MeVisLab Scripting Reference
MLUndoContextWrapper Class Reference

Inherits MLRefCountedBaseWrapper.

Public Slots

bool addUndoStep (PythonQtObjectPtr step)
void clear ()
void clearRedoSteps ()
void closeUndoGroup ()
bool duringRedo ()
bool duringUndo ()
bool duringUndoOrRedo ()
QStringList getAllRedoDescriptions () const
QStringList getAllUndoDescriptions () const
QString getRedoDescription () const
QString getUndoDescription () const
int numRedoSteps () const
int numUndoSteps () const
void openUndoGroup (const QString &description)
bool redo ()
bool removeAllUndoStepsOfOwner (PythonQtObjectPtr owner)
void removeUndoStep (PythonQtObjectPtr step)
void setUndoLimit (int limit)
bool undo ()
int undoLimit () const


void stateChanged ()

Static Public Member Functions

static ml::RefCountedBase * createObject (const QVariantList &arguments)

Detailed Description

A class that wraps UndoContext objects for use in Python.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addUndoStep

bool MLUndoContextWrapper::addUndoStep ( PythonQtObjectPtr  step)

Add Python object as an undo step.

This object needs to have the following properties:

undo - Must be a callable that performs the undo step.

redo - Must be a callable that performs the redo step.

description - Must be a callable that returns the description or else the description itself; if the description is not a string, repr() is called on the value.

owner (optional) - The object that should be considered as the owner of this undo step. This can be used to remove all undo steps of that owner at once with removeAllUndoStepsOfOwner.

dispose (optional) - A callable that is called when the undo step is removed from the undo context.

If the given object does not meet the requirements, no undo step is added and False is returned.

◆ clear

void MLUndoContextWrapper::clear ( )

Clears the undo/redo stack.

◆ clearRedoSteps

void MLUndoContextWrapper::clearRedoSteps ( )

Clears all redo steps.

◆ closeUndoGroup

void MLUndoContextWrapper::closeUndoGroup ( )

Finishes grouping started with openUndoGroup.

◆ createObject()

static ml::RefCountedBase* MLUndoContextWrapper::createObject ( const QVariantList &  arguments)

Creates a new UndoContext. No arguments need to be provided.

◆ duringRedo

bool MLUndoContextWrapper::duringRedo ( )

Returns true while an redo operation is performed.

◆ duringUndo

bool MLUndoContextWrapper::duringUndo ( )

Returns true while an undo operation is performed.

◆ duringUndoOrRedo

bool MLUndoContextWrapper::duringUndoOrRedo ( )

Returns true while an undo or redo operation is performed.

◆ getAllRedoDescriptions

QStringList MLUndoContextWrapper::getAllRedoDescriptions ( ) const

Returns the description of the all available redo steps, with the next redo step first.

◆ getAllUndoDescriptions

QStringList MLUndoContextWrapper::getAllUndoDescriptions ( ) const

Returns the description of the all available undo steps, with the next undo step first.

◆ getRedoDescription

QString MLUndoContextWrapper::getRedoDescription ( ) const

Returns a description of the next redo step (or an empty string of no redo step is available).

◆ getUndoDescription

QString MLUndoContextWrapper::getUndoDescription ( ) const

Returns a description of the next undo step (or an empty string of no undo step is available).

◆ numRedoSteps

int MLUndoContextWrapper::numRedoSteps ( ) const

Returns the number of available redo steps.

◆ numUndoSteps

int MLUndoContextWrapper::numUndoSteps ( ) const

Returns the number of available undo steps.

◆ openUndoGroup

void MLUndoContextWrapper::openUndoGroup ( const QString &  description)

Opens an undo group; all subsequent performed steps that generate an undo step will grouped and appear under the given description.

closeUndoGroup must be called to finish the grouping. Nesting of calls is allowed.

◆ redo

bool MLUndoContextWrapper::redo ( )

Performs redo, returns false if there was no UndoStep to execute.

◆ removeAllUndoStepsOfOwner

bool MLUndoContextWrapper::removeAllUndoStepsOfOwner ( PythonQtObjectPtr  owner)

Removes all undo steps that have the given owner.

Returns True if any step was removed at all.

◆ removeUndoStep

void MLUndoContextWrapper::removeUndoStep ( PythonQtObjectPtr  step)

Removes UndoStep, also removes all undo operations beyond this operation; if the step belongs to an undo group, the entire group is deleted.

It is expected that users most of the time rather use removeAllUndoStepsOfOwner.

◆ setUndoLimit

void MLUndoContextWrapper::setUndoLimit ( int  limit)

Sets the maximum number of undo/redo steps to retain.

-1 means unlimited. Setting this will remove excess steps (undo steps first).

◆ stateChanged

void MLUndoContextWrapper::stateChanged ( )

Emitted if the state of the UndoContext changes (undo/redo steps have been added or removed).

◆ undo

bool MLUndoContextWrapper::undo ( )

Performs undo, returns false if there was no UndoStep to execute.

◆ undoLimit

int MLUndoContextWrapper::undoLimit ( ) const

Returns the maximum number of undo/redo steps that are retained. -1 means unlimited.