the surfaces
SoPostEffectDownsample MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoRendererscreates a downsampled version of the given buffer
SoPostEffectEdges MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoRenderersfinds screen space edges and shows them
SoPostEffectGlow MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoRenderersadds glow to emissive surfaces
SoPostEffectMainGeometry MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoRenderersdraws the main geometry to the GBuffer
SoPostEffectRenderer MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoRenderersrenders screen space post processing effects
SoPostEffectTransparentGeometry MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoRenderersadds transparent geometry to the rendering
SoProcessingTimeLineView MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoProcessingTimeLineRenders the ML profiling time line view
SoProfileCoordinate2 Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoProfileCoordinate3 Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoQuadMesh Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoRectangularMenuBase MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleInteractionSoMenuOnly exists for documentation purposes, base class of SoBorderMenu, SoFixedMenu, and SoPopupMenu
SoRenderArea MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleView3DSoViewersSimple viewer with no interaction, nice to use with SoView2D
SoRenderSurfaceIntersection MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoRenderers
SoResetTransform Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorTransform,InventorNodesAutomatic
SoRotateCamera MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoUtilsAllows to rotate the camera around the focal point
SoRotateCylindricalDragger Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorDraggers
SoRotateDiscDragger Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorDraggers
SoRotateSphericalDragger Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorDraggers
SoRotation Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorTransform,InventorNodesAutomatic
SoRotationXYZ Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorTransform,InventorNodesAutomatic
SoRotor Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SortSlices4D MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleResampleMLGeometry1Sorting of slices of 4d image that have been imported erroneously as 3d image.
SoScale Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorTransform,InventorNodesAutomatic
SoScale1Dragger Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorDraggers
SoScale2Dragger Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorDraggers
SoScale2UniformDragger Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorDraggers
SoScaleUniformDragger Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorDraggers
SoSceneLoader MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoLoaders
SoSceneWriter MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleInventorFileSoUtilsWrites the scene graph to a file (diverse formats).
SoSelection Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorGroup
SoSelection2 MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleInteractionSoUtilsHelper module for picking in Inventor scenes
SoSeparator Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic,InventorGroup
SoShaderParameter1f MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleShaderSoShadershader float parameter
SoShaderParameter1fv MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleShaderSoShadershader float array parameter
SoShaderParameter1i MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleShaderSoShadershader 1 integer parameter
SoShaderParameter2f MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleShaderSoShadershader 2 float parameter
SoShaderParameter2i MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleShaderSoShadershader 2 integer parameters
SoShaderParameter3f MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleShaderSoShadershader 3 float parameter
SoShaderParameter3i MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleShaderSoShadershader 3 integer parameters
SoShaderParameter4f MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleShaderSoShadershader 4 float parameter
SoShaderParameterColor MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleShaderSoShadershader color parameter
SoShaderParameterMatrix MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleShaderSoShadershader matrix parameter
SoShaderParameterMLImageProperties MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleShaderSoShadershader ML image properties parameter
SoShaderParameterMLImageSize MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleShaderSoShadershader ML image size parameter
SoShaderParameterPlane MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleShaderSoShadershader plane parameter
SoShaderParameterRotation MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleShaderSoShadershader rotation parameter
SoShaderPipeline MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoShaderPipelinecreates and enables a GLSL shader from the current state
SoShaderPipelineCellShading MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoShaderPipelineimplements cell shading
SoShaderPipelineDiagnosis MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoShaderPipeline
SoShaderPipelineFunction MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoShaderPipelineallows to extend the SoShaderPipeline
SoShaderPipelineInclude MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoShaderPipelineAdds an include to the current shader pipeline
SoShaderPipelineLightModel MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoShaderPipelineAllows to change the light model
SoShaderPipelineSilhouette MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoShaderPipelinemodifies the alpha channel with silhouette enhancement
SoShaderPipelineSurfaceShader MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoShaderPipelineallows to set a surface shader for the shader pipeline
SoShaderPipelineToneShading MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoShaderPipelineimplements tone shading
SoShaderProgram MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleShaderSoShadershader program
SoShadowMapping MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoShadowMappingrenders shadows by using cascaded shadow maps
SoShapeHints Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoShowDepthBuffer MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoGVRRenders the current depth buffer to the screen
SoShowFPS MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoUtilsDraws the current FPS
SoShuttle Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoSilhouette MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleVisualizationSoSilhouetteOpen Inventor silhouette node
SoSlideWidget MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoCameraInteractionManipulate numeric value(s) with viewer widgets.
SoSphere Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoSpotLight Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic,InventorLights
SoSpotLightDragger Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorDraggers
SoSpotLightManip Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorManipulators
SoSSAOSwitch MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoRenderers
SoSwitch Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic,InventorGroup
SoTabBoxDragger Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorDraggers
SoTabBoxManip Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorManipulators
SoTabPlaneDragger Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorDraggers
SoTensorFieldVis MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleDTIVisualizationSoTensorFieldVis3D Visualization of DTI images, vector fields and tensor fields
SoText2 Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoText3 Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoTexture2 Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoTexture2Transform Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoTextureCoordinate2 Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoTextureCoordinateBinding Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoTextureCoordinateDefault Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoTextureCoordinateEnvironment Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoTextureCoordinatePlane Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoTimeCounter Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorEngines
SoToggle MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleInventorGroupSoUtilsToggles the rendering of the contained scene graph
SoTrackballDragger Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorDraggers
SoTrackballManip Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorManipulators
SoTransform Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorTransform,InventorNodesAutomatic
SoTransformBoxDragger Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorDraggers
SoTransformBoxManip Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorManipulators
SoTransformerDragger Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorDraggers
SoTransformerManip Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorManipulators
SoTransformSeparator Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic,InventorGroup
SoTransformVec3f Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorEngines
SoTranslate1Dragger Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorDraggers
SoTranslate2Dragger Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorDraggers
SoTranslation Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorTransform,InventorNodesAutomatic
SoTriangleStripSet Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoTriggerAny Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorEngines
SoUndoActions MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleInteractionSoInteractionControllersProvides undo and redo command actions with default shortcuts
SoUnits Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoVascularDistanceToInventor MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleVesselVisSoVascularSystemmeasures the minimal distances of a vascular system graph to an arbitrary OpenInventor scene
SoVascularSystem MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleVesselVisSoVascularSystemVisualizes a vascular system and allows for some interaction
SoVectorToFloat MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleInventorGroupSoUtilsConverts a vector to its x,y,z components
SoVertexAttribute1f MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleShaderSoShadersupplies additional vertex attributes in the vertex shader
SoVertexAttribute1i MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleShaderSoShadersupplies additional vertex attributes in the vertex shader
SoVertexAttribute1ui MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleShaderSoShadersupplies additional vertex attributes in the vertex shader
SoVertexAttribute2f MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleShaderSoShadersupplies additional vertex attributes in the vertex shader
SoVertexAttribute3f MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleShaderSoShadersupplies additional vertex attributes in the vertex shader
SoVertexAttribute4f MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleShaderSoShadersupplies additional vertex attributes in the vertex shader
SoVertexAttribute4ub MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleShaderSoShadersupplies additional vertex attributes in the vertex shader
SoVertexAttributeRotation MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleShaderSoShadersupplies additional vertex attributes in the vertex shader
SoVertexProperty Silicon Graphics IncInventorModuleInventorNodesAutomatic
SoVertexShader MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleShaderSoShadervertex shader
SoView2D MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleView2DSoView2D2D viewer that draws slices and sends drawing and mouse/keyboard events to its extensions
SoView2DAnnotation MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleView2DExtendedSoView2DDraws annotations (dicom and userdefined) on the SoView2D
SoView2DArrowHeadSettings MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoView2DAdjusts rendering settings of the arrow heads of vector markers.
SoView2DAutoCenter MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleView2DExtendedSoView2DZooms into a region of a slice.
SoView2DBorder MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleView2DExtendedSoView2DDraws a border on the SoView2D
SoView2DBorderHighlight MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleView2DExtendedSoView2DDraws a border around a selected range of slices in a View2D
SoView2DButton MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleView2DSoView2DRenders a button on a 2D viewer
SoView2DCine MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleView2DSoView2DOffers an alternative cine mode.
SoView2DContour MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleView2DExtendedSoView2DContourCalculates and draws multiple contours in 2D or 3D objects
SoView2DCSOExtensibleEditor MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoCSOExtensible editor for rendering, generating, and modifying CSOs.
SoView2DCurrentState MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleView2DSoView2DOffers view related state parameters.
SoView2DDeformationGridView MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleView2DSoView2DSoView2D extension for displaying a deformation grid as an image overlay.
SoView2DDrawVoxels3D MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoView2DDrawVoxels3Deditor for drawing voxels on slices
SoView2DEnlargeOnClick MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleView2DExtendedSoView2DSwitches to single image from tiled images on click onto a slice
SoView2DExtension MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleView2DExtendedSoView2D
SoView2DExtensionSampler MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleView2DExtendedSoView2DAllows to render SoView2D extensions to a texture and use it in an overlay shader
SoView2DExtensionSeparator MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleView2DSoView2DSoView2D extension for grouping of extensions to control event evaluation.
SoView2DGrid MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleView2DSoView2DRenders a grid on the image/viewer.
SoView2DHint MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleView2DExtendedSoView2Dhint for 3d rendering of view2d and extensions
SoView2DLabel MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleView2DExtendedSoView2DDraws a string at a user selected (world) position onto a SoView2D.
SoView2DLegend MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleView2DExtendedSoView2DConverts a legend string to a legend and draws this onto a SoView2D. The legend consists of a (stippled) line and a text, both in a specified color. The legend is intended to be used with SoView2DContour.
SoView2DMarkerEditor MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleInteractionSoView2DMarkerEditorManages a list of markers that can be selected and are drawn on the SoView2D
SoView2DMenu MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleView2DExtendedSoView2DMenuPopup Menu Node For 2D Viewing
SoView2DMenuItem MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleView2DExtendedSoView2DMenuItem For View2D Menus
SoView2DMenuItems MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleView2DExtendedMacro containing 10 SoView2DItem nodes under a group node
SoView2DOverlay MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleView2DSoView2DDraws an overlay image onto the SoView2D, uses the current LUT (image needs to have same extent as SoView2D image!)
SoView2DOverlayDecoration MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleView2DSoView2DDraws decorations onto the overlay image that is rendered on a SoView2D
SoView2DOverlayMPR MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleView2DExtendedSoView2DScenerenders the input image onto the underlying SoView2D image, reformatting the input image to the correct view
SoView2DPlane MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModulePlaneSoView2DDraws the intersection between a plane and the current slice on SoView2D
SoView2DPosition MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleInteractionSoView2DSelects and draws a cursor at the current position on SoView2D
SoView2DRectangle MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleInteractionSoView2DAllows to select a 3D rectangle on the SoView2D
SoView2DRigidRegistrationEditor MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleView2DSoView2Dmanual rigid registration editor
SoView2DRuler MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleView2DSoView2DOffers alternative rulers.
SoView2DScene MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleView2DExtendedSoView2DScene2D slice visualization of connected scene
SoView2DShaderDevicePosition MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleView2DExtendedSoView2DAllows to access a world position as device position uniform
SoView2DShaderDiagnosis MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleView2DExtendedSoView2DAllows to show the shader pipeline of a SoView2DShaderOverlay
SoView2DShaderFunction MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleView2DExtendedSoView2DAllows to add/remove function of the SoView2DShaderOverlay
SoView2DShaderInclude MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleView2DExtendedSoView2DAdds includes to be used with SoView2DShaderFunction
SoView2DShaderOverlay MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleView2DExtendedSoView2DRenders named overlays using a GLSL shader
SoView2DSlicePan MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleInteractionSoView2DAllows xy panning of the inner slices of SoView2D
SoView2DSlicer MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleInteractionSoView2DAllows to slice through a SoView2D by using the mouse
SoView2DSliceZoom MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleInteractionSoView2DAllows zooming of inner slices in SoView2D
SoView2DSlider MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleInteractionSoView2DInteract with a slider on a 2D render area
SoView2DTranslationRotation MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleInteractionSoView2Dallows to do a trackball interaction on the slice, can be used to position mprs interactively
SoView2DVectorFieldView MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleView2DSoView2DSoView2D extension for displaying a 3-D vector field as an image overlay.
SoView2DVoxelValue MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleInteractionSoView2DReads the current cursor position on the SoView2D.
SoView2DVoxelView MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleView2DSoView2DSoView2D extension for detailed voxel viewing
SoView2DWEMBulgeEditor MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleWEMInteractionSoWEMInteractive bulging of a WEM in 2D.
SoView2DWEMContour MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleWEMInteractionSoWEMDraw contour in screen coordinates. To be used by SoWEMExtrude.
SoViewportRegion MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleVisualizationSoUtilsRenders its children into a specified viewport region. Events are also mapped to this viewport region.
SoVolumeCutting MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoVolumeCuttingallows to cut away parts of a 3D volume
SoWeightedBlendedOIT MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleSoRenderersoffers fast and plausible order independent rendering
SoWEMBulgeEditor MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleWEMInteractionSoWEMInteractive bulging of a WEM in 3D.
SoWEMConvertInventor MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleWEMGenerateSoWEMConverts an Inventor scene to a WEM data structure.
SoWEMDiagnosis MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleWEMInformationSoWEMDisplays WEM information with an Inventor scene
SoWEMExtrude MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleWEMInteractionSoWEMExtrude contour in screen coordinates to WEM.
SoWEMInteract MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleWEMInteractionSoWEMRemove or select parts of the WEM based on a 2D drawn contour.
SoWEMRenderer MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleWEMRenderingSoWEMRenders a WEM to OpenInventor
SoWEMRendererBoundingBox MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleWEMRenderingSoWEMRenders the bounding boxes of WEMPatches (AA/OA).
SoWEMRendererDecorateMesh MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleWEMRenderingSoWEMAdds an Inventor scene directly before the faces.
SoWEMRendererEdges MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleWEMRenderingSoWEMRenders the edges of WEMPatches.
SoWEMRendererNodes MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleWEMRenderingSoWEMRenders the nodes of WEMPatches.
SoWEMRendererNormals MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleWEMRenderingSoWEMRenders the node normals of WEMPatches.
SoWEMRendererTangents MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleWEMRenderingSoWEMAllows to send tangents as vertex attributes
SoWEMRendererVertexAttributes MeVis Medical Solutions AGInventorModuleWEMRenderingSoWEMAllows to send PVLs as vertex attributes
SplitGraph MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLGraphEditingSplits a graph and removes trees if label values criterion is not met
Sprawl2D MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMorphologyMLBeam2D sprawling of a given object based on a reference image. The given object is extended along radial beams to the next border or the reference image.
StandardDeviation MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleFiltersMLKernelKernel filter to calculate the standard deviation or variance of a voxel neighbourhood defined by the kernel
StopWatch MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleExtrasPerform time measurements
StringListContainer MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleFieldsMLBaseContainer for a string list object.
StringListSplitter MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleFieldsSplits string lists into its components and provides a field for every component.
StringSplit MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleFieldsSplits a string into its components and provides a field for every component.
StringUtils MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleFieldsMLMiscModulesA collection of various string utilities
StylePalette MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleVisualizationMLBaseProvides colors, curve styles and marker type settings.
StylePaletteInspector MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleInspectorsInspector for the content of StylePalette
SubImage MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleSubimageMLBasicModulesExtract a subimage out of an input image
SubImageStatistics MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleStatisticsMLMiscModulesdo statistics on selectable dimensions of an image
Surround MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleContourMLKernelDraws the boundaries of an object specified via a gray value interval.
SwapFlipDimensions MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleResampleMLGeometry1User may choose two dimensions to swap with all contents. Useful i.e. for misaligned data.
Switch MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleFlowControlMLMiscModulesPasses through one of a set of inputs
Switch1toN MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleFlowControlMLMiscModulesPasses input to one of the outputs
SyncFloat MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleFieldsSynchronizes two floating point fields, breaking loops if the values don't differ by an epsilon
SynchroView2D MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleView2DTwo 2D viewers synchronized via their world coordinates.
SyncVector MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleVectorSynchronizes the two vector in both directions, breaking loops if the values dont differ by epsilon
SystemInfo MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleshows information about the system MeVisLab is running on
TableLUT MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleLUTMLLUTToolsDefine a LUT from a table of sampling points
TestAsyncPython MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuletests the python async event loop
TestAsyncPythonRemote MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuletests the python async event loop
TestBatchCommand MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuletesting the batch commandline facility
TestBorderlessWindow MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuletesting borderless windows
TestBoxLayout MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleTesting GUI Layouter BoxLayout
TestButtonGroups MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleTesting GUI Components
TestCaseManager MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleTestManage the TestCenter.
TestCaseRunner MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleTestRuns a single test case
TestCenter MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleTestThe new TestCenter
TestCenterHelperModule MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModule
TestComboBox MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleTesting GUI Components
TestControlVisibility MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuletesting setVisible and visible=yes/no via scripting
TestCrossRefs MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuletests module cross references
TestDateTime MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleTesting the DateTime control
TestDefaultStyle MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleTesting GUI default style
TestDelayedMessageBox MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleTesting interactivity to delayed message dialog triggered during MLAB.processEvents
TestDependsOn MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleTest dependsOn expression evaluation
TestDynamicFrames MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleTesting GUI Components
Tester MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleTestMLDiagnosisModule to test ML modules
TestEventFilter MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleTesting the event filter control
TestGraphicsView MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleTesting the graphics view control
TestGraphicsViewHotArea MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleTesting the graphics view hot areas
TestGridLayout MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleTesting GUI Layouter Grid
TestHorizontalLayout MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleTesting GUI Layouter Horizontal
TestHyperText MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleTesting GUI Components
TestIconView MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleTesting GUI Components
TestImageMap MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleExamplesTesting the ImageMap control
TestInput MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleInspectorsMLDiagnosisModule to create test images
TestInventorChildren MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuletesting
TestItemModelView MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleTesting StandardItemModel and ItemModelView control
TestLayouter MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleTesting GUI alignment groups and layouting with alignX/Y
TestListBox MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleTesting GUI Components
TestListView MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleTesting GUI Components
TestMacroModule MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuletest all fields / script commands possible in a MacroModule
TestModalDialog MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuletesting
TestMoviePlayer MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleTesting MoviePlayer control
TestMultiLanguage MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleTesting the translation features of mevislab
TestMultipleScreens MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleTesting screen geometry and moving controls
TestPanels MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleTesting GUI Components
TestPattern MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleGeneratorsMLBasicModulesGenerates a test image
TestPopupMenu MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleTesting dynamic popup menus
TestPrinting MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleTesting printing facilities
TestPrototypes MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleTesting Prototypes
TestPython MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuletests the python scripting implementation
TestQuickView MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleTesting QuickView control
TestSplitterLayout MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleTesting GUI Layouter Splitter
TestSqlQuery MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuletest the Sql classes
TestStyles MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleTesting Styles
TestTableLayout MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleTesting GUI Layouter Table
TestTabViewLayout MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleTesting GUI Layouter TabView with normal/invisible Tabs
TestThumbWheel MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleTesting the workings of the ThumbWheel control
TestTimers MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuletest the scripting timer callLater methods
TestVerticalLayout MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleTesting GUI Layouter Vertical
TestViewers MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuletesting
TestVisibleOn MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleTesting visibleOn expression behavior
TestWebEngineView MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleTesting the WebEngineView control
TestWEMNearestPoint MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleTest the MLWEMNearestPointWrapper interactively
TextureFilter MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleFiltersMLFilter2Applies statistic texture filters to an image
Threshold MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleSegmentationMLMiscModulesThresholding of gray value images
Thumbnail MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleResampleCreates thumbnail image from input image with default size 48x48 pixel and optionally stored this automatically in a png (or other file format) file
TimeCounter MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleFieldsProvides a timer driven counter.
TraceColorLUT MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleGenerates a trace color LUT for values in [12025...12775] and a gray ramp LUT for all other values.
TraceView MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleTestMLDiagnosisShows the current tracing state A garbage module containing invalid settings, programming errors and other bad stuff for testing purposes
TransformEdit MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleCoordinateMLMiscModulesInvEditing a transformation matrix incrementally and interactively
TransformWorldMatrix MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleCoordinateMLCoordUtils1transforms the world matrix of the input image
TriplePlane MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleCoordinateMLCoordUtils1compute the orthogonal representation of three given planes and gives the intersection point of them
TypeArithmetic1 MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleNonScalarMLTypeSupportCollection of unary operations for non scalar voxel types
TypeArithmetic2 MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleNonScalarMLTypeSupportBinary operations between non scalar types of two input images.
TypeComposer MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleNonScalarMLTypeSupportComposes different images to a new image of other voxel type
TypeComposerN MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleNonScalarMLTypeSupportComposes different images to a new image of other voxel type
TypeDecomposer MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleNonScalarMLTypeSupportDecomposes all voxel components to different images
TypeDecomposerN MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleNonScalarMLTypeSupportDecomposes all voxel components to different images
TypeFromDimension MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleNonScalarMLTypeSupportExtracts non scalar voxels from a certain image dimension.
TypeFromScalars MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleNonScalarMLTypeSupportComposes a type from scalar components of all voxels.
TypeToScalars MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleNonScalarMLTypeSupportDecomposes all voxel components to scalars
UndoManager MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleFieldsMLUndoContextProvide an undo/redo stack to be used by other modules.
VascularInspector MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleInspectorsInspector for vascular systems (more general: for MLGraph).
VecBoxConvert MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleGeometryMLCoordUtils1Converts box, vector and component fields into each other.
VectorLine MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleVectordraws a line on an inventor scene via two specified vectors
VideoWriterInventor MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLVideoWriter
VideoWriterML MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLVideoWriter
View2D MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleView2D2D Viewer with optional inventor inputs (NOT for use in applications)
View2DExtensions MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleView2DStandard, customizable View2D extensions
View2DIsoContourShader MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleRenders an iso contour overlay using a shader
View3D MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleView3D3D volume renderer with optional inventor inputs
VOISelect2D MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleSubimageOften the roi shall be selected in x and y only while preserving all slices.
VoxelizeCSO MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLOpenVDBvoxelizes CSOs into a reference image coordinate system
VoxelizeInventorScene MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleVisualizationMLVoxelizeInvSceneVoxelizes an arbitrary inventor scene into a volume
VoxelizeInventorSceneGPU MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLVoxelizeInventorSceneGPUimplements voxelization using the GPU
VoxelizeMarkers MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLOpenVDBvoxelizes a marker list as spheres into a reference image coordinate system
VoxelizeWEM MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLOpenVDBvoxelizes a WEM into a reference image coordinate system
VoxelSetInspector MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleInspectorsInspector for the content of CSOVoxelSet
VoxelValueRescale MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleScaleMLMiscModulesConvert voxel values and LUT parameters between stored and output representation
WEMBinarySurface MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLOpenVDBcreates a WEM surface from a binary segmentation mask
WEMBulgeEditor MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleWEMInteractionSoWEMInteractive bulging of a WEM.
WEMClipPlaneToCSO MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleWEMProcessingMLWEMModulesClips a WEM against a definable plane and outputs a CSO list
WEMClipPlaneToMarkers MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleWEMProcessingMLWEMModulesClips a WEM against a definable plane and outputs a marker list
WEMClipPlaneToWEM MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleWEMProcessingMLWEMModulesClips a WEM against a definable plane and outputs a WEM
WEMComposePatches MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleWEMProcessingMLWEMModulesMerges WEM patches into one new WEM.
WEMDemergePatches MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleWEMProcessingMLWEMModulesDemerges a WEM into connected components
WEMDicomLoad MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleDICOMLoad a WEM from a DICOM file
WEMDicomSave MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleDICOMStore a WEM to a DICOM file
WEMExtrude MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleWEMInteractionDraw and extrude contour in screen coordinates to WEM.
WEMExtrudeCSO MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleWEMProcessingMLWEMModulesExtrudes one or several contours to a surface
WEMGenerateStatistics MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleWEMProcessingMLWEMModulesAdd statistical primitive value list to nodes, edges and faces.
WEMGenerator MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLWEM
WEMGeodesicClip MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleWEMProcessingMLWEMModulesClips a WEM using the geodesic distance from given markers
WEMImageData MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleWEMProcessingMLWEMModulesReads out image data and stores them in WEM nodes
WEMImageSliceIntensityProfile MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleWEMGenerateMLWEMModulesCreates an intensity profile mesh for an image slice.
WEMInfo MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleWEMInformationMLWEMModulesShows information about a WEMList.
WEMInitialize MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleWEMGenerateMLWEMModulesInitializes a WEM with a simple shape.
WEMInspector MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleInspectorsInspector for WEM surfaces.
WEMInteract MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleWEMInteractionRemove or select parts of the WEM based on a 2D drawn contour.
WEMIsoSurface MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleWEMGenerateMLWEMModulesGenerates an iso surface as a WEM.
WEMLevelSetBoolean MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLOpenVDBallows to perform boolean operations on WEM meshes using a level set representation
WEMLevelSetFilter MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLOpenVDBallows to filter a level set generated from a WEM and remesh the result
WEMLevelSetFilterBase MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLOpenVDB
WEMLevelSetOffset MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLOpenVDBallows to enlarge or shrink a mesh using level sets
WEMLevelSetRemesh MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLOpenVDBremesh a WEM using a level set representation
WEMLoad MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleWEMGenerateMLWEMModulesLoads a WEM from disk.
WEMMerge MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleWEMProcessingMLWEMModulesMerges multiple WEMs
WEMModify MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleWEMProcessingMLWEMModulesModifies all nodes or faces of a WEM.
WEMPerformance MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleWEMInformationMeasures the processing time of all MLWEM modules in a network.
WEMProcessor MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLWEM
WEMRayIntersect MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMLWEMAccelerationAllows to intersect a WEM triangle mesh with a ray
WEMReducePolygons MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleWEMProcessingMLWEMModulesSimplifies a WEM by using the quadric error metrics.
WEMSave MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleWEMPersistenceMLWEMModulesSaves a WEM to disc in various formats.
WEMSaveAsU3D MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleWEMPersistenceMLWEMModulesSaves a WEM in U3D format.
WEMSceneLoader MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleWEMSceneLoaderAllows to load wem patches from meshes of various format.
WEMSelectPatches MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleWEMProcessingMLWEMModulesCreates a new WEM that contains a subset of Patches from an existing WEM.
WEMSmooth MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleWEMProcessingMLWEMModulesSmoothes a WEM with various algorithms.
WEMSubdivide MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleWEMProcessingMLWEMModulesSubdivides a WEM by splitting edges.
WEMSurfaceDistance MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleWEMProcessingMLWEMModulesMeasures the minimal distances of one WEM to another.
WEMThreshold MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleWEMProcessingMLWEMModulesRemoves nodes with a PVL value outside an interval.
WEMThresholdToCSO MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleWEMProcessingMLWEMModulesOutputs CSOs at PVL interval borders
WEMVascularSystem MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleWEMGenerateMLWEMModulesVessel Visualization with Convolution Surfaces
WEMVascularSystemSanityCheck MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleChecks whether skeleton positions of the input graph are indeed within the generated vessel surface.
Window MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleLUTMLMiscModulesApply window/level to integer gray value images
WorldVoxelConvert MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleCoordinateMLCoordUtils1Convert world in voxel coordinates and vice versa.
XMarkerListContainer MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleMarkerMLBaseContainer for a string list object.
XMarkerListToCSOList MeVis Medical Solutions AGMacroModuleConvert XMarkerLists to CSOs
ZeroCrossings MeVis Medical Solutions AGMLModuleFiltersMLKernelKernel filter to detect zero-crossings in an image
A |B |C |D |E |F |G |H |I |J |K |L |M |O |P |Q |R |S |T |U |V |W |X |Z

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Genre 82 genres
Name details 1057 names
Keywords details 1032 keywords
Tue Sep 10 11:35:12 2024