MeVisLab Scripting Reference
CDicomImportResultWrapper | A class that wraps DicomImportResult objects |
CMATEDocument | |
CMLAB | Access to all global functions and objects of MeVisLab (MLAB) |
CMLABAccelControl | Accelerator Control |
CMLABApplicationRunner | A helper object that creates the application macro module and controls the removing of the application when the window is closed |
CMLABBaseDicomTool | Base class for all Dicom tools of this script extension |
CMLABBaseDoubleVectorField | Base field of all vector fields |
CMLABBaseIntVectorField | Base field of all vector fields |
CMLABBoolField | A field containing a boolean value |
CMLABBoxControl | Box control |
CMLABButtonBarControl | ButtonBar control |
CMLABButtonBoxControl | ButtonBox control |
CMLABButtonControl | Button control |
CMLABCheckBoxControl | CheckBox control |
CMLABClientChainCondition | The wrapper for a chain condition |
CMLABClientDelayedCondition | A wrapper for delayed job conditions |
CMLABClientExecutionRecord | This object contains information about execution of a job |
CMLABClientJob | A wrapper for command-line batch jobs managed by the MeVisLabJobScheduler |
CMLABClientJobCondition | A wrapper for simple job conditions |
CMLABClientWatchCondition | A wrapper for directory watch job conditions |
CMLABColorEditControl | ColorEdit control |
CMLABColorField | Field containing a RGB color |
CMLABComboBoxControl | ComboBox control |
CMLABCommonButtonGroupControl | CommonButtonGroup control |
CMLABCustomControl | Custom control |
CMLABDateTimeControl | A control for displaying/editing date/time |
CMLABDesktop | Global MLABDesktop object available in all scripts |
CMLABDicom | Access to global DICOM related functions |
CMLABDicomSurfaceLoadWrapper | A scripting wrapper for the ml::DicomSurfaceLoadSupport class |
CMLABDicomSurfaceSaveWrapper | A scripting wrapper for the ml::DicomSurfaceSaveSupport class |
CMLABDicomSurfaceSupport | A scripting extension offering access to some loading and saving of Dicom Surface Segmentation Objects |
CMLABDicomTag | This class wraps a DCMTree::Const_TagPtr for scripting use |
CMLABDicomTools | A scripting extension offering access to some DICOM tools |
CMLABDicomTree | This class wraps a DCMTree::Const_TreePtr for scripting use |
CMLABDoubleField | A field containing a double value |
CMLABDoubleListField | A field containing a list of doubles |
CMLABDoubleVectorField | Base field of most vector fields |
CMLABDynamicFrameControl | DynamicFrame control |
CMLABEchoSCU | Implements EchoSCU operation |
CMLABEmptyControl | Empty control |
CMLABEngineOutputField | A field containing a Inventor EngineOutput (which has no value and must be connected to another Inventor field) |
CMLABEnumField | A field containing an enumeration value |
CMLABEventFilterControl | EventFilter control |
CMLABField | Base class of all Fields in MLAB |
CMLABFieldControl | Field control |
CMLABFieldListener | A listener calling a script when the field changes |
CMLABFieldListenerControl | FieldListener control |
CMLABFieldOwner | Defines the MLABFieldOwner base class |
CMLABFileDialog | Global MLABFileDialog object available in all script.s |
CMLABFileManager | Global MLABFileManager object available in all scripts |
CMLABFindSCU | This class is the object that executes a DICOM query |
CMLABFloatField | A field containing a float value |
CMLABFrameControl | Frame control |
CMLABFreeFloatControl | FreeFloat control |
CMLABGLSLTextViewControl | GLSLTextView control offers a TextView with GLSL syntax highlighting and completion |
CMLABGraphic | Global MLABGraphic object available in all scripts |
CMLABGraphicsFrame | Frame graphics view item draws a background frame around/below a given child item |
CMLABGraphicsHotArea | HotArea graphics view item |
CMLABGraphicsHotAreaLayer | A layer to contain hot areas |
CMLABGraphicsInventorRenderArea | InventorRenderArea graphics view item |
CMLABGraphicsMouseArea | MouseArea graphics view item allows to handle mouse events via emitted signals |
CMLABGraphicsNetworkView | Network view graphics view item draws a MeVisLab network |
CMLABGraphicsRenderArea | Base class for Inventor/VTK graphics view items |
CMLABGraphicsScene | MLABGraphicsScene extends QGraphicsScene with additional methods |
CMLABGraphicsView | MLABGraphicsView extends QGraphicsView with additional methods |
CMLABGraphicsViewControl | GraphicsView control offers the QGraphicsView/Scene API as MDL control |
CMLABGridControl | Grid control |
CMLABHBoxControl | Horizontal control |
CMLABHttpDownload | MLABHttpDownload object available via MLAB |
CMLABHyperLabelControl | HyperLabel control |
CMLABHyperTextControl | HyperText control |
CMLABIconViewControl | IconView control |
CMLABIDEMainWindow | Main application window for the MDI interface of MLAB |
CMLABIDENetworkWindow | Network window used as document in the MLAB MDI interface |
CMLABImageControl | Image control |
CMLABImageField | A field containing an image |
CMLABImageMapControl | This control displays an 8-bit indexed color image (called label map), overlayed with an anti-aliased full-color image |
CMLABIntegerField | A field containing an integer value |
CMLABIntegerListField | A field containing a list of integers |
CMLABIntervalSliderControl | IntervalSlider control |
CMLABIntVector2Field | A field containing a vector of two integers |
CMLABIntVector3Field | A field containing a vector of 3 integers |
CMLABIntVector6Field | A field containing a vector of 6 integers |
CMLABInventorMaterialEditorControl | MaterialEditor control |
CMLABInventorModule | Defines an Open Inventor module |
CMLABInventorViewerControl | Viewer control |
CMLABJobSchedulerClient | A scripting extension offering access to the MeVisLab job scheduler service, which allows to execute batch jobs in the background even if MeVisLab is not running |
CMLABKeyFrameEditorControl | MLABKeyFrameEditorControl |
CMLABLabelControl | Label control |
CMLABLegacyDoubleVectorField | Base field for vector fields that previously have been represented by string fields |
CMLABLegacyIntVectorField | Base field for vector fields that previously have been represented by string fields |
CMLABLineEditControl | LineEdit control |
CMLABListBoxControl | ListBox control |
CMLABListViewControl | ListView control |
CMLABListViewItem | A single ListView item that contains texts and images for each column used in an MLABListViewControl |
CMLABLogControl | Log control |
CMLABMacroModule | Defines a MacroModule with own fields and an optional internal network |
CMLABMatrixField | A field containing a 4x4 matrix |
CMLABMenuBarControl | MenuBar control |
CMLABMLBaseField | A field containing a ML Base object pointer |
CMLABMLModule | Defines an ML (MeVis Image Processing Library) module |
CMLABMLScriptWrapper | Access to some global functions of the ML |
CMLABModule | Baseclass for modules in an MLABNetwork |
CMLABModuleDependency | The MLABModuleDependency object is available via MLAB |
CMLABMoveSCU | Implements MoveSCU operation |
CMLABMoviePlayerControl | Movie Player widget that can show movie files as an embedded viewer |
CMLABMutableDicomTag | This class wraps a DCMTree::TagPtr for scripting use |
CMLABMutableDicomTree | This class wraps a DCMTree::TreePtr for scripting use |
CMLABNetwork | This class represents a network of MLABModule instances |
CMLABNetworkModelItem | This is an item that is layouted in a network layout |
CMLABNetworkModelItemGroup | This class groups groupable network model items |
CMLABNetworkViewControl | NetworkView control |
CMLABNoteItem | A network model item that is used for putting notes onto a network |
CMLABNumberControl | NumberEdit control |
CMLABNumberField | Base field for fields containing a single number |
CMLABOtherField | A field containing a string value |
CMLABPackage | Stores information about a MeVisLab package |
CMLABPackageManager | Manages MeVisLab module packages |
CMLABPanelControl | Panel control |
CMLABPathBrowserControl | PathBrowser control |
CMLABPlainDicomTool | This class handles setup and finalization of associations for MLABMoveSCU and MLABEchoSCU |
CMLABPlaneField | Field containing a plane equation |
CMLABPopupMenuControl | PopupMenu control |
CMLABPrinter | MLABPrinter object available via MLAB |
CMLABProcess | MLABProcess object available via MLAB |
CMLABProgressBarControl | ProgressBar control |
CMLABPushButtonGroupControl | PushButtonGroup control |
CMLABPushOrToolButtonGroupControl | PushOrToolButtonGroup control |
CMLABPythonTextViewControl | PythonTextView control offers a TextView with Python completion |
CMLABPythonWidgetControl | Python widget control |
CMLABQuickViewControl | QuickView control offers the Qt Quick/QML API as MDL control |
CMLABRadioButtonGroupControl | RadioButtonGroup control |
CMLABRecentFilesHandler | MLABRecentFilesHandler |
CMLABRemoteModule | Defines a (proxy) module that is executed in a remote worker instance; this is actually an ML module with some special handling |
CMLABRotationField | Field containing a rotation given by 3D axis and an angle |
CMLABScreenshotGalleryControl | Screenshot Gallery control |
CMLABScriptConsoleControl | ScriptingConsole control |
CMLABScrollViewControl | ScrollView control |
CMLABSeparatorControl | Separator control |
CMLABSimpleWebEnginePage | MLABSimpleWebEnginePage extends QWebEnginePage to make it able to handle clicked links |
CMLABSimpleWidgetControl | A simple widget controls |
CMLABSliderControl | Slider control |
CMLABSoNodeField | A field containing a SoNode pointer value |
CMLABSoNodeSensor | A helper class to watch a SoNode with a SoNodeSensor |
CMLABSoPathField | A field containing a SoPath pointer value |
CMLABSplitterControl | Splitter control |
CMLABSqlDatabase | MLABSqlDatabase |
CMLABSqlQuery | MLABSqlQuery |
CMLAbstractItemModelWrapper | This class wraps the class ml::AbstractItemModel |
CMLAbstractTransformationWrapper | This class wraps the class ml::AbstractTransformation |
CMLABStringField | A field containing a string value |
CMLABSystemInfo | Global MLABSystemInfo object available in all scripts |
CMLABTableControl | Table control |
CMLABTabViewControl | TabView control |
CMLABTextViewControl | TextView control |
CMLABThumbWheelControl | ThumbWheel control |
CMLABToolButtonControl | ToolButton control |
CMLABToolButtonGroupControl | ToolButtonGroup control |
CMLABTree | MLAB Tree element of parsed MDL files |
CMLABTreeValidator | Validates a given MLABTree |
CMLABTriggerField | A field that triggers an action and has no value (alias ML Notify field and SoSFTrigger) |
CMLABVBoxControl | Vertical control |
CMLABVector2Field | A field containing a vector of two doubles |
CMLABVector2ListField | A field containing a list of Vector2 |
CMLABVector3Field | A field containing a vector of three doubles |
CMLABVector3ListField | A field containing a list of Vector3 |
CMLABVector4Field | A field containing a vector of four doubles |
CMLABVector4ListField | A field containing a list of Vector4 |
CMLABVector6Field | A field containing a vector of six doubles |
CMLABVectorControl | VectorEdit control |
CMLABVectorField | Base field of all vector fields |
CMLABVTKGraphicsItem | GraphicsView item that allows to render a VTK scene |
CMLABVTKRenderWidgetControl | Class to wrap the QVTKWidget into MeVisLab and to show outputs of wrapper modules of vtkRenderers in MeVisLab GUIs |
CMLABWebEngineViewControl | WebEngineView control offers a HTML browser engine based on Chromium/QtWebEngine. |
CMLABWebGraphicsProxyWidget | MLABWebGraphicsProxyWidget extends QGraphicsProxyWidget to allow setter methods for URL/HTML |
CMLABWidgetControl | Base class for controls in MLAB |
CMLABWindowControl | Window control |
CMLAccessDirectDicomImportWrapper | This class wraps MLAccessDirectDicomImportCache objects |
CMLBaseGraphItemWrapper | A class that wraps BaseGraphItem objects for use in scripting |
CMLCSOEventWrapper | A class that wraps CSOEvents objects for use in scripting |
CMLCSOGroupWrapper | A class that wraps CSOGroup objects for use in scripting |
CMLCSOListWrapper | A class that wraps CSOList objects for use in scripting |
CMLCSOVoxelSetGroupWrapper | A class that wraps CSOVoxelSetGroup objects for use in scripting |
CMLCSOVoxelSetListWrapper | A class that wraps CSOVoxelSetList objects for use in scripting |
CMLCSOVoxelSetWrapper | A class that wraps CSOVoxelSet objects for use in scripting |
CMLCSOWrapper | A class that wraps CSO objects for use in scripting |
CMLCurveDataWrapper | A class that wraps CurveData objects for use in Python |
CMLCurveListWrapper | A class that wraps CurveList objects for use in Python |
CMLDirectDicomImportWrapper | This class wraps the MultiFileVolumeList of the output connector of ml::DirectDicomImport such that it can be accessed from Python |
CMLGraphWrapper | A class that wraps Graph objects for use in scripting |
CMLKeyFrameListWrapper | A class that wraps KeyFrameList objects for use in scripting |
CMLKeyFrameWrapper | A class that wraps KeyFrame objects for use in scripting |
CMLMultiFileVolumeListBaseOutputWrapper | This class is an object wrapper for Python allowing access to MultiFileVolumeList objects at outputs of classes derived from MultiFileVolumeListBaseOutput |
CMLMultiFileVolumeListWrapper | Direct object wrapper class for a reference counted MultiFileVolumeList in Python |
CMLMultiFileVolumeListWrapperBase | This class is a base class for object wrappers for sources of MultiFileVolumeList instances for Python |
CMLMultiFileVolumeWrapper | This class is an object wrapper for MultiFileVolume objects for Python |
CMLOpenVDBGridWrapper | A class that wraps an OpenVDB grid (and some auxillary data) |
CMLOpenVDBToolsWrapper | A scripting extension offering access to some OpenVDB sparse level-set operations |
CMLPagedImageWrapper | This class allows scripting read access to a ml::PagedImage |
CMLPCLBaseObjectWrapper | This class is an object wrapper for MultiFileVolume objects for Python |
CMLPropertyContainerWrapper | A class that wraps PropertyContainer objects for use in scripting |
CMLPythonItemModelWrapper | This class wraps the class ml::PythonItemModel and thus provides an item model that takes its data from a Python object |
CMLPythonModuleWrapper | A ML module that supports image processing implemented in Python |
CMLRemoteCallInterfaceWrapper | Script wrapper for RemoteCallInterface |
CMLRemoteRenderingSlaveWrapper | Script wrapper for a single RemoteRendering slave |
CMLRemoteRenderingWebChannelSlaveWrapper | QObject wrapper for a single RemoteRendering slave, to be registered with a WebEngineView control |
CMLRemoteRenderingWrapper | Script wrapper for RemoteRendering interface |
CMLSelectedClustersWrapper | Access the clusters generated with the ComputeConnectedComponents module |
CMLSkeletonWrapper | A class that wraps Skeleton objects for use in scripting |
CMLStandardItemModelWrapper | This class wraps the class ml::StandardItemModel and thus provides an item model that can be created from scripting |
CMLStandardTransformationProviderWrapper | This class wraps the class ml::StandardTransformationProvider |
CMLTransformationProviderWrapper | This class wraps the class ml::TransformationProvider |
CMLUndoContextWrapper | A class that wraps UndoContext objects for use in Python |
CMLVesselEdgeWrapper | A class that wraps VesselEdge objects for use in scripting |
CMLVesselNodeWrapper | A class that wraps VesselNode objects for use in scripting |
CMLWEMBoundingVolumeHierarchyWrapper | A class that wraps WEMBoundingVolumeHierarchy objects for fast ray intersection |
CMLWEMIntersectionWrapper | Result of a WEMBoundingVolumeHierarchy intersection |
CMLWEMNearestPointWrapper | A class that wraps a WEMNearestPointOnSurface object for use in scripting |
CMLWEMPatchWrapper | A class that wraps WEMPatch objects for use in scripting |
CMLWEMPrimitiveValueListWrapper | A class that wraps WEMPrimitiveValueList objects for use in scripting |
CMLWEMWrapper | A class that wraps WEM objects for use in scripting |
CMLWriteablePagedImageWrapper | This class allows read/write access to a ml::PagedImage |
CMLXMarkerListWrapper | A class that wraps XMarkerList objects for use in Python |
CMLXMarkerWrapper | A class that wraps XMarker objects for use in Python |
CModelIndexWrapper | |
CPySubImage | Allows access to the data of an ML subimage |
CSoOrthoView2DWrapper | A class that wraps SoOrthoView2D modules for use in Python |
CSoView2DWrapper | A class that wraps SoView2D modules for use in Python |
CSoViewportRegionWrapper | A class that wraps SoViewportRegion modules for use in Python |
CTransformationChangedEventWrapper | This class wraps the class ml::TransformationChangedEvent |
CTransformationProviderMappingPathWrapper | This class wraps the class ml::TransformationProvider::MappingPath |