
genre Resample
author MeVis Medical Solutions AG
package MeVisLab/Standard
definition Geometry.def
see also Resample3D
keywords resample, interpolate, preview


The Downsample3D macro module performs a downsampling operation on the input image according to a given size or resolution restriction.

The restriction can be specified with respect to a maximum image size for each dimension, a minimum voxel size, or a maximum total image size in megabytes. Depending on the size and resolution of the current input image, the module determines the scaling factor for each spatial dimension and computes the downsampled image at its output. If no scaling is necessary, i.e., if the input image is small enough to fulfill the size restriction, the input image is passed directly to the output.


For restriction modes MaxVoxelsPerDim and MinVoxelDist, the scaling factors are computed independently for each dimension. For the MaxMBytes… restriction modes, a global size restriction for the image is specified and the scaling factors cannot be computed independently. There are three modes that differ in the way the global scaling requirement is distributed over the three dimensions. If MaxMBytesIsotropic is selected, the factors are chosen such that the resulting image is as isotropic as possible, i.e., dimensions with high spatial resolution are downsampled at a higher rate than dimensions with low resolution. With MaxMBytesCubic, the scaling factors are chosen such that the image extents (in voxels) in the three dimensions are as close as possible, whereas in the MaxMBytesUniform mode, the scaling factors are preferably equal to each other. Scaling factors are always larger or equal to 1, i.e., the image is never upsampled in any dimension.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: inImage, type: Image, deprecated name: imageIn

Output Fields


name: outImage, type: Image, deprecated name: imageOut

Parameter Fields

Field Index

Allow interpolation: Bool Voxel Size: Vector3
Image forwarded directly without resampling: Bool zoom: Vector3
Image Size: Vector3  
Limit: Float  
Method: Enum  
noInputImgBytes: Integer  
Restriction: Enum  
Scaling: Vector3  

Visible Fields


name: restriction, type: Enum, default: MaxMBytesIsotropic

Defines the restriction mode.


Title Name Deprecated Name Description
Max Voxels Per Dim MaxVoxelsPerDim MAX_VOXELS_PER_DIM Selects the scaling factors such that the image extent in voxels for each spatial dimension is equal or below the limit.
Max MBytes Isotropic MaxMBytesIsotropic MAX_MBYTES_ISOTROPIC Selects the scaling factors such that the total image size in megabytes is equal or below the limit, preferring an isotropic output image.
Max MBytes Cubic MaxMBytesCubic MAX_MBYTES_CUBIC Selects the scaling factors such that the total image size in megabytes is equal or below the limit, preferring a cubic output image.
Max MBytes Uniform MaxMBytesUniform MAX_MBYTES_UNIFORM Selects the scaling factors such that the total image size in megabytes is equal or below the limit, preferring uniform scaling.
Min Voxel Dist MinVoxelDist MIN_VOXEL_DIST Selects the scaling factors such that the voxel distance in millimeters for each spatial dimension is equal or above the limit.


name: limit, type: Float, default: 0

Sets the size limit in voxels, megabytes, or millimeters, depending on the Restriction setting.

Allow interpolation

name: interpolate, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, scaling factors are allowed to be fractional; otherwise, only integer scaling factors are applied.


name: method, type: Enum, default: Nearest_Neighbor

Defines the method to interpolate an image for compression.

See Resample3D for details.


Title Name
Nearest Neighbor Nearest_Neighbor
Triangle/Linear Triangle/Linear
Hermite Hermite
Blackman Blackman
Hamming Hamming
Hanning Hanning
Gaussian Gaussian
Bell/Quadratic Bell/Quadratic
Cubic B-Spline Cubic_B-Spline
Catrom Catrom
Mitchell et al Mitchell_et_al
Trunc Sinc 4 Trunc_Sinc_4
Lanczos 2 Lanczos_2
Lanczos 3 Lanczos_3
Lanczos 4 Lanczos_4


name: scaling, type: Vector3, persistent: no

Shows the resulting image scaling.

Image Size

name: imageSize, type: Vector3, persistent: no

Shows the resulting image size.

Voxel Size

name: voxelSize, type: Vector3, persistent: no

Shows the resulting image voxel size.

Image forwarded directly without resampling

name: direct, type: Bool, persistent: no

If checked, the original input image is being forwarded to the module’s output.

Hidden Fields


name: noInputImgBytes, type: Integer, persistent: no


name: zoom, type: Vector3, persistent: no