
genre Diagram
author MeVis Medical Solutions AG
package MeVisLab/Standard
dll SoDiagram2D
definition SoDiagram2D.def


Modules derived from SoDiagram2DExtension can overlay the image of a SoDiagram2D with their own drawing and provide specific mouse and keyboard interactions.


Add the extensions to the Inventor scene graph in front of the SoDiagram2D module on which they should be applied. The extensions and the SoDiagram2D must be under the same SoSeparator node if one is used.

Output Fields


name: self, type: SoNode

Parameter Fields

Hidden Fields


name: interactionProviderID, type: String

Override the provider ID of the Managed Interactions provided by this extension (if SoView2D.useManagedInteraction is activated in the SoView2D). These are visible in SoInteractionInfo and can be used in SoInteractionMapping.

If this is left empty, the name of the module is used instead. This field is mainly intended to be used if the provider ID must be set from scripting to disambiguate several instances of the same macro module.


name: isEnabled, type: Bool, default: TRUE

Enable drawing of the extension overlay. If disabled, this usually also disables isEditingEnabled.


name: isEditingEnabled, type: Bool, default: TRUE

Enable interaction with the extension through mouse and keyboard (if applicable).

If isEnabled is disabled, this is usually also implicitly disabled.