MeVisLab Scripting Reference
MLABInventorModule Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for MLABInventorModule:
MLABMLModule MLABModule MLABFieldOwner

Public Slots

MLABSoNodeSensorcreateNodeSensor (int priority=100)
SoFieldContainer * inventorObject ()
QObject * object () override
If a node is in override mode, it overrides all subsequent similiar settings in the scene graph.
bool isOverride ()
void setOverride (bool flag)
void toggleOverride ()
Dynamic access to Inventor children.

int getNumChildren ()
MLABSoNodeFieldchildAtIndex (int idx)
void addChild (MLABSoNodeField *field, bool undoable=true)
void addChildAtIndex (MLABSoNodeField *field, int idx)
void removeChild (MLABSoNodeField *field)
void removeChildAtIndex (int idx)
void removeChildren ()
void deleteChild (MLABSoNodeField *field)
void deleteChildAtIndex (int idx)
void deleteChildren ()
- Public Slots inherited from MLABMLModule
virtual QObject * object ()
- Public Slots inherited from MLABModule
void copyInstanceName ()
void editInstanceNameWithRequester ()
void editModuleHelp ()
QString exampleNetworkFile ()
QStringList exampleNetworkFiles ()
virtual void forceReload ()
QString getMLABFile ()
QString getModuleDefinitionFolder ()
QString getModuleHelpFile ()
QString getModuleSourcesFolder ()
QStringList getScriptSourceFiles ()
bool hasModuleHelp ()
bool isDefinedInsideProject () const
bool isLazyLoading () const
MLABTreemdlTree ()
void openMLABFile ()
void openModuleDefinition ()
void openScriptSourceFiles ()
virtual void reload ()
void restoreDefaultValues ()
virtual bool shouldReload ()
void showContextMenu ()
void showDLLDependency ()
void showExampleNetwork ()
void showHtmlHelp ()
void showModuleInNetwork (bool openNetworkTabAfterCurrentNetworkTab=false)
MLABWindowControlshowScriptConsole ()
void updateModuleHelp ()
MLABMacroModuleparentMacro () const
MLABMacroModuleparent ()
MLABMacroModuleapplicationMacro (bool shouldWarnIfNotMacro=true)
bool isDescendentOf (MLABModule *module)
bool isDescendentOfNetwork (MLABNetwork *network)
MLABNetworkparentNetwork () const override
MLABNetworkowner ()
virtual MLABNetworknetwork ()
virtual bool isMacroModule ()
void createScriptingContext (const QString &language)
bool hasFunction (const QString &functionName)
QVariant scriptVariable (const QString &name)
void setScriptVariable (const QString &name, const QVariant &value)
void deleteScriptVariable (const QString &name)
QVariant call (const QString &function, const QVariantList &args)
QVariant call (const QString &function)
QVariant call (const QString &function, QObject *obj)
QObject * callWithObjectReturn (const QString &function, const QVariantList &args)
QObject * callWithObjectReturn (const QString &function)
QObject * callWithObjectReturn (const QString &function, QObject *obj)
int callLater (double seconds, const QVariant &function, const QVariantList &args=QVariantList())
int callWithInterval (double seconds, const QVariant &function, const QVariantList &args=QVariantList())
void callOnGUIThread (const QVariant &function, const QVariantList &args=QVariantList())
QStringList callableFunctions ()
QStringList deprecatedFieldNames (const QString &fieldName)
QStringList deprecatedFieldNames (MLABField *field)
QVariantMap deprecatedFieldNames ()
void removeTimer (int id)
void removeTimers ()
QObject * commandHandler (const QString &name)
bool connectField (const QString &dst, const QString &src)
bool disconnectField (const QString &input)
virtual void clearCache ()
virtual MLABFieldfield (const QString &name)
bool hasField (const QString &name)
virtual MLABModulemodule (const QString &name)
bool hasModule (const QString &name)
QStringList modules ()
QList< MLABModule * > modulesAsObjects ()
virtual MLABModuleaddModule (const QString &name)
virtual MLABModuleaddLocalModule (const QString &name)
virtual MLABModuleaddMacroModuleFromString (const QString &string)
virtual MLABModuleaddMacroModuleFromFile (const QString &file)
virtual MLABModuleaddRemoteModule (const QString &name)
virtual MLABWidgetControlcontrol (const QString &name)
bool hasControl (const QString &name)
MLABWidgetControlcontrolDebug (const QString &name)
virtual void closeWindow ()
MLABWindowControlwindow ()
QString unexpandFilename (const QString &file)
QString expandFilename (const QString &file, bool doCleanPath=true)
QString localPath ()
QString networkPath ()
void log (const QString &msg)
void logFixed (const QString &text)
void logHTML (const QString &msg)
void logWarning (const QString &msg)
void logError (const QString &msg)
int currentWindowID ()
int setCurrentWindowID (int windowID)
void remove ()
void py_delete ()
void removeUndoable ()
QMap< QString, QVariant > getDependency ()
bool exportWindows (const QStringList &windowNames=QStringList()<< "_default")
bool callRemoteFunction (const QString &functionName, const QVariantList &arguments=QVariantList(), const QVariant &replyHandler=QVariant())
QString translate (const QString &text, const QString &disambiguation=QString())
QStringList inputs ()
QStringList outputs ()
QStringList parameters ()
QList< MLABField * > inputFields ()
QList< MLABField * > outputFields ()
QList< MLABField * > parameterFields ()
bool isValid ()
void setNonPersistent ()
bool isPersistent () override
QString type () const
virtual bool isRemote ()
virtual bool isLocalMacro ()
bool shouldAvoidSideEffects () const
QString fullName () override
QRect frame () const
void setFrame (const QRect &frame)
void setFrameTopLeft (int x, int y)
void setFrameCenter (int x, int y)
bool isSelected () const override
void setSelected (bool flag, bool notifyModuleListener=true)
void setSingleSelected ()
MLABPackagepackage ()
MLABPackagegetPackage ()
MLABWindowControlshowWindow (MLABWindowControl *parent=nullptr)
MLABWindowControlshowWindow (const QString &name, MLABWindowControl *parent=nullptr)
MLABWindowControlshowWindowFromString (const QString &string, MLABWindowControl *parent=nullptr)
MLABWindowControlshowWindowFromFile (const QString &file, MLABWindowControl *parent=nullptr)
MLABWindowControlshowAutomaticWindow ()
int showModalDialog (const QString &name, const QString &title)
int showModalDialog (const QString &name)
int showModalDialog ()
int showModalDialog (const QString &name, MLABWindowControl *parent)
int showModalDialogFromString (const QString &mdlString, const QString &title)
int showModalDialogFromString (const QString &mdlString)
int showModalDialogFromString (const QString &mdlString, MLABWindowControl *parent)
int showModalDialogFromFile (const QString &file, const QString &title)
int showModalDialogFromFile (const QString &file)
int showModalDialogFromFile (const QString &file, MLABWindowControl *parent)
MLABWindowControlcreateWindow ()
MLABWindowControlcreateWindow (MLABWindowControl *parent)
MLABWindowControlcreateWindow (const QString &name)
MLABWindowControlcreateWindow (const QString &name, MLABWindowControl *parent)
MLABWindowControlcreateWindowFromFile (const QString &file)
MLABWindowControlcreateWindowFromFile (const QString &file, MLABWindowControl *parent)
MLABWindowControlcreateWindowFromString (const QString &string)
MLABWindowControlcreateWindowFromString (const QString &string, MLABWindowControl *parent)
MLABWindowControlcreateBorderlessWindow (const QString &name, MLABWindowControl *parent)
MLABWindowControlcreatePopupWindow (const QString &name, MLABWindowControl *parent)
MLABWindowControlcreateModalDialog (const QString &name, MLABWindowControl *parent)
bool hasWindow (const QString &name)
void closeAllWindows (bool emitDestroyedCommandImmediately=false)
void reshowClosedWindows ()
virtual MLABWindowControlshowParameterWindow ()
void updateLayout ()
void createConnectors ()
MLABFieldListeneraddFieldListener (MLABField *field, const QVariant &script, bool init)
void removeFieldListener (MLABFieldListener *listener)
QString groupName () const
void addToGroup (const QString &name)
- Public Slots inherited from MLABFieldOwner
virtual bool isSelected () const =0
virtual bool isPersistent ()=0
virtual MLABNetworkparentNetwork () const =0
virtual QString fullName ()=0

Detailed Description

Defines an Open Inventor module.

See MLABModule for more methods, MLABInventorModule provides Inventor-specific module methods.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addChild

void MLABInventorModule::addChild ( MLABSoNodeField field,
bool  undoable = true 

Adds a SoNode field to end of field list.

◆ addChildAtIndex

void MLABInventorModule::addChildAtIndex ( MLABSoNodeField field,
int  idx 

Inserts a SoNode field at the given index.

◆ childAtIndex

MLABSoNodeField* MLABInventorModule::childAtIndex ( int  idx)

Returns the SoNode field at index idx (call owner() to get the module of the field).

◆ createNodeSensor

MLABSoNodeSensor* MLABInventorModule::createNodeSensor ( int  priority = 100)

Creates a SoNodeSensor which can be used to get notified about changes in the node.

This is mainly useful for automated tests and to detect undesired repaints.

◆ deleteChild

void MLABInventorModule::deleteChild ( MLABSoNodeField field)

Removes and deletes the given child.

◆ deleteChildAtIndex

void MLABInventorModule::deleteChildAtIndex ( int  idx)

Removes and deletes the child at index idx.

◆ deleteChildren

void MLABInventorModule::deleteChildren ( )

Removes and deletes all children.

◆ getNumChildren

int MLABInventorModule::getNumChildren ( )

Returns the number of children.

◆ inventorObject

SoFieldContainer* MLABInventorModule::inventorObject ( )

Returns direct access to the underlying Inventor object using the Inventor Python binding.

◆ isOverride

bool MLABInventorModule::isOverride ( )

Is the node in override mode?

◆ object

QObject* MLABInventorModule::object ( )

Returns scripting access to the underlying Inventor module.

This is only supported for Inventor modules that have a registered CPP ObjectWrapper.

◆ removeChild

void MLABInventorModule::removeChild ( MLABSoNodeField field)

Removes the given child (all occurrences).

◆ removeChildAtIndex

void MLABInventorModule::removeChildAtIndex ( int  idx)

Removes the child at index idx.

◆ removeChildren

void MLABInventorModule::removeChildren ( )

Removes all children.

◆ setOverride

void MLABInventorModule::setOverride ( bool  flag)

Sets the override flag (Inventor feature) (this is stored in the network).

◆ toggleOverride

void MLABInventorModule::toggleOverride ( )

Toggles the override mode.