
genre Inspectors
author MeVis Medical Solutions AG
package MeVisLab/Standard
definition Inspectors.def
keywords info, build, system, DLL, installer


The ModuleDependencyAnalyzer analyzes all dependencies of a single macro module or multiple macro modules.


To analyze a single module switch to the single module mode by unchecking “Scan dependencies of all modules in current network” checkbox. Enter the module’s name in the upper text edit and click the Update button.

To analyze multiple modules, switch to the multiple module mode by checking the “Scan dependencies of all modules in current network” checkbox. Upon clicking the Update button, the dependencies of all modules in the same network as the ModuleDependencyAnalyzer will be analyzed. Entries in the upper text edit will be ignored. This mode makes it easy to analyze the dependencies of multiple modules by dropping them in an empty network, adding the ModuleDependencyAnalyzer and running its analysis.


If you open the ModuleDependencyAnalyzer example network, the View2DExtensions network is set in the module text edit, while the “Scan dependencies of all modules in current network” checkbox is unchecked. Beside the ModuleDependencyAnalyzer module itself, two other macro modules are part of the network (View2D and LocalImage).

If you press the Update button, the View2DExtensions network will be analyzed and its dependencies appear in the tabs below.

If you check the “Scan dependencies of all modules in current network” checkbox and click Update, the two other modules View2D and LocalImage dependencies will be analyzed and written to the tabs.


The dependency analysis provides lists of modules, DLLs, directories, script files as well as ready-to-use installer script information about the package dependencies. The analysis might be helpful for installer construction.


Although it is possible to analyze atomic modules (all non-macro modules), it does not make much sense, as only the module itself and its DLL will be added to the dependencies.


Default Panel


At the top of the panel is the Module input. If you want to analyze a single module, then enter the name of the module here.

Next to the Module input is the Update button. Clicking on it will start the analysis.

If the Scan dependencies of all modules in current network checkbox is unchecked, the module from the Module input is analyzed. If it is checked, it analyzes all modules in the same network as the ModuleDependencyAnalyzer.

Note, that changing the state of this checkbox will only take effect after clicking the Update button.

In the following all the results of the analysis, i.e., the dependencies of the module(s), are described:

  • Report tab

    All detected package directories, DLLs, and used modules are listed here.

  • Details tab

    The dependencies are listed here with more detailes and separated by type.

  • ScriptFiles tab

    All script files are listed here.

  • AssembleInstaller tab

    The assemble installer code to include all detected dependencies is listed here. It is the same code that is generated and used when the installer is build.

Parameter Fields

Visible Fields


name: module, type: String

Sets name of the module if in single module mode.

Assemble Installer Script

name: assembleInstallerScript, type: String, persistent: no

Xml Dependencies

name: xmlDependencies, type: String, persistent: no


name: status, type: String, persistent: no


name: update, type: Trigger

When pressed, the modules will be analyzed and the results will be written to the text edits in the tabs.

Scan dependencies of all modules in current network

name: scanNetwork, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If it is unchecked, the module is run in the single module mode; if it is checked, it is run in the multiple module mode.

The default is unchecked, i.e., single module mode.

Note that changing the state of this checkbox will only take effect after clicking the Update button.

Ignore dependencies from these packages

name: ignoredPackages, type: String, default: MeVis/ThirdParty

Ignore library includes

name: ignoredLibraryIncludes, type: String

Include web contents

name: includeWebContents, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Include test cases of these packages

name: includeTestCasesOfPackages, type: String

Run in add on mode

name: addOnMode, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Run in TestCenter add on mode

name: testCenterAddOnMode, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Modules For List View

name: modulesForListView, type: String, persistent: no

Dlls For List View

name: dllsForListView, type: String, persistent: no

Library Installer Includes For List View

name: libraryInstallerIncludesForListView, type: String, persistent: no

Library Dependencies For List View

name: libraryDependenciesForListView, type: String, persistent: no

Python Script Files For List View

name: pythonScriptFilesForListView, type: String, persistent: no

Java Script Files For List View

name: javaScriptFilesForListView, type: String, persistent: no

Files For List View

name: filesForListView, type: String, persistent: no

Dirs For List View

name: dirsForListView, type: String, persistent: no

Dependent Modules List

name: dependentModulesList, type: String, persistent: no

Required Directories List

name: requiredDirectoriesList, type: String, persistent: no

Required Dlls List

name: requiredDllsList, type: String, persistent: no

Required Files List

name: requiredFilesList, type: String, persistent: no

Required Modules List

name: requiredModulesList, type: String, persistent: no

Hidden Fields


name: modules, type: String, persistent: no


name: dlls, type: String, persistent: no


name: scriptFiles, type: String, persistent: no


name: javaScriptFiles, type: String, persistent: no


name: pythonScriptFiles, type: String, persistent: no


name: files, type: String, persistent: no


name: dirs, type: String, persistent: no


name: usedScriptLanguages, type: String, persistent: no


name: report, type: String, persistent: no


name: scriptFilesForListView, type: String, persistent: no


name: dependentModulesDescription, type: String, persistent: no


name: requiredDependenciesDescription, type: String, persistent: no