
The module InterleaveDimension takes the image dimension Source Dim and merges its data sequentially into the target dimension Destination Dim.

Identical source and destination dimensions or source dimensions with extent 1 lead to an unchanged image.

This module is useful, for example, to reformat vector or complex data, or color information from the u or c dimension, respectively, to the x dimension where it easily can be converted to vector, complex, or color voxels with the module TypeFromScalars.




Parameter Fields

Visible Fields

Source Dim

name: sourceDim, type: Enum, default: c

Defines the source dimension that is to be merged into the destination dimension.


Title Name
x x
y y
z z
c c
t t
u u

Destination Dim

name: destinationDim, type: Enum, default: x

Defines the dimension into which the source dimension is merged.

In this dimension the image extent of the output image will be n times larger with n = extent of the source dimension.


Title Name
x x
y y
z z
c c
t t
u u