
genre VolRendExtensions
author MeVis Medical Solutions AG
package MeVisLab/Standard
dll SoGVR
definition soGVR.def


The SoGVRFirstHitAmbientOcclusion module adds ambient occlusion to the first hit ray caster, see SoGVRFirstHitRayCastSettings. The ambient occlusion is implemented as described in GPU-Based Monte-Carlo Volume Raycasting by Christof Rezk Salama. The module casts a number of rays on the hemisphere of each hit point, directed towards the gradient of the hit point and calculates how many rays are occluded. Occluded regions are thus darkened.


The module needs to be added to a SoGVRVolumeRenderer scene, make sure that a SoGVRRayCastSettings and a SoGVRFirstHitRayCastSettings are part of the scene.


../../../Modules/Inventor/SoGVR/mhelp/Images/FirstHitWithAmbientOcclusion.png ../../../Modules/Inventor/SoGVR/mhelp/Images/FirstHitNoAmbientOcclusion.png

(left) Example rendering with ambient occlusion (right) First hit rendering without ambient occlusion


Default Panel


Output Fields


name: self, type: SoNode

Node to be placed in front of a SoGVRVolumeRenderer, make sure that a SoGVRRayCastSettings and a SoGVRFirstHitRayCastSettings are part of the scene.

Parameter Fields

Field Index

Enabled: Bool
Noise Scale Factor: Integer
Num Ray Steps: Integer
Num Samples: Integer
Ray Step Size: Integer

Visible Fields


name: enabled, type: Bool, default: TRUE

Enables the ambient occlusion

Num Samples

name: numSamples, type: Integer, default: 32

Defines the number of occlusion rays that are sampled.

Num Ray Steps

name: numRaySteps, type: Integer, default: 10

Defines the number of steps that each ray is casted.

Ray Step Size

name: rayStepSize, type: Integer, default: 3

Defines the step size of each ray (as a multiple of the step size given by the sampling rate)

Noise Scale Factor

name: noiseScaleFactor, type: Integer, default: 333

Scales the sampling into the noise texture, dependend on the volume position.