
The module ImageStatistics computes statistics of the input image voxels.

A subset of voxels is selected based on the voxels’ gray values and a gray value interval (inner interval) defined by the parameter fields Min and Max.

To support the analysis of partial volume effects, two additional, adjacent intervals can be defined by the parameter fields Lower and Upper. Hence, the statistical information is computed for the following subsets:

  • Total: all input voxels
  • Inner: voxels within the inner interval
  • Outer: voxels outside the inner interval
  • Lower: voxels within the lower adjacent interval
  • Upper: voxels within the upper adjacent interval

For each interval, the number of voxels, the corresponding volume, the minimum and maximum values, the mean value, and the mean of the absolute voxel values, the variance, the standard deviation, and the bounding box (in X, Y, Z, C, T, and U) are calculated.

The computation is either applied to the entire input image, or - if Per Slice is checked - to the slice specified by the Current Slice field.

If a second input image is provided, activating the Use Mask Image setting restricts the computation to voxels for which the corresponding value in the second image is non-zero.


In the lower and upper adjacent intervals, the evaluation of partial volume effects is supported by weighting voxels according to their distance from the inner interval.

The weighted voxel count is displayed as Weight in the results section. This value can be interpreted as the statistical contribution of the partial volume effect to the number of voxels in the inner interval.


Default Panel




Input Fields


name: input0, type: Image

Input Image


name: input1, type: Image

Mask Image

Parameter Fields

Field Index

#Voxels out of range: Integer Minimum (totalMinVal): Double U1 (bBoxLowU1): Integer
3DVolume (totalVolume): Double Minimum (innerMinVal): Double U1 (bBoxUpU1): Integer
3DVolume (innerVolume): Double Minimum (outerMinVal): Double U2 (bBoxU2): Integer
3DVolume (outerVolume): Double Minimum (lowerMinVal): Double U2 (bBoxInU2): Integer
3DVolume (lowerVolume): Double Minimum (upperMinVal): Double U2 (bBoxOutU2): Integer
3DVolume (upperVolume): Double Num Voxels (innerVoxels): Integer U2 (bBoxLowU2): Integer
Abs Average (totalAbsMean): Double Num Voxels (outerVoxels): Integer U2 (bBoxUpU2): Integer
Abs Average (innerAbsMean): Double Num Voxels (lowerVoxels): Integer Update: Trigger
Abs Average (outerAbsMean): Double Num Voxels (upperVoxels): Integer Update Mode: Enum
Abs Average (lowerAbsMean): Double outerMaxPosC: Integer Upper: Double
Abs Average (upperAbsMean): Double outerMaxPosT: Integer Use Mask Image: Bool
Average (totalMean): Double outerMaxPosU: Integer Variance (totalVariance): Double
Average (innerMean): Double outerMaxPosX: Integer Variance (innerVariance): Double
Average (outerMean): Double outerMaxPosY: Integer Variance (outerVariance): Double
Average (lowerMean): Double outerMaxPosZ: Integer Variance (lowerVariance): Double
Average (upperMean): Double outerMinPosC: Integer Variance (upperVariance): Double
C1 (bBoxC1): Integer outerMinPosT: Integer Weight (lowerWeight): Double
C1 (bBoxInC1): Integer outerMinPosU: Integer Weight (upperWeight): Double
C1 (bBoxOutC1): Integer outerMinPosX: Integer X1 (bBoxX1): Integer
C1 (bBoxLowC1): Integer outerMinPosY: Integer X1 (bBoxInX1): Integer
C1 (bBoxUpC1): Integer outerMinPosZ: Integer X1 (bBoxOutX1): Integer
C2 (bBoxC2): Integer outerSquaredAverage: Double X1 (bBoxLowX1): Integer
C2 (bBoxInC2): Integer Per Slice: Bool X1 (bBoxUpX1): Integer
C2 (bBoxOutC2): Integer Results Valid: Bool X2 (bBoxX2): Integer
C2 (bBoxLowC2): Integer Std Deviation (innerStdDev): Double X2 (bBoxInX2): Integer
C2 (bBoxUpC2): Integer Std Deviation (outerStdDev): Double X2 (bBoxOutX2): Integer
Current Slice: Integer Std Deviation (lowerStdDev): Double X2 (bBoxLowX2): Integer
innerMaxPosC: Integer Std Deviation (upperStdDev): Double X2 (bBoxUpX2): Integer
innerMaxPosT: Integer Sum (totalSum): Double Y1 (bBoxY1): Integer
innerMaxPosU: Integer Sum (innerSum): Double Y1 (bBoxInY1): Integer
innerMaxPosX: Integer Sum (outerSum): Double Y1 (bBoxOutY1): Integer
innerMaxPosY: Integer Sum (lowerSum): Double Y1 (bBoxLowY1): Integer
innerMaxPosZ: Integer Sum (upperSum): Double Y1 (bBoxUpY1): Integer
innerMinPosC: Integer T1 (bBoxT1): Integer Y2 (bBoxY2): Integer
innerMinPosT: Integer T1 (bBoxInT1): Integer Y2 (bBoxInY2): Integer
innerMinPosU: Integer T1 (bBoxOutT1): Integer Y2 (bBoxOutY2): Integer
innerMinPosX: Integer T1 (bBoxLowT1): Integer Y2 (bBoxLowY2): Integer
innerMinPosY: Integer T1 (bBoxUpT1): Integer Y2 (bBoxUpY2): Integer
innerMinPosZ: Integer T2 (bBoxT2): Integer Z1 (bBoxZ1): Integer
innerSquaredAverage: Double T2 (bBoxInT2): Integer Z1 (bBoxInZ1): Integer
Lower: Double T2 (bBoxOutT2): Integer Z1 (bBoxOutZ1): Integer
Mask Status: String T2 (bBoxLowT2): Integer Z1 (bBoxLowZ1): Integer
Max: Double T2 (bBoxUpT2): Integer Z1 (bBoxUpZ1): Integer
Maximum (totalMaxVal): Double Total Std Dev: Double Z2 (bBoxZ2): Integer
Maximum (innerMaxVal): Double Total Voxels: Integer Z2 (bBoxInZ2): Integer
Maximum (outerMaxVal): Double totalSquaredAverage: Double Z2 (bBoxOutZ2): Integer
Maximum (lowerMaxVal): Double U1 (bBoxU1): Integer Z2 (bBoxLowZ2): Integer
Maximum (upperMaxVal): Double U1 (bBoxInU1): Integer Z2 (bBoxUpZ2): Integer
Min: Double U1 (bBoxOutU1): Integer  

Visible Fields


name: innerMin, type: Double, default: 0

Sets the lower voxel value if the module should work on an interval mask.


name: innerMax, type: Double, default: 1

Sets the upper voxel value if the module should work on an interval mask.


name: update, type: Trigger, deprecated name: calculateStatistics

When pressed, the information fields are updated.

Update Mode

name: updateMode, type: Enum, default: AutoUpdate, deprecated name: autoCompute,autoUpdate

Defines how the module reacts to parameter or input field changes.


Title Name Deprecated Name
Update AutoUpdate TRUE
Clear AutoClear FALSE

Per Slice

name: perSlice, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the module computes the statistical information only on slice specified in Current Slice.

Current Slice

name: currentSlice, type: Integer, default: 0, minimum: 0

Sets the number of the slice for which the module should compute information.

Results Valid

name: resultsValid, type: Bool, persistent: no

Shows whether the results are currently valid.

#Voxels out of range

name: voxelsOutOfRange, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the number of voxels in the image but not in the value interval set by Min and Max.

Total Voxels

name: totalVoxels, type: Integer, persistent: no, deprecated name: numVoxels

Shows the number of voxels in the entire image.

3DVolume (totalVolume)

name: totalVolume, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: voxelVolume

Shows the volume in mm3 of the entire image.

Minimum (totalMinVal)

name: totalMinVal, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: minVoxel

Shows the minimum value of the entire image.

Maximum (totalMaxVal)

name: totalMaxVal, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: maxVoxel

Shows the maximum value of the entire image.

Sum (totalSum)

name: totalSum, type: Double, persistent: no

Shows the sum of the voxel values of the entire image.

Average (totalMean)

name: totalMean, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: avrgVoxels

Shows the average value of the entire image.

Abs Average (totalAbsMean)

name: totalAbsMean, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: absAvrgVoxels

Shows the absolute value of the average of all values in the entire image.

Variance (totalVariance)

name: totalVariance, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: variance

Shows the variance value of the entire image.

Total Std Dev

name: totalStdDev, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: stdDeviation

Shows the standard deviation of the values of the entire image.

X1 (bBoxX1)

name: bBoxX1, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the x-coordinate of the first corner of the bounding box of the entire image.

Y1 (bBoxY1)

name: bBoxY1, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the y-coordinate of the first corner of the bounding box of the entire image.

Z1 (bBoxZ1)

name: bBoxZ1, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the z-coordinate of the first corner of the bounding box of the entire image.

C1 (bBoxC1)

name: bBoxC1, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the c-coordinate of the first corner of the bounding box of the entire image.

T1 (bBoxT1)

name: bBoxT1, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the t-coordinate of the first corner of the bounding box of the entire image.

U1 (bBoxU1)

name: bBoxU1, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the u-coordinate of the first corner of the bounding box of the entire image.

X2 (bBoxX2)

name: bBoxX2, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the x-coordinate of the second corner of the bounding box of the entire image.

Y2 (bBoxY2)

name: bBoxY2, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the y-coordinate of the second corner of the bounding box of the entire image.

Z2 (bBoxZ2)

name: bBoxZ2, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the z-coordinate of the second corner of the bounding box of the entire image.

C2 (bBoxC2)

name: bBoxC2, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the c-coordinate of the second corner of the bounding box of the entire image.

T2 (bBoxT2)

name: bBoxT2, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the t-coordinate of the second corner of the bounding box of the entire image.

U2 (bBoxU2)

name: bBoxU2, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the u-coordinate of the second corner of the bounding box of the entire image.

Num Voxels (innerVoxels)

name: innerVoxels, type: Integer, persistent: no, deprecated name: numInnerVoxels

Shows the number of voxels within the value interval.

3DVolume (innerVolume)

name: innerVolume, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: innerVoxelVolume

Shows the volume in mm3 within the value interval.

Minimum (innerMinVal)

name: innerMinVal, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: minInnerVoxel

Shows the minimum value within the value interval.

Maximum (innerMaxVal)

name: innerMaxVal, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: maxInnerVoxel

Shows the maximum value within the value interval.

Sum (innerSum)

name: innerSum, type: Double, persistent: no

Shows the sum of the voxel values within the value interval.

Average (innerMean)

name: innerMean, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: avrgInnerVoxels

Shows the average value within the value interval.

Abs Average (innerAbsMean)

name: innerAbsMean, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: absAvrgInnerVoxels

Shows the absolute value of the average of all values within the value interval.

Variance (innerVariance)

name: innerVariance, type: Double, persistent: no

Shows the variance value within the value interval.

Std Deviation (innerStdDev)

name: innerStdDev, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: innerStdDeviation

Shows the standard deviation within the value interval.

X1 (bBoxInX1)

name: bBoxInX1, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the x-coordinate of the first corner of the bounding box of the voxels within the volume interval.

Y1 (bBoxInY1)

name: bBoxInY1, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the y-coordinate of the first corner of the bounding box of the voxels within the volume interval.

Z1 (bBoxInZ1)

name: bBoxInZ1, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the z-coordinate of the first corner of the bounding box of the voxels within the volume interval.

C1 (bBoxInC1)

name: bBoxInC1, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the c-coordinate of the first corner of the bounding box of the voxels within the volume interval.

T1 (bBoxInT1)

name: bBoxInT1, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the t-coordinate of the first corner of the bounding box of the voxels within the volume interval.

U1 (bBoxInU1)

name: bBoxInU1, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the u-coordinate of the first corner of the bounding box of the voxels within the volume interval.

X2 (bBoxInX2)

name: bBoxInX2, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the x-coordinate of the second corner of the bounding box of the voxels within the volume interval.

Y2 (bBoxInY2)

name: bBoxInY2, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the y-coordinate of the second corner of the bounding box of the voxels within the volume interval.

Z2 (bBoxInZ2)

name: bBoxInZ2, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the z-coordinate of the second corner of the bounding box of the voxels within the volume interval.

C2 (bBoxInC2)

name: bBoxInC2, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the c-coordinate of the second corner of the bounding box of the voxels within the volume interval.

T2 (bBoxInT2)

name: bBoxInT2, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the t-coordinate of the second corner of the bounding box of the voxels within the volume interval.

U2 (bBoxInU2)

name: bBoxInU2, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the u-coordinate of the second corner of the bounding box of the voxels within the volume interval.

Num Voxels (outerVoxels)

name: outerVoxels, type: Integer, persistent: no, deprecated name: numOuterVoxels

Shows the number of voxels outside the value interval.

3DVolume (outerVolume)

name: outerVolume, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: outerVoxelVolume

Shows the volume in mm3 outside the value interval.

Minimum (outerMinVal)

name: outerMinVal, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: minOuterVoxel

Shows the minimum value outside the value interval.

Maximum (outerMaxVal)

name: outerMaxVal, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: maxOuterVoxel

Shows the maximum value outside the value interval.

Sum (outerSum)

name: outerSum, type: Double, persistent: no

Shows the sum of the voxel values outside the value interval.

Average (outerMean)

name: outerMean, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: avrgOuterVoxels

Shows the average value outside the value interval.

Abs Average (outerAbsMean)

name: outerAbsMean, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: absAvrgOuterVoxels

Shows the absolute value of the average of values outside the value interval.

Variance (outerVariance)

name: outerVariance, type: Double, persistent: no

Shows the variance value outside the value interval.

Std Deviation (outerStdDev)

name: outerStdDev, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: outerStdDeviation

Shows the standard deviation outside the value interval.

X1 (bBoxOutX1)

name: bBoxOutX1, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the x-coordinate of the first corner of the bounding box of the voxels outside the volume interval.

Y1 (bBoxOutY1)

name: bBoxOutY1, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the y-coordinate of the first corner of the bounding box of the voxels outside the volume interval.

Z1 (bBoxOutZ1)

name: bBoxOutZ1, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the z-coordinate of the first corner of the bounding box of the voxels outside the volume interval.

C1 (bBoxOutC1)

name: bBoxOutC1, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the c-coordinate of the first corner of the bounding box of the voxels outside the volume interval.

T1 (bBoxOutT1)

name: bBoxOutT1, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the t-coordinate of the first corner of the bounding box of the voxels outside the volume interval.

U1 (bBoxOutU1)

name: bBoxOutU1, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the u-coordinate of the first corner of the bounding box of the voxels outside the volume interval.

X2 (bBoxOutX2)

name: bBoxOutX2, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the x-coordinate of the second corner of the bounding box of the voxels outside the volume interval.

Y2 (bBoxOutY2)

name: bBoxOutY2, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the y-coordinate of the second corner of the bounding box of the voxels outside the volume interval.

Z2 (bBoxOutZ2)

name: bBoxOutZ2, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the z-coordinate of the second corner of the bounding box of the voxels outside the volume interval.

C2 (bBoxOutC2)

name: bBoxOutC2, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the c-coordinate of the second corner of the bounding box of the voxels outside the volume interval.

T2 (bBoxOutT2)

name: bBoxOutT2, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the t-coordinate of the second corner of the bounding box of the voxels outside the volume interval.

U2 (bBoxOutU2)

name: bBoxOutU2, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the u-coordinate of the second corner of the bounding box of the voxels outside the volume interval.


name: lowerWidth, type: Double, default: 0, deprecated name: leftDelta

Sets the lower width value for adjacent intervals.

Num Voxels (lowerVoxels)

name: lowerVoxels, type: Integer, persistent: no, deprecated name: numLDeltaVoxels

Shows the number of voxels within the lower adjacent interval.

3DVolume (lowerVolume)

name: lowerVolume, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: lDeltaVoxelVolume

Shows the volume in mm3 within the lower adjacent interval.

Minimum (lowerMinVal)

name: lowerMinVal, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: minLDeltaVoxels

Shows the minimum value within the lower adjacent interval.

Maximum (lowerMaxVal)

name: lowerMaxVal, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: maxLDeltaVoxels

Shows the maximum value within the lower adjacent interval.

Sum (lowerSum)

name: lowerSum, type: Double, persistent: no

Shows the sum of the voxel values within the lower adjacent interval.

Average (lowerMean)

name: lowerMean, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: avrgLDeltaVoxels

Shows the average value within the lower adjacent interval.

Abs Average (lowerAbsMean)

name: lowerAbsMean, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: absAvrgLDeltaVoxels

Shows the absolute value of values within the lower adjacent interval.

Variance (lowerVariance)

name: lowerVariance, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: lDeltaVariance

Shows the variance within the lower adjacent interval.

Std Deviation (lowerStdDev)

name: lowerStdDev, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: lDeltaStdDeviation

Shows the standard deviation within the lower adjacent interval.

X1 (bBoxLowX1)

name: bBoxLowX1, type: Integer, persistent: no, deprecated name: bBoxLeftDeltaX1

Shows the x-coordinate of the first corner of the bounding box of the voxels within the lower adjacent interval.

Y1 (bBoxLowY1)

name: bBoxLowY1, type: Integer, persistent: no, deprecated name: bBoxLeftDeltaY1

Shows the y-coordinate of the first corner of the bounding box of the voxels within the lower adjacent interval.

Z1 (bBoxLowZ1)

name: bBoxLowZ1, type: Integer, persistent: no, deprecated name: bBoxLeftDeltaZ1

Shows the z-coordinate of the first corner of the bounding box of the voxels within the lower adjacent interval.

C1 (bBoxLowC1)

name: bBoxLowC1, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the c-coordinate of the first corner of the bounding box of the voxels within the lower adjacent interval.

T1 (bBoxLowT1)

name: bBoxLowT1, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the t-coordinate of the first corner of the bounding box of the voxels within the lower adjacent interval.

U1 (bBoxLowU1)

name: bBoxLowU1, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the u-coordinate of the first corner of the bounding box of the voxels within the lower adjacent interval.

X2 (bBoxLowX2)

name: bBoxLowX2, type: Integer, persistent: no, deprecated name: bBoxLeftDeltaX2

Shows the x-coordinate of the second corner of the bounding box of the voxels within the lower adjacent interval.

Y2 (bBoxLowY2)

name: bBoxLowY2, type: Integer, persistent: no, deprecated name: bBoxLeftDeltaY2

Shows the y-coordinate of the second corner of the bounding box of the voxels within the lower adjacent interval.

Z2 (bBoxLowZ2)

name: bBoxLowZ2, type: Integer, persistent: no, deprecated name: bBoxLeftDeltaZ2

Shows the z-coordinate of the second corner of the bounding box of the voxels within the lower adjacent interval.

C2 (bBoxLowC2)

name: bBoxLowC2, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the c-coordinate of the second corner of the bounding box of the voxels within the lower adjacent interval.

T2 (bBoxLowT2)

name: bBoxLowT2, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the t-coordinate of the second corner of the bounding box of the voxels within the lower adjacent interval.

U2 (bBoxLowU2)

name: bBoxLowU2, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the u-coordinate of the second corner of the bounding box of the voxels within the lower adjacent interval.

Weight (lowerWeight)

name: lowerWeight, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: lDeltaWeight

Shows the weight within the lower adjacent interval.


name: upperWidth, type: Double, default: 0, deprecated name: rightDelta

Sets the upper width value for adjacent intervals.

Num Voxels (upperVoxels)

name: upperVoxels, type: Integer, persistent: no, deprecated name: numRDeltaVoxels

Shows the number of voxels within the upper adjacent interval.

3DVolume (upperVolume)

name: upperVolume, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: rDeltaVoxelVolume

Shows the volume in mm3 within the upper adjacent interval.

Minimum (upperMinVal)

name: upperMinVal, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: minRDeltaVoxels

Shows the minimum value within the upper adjacent interval.

Maximum (upperMaxVal)

name: upperMaxVal, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: maxRDeltaVoxels

Shows the maximum value within the upper adjacent interval.

Sum (upperSum)

name: upperSum, type: Double, persistent: no

Shows the sum of the voxel values within the upper adjacent interval.

Average (upperMean)

name: upperMean, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: avrgRDeltaVoxels

Shows the average value within the upper adjacent interval.

Abs Average (upperAbsMean)

name: upperAbsMean, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: absAvrgRDeltaVoxels

Shows the absolute value of the average value within the upper adjacent interval.

Variance (upperVariance)

name: upperVariance, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: rDeltaVariance

Shows the variance value within the upper adjacent interval.

Std Deviation (upperStdDev)

name: upperStdDev, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: rDeltaStdDeviation

Shows the standard deviation within the upper adjacent interval.

X1 (bBoxUpX1)

name: bBoxUpX1, type: Integer, persistent: no, deprecated name: bBoxRightDeltaX1

Shows the x-coordinate of the first corner of the bounding box of the voxels within the upper adjacent interval.

Y1 (bBoxUpY1)

name: bBoxUpY1, type: Integer, persistent: no, deprecated name: bBoxRightDeltaY1

Shows the y-coordinate of the first corner of the bounding box of the voxels within the upper adjacent interval.

Z1 (bBoxUpZ1)

name: bBoxUpZ1, type: Integer, persistent: no, deprecated name: bBoxRightDeltaZ1

Shows the z-coordinate of the first corner of the bounding box of the voxels within the upper adjacent interval.

C1 (bBoxUpC1)

name: bBoxUpC1, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the c-coordinate of the first corner of the bounding box of the voxels within the upper adjacent interval.

T1 (bBoxUpT1)

name: bBoxUpT1, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the t-coordinate of the first corner of the bounding box of the voxels within the upper adjacent interval.

U1 (bBoxUpU1)

name: bBoxUpU1, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the u-coordinate of the first corner of the bounding box of the voxels within the upper adjacent interval.

X2 (bBoxUpX2)

name: bBoxUpX2, type: Integer, persistent: no, deprecated name: bBoxRightDeltaX2

Shows the x-coordinate of the second corner of the bounding box of the voxels within the upper adjacent interval.

Y2 (bBoxUpY2)

name: bBoxUpY2, type: Integer, persistent: no, deprecated name: bBoxRightDeltaY2

Shows the y-coordinate of the second corner of the bounding box of the voxels within the upper adjacent interval.

Z2 (bBoxUpZ2)

name: bBoxUpZ2, type: Integer, persistent: no, deprecated name: bBoxRightDeltaZ2

Shows the z-coordinate of the second corner of the bounding box of the voxels within the upper adjacent interval.

C2 (bBoxUpC2)

name: bBoxUpC2, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the c-coordinate of the second corner of the bounding box of the voxels within the upper adjacent interval.

T2 (bBoxUpT2)

name: bBoxUpT2, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the t-coordinate of the second corner of the bounding box of the voxels within the upper adjacent interval.

U2 (bBoxUpU2)

name: bBoxUpU2, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the u-coordinate of the second corner of the bounding box of the voxels within the upper adjacent interval.

Weight (upperWeight)

name: upperWeight, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: rDeltaWeight

Shows the Shows the weight within the upper adjacent interval.

Use Mask Image

name: useMask, type: Bool, default: FALSE, deprecated name: useMaskField

If checked, the module computes the statistics only at voxels with a value other than 0 in the second attached image.

Mask Status

name: maskStatus, type: String, persistent: no, deprecated name: maskStatusField

Shows the status of the mask image.

Hidden Fields


name: totalSquaredAverage, type: Double, persistent: no


name: innerSquaredAverage, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: totalInnerSquaredAverage


name: innerMaxPosX, type: Integer, persistent: no


name: innerMaxPosY, type: Integer, persistent: no


name: innerMaxPosZ, type: Integer, persistent: no


name: innerMaxPosC, type: Integer, persistent: no


name: innerMaxPosT, type: Integer, persistent: no


name: innerMaxPosU, type: Integer, persistent: no


name: innerMinPosX, type: Integer, persistent: no


name: innerMinPosY, type: Integer, persistent: no


name: innerMinPosZ, type: Integer, persistent: no


name: innerMinPosC, type: Integer, persistent: no


name: innerMinPosT, type: Integer, persistent: no


name: innerMinPosU, type: Integer, persistent: no


name: outerSquaredAverage, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: totalOuterSquaredAverage


name: outerMaxPosX, type: Integer, persistent: no


name: outerMaxPosY, type: Integer, persistent: no


name: outerMaxPosZ, type: Integer, persistent: no


name: outerMaxPosC, type: Integer, persistent: no


name: outerMaxPosT, type: Integer, persistent: no


name: outerMaxPosU, type: Integer, persistent: no


name: outerMinPosX, type: Integer, persistent: no


name: outerMinPosY, type: Integer, persistent: no


name: outerMinPosZ, type: Integer, persistent: no


name: outerMinPosC, type: Integer, persistent: no


name: outerMinPosT, type: Integer, persistent: no


name: outerMinPosU, type: Integer, persistent: no