
genre View2D
author MeVis Medical Solutions AG
package MeVisLab/Standard
dll SoView2D
definition view2d.def
inherits from SoView2DExtension


The SoView2DCurrentState allows to get view dependent parameters from a currently rendered SoView2D to use them in scripting. Note that this will not work on SoOrthoView2D or when the SoView2D is used in mosaic mode.

Parameter Fields

Visible Fields

Pixel Spacing X

name: pixelSpacingX, type: Float, persistent: no

The pixel spacing (zoom) in millimeters. This means how big a single pixel is in world coordinates. Typically Pixel Spacing Y has the same value, because the SoView2D respects the voxel size. The values can be different though, if one of the special scale modes is used.

Pixel Spacing Y

name: pixelSpacingY, type: Float, persistent: no

The pixel spacing (zoom) in millimeters. This means how big a single pixel is in world coordinates. Typically Pixel Spacing X has the same value, because the SoView2D respects the voxel size. The values can be different though, if one of the special scale modes is used.

Visible Device Rect0

name: visibleDeviceRect0, type: Vector2, persistent: no

The top left point of the visible device rectangle of the viewer. This is the whole area of the viewer, regardless where the image is shown/zoomed.

Visible Device Rect1

name: visibleDeviceRect1, type: Vector2, persistent: no

The bottom right point of the visible device rectangle of the viewer. This is the whole area of the viewer, regardless where the image is shown/zoomed.

Image Device Rect0

name: imageDeviceRect0, type: Vector2, persistent: no

The top left point of the image. This can be outside of the visible device rectangle if the image is zoomed in.

Image Device Rect1

name: imageDeviceRect1, type: Vector2, persistent: no

The bottom right point of the image. This can be outside of the visible device rectangle if the image is zoomed in.

Visible World Rect0

name: visibleWorldRect0, type: Vector3, persistent: no

The most upper left point of the image that is visible in the viewer, in world coordinates. This can, e.g., be fed into a SoView2DRectangle to indicate the visible portion of the image on an overview image.

Visible World Rect1

name: visibleWorldRect1, type: Vector3, persistent: no

The most lower right point of the image that is visible in the viewer, in world coordinates. This can, e.g., be fed into a SoView2DRectangle to indicate the visible portion of the image on an overview image.

Hidden Fields


name: interactionProviderID, type: String

see SoView2DExtension.interactionProviderID


name: drawingOn, type: Bool, default: TRUE

see SoView2DExtension.drawingOn


name: editingOn, type: Bool, default: TRUE

see SoView2DExtension.editingOn


name: maskValid, type: Bool, persistent: no


name: fixZOn, type: Bool, default: TRUE


name: color, type: Color, default: 1 1 1

see SoView2DExtension.color


name: selectionTolerance, type: Float, default: 4


name: needsValidVoxel, type: Bool, default: TRUE

see SoView2DExtension.needsValidVoxel


name: button1, type: Enum, default: IGNORED

see SoView2DExtension.button1


name: button2, type: Enum, default: IGNORED

see SoView2DExtension.button2


name: button3, type: Enum, default: IGNORED

see SoView2DExtension.button3


name: shift, type: Enum, default: IGNORED

see SoView2DExtension.shift


name: control, type: Enum, default: IGNORED

see SoView2DExtension.control


name: alt, type: Enum, default: IGNORED

see SoView2DExtension.alt


name: wantsAllEvents, type: Bool, default: FALSE


name: wantsKeyEvents, type: Bool, default: FALSE


name: wantsMouseWheelEvents, type: Bool, default: FALSE


name: setEventHandled, type: Bool, default: FALSE

see SoView2DExtension.setEventHandled


name: ignoreHandledEvents, type: Bool, default: FALSE

see SoView2DExtension.ignoreHandledEvents


name: createNewMode, type: Bool, default: FALSE

see SoView2DExtension.createNewMode


name: createNewModeRequest, type: Trigger

see SoView2DExtension.createNewModeRequest


name: renderOnSlab, type: Bool, default: FALSE


name: clipToSlice, type: Bool, default: FALSE


name: cursorShape, type: Enum, default: UNDEFINED_CURSOR

see SoView2DExtension.cursorShape