
genre Subimage
author MeVis Medical Solutions AG
package MeVisLab/Standard
definition Geometry.def
see also ROISelect, SubImage
keywords region, volume, interest, subimage


The module VOISelect2D selects a cuboid volume of interest (VOI) by specifying a rectangle in 2D, i.e. on an arbitrary x-y-slice.


Use this module if you want to reduce your data to a subimage in x- and y-direction without loading the complete volume. This is possible since only the currently displayed slices are loaded on demand.

Input Fields


name: inImage, type: Image, deprecated name: input,input

inNode (hidden)

name: inNode, type: SoNode

Output Fields


name: outImage, type: Image, deprecated name: output

self (hidden)

name: self, type: SoNode

Parameter Fields

Field Index

End World Pos: Vector3
Lut Center: Float
Lut Width: Float
Reset To Image: Bool
Snap To Center: Bool
Start World Pos: Vector3
Use External Extensions: Bool

Visible Fields

Lut Width

name: lutWidth, type: Float, minimum: lutmouse.xmin, maximum: lutmouse.xmax, persistent: no

Lut Center

name: lutCenter, type: Float, minimum: lutmouse.ymin, maximum: lutmouse.ymax, persistent: no

Start World Pos

name: startWorldPos, type: Vector3, default: 45.151798248291 -87.7311019897461 106.039001464844

End World Pos

name: endWorldPos, type: Vector3, default: -50.848201751709 114.123001098633 -67.0065994262695

Reset To Image

name: resetToImage, type: Bool, default: TRUE

Snap To Center

name: snapToCenter, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Use External Extensions

name: useExternalExtensions, type: Bool, default: FALSE