
genre Interaction
author MeVis Medical Solutions AG
package MeVisLab/Standard
dll SoUtils
definition utils.def
see also SoView2DBorder, SoView2DBorderHighlight
keywords active, view, highlighting


The module SoFocus detects whether a rendering sub graph has the focus. This information can be used for highlighting.


Add a SoFocus to every sub graph / viewer that should detect focus changes. On every click into the viewer, the associated SoFocus ‘steals’ the focus from the previously focused node.

The field Has focus indicates whether the sub graph has the focus. It can also be set by the user.

Normalized Click Coordinates stores the coordinates of the event that triggered the focus change. You can use those fields directly to manipulate the visualization.

However, it is better to use the SoFocusElement of the inventor state in your modules (see SoView2DBorder for example). This element is set by the SoFocus module.

The focus is saved with your network!

The current implementation allows only one focus, even if several networks are opened.


Default Panel


Output Fields


name: self, type: SoNode

Parameter Fields

Visible Fields


name: active, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, the module is active.

Has focus

name: hasFocus, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Shows whether the module has the focus.

Can also be used to set the focus.

Support mouse wheel events

name: supportWheelEvents, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Sets focus on mouse wheel events too.

Normalized Click Coordinates

name: normClickCoords, type: Vector2, persistent: no

Shows the normalized coordinates of the click event that caused the focus state.