MeVisLab Scripting Reference
MLABHyperTextControl Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for MLABHyperTextControl:
MLABFrameControl MLABSimpleWidgetControl MLABWidgetControl MLABHyperLabelControl

Public Slots

Script access.

void setText (const QString &title)
void appendText (const QString &text)
void setTextFile (const QString &abspath)
void setTitle (const QString &title) override
void backward ()
void forward ()
void scrollToAnchor (const QString &name)
void replaceText (const QString &text, const QString &tag)
QTextDocument * document ()
void setSizeHint (const QSize &size) override
- Public Slots inherited from MLABWidgetControl
void adjustSize ()
virtual void setEnabled (bool flag)
virtual void setVisible (bool flag)
virtual bool isVisible ()
virtual void setFocus ()
virtual bool hasFocus ()
virtual void setToolTip (const QString &string)
virtual void setWhatsThis (const QString &string)
void displayWhatsThis ()
void displayWhatsThis (const QString &text)
virtual void setTitle (const QString &)
QWidget * widget ()
QLayout * layout ()
virtual QString windowHandle ()
virtual bool createScreenshot (const QString &filename, bool grabFromScreen=true, bool scaleToLowRes=false)
bool isReloadable () const
void reload (MLABTree *tree)
QString createGlobalScreenshot ()
QString applicationName ()
QSize size ()
int width ()
int height ()
int minWidth ()
int minHeight ()
int maxWidth ()
int maxHeight ()
virtual void setMinWidth (int s)
virtual void setMinHeight (int s)
void setMaxWidth (int s)
void setMaxHeight (int s)
QSize sizeHint ()
QSize minSize ()
QSize maxSize ()
void setMinSize (QSize size)
void setMaxSize (QSize size)
void updateLayout ()
int windowID ()
MLABWidgetControlcontrol (const QString &name)
float scaleFactor ()
MLABModulemodule ()
QString getType ()
QString getName ()
bool acceptDrops ()
void setAcceptDrops (bool flag)
void raiseWidget ()
void setStyleSheetFromString (const QString &styleSheetText)
void setStyleSheetFromFile (const QString &styleSheetFileName)
MLABTreetree ()
void updateMaxSize ()
bool expandX ()
bool expandY ()
MLABTreePtr getDefaultTagValues () const
virtual bool hasUncommittedChanges () const
virtual void applyUncommittedChanges ()
virtual void revertUncommittedChanges ()
MLABFieldfield () const

Detailed Description

HyperText control.

Control for showing RichText with click-able anchors.

MDL reference: HyperText

Member Function Documentation

◆ appendText

void MLABHyperTextControl::appendText ( const QString &  text)

Appends the text.

◆ backward

void MLABHyperTextControl::backward ( )

Moves to the previous file (if possible).

◆ document

QTextDocument* MLABHyperTextControl::document ( )

Returns access to the document (e.g., for printing with MLABPrinter).

◆ forward

void MLABHyperTextControl::forward ( )

Moves to the next file (if possible).

◆ replaceText

void MLABHyperTextControl::replaceText ( const QString &  text,
const QString &  tag 

Replaces text at given tag (tag name must start with "tag" to avoid conflicts with normal HTML).

◆ scrollToAnchor

void MLABHyperTextControl::scrollToAnchor ( const QString &  name)

Scrolls to the given anchor in the text. Anchors can be defined using the tag in the text.

◆ setSizeHint

void MLABHyperTextControl::setSizeHint ( const QSize &  size)

Sets the size hint.

◆ setText

void MLABHyperTextControl::setText ( const QString &  title)

Sets the title of the control.

◆ setTextFile

void MLABHyperTextControl::setTextFile ( const QString &  abspath)

Sets the text of the control via a file.

◆ setTitle

void MLABHyperTextControl::setTitle ( const QString &  title)

Sets the title of the control (same as setTitle).

This method is deprecated and will be removed!