MeVisLab Scripting Reference
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CDicomImportResultWrapperA class that wraps DicomImportResult objects
 CMLABAccess to all global functions and objects of MeVisLab (MLAB)
 CMLABAccelControlAccelerator Control
 CMLABApplicationRunnerA helper object that creates the application macro module and controls the removing of the application when the window is closed
 CMLABBaseDicomToolBase class for all Dicom tools of this script extension
 CMLABBaseDoubleVectorFieldBase field of all vector fields
 CMLABBaseIntVectorFieldBase field of all vector fields
 CMLABBoolFieldA field containing a boolean value
 CMLABBoxControlBox control
 CMLABButtonBarControlButtonBar control
 CMLABButtonBoxControlButtonBox control
 CMLABButtonControlButton control
 CMLABCheckBoxControlCheckBox control
 CMLABClientChainConditionThe wrapper for a chain condition
 CMLABClientDelayedConditionA wrapper for delayed job conditions
 CMLABClientExecutionRecordThis object contains information about execution of a job
 CMLABClientJobA wrapper for command-line batch jobs managed by the MeVisLabJobScheduler
 CMLABClientJobConditionA wrapper for simple job conditions
 CMLABClientWatchConditionA wrapper for directory watch job conditions
 CMLABColorEditControlColorEdit control
 CMLABColorFieldField containing a RGB color
 CMLABComboBoxControlComboBox control
 CMLABCommonButtonGroupControlCommonButtonGroup control
 CMLABCustomControlCustom control
 CMLABDateTimeControlA control for displaying/editing date/time
 CMLABDesktopGlobal MLABDesktop object available in all scripts
 CMLABDicomAccess to global DICOM related functions
 CMLABDicomSurfaceLoadWrapperA scripting wrapper for the ml::DicomSurfaceLoadSupport class
 CMLABDicomSurfaceSaveWrapperA scripting wrapper for the ml::DicomSurfaceSaveSupport class
 CMLABDicomSurfaceSupportA scripting extension offering access to some loading and saving of Dicom Surface Segmentation Objects
 CMLABDicomTagThis class wraps a DCMTree::Const_TagPtr for scripting use
 CMLABDicomToolsA scripting extension offering access to some DICOM tools
 CMLABDicomTreeThis class wraps a DCMTree::Const_TreePtr for scripting use
 CMLABDoubleFieldA field containing a double value
 CMLABDoubleListFieldA field containing a list of doubles
 CMLABDoubleVectorFieldBase field of most vector fields
 CMLABDynamicFrameControlDynamicFrame control
 CMLABEchoSCUImplements EchoSCU operation
 CMLABEmptyControlEmpty control
 CMLABEngineOutputFieldA field containing a Inventor EngineOutput (which has no value and must be connected to another Inventor field)
 CMLABEnumFieldA field containing an enumeration value
 CMLABEventFilterControlEventFilter control
 CMLABFieldBase class of all Fields in MLAB
 CMLABFieldControlField control
 CMLABFieldListenerA listener calling a script when the field changes
 CMLABFieldListenerControlFieldListener control
 CMLABFieldOwnerDefines the MLABFieldOwner base class
 CMLABFileDialogGlobal MLABFileDialog object available in all script.s
 CMLABFileManagerGlobal MLABFileManager object available in all scripts
 CMLABFindSCUThis class is the object that executes a DICOM query
 CMLABFloatFieldA field containing a float value
 CMLABFrameControlFrame control
 CMLABFreeFloatControlFreeFloat control
 CMLABGLSLTextViewControlGLSLTextView control offers a TextView with GLSL syntax highlighting and completion
 CMLABGraphicGlobal MLABGraphic object available in all scripts
 CMLABGraphicsFrameFrame graphics view item draws a background frame around/below a given child item
 CMLABGraphicsHotAreaHotArea graphics view item
 CMLABGraphicsHotAreaLayerA layer to contain hot areas
 CMLABGraphicsInventorRenderAreaInventorRenderArea graphics view item
 CMLABGraphicsMouseAreaMouseArea graphics view item allows to handle mouse events via emitted signals
 CMLABGraphicsNetworkViewNetwork view graphics view item draws a MeVisLab network
 CMLABGraphicsRenderAreaBase class for Inventor/VTK graphics view items
 CMLABGraphicsSceneMLABGraphicsScene extends QGraphicsScene with additional methods
 CMLABGraphicsViewMLABGraphicsView extends QGraphicsView with additional methods
 CMLABGraphicsViewControlGraphicsView control offers the QGraphicsView/Scene API as MDL control
 CMLABGridControlGrid control
 CMLABHBoxControlHorizontal control
 CMLABHttpDownloadMLABHttpDownload object available via MLAB
 CMLABHyperLabelControlHyperLabel control
 CMLABHyperTextControlHyperText control
 CMLABIconViewControlIconView control
 CMLABIDEMainWindowMain application window for the MDI interface of MLAB
 CMLABIDENetworkWindowNetwork window used as document in the MLAB MDI interface
 CMLABImageControlImage control
 CMLABImageFieldA field containing an image
 CMLABImageMapControlThis control displays an 8-bit indexed color image (called label map), overlayed with an anti-aliased full-color image
 CMLABIntegerFieldA field containing an integer value
 CMLABIntegerListFieldA field containing a list of integers
 CMLABIntervalSliderControlIntervalSlider control
 CMLABIntVector2FieldA field containing a vector of two integers
 CMLABIntVector3FieldA field containing a vector of 3 integers
 CMLABIntVector6FieldA field containing a vector of 6 integers
 CMLABInventorMaterialEditorControlMaterialEditor control
 CMLABInventorModuleDefines an Open Inventor module
 CMLABInventorViewerControlViewer control
 CMLABJobSchedulerClientA scripting extension offering access to the MeVisLab job scheduler service, which allows to execute batch jobs in the background even if MeVisLab is not running
 CMLABLabelControlLabel control
 CMLABLegacyDoubleVectorFieldBase field for vector fields that previously have been represented by string fields
 CMLABLegacyIntVectorFieldBase field for vector fields that previously have been represented by string fields
 CMLABLineEditControlLineEdit control
 CMLABListBoxControlListBox control
 CMLABListViewControlListView control
 CMLABListViewItemA single ListView item that contains texts and images for each column used in an MLABListViewControl
 CMLABLogControlLog control
 CMLABMacroModuleDefines a MacroModule with own fields and an optional internal network
 CMLABMatrixFieldA field containing a 4x4 matrix
 CMLABMenuBarControlMenuBar control
 CMLABMLBaseFieldA field containing a ML Base object pointer
 CMLABMLModuleDefines an ML (MeVis Image Processing Library) module
 CMLABMLScriptWrapperAccess to some global functions of the ML
 CMLABModuleBaseclass for modules in an MLABNetwork
 CMLABModuleDependencyThe MLABModuleDependency object is available via MLAB
 CMLABMoveSCUImplements MoveSCU operation
 CMLABMoviePlayerControlMovie Player widget that can show movie files as an embedded viewer
 CMLABMutableDicomTagThis class wraps a DCMTree::TagPtr for scripting use
 CMLABMutableDicomTreeThis class wraps a DCMTree::TreePtr for scripting use
 CMLABNetworkThis class represents a network of MLABModule instances
 CMLABNetworkModelItemThis is an item that is layouted in a network layout
 CMLABNetworkModelItemGroupThis class groups groupable network model items
 CMLABNetworkViewControlNetworkView control
 CMLABNoteItemA network model item that is used for putting notes onto a network
 CMLABNumberControlNumberEdit control
 CMLABNumberFieldBase field for fields containing a single number
 CMLABOtherFieldA field containing a string value
 CMLABPackageStores information about a MeVisLab package
 CMLABPackageManagerManages MeVisLab module packages
 CMLABPanelControlPanel control
 CMLABPathBrowserControlPathBrowser control
 CMLABPlainDicomToolThis class handles setup and finalization of associations for MLABMoveSCU and MLABEchoSCU
 CMLABPlaneFieldField containing a plane equation
 CMLABPopupMenuControlPopupMenu control
 CMLABPrinterMLABPrinter object available via MLAB
 CMLABProcessMLABProcess object available via MLAB
 CMLABProgressBarControlProgressBar control
 CMLABPushButtonGroupControlPushButtonGroup control
 CMLABPushOrToolButtonGroupControlPushOrToolButtonGroup control
 CMLABPythonTextViewControlPythonTextView control offers a TextView with Python completion
 CMLABPythonWidgetControlPython widget control
 CMLABQuickViewControlQuickView control offers the Qt Quick/QML API as MDL control
 CMLABRadioButtonGroupControlRadioButtonGroup control
 CMLABRemoteModuleDefines a (proxy) module that is executed in a remote worker instance; this is actually an ML module with some special handling
 CMLABRotationFieldField containing a rotation given by 3D axis and an angle
 CMLABScreenshotGalleryControlScreenshot Gallery control
 CMLABScriptConsoleControlScriptingConsole control
 CMLABScrollViewControlScrollView control
 CMLABSeparatorControlSeparator control
 CMLABSimpleWebEnginePageMLABSimpleWebEnginePage extends QWebEnginePage to make it able to handle clicked links
 CMLABSimpleWidgetControlA simple widget controls
 CMLABSliderControlSlider control
 CMLABSoNodeFieldA field containing a SoNode pointer value
 CMLABSoNodeSensorA helper class to watch a SoNode with a SoNodeSensor
 CMLABSoPathFieldA field containing a SoPath pointer value
 CMLABSplitterControlSplitter control
 CMLAbstractItemModelWrapperThis class wraps the class ml::AbstractItemModel
 CMLAbstractTransformationWrapperThis class wraps the class ml::AbstractTransformation
 CMLABStringFieldA field containing a string value
 CMLABSystemInfoGlobal MLABSystemInfo object available in all scripts
 CMLABTableControlTable control
 CMLABTabViewControlTabView control
 CMLABTextViewControlTextView control
 CMLABThumbWheelControlThumbWheel control
 CMLABToolButtonControlToolButton control
 CMLABToolButtonGroupControlToolButtonGroup control
 CMLABTreeMLAB Tree element of parsed MDL files
 CMLABTreeValidatorValidates a given MLABTree
 CMLABTriggerFieldA field that triggers an action and has no value (alias ML Notify field and SoSFTrigger)
 CMLABVBoxControlVertical control
 CMLABVector2FieldA field containing a vector of two doubles
 CMLABVector2ListFieldA field containing a list of Vector2
 CMLABVector3FieldA field containing a vector of three doubles
 CMLABVector3ListFieldA field containing a list of Vector3
 CMLABVector4FieldA field containing a vector of four doubles
 CMLABVector4ListFieldA field containing a list of Vector4
 CMLABVector6FieldA field containing a vector of six doubles
 CMLABVectorControlVectorEdit control
 CMLABVectorFieldBase field of all vector fields
 CMLABVTKGraphicsItemGraphicsView item that allows to render a VTK scene
 CMLABVTKRenderWidgetControlClass to wrap the QVTKWidget into MeVisLab and to show outputs of wrapper modules of vtkRenderers in MeVisLab GUIs
 CMLABWebEngineViewControlWebEngineView control offers a HTML browser engine based on Chromium/QtWebEngine.
 CMLABWebGraphicsProxyWidgetMLABWebGraphicsProxyWidget extends QGraphicsProxyWidget to allow setter methods for URL/HTML
 CMLABWidgetControlBase class for controls in MLAB
 CMLABWindowControlWindow control
 CMLAccessDirectDicomImportWrapperThis class wraps MLAccessDirectDicomImportCache objects
 CMLBaseGraphItemWrapperA class that wraps BaseGraphItem objects for use in scripting
 CMLCSOEventWrapperA class that wraps CSOEvents objects for use in scripting
 CMLCSOGroupWrapperA class that wraps CSOGroup objects for use in scripting
 CMLCSOListWrapperA class that wraps CSOList objects for use in scripting
 CMLCSOVoxelSetGroupWrapperA class that wraps CSOVoxelSetGroup objects for use in scripting
 CMLCSOVoxelSetListWrapperA class that wraps CSOVoxelSetList objects for use in scripting
 CMLCSOVoxelSetWrapperA class that wraps CSOVoxelSet objects for use in scripting
 CMLCSOWrapperA class that wraps CSO objects for use in scripting
 CMLCurveDataWrapperA class that wraps CurveData objects for use in Python
 CMLCurveListWrapperA class that wraps CurveList objects for use in Python
 CMLDirectDicomImportWrapperThis class wraps the MultiFileVolumeList of the output connector of ml::DirectDicomImport such that it can be accessed from Python
 CMLGraphWrapperA class that wraps Graph objects for use in scripting
 CMLKeyFrameListWrapperA class that wraps KeyFrameList objects for use in scripting
 CMLKeyFrameWrapperA class that wraps KeyFrame objects for use in scripting
 CMLMultiFileVolumeListBaseOutputWrapperThis class is an object wrapper for Python allowing access to MultiFileVolumeList objects at outputs of classes derived from MultiFileVolumeListBaseOutput
 CMLMultiFileVolumeListWrapperDirect object wrapper class for a reference counted MultiFileVolumeList in Python
 CMLMultiFileVolumeListWrapperBaseThis class is a base class for object wrappers for sources of MultiFileVolumeList instances for Python
 CMLMultiFileVolumeWrapperThis class is an object wrapper for MultiFileVolume objects for Python
 CMLOpenVDBGridWrapperA class that wraps an OpenVDB grid (and some auxillary data)
 CMLOpenVDBToolsWrapperA scripting extension offering access to some OpenVDB sparse level-set operations
 CMLPagedImageWrapperThis class allows scripting read access to a ml::PagedImage
 CMLPCLBaseObjectWrapperThis class is an object wrapper for MultiFileVolume objects for Python
 CMLPropertyContainerWrapperA class that wraps PropertyContainer objects for use in scripting
 CMLPythonItemModelWrapperThis class wraps the class ml::PythonItemModel and thus provides an item model that takes its data from a Python object
 CMLPythonModuleWrapperA ML module that supports image processing implemented in Python
 CMLRemoteCallInterfaceWrapperScript wrapper for RemoteCallInterface
 CMLRemoteRenderingSlaveWrapperScript wrapper for a single RemoteRendering slave
 CMLRemoteRenderingWebChannelSlaveWrapperQObject wrapper for a single RemoteRendering slave, to be registered with a WebEngineView control
 CMLRemoteRenderingWrapperScript wrapper for RemoteRendering interface
 CMLSelectedClustersWrapperAccess the clusters generated with the ComputeConnectedComponents module
 CMLSkeletonWrapperA class that wraps Skeleton objects for use in scripting
 CMLStandardItemModelWrapperThis class wraps the class ml::StandardItemModel and thus provides an item model that can be created from scripting
 CMLStandardTransformationProviderWrapperThis class wraps the class ml::StandardTransformationProvider
 CMLTransformationProviderWrapperThis class wraps the class ml::TransformationProvider
 CMLUndoContextWrapperA class that wraps UndoContext objects for use in Python
 CMLVesselEdgeWrapperA class that wraps VesselEdge objects for use in scripting
 CMLVesselNodeWrapperA class that wraps VesselNode objects for use in scripting
 CMLWEMBoundingVolumeHierarchyWrapperA class that wraps WEMBoundingVolumeHierarchy objects for fast ray intersection
 CMLWEMIntersectionWrapperResult of a WEMBoundingVolumeHierarchy intersection
 CMLWEMNearestPointWrapperA class that wraps a WEMNearestPointOnSurface object for use in scripting
 CMLWEMPatchWrapperA class that wraps WEMPatch objects for use in scripting
 CMLWEMPrimitiveValueListWrapperA class that wraps WEMPrimitiveValueList objects for use in scripting
 CMLWEMWrapperA class that wraps WEM objects for use in scripting
 CMLWriteablePagedImageWrapperThis class allows read/write access to a ml::PagedImage
 CMLXMarkerListWrapperA class that wraps XMarkerList objects for use in Python
 CMLXMarkerWrapperA class that wraps XMarker objects for use in Python
 CPySubImageAllows access to the data of an ML subimage
 CSoOrthoView2DWrapperA class that wraps SoOrthoView2D modules for use in Python
 CSoView2DWrapperA class that wraps SoView2D modules for use in Python
 CSoViewportRegionWrapperA class that wraps SoViewportRegion modules for use in Python
 CTransformationChangedEventWrapperThis class wraps the class ml::TransformationChangedEvent
 CTransformationProviderMappingPathWrapperThis class wraps the class ml::TransformationProvider::MappingPath