
genre Distance
author MeVis Medical Solutions AG
package MeVisLab/Standard
definition SignedEuclideanDistanceTransform.def


The SignedEuclideanDistanceTransform module provides a signed distance image defined by the distance to the foreground object surface. Positions inside of the object have negative distance and outside positions positive distances.

Internally the module uses either the fast computation with one EuclideanDistanceTransform module or two EuclideanDistanceTransform modules. This depends on the selected Distance Mode. The mode ForegroundVoxelCenter and ForegoundVoxelBorder2 always use one EuclideanDistanceTransform module whereas with ForegroundVoxelBorder mode two of this modules are used. Independent of the chosen mode, the result is always an object with negative values inside and positive values on the outside.


Default Panel


Parameter Fields

Field Index

Clear: Trigger
Dimension: Enum
Distance Mode: Enum
Max Value: Double
Min Value: Double
Update: Trigger

Visible Fields

Min Value

name: minValue, type: Double, default: 1

The minimum value of the foreground object.

Max Value

name: maxValue, type: Double, default: 1

The maximum value of the foreground object.


name: update, type: Trigger

Updates the output volume.


name: clear, type: Trigger

Clears the output volume.

Distance Mode

name: distanceMode, type: Enum, default: ForegroundVoxelCenter

Defines the distance calculation mode.


Title Name Description
Center ForegroundVoxelCenter Distance is calculated from the center of the foreground object voxels. Foreground border voxels have a distance of 0 in the distance image. The border voxels are connected with a connectivity of 18.
Border ForegroundVoxelBorder Distance is calculated from the border of the foreground object voxels. Foreground border voxels have a negative distance of half a voxel in the distance image.
Border2 ForegroundVoxelBorder2

Distance is calculated from the border of the border foreground object voxels. Foreground border voxels have a distance of 0 in the distance image. The border voxels are connected with a connectivity of 18.

This is similar to ForegroundVoxelCenter, but all distances other than zero are reduced by 0.5 towards zero. This is also faster than ForegroundVoxelBorder.


name: dimension, type: Enum, default: 3D

Defines the dimensions considered for calculation of the Euclidean distance


Title Name Description
2d 2D Euclidean distance is calculated in 2D.
3d 3D Euclidean distance is calculated in 3D.