MeVisLab Scripting Reference
MLABButtonControl Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for MLABButtonControl:
MLABSimpleWidgetControl MLABWidgetControl

Public Types

enum  ButtonRole {
  AcceptRole = QDialogButtonBox::AcceptRole , RejectRole = QDialogButtonBox::RejectRole , DestructiveRole = QDialogButtonBox::DestructiveRole , ActionRole = QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole ,
  HelpRole = QDialogButtonBox::HelpRole , YesRole = QDialogButtonBox::YesRole , NoRole = QDialogButtonBox::NoRole , ApplyRole = QDialogButtonBox::ApplyRole ,
  ResetRole = QDialogButtonBox::ResetRole

Public Slots

Scripting access.

void setTitle (const QString &title) override
QString title () const
void setPixmapFile (const QString &filename)
void setPixmap (const QPixmap &pixmap)
void setIcon (const QIcon &icon)
void setIconSize (const QSize &size)
QSize iconSize () const
void setRole (ButtonRole role)
- Public Slots inherited from MLABWidgetControl
void adjustSize ()
virtual void setEnabled (bool flag)
virtual void setVisible (bool flag)
virtual bool isVisible ()
virtual void setFocus ()
virtual bool hasFocus ()
virtual void setToolTip (const QString &string)
virtual void setWhatsThis (const QString &string)
void displayWhatsThis ()
void displayWhatsThis (const QString &text)
virtual void setTitle (const QString &)
QWidget * widget ()
QLayout * layout ()
virtual QString windowHandle ()
virtual bool createScreenshot (const QString &filename, bool grabFromScreen=true, bool scaleToLowRes=false)
bool isReloadable () const
void reload (MLABTree *tree)
QString createGlobalScreenshot ()
QString applicationName ()
QSize size ()
int width ()
int height ()
int minWidth ()
int minHeight ()
int maxWidth ()
int maxHeight ()
virtual void setMinWidth (int s)
virtual void setMinHeight (int s)
void setMaxWidth (int s)
void setMaxHeight (int s)
QSize sizeHint ()
QSize minSize ()
QSize maxSize ()
void setMinSize (QSize size)
void setMaxSize (QSize size)
void updateLayout ()
int windowID ()
MLABWidgetControlcontrol (const QString &name)
float scaleFactor ()
MLABModulemodule ()
QString getType ()
QString getName ()
bool acceptDrops ()
void setAcceptDrops (bool flag)
void raiseWidget ()
void setStyleSheetFromString (const QString &styleSheetText)
void setStyleSheetFromFile (const QString &styleSheetFileName)
MLABTreetree ()
void updateMaxSize ()
bool expandX ()
bool expandY ()
MLABTreePtr getDefaultTagValues () const
virtual bool hasUncommittedChanges () const
virtual void applyUncommittedChanges ()
virtual void revertUncommittedChanges ()
MLABFieldfield () const

Detailed Description

Button control.

This control shows a push button.

MDL reference: Button

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ ButtonRole

Role of button in window/dialog.


Clicking the button causes the dialog to be accepted (e.g., OK).


Clicking the button causes the dialog to be rejected (e.g., Cancel).


Clicking the button causes a destructive change (e.g., for Discarding Changes) and closes the dialog.


Clicking the button causes changes to the elements within the dialog.


The button can be clicked to request help.


The button is a "Yes"-like button.


The button is a "No"-like button.


The button applies current changes.


The button resets the dialog's fields to default values.

Member Function Documentation

◆ iconSize

QSize MLABButtonControl::iconSize ( ) const

Returns the current icon size of the button.

◆ setIcon

void MLABButtonControl::setIcon ( const QIcon &  icon)

Sets a new icon.

◆ setIconSize

void MLABButtonControl::setIconSize ( const QSize &  size)

Sets a different icon size for the used icon.

◆ setPixmap

void MLABButtonControl::setPixmap ( const QPixmap &  pixmap)

Sets the icon of the button from given pixmap.

This method sets the icon size of the button to the size of the pixmap. If you want to use a different icon size, you can call setIconSize() after setting the pixmap.

◆ setPixmapFile

void MLABButtonControl::setPixmapFile ( const QString &  filename)

Sets the icon of the button from given file (absolute filename required).

This method sets the icon size of the button to the size of the pixmap. If you want to use a different icon size, you can call setIconSize() after setting the pixmap.

◆ setRole

void MLABButtonControl::setRole ( ButtonRole  role)

Sets the role of the button.

◆ setTitle

void MLABButtonControl::setTitle ( const QString &  title)

Sets the title of the button.

◆ title

QString MLABButtonControl::title ( ) const

Returns the title of the button.