
The module Arithmetic0 performs arithmetic operations on one or two scalar or vec3 arguments. Some modes for the DICOM types date and time related to long integers are also available.

There is no input or output image. It provides a simple substitute for SoCalculator, useful, e.g., in cases where you want easier-to-understand networks, where Open Inventor modules should not be used (i.e., for networks to be integrated in a non-Open Inventor environment), or where the delayed evaluation and/ or multiple notifications from SoCalculator cause problems or simply for new users who might find SoCalculator somewhat difficult to use.

Some special operations are implemented to handle temporal information in the formats usually encountered in DICOM tags, a functionality not easily implemented without scripting.


Please note that careless or excessive use of this module in place of scripted field arithmetic is likely to produce notification avalanches in more complex networks, resulting in many unintended recomputations of results that might slow down your network considerably!


Select the arithmetic operation you want to apply to the one or two arguments required by the operation.


Default Panel


Parameter Fields

Field Index

Argument 1: Vector3 Result Vec.: Vector3
Argument 2: Vector3 Results As Percent: Bool
Date: Double ResultString: String
debugLevel: Integer Time/Date2: Double
Format String: String X: Double
Interpret X1 as a vector: Bool Y: Double
Interpret X2 as a vector: Bool Z: Double
Operation: Enum  

Input and result arguments are implemented as vec3 Fields; however, since MeVisLab fields can be connected to fields of different type, you may simply connect any scalar field or small vector to the vec3 inputs (Argument 1 and Argument 2 fields) or from the vec3 result field, and should usually get the desired result. For ease of usage, the first component of each vector is also provided in a related scalar field. In order to do things like scalar multiplication of a vector the fields arg1/2XAsVec can be used.

If these are true, a value argNX = x will be used like the vector (x,x,x) rather than (x,0,0) which is the default. Beware: When connecting a vector to one of the scalar fields only the vectors x component is used.

The components of the result is also given in separate fields; to enable easier usage in cases where a single scalar result will be used, e.g., in a macro GUI. In case of operations dealing with time and or date, the result will in addition be given as a ResultString usable, e.g., in GUI fields, annotations, or filenames. For other operations, the resultString contains the integer part of the vector components separated by “,” or only the first vector component if the other two are zero. This feature again is intended for use in annotations or filenames. The resultString is available under the TimeAndDate tab only.

Visible Fields

Argument 1

name: arg1, type: Vector3, default: 0 0 0

Sets a first scalar argument.


name: arg1X, type: Double, default: 0

Sets a first argument of type Date.

Interpret X1 as a vector

name: arg1XAsVec, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the Argument 1 is interpreted as a 3D vector with all the same entries.


name: operation, type: Enum, default: Add

Defines the operation on Argument 1 (and Argument 2).


Title Name
#Basic Two Arg Ops# #BasicTwoArgOps#
Add Add
Subtract Subtract
Multiply Multiply
Divide Divide
Int Divide IntDivide
Int Modulo IntModulo
Min Min
Max Max
Abs Min AbsMin
Abs Max AbsMax
Power Power
Root Root
Add Half AddHalf
Subtract Half SubtractHalf
#Basic One Arg Ops# #BasicOneArgOps#
Abs Abs
Square Square
Square Root SquareRoot
Signum Signum
Invert Invert
Negative Negative
exp exp
Log2 Log2
Log Log
Log10 Log10
Sin Sin
Cos Cos
Tan Tan
Arc Sin ArcSin
Arc Cos ArcCos
Arc Tan ArcTan
Rad To Deg RadToDeg
Deg To Rad DegToRad
Floor Floor
Round Round
Ceil Ceil
Log Round LogRound
#Special Two Arg Ops# #SpecialTwoArgOps#
Arc Tan2 ArcTan2
Average Average
Rel Error RelError
Growth Rate GrowthRate
Time Diff Sec TimeDiffSec
Time Diff Min TimeDiffMin
Time Diff Hour TimeDiffHour
#Special One Arg Ops# #SpecialOneArgOps#
Time Split TimeSplit
Date Split DateSplit
Date And Time DateAndTime
Anonymized Date AnonymizedDate
Volume To Eff Diameter VolumeToEffDiameter
Eff Diameter To Volume EffDiameterToVolume
#Logical Ops# #LogicalOps#
Equal Equal
Greater Greater
Smaller Smaller
Greater Or Eq GreaterOrEq
Smaller Or Eq SmallerOrEq
And And
Or Or
Xor Xor
Bitwise And BitwiseAnd
Bitwise Or BitwiseOr
Bitwise Xor BitwiseXor
First Arg FirstArg
Second Arg SecondArg
#One Vector Ops# #OneVectorOps#
Length Length
Norm1 Norm1
Max Norm MaxNorm
Normalize Normalize
Component Product ComponentProduct
Component Sum ComponentSum
#Two Vector Ops# #TwoVectorOps#
Dot Product DotProduct
Cos Angle CosAngle
Rad Angle RadAngle
Deg Angle DegAngle
Cross Product CrossProduct
Normalized Cross Prod. NormalizedCrossProd.

Argument 2

name: arg2, type: Vector3, default: 0 0 0

Sets a second scalar argument.


name: arg2X, type: Double, default: 0

Sets a second argument of type Date.

Interpret X2 as a vector

name: arg2XAsVec, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the Argument 2 is being interpreted as a 3D vector with all the same entries.

Results As Percent

name: resultsAsPercent, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the result string is appended by a percent sign.

Format String

name: formatString, type: String

Sets a formatting string for ResultString in C-style.

Result Vec.

name: result, type: Vector3, persistent: no

Shows the result of the vector operation.


name: resultX, type: Double, persistent: no

Shows the result of the scalar operation or the first component of the vector result.


name: resultY, type: Double, persistent: no

Shows the second component of the result of the vector operation.


name: resultZ, type: Double, persistent: no

Shows the third component of the result of the vector operation.


name: resultString, type: String, persistent: no

Shows the result as a formatted string. Use the Format String.


If Format String is empty, the value will be printed as an integer, with the digits after the decimal point truncated; no rounding will occur in this case.

Hidden Fields


name: debugLevel, type: Integer, default: 0