
genre Resample
author MeVis Medical Solutions AG
package MeVisLab/Standard
dll MLGeometry1
definition MLGeometry1.def
keywords sorting, functional, dynamic, cine, MR, fMRI, timeseries, images


The module SortSlices4D sorts 4D tiff images with missing information about their 4D nature to slices.

The same applies for images that have erroneously been imported as 3D images instead of 4D with multiple time points.


Specify if all timepoints for each slice, or if all slices for each timepoint are grouped together.


The module does not care about any information on absolute timepoints.

It was originally intended to deal with 3D tiff images where such information is not available.


Note: only dividers of the total number of slices are accepted for number of timepoints.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: input0, type: Image

Input image, typically 3D or 4D (with erroneously sorted timepoints).

Parameter Fields

Visible Fields

Order time first (x-y-t-z)

name: orderTimeFirst, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, different time points of one slice are grouped together in input data.

Num. Timepoints

name: numTemporalPos, type: Integer, default: 1

Sets the desired number of time points on output (default: 1, also if number is invalid).