
The module CSOManager allows for setting parameters and default parameters for CSOs and CSOGroups, as well as for the maintaining the cohesion of CSOs and CSOGroups in a CSOList.

In general, there will be one CSOManager module per network, and this manager module holds a single CSOList object.


In a network, the CSOManager holds the CSOList object and all other modules are attached to its outCSOList output field.

However, a CSOLoad module may be attached to the manager’s inCSOList input field, or even another CSOManager may be attached to the module’s input; in the latter case, it is most likely that the module’s Work directly on input CSOList field is checked so that the original CSOList is held in the CSOManager below, while the according manager is only used as a scripting interface for adding CSOGroups or adjusting parameters for existing items. Have a look at the example network for more details.


The module’s interface features two list views, one for all CSOs (and their associated CSOGroups), the other for all CSOGroups (and their associated CSOs). Beside these list views, the parameters for the currently selected CSOs and CSOGroups can be viewed an altered. Additionally, the default parameters for CSOs and CSOGroups can be adjusted and the notification and the selection behavior can be fine-tuned.

Although CSOGroups have no visual counterpart, visual parameters can be set for them. Their use is optional, and if they are used, they overwrite the visual parameters of all contained CSOs. Since a CSO can be in multiple CSOGroups, the parameters of the first CSOGroup that is set are taken.

The module offers the performing of undo and redo operations as well as a limiting of the depth of the undo/redo stack. If the stack depth is changed to a smaller size while it is filled, the first excessive commands are removed.




Input Fields


name: inCSOList, type: CSOList(MLBase)

The input CSOList that is either copied or being worked directly on, depending on Work directly on input CSOList.

For accessing this object via scripting see the Scripting Reference: MLCSOListWrapper.


name: inUndoContext, type: UndoContext(MLBase)

Connect here the output of an UndoManager module to use an external undo context that can also record non-CSO operations.


It is not recommended to connect an UndoManager if Work directly on input CSOList is set and inCSOList might be connected to another CSOManager which might also have an UndoManager connected: This would be ambiguous even if the UndoManagers are the same and might lead to undo not working correctly.

For accessing this object via scripting see the Scripting Reference: MLUndoContextWrapper.

Output Fields


name: outCSOList, type: CSOList(MLBase)

The output CSOList.

For accessing this object via scripting see the Scripting Reference: MLCSOListWrapper.

Parameter Fields

Field Index

Add unique Id always (csoDefaultLabelAddUniqueIdAlways): Bool groupCopySelected: Trigger Size (groupSingleSeedPointSize): Float
Add unique Id always (groupDefaultLabelAddUniqueIdAlways): Bool groupDefaultDeleteGroupCSOHandling: Enum Size (groupDefaultSeedPointSize): Float
Add unique Id to Label (csoDefaultLabelAddUniqueId): Bool groupDefaultTimePointIndex: Integer Start New CSO: Trigger
Add unique Id to Label (groupDefaultLabelAddUniqueId): Bool groupDefaultUseTimePointIndex: Bool Style (csoSinglePathPointStyle): Enum
addCSOtoGroup: Trigger groupDisplayTree: String Style (csoSingleSeedPointStyle): Enum
Alpha (groupSinglePathPointAlpha): Float groupPaste: Trigger Style (groupSinglePathPointStyle): Enum
Alpha (groupSingleSeedPointAlpha): Float groupSelectedCSOItems: String Style (groupSingleSeedPointStyle): Enum
Alpha (groupDefaultPathPointAlpha): Float groupSelectedItems: String Style (groupDefaultPathPointStyle): Enum
Alpha (groupDefaultSeedPointAlpha): Float groupSingleApply: Trigger Style (groupDefaultSeedPointStyle): Enum
Alpha: (csoSinglePathPointAlpha): Float groupTreeView: String Time Point Index (csoSingleTimePointIndex): Integer
Alpha: (csoSingleSeedPointAlpha): Float Id (csoSingleId): Integer Time Point Index (groupSingleTimePointIndex): Integer
breakCSOFromGroup: Trigger Id (groupSingleId): Integer Trigger finished notification: Trigger
Brighten: Float Id String Format (csoDefaultLabelUniqueIdFormat): String Trigger moved notification: Trigger
Brighten:: Float Id String Format (groupDefaultLabelUniqueIdFormat): String Trigger repaint notification: Trigger
Color (groupSinglePathPointColor): Color ignoreCSOListViewSelectionChanged: Bool Trigger selection notification: Trigger
Color (groupSingleSeedPointColor): Color ignoreCSOSelectionChanged: Bool Undo: Trigger
Color (groupDefaultPathPointColor): Color ignoreGroupListViewSelectionChanged: Bool Undo Stack Limit: Integer
Color (groupDefaultSeedPointColor): Color ignoreGroupSelectionChanged: Bool updateCsoDisplayTree: Bool
Color: (csoSinglePathPointColor): Color Interaction Init: Trigger updateGroupDisplayTree: Bool
Color: (csoSingleSeedPointColor): Color Label (csoSingleLabel): String Use (groupSingleUseTimePointIndex): Bool
Copy Input CSOList: Trigger Label (csoDefaultLabel): String Use (groupSingleUseShowState): Bool
csoCopySelected: Trigger Label (groupSingleLabel): String Use (groupSingleUseVoxelizeState): Bool
csoDisplayTree: String Label (groupDefaultLabel): String Use (groupSingleUseEditableState): Bool
csoPaste: Trigger listDefaultRemoveEmptyGroupHandling: Enum Use (groupSingleUsePathPointStyle): Bool
csoSelectedGroupItems: String listSingleRemoveEmptyGroupHandling: Enum Use (groupSingleUsePathPointWidth): Bool
csoSelectedItems: String Maximum CSOs (groupSingleNumMaximumCSOs): Integer Use (groupSingleUsePathPointColor): Bool
csoSingleApply: Trigger Maximum CSOs (groupDefaultNumMaximumCSOs): Integer Use (groupSingleUsePathPointAlpha): Bool
csoTreeView: String Mode (selectionLineWidthMode): Enum Use (groupSingleUseSeedPointStyle): Bool
Delete (csoRemoveSelected): Trigger Mode (selectedSeedPointColoringMode): Enum Use (groupSingleUseSeedPointSize): Bool
Delete (groupRemoveSelected): Trigger Mode (selectedSeedPointSizeMode): Enum Use (groupSingleUseSeedPointColor): Bool
Delete Group CSO Handling: Enum Mode (csoSingleVoxelWriteMode): Enum Use (groupSingleUseSeedPointAlpha): Bool
Desc. (csoDefaultDescription): String Mode (groupDefaultVoxelWriteMode): Enum Use (groupSingleUseVoxelWriteMode): Bool
Desc. (groupSingleDescription): String Mode: (selectionColoringMode): Enum Use (groupSingleUseVoxelWriteValue): Bool
Desc. (groupDefaultDescription): String Mode: (groupSingleVoxelWriteMode): Enum Use (groupDefaultUseShowState): Bool
Description: String Moved: Trigger Use (groupDefaultUseVoxelizeState): Bool
Editable (csoSingleEditableState): Bool New: Trigger Use (groupDefaultUseEditableState): Bool
Editable (csoDefaultEditableState): Bool numCSOs: Integer Use (groupDefaultUsePathPointStyle): Bool
Editable (groupSingleEditableState): Bool numGroups: Integer Use (groupDefaultUsePathPointWidth): Bool
Editable (groupDefaultEditableState): Bool numRedos: Integer Use (groupDefaultUsePathPointColor): Bool
Enable (useSelectionCSONotification): Bool numSelectedCSOs: Integer Use (groupDefaultUsePathPointAlpha): Bool
Enable (useSelectionGroupNotification): Bool numSelectedGroups: Integer Use (groupDefaultUseSeedPointStyle): Bool
Enable (useFinishedCSONotification): Bool numUndos: Integer Use (groupDefaultUseSeedPointSize): Bool
Enable (useFinishedGroupNotification): Bool outputApplicationEventsDebug: Bool Use (groupDefaultUseSeedPointColor): Bool
Enable (useCSOMovedNotification): Bool Overflow Handling (groupSingleOverflowHandling): Enum Use (groupDefaultUseSeedPointAlpha): Bool
Enable (useRepaintNotification): Bool Overflow Handling (groupDefaultOverflowHandling): Enum Use (groupDefaultUseVoxelWriteMode): Bool
Enable (useInteractionInitNotification): Bool Redo: Trigger Use (groupDefaultUseVoxelWriteValue): Bool
Enable (useStartNewCSONotification): Bool Remove All: Trigger Value (csoSingleVoxelWriteValue): Float
Enable finished notifications: Bool Remove CSO Handling (groupSingleRemoveFromGroupHandling): Enum Value (groupDefaultVoxelWriteValue): Float
Enable moved notifications: Bool Remove CSO Handling (groupDefaultRemoveFromGroupHandling): Enum Value:: Float
Enable repaint notifications: Bool Repaint: Trigger Voxelize (csoSingleVoxelizeState): Bool
Enable selection notifications: Bool selectedCSOsGroupIds: String Voxelize (csoDefaultVoxelizeState): Bool
Enable Undo/Redo: Bool Selection (notifyOnSelectionCSO): Trigger Voxelize (groupSingleVoxelizeState): Bool
Enlarge: Float Selection (notifyOnSelectionGroup): Trigger Voxelize (groupDefaultVoxelizeState): Bool
Finished (notifyOnFinishedCSO): Trigger selectLastCreatedGroup: Bool Widen:: Float
Finished (notifyOnFinishedGroup): Trigger Show (csoSingleShowState): Bool Width (csoSinglePathPointWidth): Float
Fixed (selectedSeedPointFixedColor): Color Show (csoDefaultShowState): Bool Width (groupSinglePathPointWidth): Float
Fixed (selectedSeedPointSize): Float Show (groupSingleShowState): Bool Width (groupDefaultPathPointWidth): Float
Fixed: (selectionFixedColor): Color Show (groupDefaultShowState): Bool Work directly on input CSOList: Bool
Fixed: (selectionFixedLineWidth): Float Size (csoSingleSeedPointSize): Float  

Visible Fields

Work directly on input CSOList

name: workDirectlyOnInputCSOList, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the module creates no internal CSOList object, but works on a pointer to a CSOList that is provided by the module’s input.

Copy Input CSOList

name: copyInputCSOList, type: Trigger

When pressed, the input CSOList is copied to this CSOManager.

This is only available if the CSOManager is not working directly on the input CSOList.

Remove All

name: removeAllCSOsAndGroups, type: Trigger

When pressed, all CSOs and CSOGroups (without selecting any) are removed.

Delete (csoRemoveSelected)

name: csoRemoveSelected, type: Trigger

When pressed, the currently selected CSOs are deleted.


name: groupCreateNew, type: Trigger

When pressed, a new CSOGroup is created.

Delete (groupRemoveSelected)

name: groupRemoveSelected, type: Trigger

When pressed, the currently selected CSOGroups are deleted.

Mode: (selectionColoringMode)

name: selectionColoringMode, type: Enum, default: SelectionColorModeFixed

Defines how the selected CSOs should be colored.


Title Name Description
Brighten SelectionColorModeBrighten Selected CSOs are brightened by the Brighten:, but maintain their general color.
Fixed SelectionColorModeFixed Selected CSOs are rendered in the color set by Fixed:.

Mode (selectionLineWidthMode)

name: selectionLineWidthMode, type: Enum, default: SelectionLineWidthWiden

Defines how the line width of selected CSOs is changed.


Title Name Description
Widen SelectionLineWidthWiden Selected CSOs are rendered in a relative line width to their original width, altered by Widen:.
Fixed SelectionLineWidthFixed Selected CSOs are rendered with an absolute line width, set by Fixed:.


name: selectionBrightenColor, type: Float, default: 0.2

Sets an offset to the brightness of the color of selected CSOs.

Fixed: (selectionFixedColor)

name: selectionFixedColor, type: Color, default: 1 1 0.600000023841858

Sets an absolute color of selected CSOs.


name: selectionWidenLineWidth, type: Float, default: 1

Sets an offset line width for selected CSOs.

Fixed: (selectionFixedLineWidth)

name: selectionFixedLineWidth, type: Float, default: 2

Sets an absolute line width of selected CSOs.

Mode (selectedSeedPointColoringMode)

name: selectedSeedPointColoringMode, type: Enum, default: SelectedSeedPointColorModeFixed

Defines how the selected seed point should be colored.


Title Name
Brighten SelectedSeedPointColorModeBrighten
Fixed SelectedSeedPointColorModeFixed

Mode (selectedSeedPointSizeMode)

name: selectedSeedPointSizeMode, type: Enum, default: SelectedSeedPointSizeModeEnlarge

Defines how the size of selected seed points is changed.


Title Name
Enlarge SelectedSeedPointSizeModeEnlarge
Fixed SelectedSeedPointSizeModeFixed


name: selectedSeedPointBrightenColor, type: Float, default: 0.5

Sets an offset to the brightness of the color of the selected seed point.

Fixed (selectedSeedPointFixedColor)

name: selectedSeedPointFixedColor, type: Color, default: 0 1 0

Sets an absolute color of the selected seed point.


name: selectedSeedPointEnlargeSize, type: Float, default: 1

Sets an enlargement size for the selected seed point.

Fixed (selectedSeedPointSize)

name: selectedSeedPointSize, type: Float, default: 1

Sets an absolute size for the selected seed point.

Id (csoSingleId)

name: csoSingleId, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the unique ID of the (first) selected CSO. This cannot be modified.

Label (csoSingleLabel)

name: csoSingleLabel, type: String, persistent: no

Shows and sets the label of the (first) selected CSO.


name: csoSingleDescription, type: String, persistent: no

Shows and sets the description of the (first) selected CSO.

Time Point Index (csoSingleTimePointIndex)

name: csoSingleTimePointIndex, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the time point index of the (first) selected CSO.

Show (csoSingleShowState)

name: csoSingleShowState, type: Bool, persistent: no

If checked, the (first) selected CSO is shown by SoCSO3DVis and SoView2DCSOExtensibleEditor.

Voxelize (csoSingleVoxelizeState)

name: csoSingleVoxelizeState, type: Bool, persistent: no

If checked, the (first) selected CSO is voxelized by CSOVoxelizeContours or CSOGenerateSmoothSurfaceFromSparseContours.

Editable (csoSingleEditableState)

name: csoSingleEditableState, type: Bool, persistent: no

If checked, the (first) selected CSO can be edited by an editor attached to the SoView2DCSOExtensibleEditor or the editor itself.

Width (csoSinglePathPointWidth)

name: csoSinglePathPointWidth, type: Float, minimum: 1, maximum: 16, persistent: no, deprecated name: csoSingleLineWidth

Sets the line width of the (first) selected CSO.

Style (csoSinglePathPointStyle)

name: csoSinglePathPointStyle, type: Enum, persistent: no, deprecated name: csoSingleLineStyle

Defines the line style of the (first) selected CSO.


Title Name Description
None LineStyleNone The CSO’s path points are not rendered.
Solid LineStyleSolid The CSO is rendered as a solid line.
Dashed LineStyleDashed The CSO is rendered as a dashed line.
Dotted LineStyleDotted The CSO is rendered as a dotted line.
Short Dashed LineStyleShortDashed The CSO is rendered as a short dashed line (this is somewhat between dashed and dotted).

Color: (csoSinglePathPointColor)

name: csoSinglePathPointColor, type: Color, persistent: no, deprecated name: csoSingleColor

Sets the color of the (first) selected CSO.

Alpha: (csoSinglePathPointAlpha)

name: csoSinglePathPointAlpha, type: Float, minimum: 0, maximum: 1, persistent: no, deprecated name: csoSingleAlpha

Sets the alpha value of the (first) selected CSO.

Style (csoSingleSeedPointStyle)

name: csoSingleSeedPointStyle, type: Enum, persistent: no, deprecated name: csoSingleMarkerMode

Defines the style of the seed points.


Title Name Description
None MarkerModeNone No marker is shown at a seed point location.
Rect MarkerModeRect Rectangular markers are shown at the seed point locations.
Circle MarkerModeCircle Circular markers are shown at the seed point locations.
Fixed Circle MarkerModeFixedCircle  
Triangle MarkerModeTriangle  
Filled Rect MarkerModeFilledRect  
Filled Circle MarkerModeFilledCircle  
Filled Triangle MarkerModeFilledTriangle  
Dashed Rectangle MarkerModeDashedRectangle  

Color: (csoSingleSeedPointColor)

name: csoSingleSeedPointColor, type: Color, persistent: no, deprecated name: csoSingleMarkerColor

Sets the color of the markers representing a CSO’s seed points.

Alpha: (csoSingleSeedPointAlpha)

name: csoSingleSeedPointAlpha, type: Float, minimum: 0, maximum: 1, persistent: no, deprecated name: csoSingleMarkerAlpha

Sets the alpha of the markers representing a CSO’s seed points.

Size (csoSingleSeedPointSize)

name: csoSingleSeedPointSize, type: Float, persistent: no, deprecated name: csoSingleMarkerSize

Sets the size of the markers representing a CSO’s seed points.

Mode (csoSingleVoxelWriteMode)

name: csoSingleVoxelWriteMode, type: Enum, persistent: no

Defines the voxel write mode of the (first) selected CSO.

This mode sets how the voxel value is determined when converting the CSO into a voxel mask by either CSOVoxelizeContours or CSOGenerateSmoothSurfaceFromSparseContours.


Title Name Description
Id VoxelWriteModeId The target voxels have the ID of the CSO as a value.
Const VoxelWriteModeConst The target voxels have a constant set by Value as a value.
Const Plus Id VoxelWriteModeConstPlusId The target voxels have their ID added to the Value as a value.
Module VoxelWriteModeModule The converting module sets the target voxels’ values.

Value (csoSingleVoxelWriteValue)

name: csoSingleVoxelWriteValue, type: Float, persistent: no

Sets the voxel value of target voxels.

Label (csoDefaultLabel)

name: csoDefaultLabel, type: String

Sets the default label for newly generated CSOs.

Add unique Id to Label (csoDefaultLabelAddUniqueId)

name: csoDefaultLabelAddUniqueId, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, a unique ID is added to the next generated CSO’s label.

The unique ID can be formatted by Id String Format.

Id String Format (csoDefaultLabelUniqueIdFormat)

name: csoDefaultLabelUniqueIdFormat, type: String, default: (%i)

Sets the format of the appended unique ID.

Add unique Id always (csoDefaultLabelAddUniqueIdAlways)

name: csoDefaultLabelAddUniqueIdAlways, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, a unique ID is added even to the first label.

Desc. (csoDefaultDescription)

name: csoDefaultDescription, type: String

Sets the description string for newly generated CSOs.

Show (csoDefaultShowState)

name: csoDefaultShowState, type: Bool, default: TRUE

Sets the show state for newly generated CSOs.

Voxelize (csoDefaultVoxelizeState)

name: csoDefaultVoxelizeState, type: Bool, default: TRUE

Sets the voxelization state of newly generated CSOs.

Editable (csoDefaultEditableState)

name: csoDefaultEditableState, type: Bool, default: TRUE

Sets the edit state of newly generated CSOs.

Id (groupSingleId)

name: groupSingleId, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the ID of the (first) selected CSOGroup.

Label (groupSingleLabel)

name: groupSingleLabel, type: String, persistent: no

Shows and sets the label of the (first) selected CSOGroup.

Desc. (groupSingleDescription)

name: groupSingleDescription, type: String, persistent: no

Shows and sets the description string of the (first) selected CSOGroup.

Use (groupSingleUseTimePointIndex)

name: groupSingleUseTimePointIndex, type: Bool, persistent: no

If checked, the CSOGroup overwrites the time point index of all contained CSOs.

Time Point Index (groupSingleTimePointIndex)

name: groupSingleTimePointIndex, type: Integer, persistent: no

Sets the time point index of the (first) selected CSOGroups.

Use (groupSingleUseShowState)

name: groupSingleUseShowState, type: Bool, persistent: no

If checked, the CSOGroup overwrites the show state of all contained CSOs.

Show (groupSingleShowState)

name: groupSingleShowState, type: Bool, persistent: no

Sets the show state of the (first) selected CSOGroups.

Voxelize (groupSingleVoxelizeState)

name: groupSingleVoxelizeState, type: Bool, persistent: no

Sets the voxelization state of the (first) selected CSOGroup.

Use (groupSingleUseVoxelizeState)

name: groupSingleUseVoxelizeState, type: Bool, persistent: no

If checked, the CSOGroup overwrites the voxelize state of all contained CSOs.

Use (groupSingleUseEditableState)

name: groupSingleUseEditableState, type: Bool, persistent: no

If checked, the CSOGroup overwrites the editable state of all contained CSOs.

Editable (groupSingleEditableState)

name: groupSingleEditableState, type: Bool, persistent: no

Sets the editable state of the (first) selected CSOGroup.

Use (groupSingleUsePathPointStyle)

name: groupSingleUsePathPointStyle, type: Bool, persistent: no

If checked, the CSOGroup overwrites the path point style of all contained CSOs.

Style (groupSinglePathPointStyle)

name: groupSinglePathPointStyle, type: Enum, persistent: no, deprecated name: groupSingleLineStyle

Defines the line style of the (first) selected CSOGroup.


Title Name Description
None LineStyleNone The CSO’s path points are not rendered.
Solid LineStyleSolid The CSOs are rendered as solid lines.
Dashed LineStyleDashed The CSOs are rendered as dashed lines.
Dotted LineStyleDotted The CSOs are rendered as dotted lines.
Short Dashed LineStyleShortDashed The CSOs are rendered as short dashed lines (this is somewhat between dashed and dotted).

Use (groupSingleUsePathPointWidth)

name: groupSingleUsePathPointWidth, type: Bool, persistent: no

If checked, the CSOGroup overwrites the line width of all contained CSOs.

Width (groupSinglePathPointWidth)

name: groupSinglePathPointWidth, type: Float, minimum: 1, maximum: 16, persistent: no, deprecated name: groupSingleLineWidth

Sets the line width of the (first) selected CSOGroups.

Use (groupSingleUsePathPointColor)

name: groupSingleUsePathPointColor, type: Bool, persistent: no

If checked, the CSOGroup overwrites the line color of all contained CSOs.

Color (groupSinglePathPointColor)

name: groupSinglePathPointColor, type: Color, persistent: no, deprecated name: groupSingleColor

Sets the color of the (first) selected CSOGroups.

Use (groupSingleUsePathPointAlpha)

name: groupSingleUsePathPointAlpha, type: Bool, persistent: no

If checked, the CSOGroup overwrites the line alpha value of all contained CSOs.

Alpha (groupSinglePathPointAlpha)

name: groupSinglePathPointAlpha, type: Float, minimum: 0, maximum: 1, persistent: no, deprecated name: groupSingleAlpha

Sets the alpha value of the (first) selected CSOGroups.

Use (groupSingleUseSeedPointStyle)

name: groupSingleUseSeedPointStyle, type: Bool, persistent: no

If checked, the CSOGroup overwrites the seed point style of all contained CSOs.

Style (groupSingleSeedPointStyle)

name: groupSingleSeedPointStyle, type: Enum, persistent: no, deprecated name: groupSingleMarkerMode

Defines the seed point style of all contained CSOs.


Title Name
None MarkerModeNone
Rect MarkerModeRect
Circle MarkerModeCircle
Fixed Circle MarkerModeFixedCircle
Triangle MarkerModeTriangle
Filled Rect MarkerModeFilledRect
Filled Circle MarkerModeFilledCircle
Filled Triangle MarkerModeFilledTriangle
Dashed Rectangle MarkerModeDashedRectangle

Use (groupSingleUseSeedPointSize)

name: groupSingleUseSeedPointSize, type: Bool, persistent: no

If checked, the CSOGroup overwrites the seed point size of all contained CSOs.

Size (groupSingleSeedPointSize)

name: groupSingleSeedPointSize, type: Float, persistent: no, deprecated name: groupSingleMarkerSize

Sets the size of the markers representing the seed points of the (first) selected CSOGroup.

Use (groupSingleUseSeedPointColor)

name: groupSingleUseSeedPointColor, type: Bool, persistent: no

If checked, the CSOGroup overwrites the seed point color of all contained CSOs.

Color (groupSingleSeedPointColor)

name: groupSingleSeedPointColor, type: Color, persistent: no, deprecated name: groupSingleMarkerColor

Sets the color of the markers representing the seed points of the (first) selected CSOGroup.

Use (groupSingleUseSeedPointAlpha)

name: groupSingleUseSeedPointAlpha, type: Bool, persistent: no

If checked, the CSOGroup overwrites the seed point alpha of all contained CSOs.

Alpha (groupSingleSeedPointAlpha)

name: groupSingleSeedPointAlpha, type: Float, minimum: 0, maximum: 1, persistent: no, deprecated name: groupSingleMarkerAlpha

Sets the alpha value of the markers representing the seed points of the (first) selected CSOGroup.

Use (groupSingleUseVoxelWriteMode)

name: groupSingleUseVoxelWriteMode, type: Bool, persistent: no

If checked, the CSOGroup overwrites the voxel write mode of all contained CSOs.

Mode: (groupSingleVoxelWriteMode)

name: groupSingleVoxelWriteMode, type: Enum, persistent: no

Defines the voxelization mode of the (first) selected CSOGroup.


Title Name
Id VoxelWriteModeId
Const VoxelWriteModeConst
Const Plus Id VoxelWriteModeConstPlusId
Module VoxelWriteModeModule

Use (groupSingleUseVoxelWriteValue)

name: groupSingleUseVoxelWriteValue, type: Bool, persistent: no

If checked, the CSOGroup overwrites the voxel write value of all contained CSOs.


name: groupSingleVoxelWriteValue, type: Float, persistent: no

Sets the voxel write value of the (first) selected CSOGroup.

Maximum CSOs (groupSingleNumMaximumCSOs)

name: groupSingleNumMaximumCSOs, type: Integer, persistent: no

Sets the maximum number of CSOs that can be in a group before the Overflow Handling is applied.

A value of 0 means no limit in the number of CSOs.

Overflow Handling (groupSingleOverflowHandling)

name: groupSingleOverflowHandling, type: Enum, persistent: no

Defines how the CSOGroup should handle the situation when a CSO is added so that the Maximum CSOs is reached.


Title Name Description
Remove First RemoveFirst Remove the first CSO.
Remove Last RemoveLast Remove the last CSO.
Remove All RemoveAll Remove all previous CSOs.
Ignore New IgnoreNew Ignore the new CSO and do not add it to the group.

Remove CSO Handling (groupSingleRemoveFromGroupHandling)

name: groupSingleRemoveFromGroupHandling, type: Enum, persistent: no

Defines how a CSO is handled if removed from a CSOGroup.


Title Name Description
Always RemoveAlways A CSO is being removed from the CSOList if it is removed from a CSOGroup.
Never RemoveNever A CSO is left in the CSOList if removed from a CSOGroup.
If In No Group RemoveIfInNoGroup A CSO is removed from the CSOList if it is no CSOGroup after being removed from a CSOGroup.

Delete Group CSO Handling

name: groupSingleDeleteGroupCSOHandling, type: Enum, default: RemoveIfInNoGroup

Defines the handling mode for CSOs when this group is deleted, i.e., should they also be removed from the list.


Title Name Description
Always RemoveAlways The CSOGroup is removed whenever a CSO is being removed from the CSOGroup.
Never RemoveNever The CSOGroup is left in the CSOList even if a CSO has been removed from it.
If In No Group RemoveIfInNoGroup The CSOGroup is removed from the CSOList if no CSOs are left in it.

Label (groupDefaultLabel)

name: groupDefaultLabel, type: String

Sets the default label for newly generated CSOGroups.

Add unique Id to Label (groupDefaultLabelAddUniqueId)

name: groupDefaultLabelAddUniqueId, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, a unique ID is added to the next generated CSOGroup’s label.

The unique ID can be formatted by Id String Format.

Id String Format (groupDefaultLabelUniqueIdFormat)

name: groupDefaultLabelUniqueIdFormat, type: String, default: (%i)

Sets the format of the appended unique ID.

Add unique Id always (groupDefaultLabelAddUniqueIdAlways)

name: groupDefaultLabelAddUniqueIdAlways, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, a unique ID is added even to the first label.

Desc. (groupDefaultDescription)

name: groupDefaultDescription, type: String

Sets the default description string of newly generated CSOGroups.

Use (groupDefaultUseShowState)

name: groupDefaultUseShowState, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, newly generated CSOGroups will overwrite the show state of contained CSOs.

Show (groupDefaultShowState)

name: groupDefaultShowState, type: Bool, default: TRUE

Sets the default show state for newly generated CSOGroups.

Use (groupDefaultUseVoxelizeState)

name: groupDefaultUseVoxelizeState, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, newly generated CSOGroups will overwrite the voxelize state of contained CSOs.

Voxelize (groupDefaultVoxelizeState)

name: groupDefaultVoxelizeState, type: Bool, default: TRUE

Sets the default voxelize state for newly generated CSOGroups.

Use (groupDefaultUseEditableState)

name: groupDefaultUseEditableState, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, newly generated CSOGroups will overwrite the editable state of contained CSOs.

Editable (groupDefaultEditableState)

name: groupDefaultEditableState, type: Bool, default: TRUE

Sets the default editable state for newly generated CSOGroups.

Use (groupDefaultUsePathPointStyle)

name: groupDefaultUsePathPointStyle, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, newly generated CSOGroups will overwrite the path point style of contained CSOs.

Style (groupDefaultPathPointStyle)

name: groupDefaultPathPointStyle, type: Enum, default: LineStyleSolid, deprecated name: groupDefaultLineStyle

Defines the default line style of newly generated CSOGroups.


Title Name
None LineStyleNone
Solid LineStyleSolid
Dashed LineStyleDashed
Dotted LineStyleDotted
Short Dashed LineStyleShortDashed

Use (groupDefaultUsePathPointWidth)

name: groupDefaultUsePathPointWidth, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, newly generated CSOGroups will overwrite the path point width of contained CSOs.

Width (groupDefaultPathPointWidth)

name: groupDefaultPathPointWidth, type: Float, default: 1, minimum: 1, maximum: 16, deprecated name: groupDefaultLineWidth

Sets the default line width for newly generated CSOGroups.

Use (groupDefaultUsePathPointColor)

name: groupDefaultUsePathPointColor, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, newly generated CSOGroups will overwrite the path point color of contained CSOs.

Color (groupDefaultPathPointColor)

name: groupDefaultPathPointColor, type: Color, default: 1 1 1, deprecated name: groupDefaultColor

Sets the default color for newly generated CSOGroups.

Use (groupDefaultUsePathPointAlpha)

name: groupDefaultUsePathPointAlpha, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, newly generated CSOGroups will overwrite the path point alpha of contained CSOs.

Alpha (groupDefaultPathPointAlpha)

name: groupDefaultPathPointAlpha, type: Float, default: 1, minimum: 0, maximum: 1, deprecated name: groupDefaultAlpha

Sets the default alpha value for newly generated CSOGroups.

Use (groupDefaultUseSeedPointStyle)

name: groupDefaultUseSeedPointStyle, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, newly generated CSOGroups will overwrite the seed point style of contained CSOs.

Style (groupDefaultSeedPointStyle)

name: groupDefaultSeedPointStyle, type: Enum, default: MarkerModeRect, deprecated name: groupDefaultMarkerMode

Defines the seed point style of all new created, contained CSO.


Title Name
None MarkerModeNone
Rect MarkerModeRect
Circle MarkerModeCircle
Fixed Circle MarkerModeFixedCircle
Triangle MarkerModeTriangle
Filled Rect MarkerModeFilledRect
Filled Circle MarkerModeFilledCircle
Filled Triangle MarkerModeFilledTriangle
Dashed Rectangle MarkerModeDashedRectangle

Use (groupDefaultUseSeedPointSize)

name: groupDefaultUseSeedPointSize, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, newly generated CSOGroups will overwrite the seed point size of contained CSOs.

Size (groupDefaultSeedPointSize)

name: groupDefaultSeedPointSize, type: Float, default: 3, deprecated name: groupDefaultMarkerSize

Sets the default seed point size of newly generated CSOGroups.

Use (groupDefaultUseSeedPointColor)

name: groupDefaultUseSeedPointColor, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, newly generated CSOGroups will overwrite the seed point color of contained CSOs.

Color (groupDefaultSeedPointColor)

name: groupDefaultSeedPointColor, type: Color, default: 0 1 0, deprecated name: groupDefaultMarkerColor

Sets the default seed point color of newly generated CSOGroups.

Use (groupDefaultUseSeedPointAlpha)

name: groupDefaultUseSeedPointAlpha, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, newly generated CSOGroups will overwrite the seed point alpha of contained CSOs.

Alpha (groupDefaultSeedPointAlpha)

name: groupDefaultSeedPointAlpha, type: Float, default: 1, minimum: 0, maximum: 1, deprecated name: groupDefaultMarkerAlpha

Sets the default seed point alpha of newly generated CSOGroups.

Use (groupDefaultUseVoxelWriteMode)

name: groupDefaultUseVoxelWriteMode, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, newly generated CSOGroups will overwrite the voxel write mode of contained CSOs.

Mode (groupDefaultVoxelWriteMode)

name: groupDefaultVoxelWriteMode, type: Enum, default: VoxelWriteModeModule

Defines the voxel write mode of newly generated CSOGroups.


Title Name
Id VoxelWriteModeId
Const VoxelWriteModeConst
Const Plus Id VoxelWriteModeConstPlusId
Module VoxelWriteModeModule

Use (groupDefaultUseVoxelWriteValue)

name: groupDefaultUseVoxelWriteValue, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, newly generated CSOGroups will overwrite the voxel write value of contained CSOs.

Value (groupDefaultVoxelWriteValue)

name: groupDefaultVoxelWriteValue, type: Float, default: 1024

Sets the voxel write value of contained CSOs.

Maximum CSOs (groupDefaultNumMaximumCSOs)

name: groupDefaultNumMaximumCSOs, type: Integer, default: 0

Sets the default maximum number of CSOs for newly generated CSOGroups.

Overflow Handling (groupDefaultOverflowHandling)

name: groupDefaultOverflowHandling, type: Enum, default: RemoveFirst

Defines the default overflow handling of newly generated CSOGroups.


Title Name
Remove First RemoveFirst
Remove Last RemoveLast
Remove All RemoveAll
Ignore New IgnoreNew

Remove CSO Handling (groupDefaultRemoveFromGroupHandling)

name: groupDefaultRemoveFromGroupHandling, type: Enum, default: RemoveNever

Defines the default removal handling of newly generated CSOGroups.


Title Name
Always RemoveAlways
Never RemoveNever
If In No Group RemoveIfInNoGroup

Enable Undo/Redo

name: enableUndoRedo, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, undo/redo functionality is enabled for the CSOList.

Undo/Redo is implemented for adding, removing and modifying CSOs, as well as for combining and breaking CSOs with CSOGroups.

Attribute changes cannot be undone by the undo manager.


name: undo, type: Trigger

When pressed, the last undoable action is undone.


name: redo, type: Trigger

When pressed, the last undo is redone.

Undo Stack Limit

name: undoStackLimit, type: Integer, default: 16, minimum: -1, maximum: 64

Sets the limit of the undo/redo stack.

If the undo/redo stack is full and the stack size decreased, the first actions are removed from the stack.

Enable (useSelectionCSONotification)

name: useSelectionCSONotification, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the CSOList is able to fire and react to selections of CSOs.

Enable (useSelectionGroupNotification)

name: useSelectionGroupNotification, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the CSOList is able to fire and react to selections of CSOGroups.

Enable (useFinishedCSONotification)

name: useFinishedCSONotification, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the CSOList is able to fire and react to finishing of CSOs (e.g., adding or removing a CSO).

Enable (useFinishedGroupNotification)

name: useFinishedGroupNotification, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the CSOList is able to fire and react to finishing of CSOGroups (e.g., adding or removing a CSOGroup).

Enable (useCSOMovedNotification)

name: useCSOMovedNotification, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the CSOList is able to fire and react to finished moving of CSOs.

Enable (useRepaintNotification)

name: useRepaintNotification, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the CSOList is able to fire and react to repaint notifications (e.g., finishing operations and modifications).

Enable (useInteractionInitNotification)

name: useInteractionInitNotification, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the CSOList is able to fire and react to interaction intialization notifications (e.g., deleting of a CSO or a single seed point).

Enable (useStartNewCSONotification)

name: useStartNewCSONotification, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the CSOList is able to fire and react to starting notifications (e.g., start drawing of a new CSO).

Selection (notifyOnSelectionCSO)

name: notifyOnSelectionCSO, type: Trigger

If checked, the CSOList is able to fire and react to selections of CSOs.

Selection (notifyOnSelectionGroup)

name: notifyOnSelectionGroup, type: Trigger

This field is triggered from inside the module whenever the CSOList receives a selection notification.

Finished (notifyOnFinishedCSO)

name: notifyOnFinishedCSO, type: Trigger

This field is triggered from inside the module whenever the CSOList receives a selection notification.

Finished (notifyOnFinishedGroup)

name: notifyOnFinishedGroup, type: Trigger

This field is triggered from inside the module whenever the CSOList receives a finished notification.


name: notifyOnCSOMoved, type: Trigger

This field is triggered from inside the module whenever the CSOList receives a moved notification.


name: notifyOnRepaint, type: Trigger

This field is triggered from inside the module whenever the CSOList receives a repaint notification.

Interaction Init

name: notifyOnInteractionInit, type: Trigger

This field is triggered from inside the module whenever the CSOList receives a interaction initialization notification.

Start New CSO

name: notifyOnStartNewCSO, type: Trigger

This field is triggered from inside the module whenever the CSOList receives a start new CSO notification.

Enable selection notifications

name: enableSelectionNotification, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, the selection notifications are enabled for the CSOList.

Enable finished notifications

name: enableFinishedNotification, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, the finished notifications are enabled for the CSOList.

Enable moved notifications

name: enableCSOMovedNotification, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, the moved notifications are enabled for the CSOList.

Enable repaint notifications

name: enableRepaintNotification, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, the repaint notifications are enabled for the CSOList.

Trigger selection notification

name: triggerSelectionNotification, type: Trigger

When pressed, a selection notification is sent to the CSOList.

Trigger finished notification

name: triggerFinishedNotification, type: Trigger

When pressed, a finished notification is sent to the CSOList.

Trigger moved notification

name: triggerCSOMovedNotification, type: Trigger

When pressed, a moved notification is sent to the CSOList.

Trigger repaint notification

name: triggerRepaintNotification, type: Trigger

When pressed, a repaint notification is sent to the CSOList.

Hidden Fields


name: csoDisplayTree, type: String, persistent: no


name: groupDisplayTree, type: String, persistent: no


name: updateCsoDisplayTree, type: Bool, default: TRUE


name: updateGroupDisplayTree, type: Bool, default: TRUE


name: csoSelectedItems, type: String, persistent: no

Sets and shows a space-separated string of all CSO IDs that are selected. This string can be set from extern (i.e., scripting) to set the CSOs with the given IDs as being selected.


name: groupSelectedItems, type: String, persistent: no

Sets and shows a space-separated string of all CSOGroup IDs that are selected. This string can be set from extern (i.e., scripting) to set the CSOGroups with the given IDs as being selected.


name: groupSelectedCSOItems, type: String, persistent: no


name: csoSelectedGroupItems, type: String, persistent: no


name: addCSOtoGroup, type: Trigger

When pressed, the selected CSOs are being combines with the selected CSOGroups.


name: breakCSOFromGroup, type: Trigger

When pressed, the selected CSOs are being removed from the selected CSOGroups.


name: csoCopySelected, type: Trigger

When pressed, the selected CSOs are being copied. See csoPaste.


name: csoPaste, type: Trigger

When pressed, the copied CSOs are being pasted into the CSOList. See csoCopySelected.


name: selectLastCreatedGroup, type: Bool, default: TRUE


name: groupCopySelected, type: Trigger

When pressed, the selected CSOGroups are being copied. See groupPaste.


name: groupPaste, type: Trigger

When pressed, the copied CSOGroups are being pasted into the CSOList. See groupCopySelected.


name: csoSingleApply, type: Trigger


name: groupDefaultUseTimePointIndex, type: Bool, default: FALSE


name: groupDefaultTimePointIndex, type: Integer, default: 0


name: groupDefaultDeleteGroupCSOHandling, type: Enum, default: RemoveIfInNoGroup


Title Name
Always RemoveAlways
Never RemoveNever
If In No Group RemoveIfInNoGroup


name: groupSingleApply, type: Trigger


name: listSingleRemoveEmptyGroupHandling, type: Enum, default: RemoveAlways


Title Name
Always RemoveAlways
Never RemoveNever


name: listDefaultRemoveEmptyGroupHandling, type: Enum, default: RemoveAlways


Title Name
Always RemoveAlways
Never RemoveNever


name: numUndos, type: Integer, default: 0


name: numRedos, type: Integer, default: 0


name: outputApplicationEventsDebug, type: Bool, default: FALSE


name: csoTreeView, type: String


name: groupTreeView, type: String


name: ignoreCSOSelectionChanged, type: Bool, persistent: no


name: ignoreCSOListViewSelectionChanged, type: Bool, persistent: no


name: ignoreGroupSelectionChanged, type: Bool, persistent: no


name: ignoreGroupListViewSelectionChanged, type: Bool, persistent: no


name: numCSOs, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the number of CSO in the CSOList.


name: numGroups, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the number of CSOGroups in the CSOList.


name: numSelectedCSOs, type: Integer, default: 0

Shows the number of currently selected CSOs in the CSOList.


name: numSelectedGroups, type: Integer, default: 0

Shows the number of currently selected CSOGroups in the CSOList.


name: selectedCSOsGroupIds, type: String