
The module Info shows information about the currently connected input image.

Currently the image extents, page extents, voxel data range, data type, voxel size (in ml), total volume (in ml), number of voxels (in mega voxels), world matrix and many other information is shown.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: input0, type: Image

Parameter Fields

Field Index

a00: Double Connection valid: Bool sizeT: Integer
a01: Double Data valid: Bool sizeU: Integer
a02: Double dataType: String sizeX: Integer
a03: Double In Place Index: Integer sizeY: Integer
a10: Double infoString: String sizeZ: Integer
a11: Double maxValue: Double State: String
a12: Double megaVoxels: Double TDim Table: String
a13: Double memoryImage: String tDimInfo: String
a20: Double memoryImage2: String totalVolume: Double
a21: Double minValue: Double Type Info: String
a22: Double moduleName: String uDimInfo: String
a23: Double pageSizeC: Integer Update: Trigger
a30: Double pageSizeT: Integer Voxel to World Matrix: Matrix
a31: Double pageSizeU: Integer voxelSizeX: Double
a32: Double pageSizeX: Integer voxelSizeY: Double
a33: Double pageSizeY: Integer voxelSizeZ: Double
Bypass Index: Integer pageSizeZ: Integer voxelVolume: Double
cDimInfo: String sizeC: Integer  

Visible Fields


name: pagedImgInfo, type: String, persistent: no

Shows information about the state of the input image.

Type Info

name: typeInfo, type: String, persistent: no, deprecated name: TypeInfo

Shows current type information.

Entry Description
Byte Size Of Type The size of the real data type in bytes. In the case of non-standard data types it is the sizeof the data type encapsulated by the carrier data type, otherwise it is the size of the standard type.
Byte Size Of Type The size of the compiled data type in bytes. In the case of non-standard data types it is the sizeof the carrier data type, otherwise the size of the standard type.
Signed No if it is a signed data type, otherwise Yes.
Floating Point Type Yes if it is an floating point based type, otherwise No.
Integer Type Yes if it is an integer based type, otherwise No.
Built In Type Yes if it is a standard type like MLuint8, MLint8, MLuint16, MLint16, MLuint32, MLint32, MLint64, MLfloat, MLdouble, MLldouble or MLint64, otherwise No.
Supports All Operations Yes if all functions of a normal built-in type are supported, otherwise No.
Operations Bitmask MLTypePropBits struct describing all functions installed for this data type.
LDBL-Minimum Possible minimum value of this data type represented as MLldouble value.
LDBL-Maximum Possible maximum value of this data type represented as MLldouble value.
Component Codes

The codes describing the components of the data type. The meanings of component codes are

  • ‘b’ for a bool
  • ‘c’ for an unsigned character
  • ‘C’ for a (signed) character
  • ‘s’ for an unsigned short
  • ‘S’ for a signed short
  • ‘i’ for an unsigned int
  • ‘I’ for a signed int
  • ‘l’ for an unsigned long
  • ‘L’ for a signed long
  • ‘6’ for a 64 bit signed integer
  • ‘f’ for a float
  • ‘d’ for a double
  • ‘D’ for a long double
Component Types The data types of the components of the data type.
Minimum Possible minimum value of the data type represented in the data type.
Maximum Possible maximum value of the data type represented in the data type.
Default Default value of the data type represented in the data type.
Compatibles All names of currently registered data types which can store a value of this data type without precision loss.

Voxel to World Matrix

name: worldMatrix, type: Matrix, persistent: no

Shows the world matrix.

TDim Table

name: tDimTable, type: String, persistent: no, deprecated name: TDimTable

Shows the information strings of the time dimension.


name: update, type: Trigger, deprecated name: Update

If pressed, the module updates its innformation fields.

Bypass Index

name: bypassIndex, type: Integer, persistent: no

From which data is bypassed or -1 if disabled

In Place Index

name: inPlaceIndex, type: Integer, persistent: no

From which data is used inplace or -1 if disabled

Connection valid

name: connectionValid, type: Bool, persistent: no, deprecated name: InputConnection

Shows whether an input image is connected.

Data valid

name: dataValid, type: Bool, persistent: no, deprecated name: InputData

Shows whether the data of the input image is valid.

Hidden Fields


name: sizeX, type: Integer, persistent: no, deprecated name: X


name: sizeY, type: Integer, persistent: no, deprecated name: Y


name: sizeZ, type: Integer, persistent: no, deprecated name: Z


name: sizeC, type: Integer, persistent: no, deprecated name: C


name: sizeT, type: Integer, persistent: no, deprecated name: T


name: sizeU, type: Integer, persistent: no, deprecated name: U


name: pageSizeX, type: Integer, persistent: no, deprecated name: PX


name: pageSizeY, type: Integer, persistent: no, deprecated name: PY


name: pageSizeZ, type: Integer, persistent: no, deprecated name: PZ


name: pageSizeC, type: Integer, persistent: no, deprecated name: PC


name: pageSizeT, type: Integer, persistent: no, deprecated name: PT


name: pageSizeU, type: Integer, persistent: no, deprecated name: PU


name: minValue, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: Min


name: maxValue, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: Max


name: voxelSizeX, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: VX


name: voxelSizeY, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: VY


name: voxelSizeZ, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: VZ


name: voxelVolume, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: VoxelVol


name: totalVolume, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: TotalVol


name: megaVoxels, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: MegaVoxel

Total number of voxels in the image, divided by 1024*1024 (this number is commonly used for MegaBytes).


name: dataType, type: String, persistent: no, deprecated name: DataType


name: a00, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: x0


name: a01, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: y0


name: a02, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: z0


name: a03, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: a0


name: a10, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: x1


name: a11, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: y1


name: a12, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: z1


name: a13, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: a1


name: a20, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: x2


name: a21, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: y2


name: a22, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: z2


name: a23, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: a2


name: a30, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: x3


name: a31, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: y3


name: a32, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: z3


name: a33, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: a3


name: cDimInfo, type: String, persistent: no, deprecated name: CDimInfo


name: tDimInfo, type: String, persistent: no, deprecated name: TDimInfo


name: uDimInfo, type: String, persistent: no, deprecated name: UDimInfo


name: memoryImage, type: String, persistent: no, deprecated name: MemoryImage


name: memoryImage2, type: String, persistent: no, deprecated name: MemoryImage2


name: moduleName, type: String, persistent: no, deprecated name: OperatorName


name: infoString, type: String, persistent: no