MeVisLab Scripting Reference
MLAB Class Reference

Inherits QObject.

Public Types

enum  LoadDicomTreeOptions { DicomNoOptions = MLABDicom::DicomNoOptions , DicomReadPixelData = MLABDicom::DicomReadPixelData , DicomReadPrivateTags = MLABDicom::DicomReadPrivateTags }

Public Slots

Global state utility functions.

void clearMLCache ()
int getCacheAndLockedMemorySizeInKB ()
int getCacheAndLockedMemorySizeLimitInKB ()
int setNumberOfImageProcessingThreads (int numThreads)
int getNumberOfImageProcessingThreads ()
bool isDebug ()
bool isModuleProfilingEnabled ()
void setModuleProfilingEnabled (bool enabled)
QDateTime buildDate ()
QDateTime dateOfBuildJob ()
bool isWindows ()
bool isUnix ()
bool isLinux ()
bool isMacOS ()
QString systemId ()
QString detailedSystemId ()
QString systemInfo ()
QString computerModelInfo ()
QString compilerInfo ()
QString standaloneApplicationName ()
bool isStandaloneApplication ()
void writeRegistry ()
QString getenv (const QString &str)
bool hasVariable (const QString &name)
QString variable (const QString &name)
void setVariable (const QString &name, const QString &value)
void unsetVariable (const QString &name)
bool variableIsTrue (const QString &name)
QString readKey (const QString &application, const QString &key)
void writeKey (const QString &application, const QString &key, const QString &value)
bool isSpelledCorrectly (const QString &word)
QStringList getSpellingCorrectionSuggestions (const QString &word)
QString getAutomaticFieldTitle (const QString &name, bool splitUppercase)
bool loadLibrary (const QString &libraryName)
Running commands as external processes.

bool runActionOnFile (const QString &action, const QString &abspath)
bool openFile (const QString &abspath, int lineno=-1)
bool editFile (const QString &abspath)
bool openUrl (const QString &abspath)
bool runCommandDetached (const QString &command, const QStringList &arguments=QStringList(), const QString &workingDirectory=QString())
bool runCommand (const QString &command, const QStringList &arguments=QStringList(), const QString &workingDir=QString())
QMap< QString, QVariant > runCommandStdInOut (const QString &command, const QStringList &arguments=QStringList(), const QString &workingDir=QString(), const QString &standardIn=QString())
bool runCommandInConsole (const QString &command, const QStringList &arguments=QStringList(), const QString &workingDir=QString(), const QString &standardIn=QString(), const QString &title=QString(), MLABWidgetControl *parent=nullptr, bool waitUntilFinished=false)
MLABProcessnewProcess ()
void deleteProcess (MLABProcess *process)
MLABHttpDownloadnewHttpDownload ()

MLABPrinternewPrinter ()
void deletePrinter (MLABPrinter *process)
Logging to console.

void log (const QString &text)
void logFixed (const QString &text)
void logWarning (const QString &text)
void logError (const QString &text)
void logHTML (const QString &text)
void logWarningHTML (const QString &text)
void logErrorHTML (const QString &text)
void diagnosticLog (const QString &text)
void diagnosticLogHTML (const QString &text)
QString createHyperLink (const QString &absfile)
QString createHyperLinkFullPath (const QString &absfile)
QString createHyperLinkWithLine (const QString &absfile, long lineno, bool fileExists=true)
bool setHighPrecisionLoggingTimeStampsEnabled (bool enabled)
Event processing

void processInventorQueue ()
bool shouldStop ()
void setShouldStop (bool stop=true)
void processEvents ()
void processEvents (bool allowUserInput)
void deleteUnreferencedWrappers ()
void terminate (int exitCode=0)
void exit (int code)
void setDontExitAfterConsoleCommand (bool dontExitAfterConsoleCommand)
bool enableBusyStateIndication (bool trueOrFalse)
void indicateBusyState (const QString &message=QString())
void setWaitCursor ()
void removeBusyStateIndicator ()
void removeWaitCursor ()
void setOverrideCursor (const QPixmap &pixmap)
void setOverrideCursor (const QString &filename)
void setOverrideCursor (const QString &filename, int hotspotx, int hotspoty)
void removeOverrideCursor ()
QPoint cursorPos ()
MLABWidgetControlmdlControlAtCurrentCursorPosition ()
MLABWidgetControlmdlControlAtGlobalPosition (const QPoint &globalPosition)
MLABWidgetControlmdlControlAtGlobalPosition (int x, int y)
void sleep (int secs)
void msleep (int msecs)
void usleep (int usecs)
MLABWidgetControlenterModalClickGrabber ()

You can optionally specify an icon to show while dragging.

If you do not specify a hot spot location for the icon, it will be in the center of the icon.

bool startTextDrag (const QString &text, const QPixmap &icon=QPixmap(), int hotSpotX=-1, int hotSpotY=-1)
bool startNewModuleDrag (const QString &mod, const QPixmap &icon=QPixmap(), int hotSpotX=-1, int hotSpotY=-1)
bool startModuleDrag (MLABModule *mod, const QPixmap &icon=QPixmap(), int hotSpotX=-1, int hotSpotY=-1)
bool startFieldDrag (MLABField *field, const QPixmap &icon=QPixmap(), int hotSpotX=-1, int hotSpotY=-1)
bool startObjectDrag (QObject *object, const QPixmap &icon=QPixmap(), int hotSpotX=-1, int hotSpotY=-1)
bool startColorDrag (const QColor &color, const QPixmap &icon=QPixmap(), int hotSpotX=-1, int hotSpotY=-1)
bool startImageDrag (const QPixmap &pixmap, const QPixmap &icon=QPixmap(), int hotSpotX=-1, int hotSpotY=-1)
bool startImageDrag (const QImage &image, const QPixmap &icon=QPixmap(), int hotSpotX=-1, int hotSpotY=-1)
bool startFileDrag (const QStringList &files, const QPixmap &icon=QPixmap(), int hotSpotX=-1, int hotSpotY=-1)
bool startFileDrag (const QString &file, const QPixmap &icon=QPixmap(), int hotSpotX=-1, int hotSpotY=-1)

void showInformation (const QString &text, const QString &detail, const QString &title, MLABWidgetControl *parent=nullptr)
void showInformation (const QString &text, const QString &title=MEVISLAB_TITLESTRING)
void showWarning (const QString &text, const QString &detail, const QString &title, MLABWidgetControl *parent=nullptr)
void showWarning (const QString &text, const QString &title=MEVISLAB_TITLESTRING)
void showCritical (const QString &text, const QString &detail, const QString &title, MLABWidgetControl *parent=nullptr)
void showCritical (const QString &text, const QString &title=MEVISLAB_TITLESTRING)
int showQuestion (const QString &text, const QString &detail, const QString &title, const QStringList &buttonTexts, int defaultButtonNumber, MLABWidgetControl *parent=nullptr)
int showQuestion (const QString &text, const QString &title, const QStringList &buttonTexts, int defaultButtonNumber)
int showInformation (const QString &text, const QString &detail, const QString &title, const QStringList &buttonTexts, int defaultButtonNumber, MLABWidgetControl *parent=nullptr)
int showInformation (const QString &text, const QString &title, const QStringList &buttonTexts, int defaultButtonNumber)
int showWarning (const QString &text, const QString &detail, const QString &title, const QStringList &buttonTexts, int defaultButtonNumber, MLABWidgetControl *parent=nullptr)
int showWarning (const QString &text, const QString &title, const QStringList &buttonTexts, int defaultButtonNumber)
int showCritical (const QString &text, const QString &detail, const QString &title, const QStringList &buttonTexts, int defaultButtonNumber, MLABWidgetControl *parent=nullptr)
int showCritical (const QString &text, const QString &title, const QStringList &buttonTexts, int defaultButtonNumber)
QString getMultiLineText (const QString &text, const QString &title, bool richtext, MLABWidgetControl *parent=nullptr)
void showMultiLineText (const QString &text, const QString &title, bool richtext, MLABWidgetControl *parent=nullptr)
QColor showColorDialog (const QColor &initialColor=Qt::white, MLABWidgetControl *parent=nullptr)
QColor showColorDialog (const QString &initialColor, MLABWidgetControl *parent=nullptr)
void about (MLABWidgetControl *parent=nullptr)
QString aboutThirdPartyHTML ()
Misc methods

void copyToPasteboard (const QString &string)
QMimeData * newMimeData ()
QString intToString (int value, const QString &format)
QString doubleToString (double value, const QString &format)
QString stringToEncodedUrlString (const QString &string)
QString dateToString (QDateTime date, const QString &format)
QString translate (const QByteArray &context, const QString &sourceText, const QString &disambiguation=QString()) const
QString escapeString (const QString &value)
QString readWindowsRegistry (const QString &type, const QString &key, const QString &subkey)
QStringList getProgramFromWindowsRegistry (const QString &type, const QString &key, const QString &subkey)
bool valueIsTrue (const QString &val)
MLABFieldlastClickedOutputField ()
bool hasFeature (const QString &feature)
QString licenseFileName ()
QStringList prefsFileNames ()
QString userPrefsFileName ()
void help ()
void help (QObject *o)
void help (const QString &name)
QString cryptString (const QString &data, const QString &password=QString())
QString decryptString (const QString &data, const QString &password=QString())
QString cryptStringUTF8 (const QString &data, const QString &password=QString())
QString decryptStringUTF8 (const QString &data, const QString &password=QString())
QString hashStringMD5 (const QString &data)
QString hashStringMD5Latin1 (const QString &data)
bool qobjectInherits (QObject *object, const QString &classname)
bool isNone (QObject *object)
MLABRecentFilesHandlercreateRecentFilesHandler (MLABWidgetControl *parent, unsigned int maxEntries=20)
MeVisLab module introspection.

QStringList modules ()
QStringList macroModules ()
QStringList mlModules ()
QStringList inventorModules ()
QStringList allModulesForPackageIdentifier (const QString &packageIdentifier)
QMap< QString, QVariant > moduleInfo (const QString &module)
QMap< QString, QVariant > getFileFormatLoader (const QString &filename)
QStringList findModuleGroups ()
QStringList allModules ()
QStringList allMacroModules ()
QStringList allMLModules ()
QStringList allInventorModules ()
QVariantMap getModuleDependencies (const QStringList &moduleNames, bool includeModuleDirectories=true, QStringList ignoredPackages=QStringList()<< "MeVis/ThirdParty", bool includeWebContents=false, bool includeModuleHelpFiles=false, MLABNetwork *scannedNetwork=nullptr)
MLABModuleDependencygetModuleDependency (const QStringList &moduleNames, bool includeModuleDirectories=true, bool includeWebContents=false, bool includeModuleHelpFiles=false, MLABNetwork *scannedNetwork=nullptr)
MLABModuleDependencygetTestCaseDependency (const QStringList &packages, const QStringList &modulesToExclude, bool includeModuleDirectories=true, bool includeWebContents=false, bool includeModuleHelpFiles=false, MLABNetwork *scannedNetwork=nullptr)
QString moduleLiteral (const QString &name)
MDL (MeVisLab Definition Language) parsing.

MLABTreereadTreeFromString (const QString &str, bool replaceVars)
MLABTreereadTreeFromFile (const QString &filename, bool replaceVars)
bool setMDLTagValue (const QString &fileName, const QStringList &treePath, const QString &value)
bool writeTreeToFile (MLABTree *tree, const QString &filename)
QString writeTreeToString (MLABTree *tree)
MLABTreenewTree ()
MLABTreenewTree (const QString &name, const QString &value)
MLABTreeValidatornewTreeValidator (MLABTree *validatorDefinition)
void deleteTreeValidator (MLABTreeValidator *treeValidator)
MLABTreeValidatormdlValidator ()
bool runMDLValidatorOnTree (MLABTree *tree)
QString replaceMDLVariables (const QString &text, const QString &localPath=QString())
Reading DICOM files, deprecated and moved to MLABDicom.

MLABMutableDicomTreeloadDicomTree (const QString &filename, LoadDicomTreeOptions options=DicomNoOptions)
QString createDicomUid ()
Running MeVisLab macro modules as applications.

MLABApplicationRunnerrunApplication (const QString &name)
MLABApplicationRunnerrunApplication (const QString &name, const QStringList &args)
MLABApplicationRunnerrunApplication (const QString &name, const QStringList &args, MLABWidgetControl *parent)
Sign files.

bool isLicenseValid (const QString &license=QString())
QStringList getTickets (const QString &license=QString())
bool canSignFiles (const QString &license=QString())
bool signFilesRecursive (const QString &path, const QString &filter, bool crypt)
bool signFilesRecursive (const QString &path, const QString &filter, bool crypt, const QString &license)
bool signFiles (const QStringList &files, const QString &filter, bool crypt)
bool signFiles (const QStringList &files, const QString &filter, bool crypt, const QString &license)
Script extensions.

bool hasScriptExtension (const QString &extension)
QObject * getScriptExtension (const QString &extension)
QObject * createMLBaseObject (const QString &baseClassName, const QVariantList &arguments=QVariantList())
SoFieldContainer * createInventorObject (const QString &className)
MLABModulegetModuleForInventorObject (SoFieldContainer *object)
SQL databases

MLABSqlDatabaseaddSqlDatabase (const QString &type)
void removeSqlDatabase (MLABSqlDatabase *db)



Detailed Description

Access to all global functions and objects of MeVisLab (MLAB).

An instance of this class is available as global "MLAB" object in scripting.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ LoadDicomTreeOptions

Options for loadDicomTree, can be OR'd together.


No extra options.


Load pixel data.


Load private tags.

Member Function Documentation

◆ about

void MLAB::about ( MLABWidgetControl parent = nullptr)

Shows the 'about' screen.

◆ aboutThirdPartyHTML

QString MLAB::aboutThirdPartyHTML ( )

Returns information about used third-party libraries as HTML text, which can be used in the about box of custom applications.

◆ addSqlDatabase

MLABSqlDatabase* MLAB::addSqlDatabase ( const QString &  type)

Adds a new database connection of type (where type can be "sqlite", "postgres", or "odbc").


db = MLAB.addSqlDatabase("postgres")
# optional port, default port is used otherwise
# open the database connection
pass # OK
# print error
void setUserName(const QString &name)
Sets the database user name.
Access to all global functions and objects of MeVisLab (MLAB).
Definition: mlabGlobalScriptAccess.h:81
MLABSqlDatabase * addSqlDatabase(const QString &type)
Adds a new database connection of type (where type can be "sqlite", "postgres", or "odbc").

◆ allInventorModules

QStringList MLAB::allInventorModules ( )

Returns all known Inventor modules (even when not visible to the user).

◆ allMacroModules

QStringList MLAB::allMacroModules ( )

Returns all known macro modules (even when not visible to the user).

◆ allMLModules

QStringList MLAB::allMLModules ( )

Returns all known ML modules (even when not visible to the user).

◆ allModules

QStringList MLAB::allModules ( )

Returns all known modules (even when not visible to the user).

◆ allModulesForPackageIdentifier

QStringList MLAB::allModulesForPackageIdentifier ( const QString &  packageIdentifier)

Returns all modules contained in the specified package.

The package needs to be specified by "PackageGroup/Package", e.g., "MeVisLab/Standard".

◆ buildDate

QDateTime MLAB::buildDate ( )

Returns the build date of MeVisLab.

◆ canSignFiles

bool MLAB::canSignFiles ( const QString &  license = QString())

Returns whether the given license file (or the currently used license if none was given) can sign files.

◆ clearMLCache

void MLAB::clearMLCache ( )

Clears the complete ML Cache.

◆ compilerInfo

QString MLAB::compilerInfo ( )

Returns information about the used compiler.

◆ computerModelInfo

QString MLAB::computerModelInfo ( )

Returns information about the computer model (e.g., for diagnostic purposes).

◆ copyToPasteboard

void MLAB::copyToPasteboard ( const QString &  string)

Copies a string to the pasteboard.

◆ createDicomUid

QString MLAB::createDicomUid ( )

Please use MLABDicom.createDicomUid() instead of this method.

◆ createHyperLink

QString MLAB::createHyperLink ( const QString &  absfile)

Creates a hyper link string with a file part given as absFile.

◆ createHyperLinkFullPath

QString MLAB::createHyperLinkFullPath ( const QString &  absfile)

Creates a hyper link string with full path given as absFile.

◆ createHyperLinkWithLine

QString MLAB::createHyperLinkWithLine ( const QString &  absfile,
long  lineno,
bool  fileExists = true 

Creates a hyper link string with line number. Textcolor depends on file existence.

◆ createInventorObject

SoFieldContainer* MLAB::createInventorObject ( const QString &  className)

Creates a new Inventor node or engine.

MeVisLab will load the DLL in which the object is registered if there is an InventorModule with that name. No MLABModule is created, the returned object is the pure OpenInventor node/engine.

◆ createMLBaseObject

QObject* MLAB::createMLBaseObject ( const QString &  baseClassName,
const QVariantList &  arguments = QVariantList() 

Creates a new reference-counted ml::Base object, conveniently wrapped for scripting; which arguments must be supplied to this method depends on the Base class.

This method only works for classes derived from ml::RefCountedBase, such as ml::WEM or ml::CSOList, for instance.

◆ createRecentFilesHandler

MLABRecentFilesHandler* MLAB::createRecentFilesHandler ( MLABWidgetControl parent,
unsigned int  maxEntries = 20 

Creates a recent file handler.

◆ cryptString

QString MLAB::cryptString ( const QString &  data,
const QString &  password = QString() 

Crypts the given string and encodes it into base64 string.

The encoding is Latin-1. If password is not given, an internal default password is used. Please use cryptStringUTF8(), as it can transport any unicode string.

◆ cryptStringUTF8

QString MLAB::cryptStringUTF8 ( const QString &  data,
const QString &  password = QString() 

Crypts the given string and encodes it into base64 string. The encoding is UTF-8. If password is not given, an internal default password is used.

◆ cursorPos

QPoint MLAB::cursorPos ( )

Returns the global cursor position.

◆ dateOfBuildJob

QDateTime MLAB::dateOfBuildJob ( )

Returns the date of the build job in which the MeVisLab installer was build.

It returns the same as buildDate().

◆ dateToString

QString MLAB::dateToString ( QDateTime  date,
const QString &  format 

Converts a date to string with the given format.

◆ decryptString

QString MLAB::decryptString ( const QString &  data,
const QString &  password = QString() 

Decrypts the given base64 encoded string and returns a decrypted string, returns an empty string on error.

The encoding is Latin-1. If password is not given, an internal default password is used. Please use decryptStringUTF8(), as it can transport any unicode string.

◆ decryptStringUTF8

QString MLAB::decryptStringUTF8 ( const QString &  data,
const QString &  password = QString() 

Decrypts the given base64 encoded string and returns a decrypted string, returns an empty string on error. The encoding is UTF-8. If password is not given, an internal default password is used.

◆ deletePrinter

void MLAB::deletePrinter ( MLABPrinter process)

Deletes an MLABPrinter object.

◆ deleteProcess

void MLAB::deleteProcess ( MLABProcess process)

Deletes a MLABProcess object (does NOT kill a started process, use kill() instead).

◆ deleteTreeValidator

void MLAB::deleteTreeValidator ( MLABTreeValidator treeValidator)

Deletes the given tree validator.

◆ deleteUnreferencedWrappers

void MLAB::deleteUnreferencedWrappers ( )

This method deletes all script wrappers that are no longer referenced in any scripting language.

Unreferenced wrappers are deleted eventually anyways, but in case you have a tight loop that creates a lot of wrappers that are not kept around, this method can be used to cleanup unreferenced wrappers immediately.

◆ detailedSystemId

QString MLAB::detailedSystemId ( )

Returns the current system identification MeVisLab is running on.

◆ diagnosticLog

void MLAB::diagnosticLog ( const QString &  text)

Logs the given diagnostic text to the console (diagnostics can be turned off globally).

◆ diagnosticLogHTML

void MLAB::diagnosticLogHTML ( const QString &  text)

Logs the given diagnostic HTML text to the console (diagnostics can be turned off globally).

◆ doubleToString

QString MLAB::doubleToString ( double  value,
const QString &  format 

Converts a double value to string with given format (format is as in printf, e.g., '%5.4f').

◆ editFile

bool MLAB::editFile ( const QString &  abspath)

Opens the file with an external program (in edit mode).

◆ enableBusyStateIndication

bool MLAB::enableBusyStateIndication ( bool  trueOrFalse)

Allows/prevents the display of the global wait cursor (or any other system-specific means to indicate the busy state).

It does remove any current indication of busy state if set to false. It only enables the indication if it was enabled beforehand. The function returns the previously set value.

◆ enterModalClickGrabber

MLABWidgetControl* MLAB::enterModalClickGrabber ( )

Enters a global event mode, where MeVisLab catches mouse clicks on controls and returns the control the mouse click happened on (NULL is returned if the user presses the escape key or clicks onto a widget that is not inside of a control).

◆ escapeString

QString MLAB::escapeString ( const QString &  value)

Escapes the given string so that RichText elements in the text appear as literal text.

The result can safely be logged via the log() function.

◆ exit

void MLAB::exit ( int  code)

Exits MeVisLab the hard way, scripting still goes on after this, it is better to use terminate().

◆ findModuleGroups

QStringList MLAB::findModuleGroups ( )

Returns a list of known module groups in the form "group":"number of modules":"names of modules".

◆ getAutomaticFieldTitle

QString MLAB::getAutomaticFieldTitle ( const QString &  name,
bool  splitUppercase 

Returns the field name with its components separated by space.

◆ getCacheAndLockedMemorySizeInKB

int MLAB::getCacheAndLockedMemorySizeInKB ( )

Returns the cache and locked memory size of the memory manager in KB.

◆ getCacheAndLockedMemorySizeLimitInKB

int MLAB::getCacheAndLockedMemorySizeLimitInKB ( )

Returns the cache and locked memory size limit of the memory manager in KB.

◆ getenv

QString MLAB::getenv ( const QString &  str)

Returns the value of the environment variable.

◆ getFileFormatLoader

QMap<QString, QVariant> MLAB::getFileFormatLoader ( const QString &  filename)

Returns the file format loader for the extension of the given filename.

If a loader exists, this method returns a map with the following keys:

  • module : The module that can handle the extension.
  • filenameField : The field that should be set with the filename.

If no loader exists, the map is empty.

◆ getModuleDependencies

QVariantMap MLAB::getModuleDependencies ( const QStringList &  moduleNames,
bool  includeModuleDirectories = true,
QStringList  ignoredPackages = QStringList()<< "MeVis/ThirdParty",
bool  includeWebContents = false,
bool  includeModuleHelpFiles = false,
MLABNetwork scannedNetwork = nullptr 

Returns a dictionary containing all files and directories on which the given macro modules depend.

The dictionary contains string lists for the keys:

  • "dirs"
  • "dlls"
  • "files"
  • "modules"
  • "scriptFiles"
    moduleNamesThe names of the modules to analyze.
    includeModuleDirectoriesSpecifies whether the directories in which the module definitions exist are included.
    ignoredPackagesCan be specified to ignore dependencies from certain packages.
    includeWebContentsCan be specified to include web contents.
    includeModuleHelpFilesCan be specified to include help contents.
    scannedNetworkThe network that is scanned (mainly to get the network path).

◆ getModuleDependency

MLABModuleDependency* MLAB::getModuleDependency ( const QStringList &  moduleNames,
bool  includeModuleDirectories = true,
bool  includeWebContents = false,
bool  includeModuleHelpFiles = false,
MLABNetwork scannedNetwork = nullptr 

Returns an MLABModuleDependency object for accessing the dependency data.

◆ getModuleForInventorObject

MLABModule* MLAB::getModuleForInventorObject ( SoFieldContainer *  object)

Returns the MLABModule for a C++ Open Inventor node/engine.

If the node/engine has no associated MLABInventorModule, NULL is returned.

◆ getMultiLineText

QString MLAB::getMultiLineText ( const QString &  text,
const QString &  title,
bool  richtext,
MLABWidgetControl parent = nullptr 

Ask for a multiline requester that returns the text.

◆ getNumberOfImageProcessingThreads

int MLAB::getNumberOfImageProcessingThreads ( )

Returns the number of parallel worker threads that the ML host is allowed to use.

This calls ml::Host::getMaxNumThreads() on the C++ layer.

◆ getProgramFromWindowsRegistry

QStringList MLAB::getProgramFromWindowsRegistry ( const QString &  type,
const QString &  key,
const QString &  subkey 

Reads the Windows key, where type may be one of CLASSES_ROOT, LOCAL_MACHINE, CURRENT_USER, USERS, and returns a list of strings where the first string is the program name and the remaining strings are arguments.

If the list is empty, no program was found. The returned list items do not contain any quotes.

◆ getScriptExtension

QObject* MLAB::getScriptExtension ( const QString &  extension)

Returns access to the given script extension.

◆ getSpellingCorrectionSuggestions

QStringList MLAB::getSpellingCorrectionSuggestions ( const QString &  word)

Checks spelling and returns a list of suggestions if the given word has not been recognized.

◆ getTestCaseDependency

MLABModuleDependency* MLAB::getTestCaseDependency ( const QStringList &  packages,
const QStringList &  modulesToExclude,
bool  includeModuleDirectories = true,
bool  includeWebContents = false,
bool  includeModuleHelpFiles = false,
MLABNetwork scannedNetwork = nullptr 

Returns an MLABModuleDependency object for accessing the dependency data of the test cases in the given packages.

◆ getTickets

QStringList MLAB::getTickets ( const QString &  license = QString())

Returns tickets of the given license file (or of the currently used license if none was given).

◆ hasFeature

bool MLAB::hasFeature ( const QString &  feature)

Returns whether license has a given feature.

◆ hashStringMD5

QString MLAB::hashStringMD5 ( const QString &  data)

Returns the MD5 hash string for the given data string (converted from Unicode to UTF-8).

◆ hashStringMD5Latin1

QString MLAB::hashStringMD5Latin1 ( const QString &  data)

Returns the MD5 hash string for the given data string (converted from Unicode to Latin1).

◆ hasScriptExtension

bool MLAB::hasScriptExtension ( const QString &  extension)

Returns whether the given script extension is defined. The method does not try to load it.

◆ hasVariable

bool MLAB::hasVariable ( const QString &  name)

Returns whether a global pref variable exists (from MeVisLab prefs and registry).

◆ help [1/3]

void MLAB::help ( )

Gives scripting help for the MLAB object itself.

◆ help [2/3]

void MLAB::help ( const QString &  name)

Gives scripting help for the given class name (if available).

◆ help [3/3]

void MLAB::help ( QObject *  o)

Gives scripting help for the given object (if available).


MLABIDEMainWindow* MLAB::IDE ( )

Returns access to the IDE, especially for User Scripts.

◆ indicateBusyState

void MLAB::indicateBusyState ( const QString &  message = QString())

Shows the global wait cursor (be sure to call removeBusyStateIndicator the same number of times as indicateBusyState).

A message may be given to indicate a reason.

This method shows a cursor that indicates that no interaction is possible. If you need to indicate a busy state while interaction is still possible, please use Qt directly:

from PythonQt.QtGui import QGuiApplication, QCursor
from PythonQt.QtCore import Qt

◆ intToString

QString MLAB::intToString ( int  value,
const QString &  format 

Converts an integer value to string with given format (format is as in printf, e.g., 'x').

◆ inventorModules

QStringList MLAB::inventorModules ( )

Returns all known Inventor modules (that are visible to the user).

◆ isDebug

bool MLAB::isDebug ( )

Returns whether MLAB is compiled in debug mode (release mode otherwise).

◆ isLicenseValid

bool MLAB::isLicenseValid ( const QString &  license = QString())

Returns whether the given license file (or the currently used license if none was given) is currently valid.

◆ isLinux

bool MLAB::isLinux ( )

Returns whether system is Linux.

◆ isMacOS

bool MLAB::isMacOS ( )

Returns whether system is Mac OS X.

◆ isModuleProfilingEnabled

bool MLAB::isModuleProfilingEnabled ( )

Returns whether module profiling is enabled.

◆ isNone

bool MLAB::isNone ( QObject *  object)

Check if a QObject is null.

This method makes most sense to check if an object wrapped by PythonQt has been deleted in the meantime. The usual approach of bool(obj) has not the desired effect for many classes, because it also calls methods like isValid, isEmpty, and isNull on obj to compute the result of bool(obj).

The correct check if the object still exists is obj != None, which looks irregular to someone expecting a standard comparison with None (which would be "obj is None", but that doesn't work in this case), and could trigger an impulse to mis-correct the comparison, hence this method.

◆ isSpelledCorrectly

bool MLAB::isSpelledCorrectly ( const QString &  word)

Returns whether the spelling of the given word is correct.

◆ isStandaloneApplication

bool MLAB::isStandaloneApplication ( )

Returns whether MeVisLab runs a macro as standalone application.

◆ isUnix

bool MLAB::isUnix ( )

Returns whether system is Linux or Mac OS X.

◆ isWindows

bool MLAB::isWindows ( )

Returns whether system is Windows.

◆ lastClickedOutputField

MLABField* MLAB::lastClickedOutputField ( )

Returns last clicked output field in an MeVislab network (might be NULL).

◆ licenseFileName

QString MLAB::licenseFileName ( )

Returns the absolute path to the license that MeVisLab is currently using.

◆ loadDicomTree

MLABMutableDicomTree* MLAB::loadDicomTree ( const QString &  filename,
LoadDicomTreeOptions  options = DicomNoOptions 

Please use MLABDicom.loadDicomTree() instead of this method.

◆ loadLibrary

bool MLAB::loadLibrary ( const QString &  libraryName)

Loads the given library and returns whether the loading succeeded.

The name should not contain a debug postfix, not a platform-specific prefix/ending, this is added automatically. If a library was already loaded successfully before, it will not be loaded again and this method will return true.

◆ log

void MLAB::log ( const QString &  text)

Logs the given text to the console.

◆ logError

void MLAB::logError ( const QString &  text)

Logs an error given as text to the console.

◆ logErrorHTML

void MLAB::logErrorHTML ( const QString &  text)

Logs an error given as text to the console (using HTML).

◆ logFixed

void MLAB::logFixed ( const QString &  text)

Logs the given text to the console, using a fixed size font and replacing spaces with  .

◆ logHTML

void MLAB::logHTML ( const QString &  text)

Logs the given text to the console (using HTML).

◆ logWarning

void MLAB::logWarning ( const QString &  text)

Logs a warning given as text to the console.

◆ logWarningHTML

void MLAB::logWarningHTML ( const QString &  text)

Logs a warning given as text to the console (using HTML).

◆ macroModules

QStringList MLAB::macroModules ( )

Returns all known macro modules (that are visible to the user).

◆ mdlControlAtCurrentCursorPosition

MLABWidgetControl* MLAB::mdlControlAtCurrentCursorPosition ( )

Returns the MDL control that is located at the current cursor position (or NULL if there is none).

◆ mdlControlAtGlobalPosition [1/2]

MLABWidgetControl* MLAB::mdlControlAtGlobalPosition ( const QPoint &  globalPosition)

Returns the MDL control that is located at the given global screen position (or NULL if there is none).

◆ mdlControlAtGlobalPosition [2/2]

MLABWidgetControl* MLAB::mdlControlAtGlobalPosition ( int  x,
int  y 

Returns the MDL control that is located at the given global screen position (or NULL if there is none).

◆ mdlValidator

MLABTreeValidator* MLAB::mdlValidator ( )

Returns the MDL validator (used for module scripts / MDL GUI), the ownership stays with MeVisLab.

◆ mlModules

QStringList MLAB::mlModules ( )

Returns all known ML modules (that are visible to the user).

◆ moduleInfo

QMap<QString, QVariant> MLAB::moduleInfo ( const QString &  module)

Returns information for the given module; the returned information array contains the tag=value keys from the module definition.

The module type is given as type=[MLModule|InventorModule|MacroModule]. The module name is given as name=NAME. The module package is given package=PACKAGENAME. The module filename+linenumber are given as file=abspath lineno=4711 If module is not found, the array is empty.

◆ moduleLiteral

QString MLAB::moduleLiteral ( const QString &  name)

Does nothing but returns the module name.

This function is used to indicate that the given string is a module name. The ModuleDependencyAnalyzer will then know that it has to include the given module. Note: do not pass a variable to this method, because then the ModuleDependencyAnalyzer cannot detect the dependency.

◆ modules

QStringList MLAB::modules ( )

Returns all known modules (that are visible to the user).

◆ msleep

void MLAB::msleep ( int  msecs)

Causes MLAB to sleep msecs milliseconds.

◆ newHttpDownload

MLABHttpDownload* MLAB::newHttpDownload ( )

Creates a new HTTP download object (which is automatically garbage collected).

◆ newMimeData

QMimeData* MLAB::newMimeData ( )

Creates a new mime data object that is owned by C++ and will not be deleted by PythonQt.

◆ newPrinter

MLABPrinter* MLAB::newPrinter ( )

Creates a new process, see MLABPrinter class for its API.

You have to delete the returned pointer later on with deletePrinter!

◆ newProcess

MLABProcess* MLAB::newProcess ( )

Creates a new process, see MLABProcess class for its API.

You have to delete the returned pointer later on with deleteProcess!

◆ newTree [1/2]

MLABTree* MLAB::newTree ( )

Creates and returns a new tree element.

◆ newTree [2/2]

MLABTree* MLAB::newTree ( const QString &  name,
const QString &  value 

Creates and returns a new tree element.

◆ newTreeValidator

MLABTreeValidator* MLAB::newTreeValidator ( MLABTree validatorDefinition)

Create and returns a new tree validator from the given MDL validator definition.

◆ openFile

bool MLAB::openFile ( const QString &  abspath,
int  lineno = -1 

Opens the file with an external program (in open mode).

◆ openUrl

bool MLAB::openUrl ( const QString &  abspath)

Opens the given URL with an external program.

◆ prefsFileNames

QStringList MLAB::prefsFileNames ( )

Returns all file names used for preferences setup.

◆ processEvents [1/2]

void MLAB::processEvents ( )

Processes events (user events are filtered, just redrawing and timers are processed).

◆ processEvents [2/2]

void MLAB::processEvents ( bool  allowUserInput)

Processes events.

If user input is allowed, be careful with side effects, since the user can, e.g., press a button and execute another script.

◆ processInventorQueue

void MLAB::processInventorQueue ( )

Processes the delay queue of OpenInventor.

This is needed if you want to make sure that all pending OpenInventor notifications are processed.

◆ qobjectInherits

bool MLAB::qobjectInherits ( QObject *  object,
const QString &  classname 

Returns whether the given QObject inherits from the given classname.

◆ readKey

QString MLAB::readKey ( const QString &  application,
const QString &  key 

Reads an application-specific key for its value, e.g., "ILabNeuro", "FileDialogPath".

This method can be used to easily store machine/user dependent settings in the registry. Returns an empty string if the key is not set.

◆ readTreeFromFile

MLABTree* MLAB::readTreeFromFile ( const QString &  filename,
bool  replaceVars 

Parses the given MDL file, returns an empty tree on error.

◆ readTreeFromString

MLABTree* MLAB::readTreeFromString ( const QString &  str,
bool  replaceVars 

Parses the given MDL file, returns an empty tree on error.

◆ readWindowsRegistry

QString MLAB::readWindowsRegistry ( const QString &  type,
const QString &  key,
const QString &  subkey 

Reads the Windows key, type may be one of CLASSES_ROOT, LOCAL_MACHINE, CURRENT_USER, USERS.

◆ removeBusyStateIndicator

void MLAB::removeBusyStateIndicator ( )

Removes the global wait cursor.

◆ removeOverrideCursor

void MLAB::removeOverrideCursor ( )

Removes the last override cursor.

◆ removeSqlDatabase

void MLAB::removeSqlDatabase ( MLABSqlDatabase db)

Removes the given database.

◆ removeWaitCursor

void MLAB::removeWaitCursor ( )

◆ replaceMDLVariables

QString MLAB::replaceMDLVariables ( const QString &  text,
const QString &  localPath = QString() 

Replaces MDL variables in a given string and returns it.

◆ runActionOnFile

bool MLAB::runActionOnFile ( const QString &  action,
const QString &  abspath 

Runs the given abstract action on given absolute file path (this does the same as opening files in MeVisLab, e.g., it can "open" .mlab files, .def files, etc.).

The command executed by the given action depends on the settings in your mevislab.prefs file. On Windows, the default behavior is using ShellExecute(). This way, the command is the same as clicking "open", "edit", "explore", etc., on the file in the Explorer.

Available commands:

  • "open" Opens a file.
  • "edit" Opens a file for editing (e.g., for HTML, there is a difference in opening for viewing and for editing).
  • "explore" Opens a directory explorer.
  • "windowsDefault" Performs the default action (like double clicking on a file in explorer). Available on Windows only!

◆ runApplication [1/3]

MLABApplicationRunner* MLAB::runApplication ( const QString &  name)

Runs a macro module as an application.

◆ runApplication [2/3]

MLABApplicationRunner* MLAB::runApplication ( const QString &  name,
const QStringList &  args 

Runs the application given by name.

The arguments are given as an array of strings. All arguments are optional. Possible entries are:

  • "name" "WINDOWNAME" - Run a named window instead of the default window of the module.
  • "style" "STYLENAME" - The style to use, e.g., Application, Panel, or custom style.
  • "noshow" - Do not show the window of the application.
  • "fullscreen" - Show the window fullscreen without window bar.
  • "maximized" - Run in fullscreen mode (not if modal!).
  • "childwindow" - Run as child window of MeVisLab (or of the passes application window as parent, see next method).
  • "modal" - Run as a modal dialog.
  • "popup" - Show the application as a popup window.

◆ runApplication [3/3]

MLABApplicationRunner* MLAB::runApplication ( const QString &  name,
const QStringList &  args,
MLABWidgetControl parent 

Like above but with a given parent application window.

◆ runCommand

bool MLAB::runCommand ( const QString &  command,
const QStringList &  arguments = QStringList(),
const QString &  workingDir = QString() 

Runs the given executable command with given arguments array and returns whether it was successful.

commandExecutable, may be absolute path or local in PATH environment.
argumentsList of arguments passed to command.
workingDirWorking directory passed to command.
returns true if successful.

This command runs synchronously; this way, the command was definitely executed when this function returns. If you need more control over the command, use the MLABProcess class instead.

◆ runCommandDetached

bool MLAB::runCommandDetached ( const QString &  command,
const QStringList &  arguments = QStringList(),
const QString &  workingDirectory = QString() 

Runs the given executable command with given arguments array in a new process and detach from it.

Returns whether launch has been successful.

commandExecutable, may be absolute path or local in PATH environment.
argumentsList of arguments passed to command (can be empty list).
workingDirectoryCommand will be started in this directory (uses current directory if none is given).
Returns true if successful

◆ runCommandInConsole

bool MLAB::runCommandInConsole ( const QString &  command,
const QStringList &  arguments = QStringList(),
const QString &  workingDir = QString(),
const QString &  standardIn = QString(),
const QString &  title = QString(),
MLABWidgetControl parent = nullptr,
bool  waitUntilFinished = false 

Runs the given command in a console window.

This method returns immediately, stdout+stderr are going to the console. The window must be closed by the user. If an error occurrs, the processError(QProcess*,QProcess::ProcessError) signal is emitted.


MLAB.runCommandInConsole("eatDicom", ["-help"], "", "", "Running eatDicom")
bool runCommandInConsole(const QString &command, const QStringList &arguments=QStringList(), const QString &workingDir=QString(), const QString &standardIn=QString(), const QString &title=QString(), MLABWidgetControl *parent=nullptr, bool waitUntilFinished=false)
Runs the given command in a console window.

◆ runCommandStdInOut

QMap<QString, QVariant> MLAB::runCommandStdInOut ( const QString &  command,
const QStringList &  arguments = QStringList(),
const QString &  workingDir = QString(),
const QString &  standardIn = QString() 

Runs the given command, passes additional stdin text and returns a map with the result and the stdout.

This command runs synchronously. The result is a map that contains:

  • ok (true if call succeeded)
  • status (exit status if call succeeded)
  • stdout (stdoutput of the started process)
  • stderr (stderror of the started process)
  • error (error code if call failed, does not exist otherwise)


result = MLAB.runCommandStdInOut("cat",[""],"","test data...")
if result["ok"]:
MLAB.log("result: " + str(result["status"]) + " " + result["stdout"] + " " + result["stderr"])
QMap< QString, QVariant > runCommandStdInOut(const QString &command, const QStringList &arguments=QStringList(), const QString &workingDir=QString(), const QString &standardIn=QString())
Runs the given command, passes additional stdin text and returns a map with the result and the stdout...
void log(const QString &text)
Logs the given text to the console.

◆ runMDLValidatorOnTree

bool MLAB::runMDLValidatorOnTree ( MLABTree tree)

Runs the MDL validator on the given tree and returns whether the tree was valid.

◆ setDontExitAfterConsoleCommand

void MLAB::setDontExitAfterConsoleCommand ( bool  dontExitAfterConsoleCommand)

Sets whether MeVisLab will exit (and thus stop the Qt event loop) after the consoleCommand/runApplicationCommand has finished.

◆ setHighPrecisionLoggingTimeStampsEnabled

bool MLAB::setHighPrecisionLoggingTimeStampsEnabled ( bool  enabled)

Enables high precision timestamps for log messages that include microseconds.

Returns whether the logging time stamps were enabled or disabled previously.

◆ setMDLTagValue

bool MLAB::setMDLTagValue ( const QString &  fileName,
const QStringList &  treePath,
const QString &  value 

Sets the value of an MDL tag in the given MDL file.

The tree path resembles the tree hierarchy of the tag. The first tag whose hierarchy matches the tree path will be modified. For example, a tree path can look like Window::windowName > Vertical > Field::fieldName > dependsOn.

fileNameThe filename.
treePathList of tree names, and optionally values append to the tag name after a '#', that resembles the target tree hierarchy.
valueThe new value for the MDL tag.
true on success, false otherwise.

◆ setModuleProfilingEnabled

void MLAB::setModuleProfilingEnabled ( bool  enabled)

Sets whether module profiling is enabled.

◆ setNumberOfImageProcessingThreads

int MLAB::setNumberOfImageProcessingThreads ( int  numThreads)

Sets the number of parallel worker threads that the ML host is allowed to use.

It returns the previous value. This calls ml::Host::setMaxNumThreads() on the C++ layer.

◆ setOverrideCursor [1/3]

void MLAB::setOverrideCursor ( const QPixmap &  pixmap)

Sets the global override cursor to the given pixmap.

◆ setOverrideCursor [2/3]

void MLAB::setOverrideCursor ( const QString &  filename)

Sets the global override cursor to the given pixmap file.

◆ setOverrideCursor [3/3]

void MLAB::setOverrideCursor ( const QString &  filename,
int  hotspotx,
int  hotspoty 

Sets the global override cursor to the given pixmap file and sets the hot spot within that pixmap.

◆ setShouldStop

void MLAB::setShouldStop ( bool  stop = true)

Sets the global should stop flag; this can be used to debug/test Python code that runs in in a shouldStop() loop.

This flag will be set until MeVisLab becomes idle again/returns to the event loop, but by passing False as argument this flag can be reset early, e.g., to allow some cleanup to happen un-interrupted.

◆ setVariable

void MLAB::setVariable ( const QString &  name,
const QString &  value 

Sets the value of a global pref variable (only transient, will be default on next restart).

◆ setWaitCursor

void MLAB::setWaitCursor ( )

◆ shouldStop

bool MLAB::shouldStop ( )

Global break checking that can be called from the scripting to allow pressing buttons that have the globalStop tag set to true.

true if a stop button was pressed

◆ showColorDialog [1/2]

QColor MLAB::showColorDialog ( const QColor &  initialColor = Qt::white,
MLABWidgetControl parent = nullptr 

Returns a QColor from a color dialog.

◆ showColorDialog [2/2]

QColor MLAB::showColorDialog ( const QString &  initialColor,
MLABWidgetControl parent = nullptr 

Returns a QColor from a color dialog, initialColor is given as a name (e.g., "white") or in hexadecimal notation (e.g., "#44cc88").

◆ showCritical [1/4]

int MLAB::showCritical ( const QString &  text,
const QString &  detail,
const QString &  title,
const QStringList &  buttonTexts,
int  defaultButtonNumber,
MLABWidgetControl parent = nullptr 

Shows a critical error panel with given parameters, for details see showQuestion(), defaultButtonNumber gives the default button starting from 0.

◆ showCritical [2/4]

void MLAB::showCritical ( const QString &  text,
const QString &  detail,
const QString &  title,
MLABWidgetControl parent = nullptr 

Shows a critical message box with graphically separated details and OK button.

◆ showCritical [3/4]

int MLAB::showCritical ( const QString &  text,
const QString &  title,
const QStringList &  buttonTexts,
int  defaultButtonNumber 

Shows a critical error panel with given parameters, for details see showQuestion(), defaultButtonNumber gives the default button starting from 0.

◆ showCritical [4/4]

void MLAB::showCritical ( const QString &  text,
const QString &  title = MEVISLAB_TITLESTRING 

Shows a critical message box with OK button.

◆ showInformation [1/4]

int MLAB::showInformation ( const QString &  text,
const QString &  detail,
const QString &  title,
const QStringList &  buttonTexts,
int  defaultButtonNumber,
MLABWidgetControl parent = nullptr 

Shows an information panel with given parameters, for details see showQuestion(), defaultButtonNumber gives the default button starting from 0.

◆ showInformation [2/4]

void MLAB::showInformation ( const QString &  text,
const QString &  detail,
const QString &  title,
MLABWidgetControl parent = nullptr 

Shows an information message box with graphically separated details and OK button.

◆ showInformation [3/4]

int MLAB::showInformation ( const QString &  text,
const QString &  title,
const QStringList &  buttonTexts,
int  defaultButtonNumber 

Shows an information panel with given parameters, for details see showQuestion(), defaultButtonNumber gives the default button starting from 0.

◆ showInformation [4/4]

void MLAB::showInformation ( const QString &  text,
const QString &  title = MEVISLAB_TITLESTRING 

Shows an information message box with OK button.

◆ showMultiLineText

void MLAB::showMultiLineText ( const QString &  text,
const QString &  title,
bool  richtext,
MLABWidgetControl parent = nullptr 

Shows a window with multiline text.

◆ showQuestion [1/2]

int MLAB::showQuestion ( const QString &  text,
const QString &  detail,
const QString &  title,
const QStringList &  buttonTexts,
int  defaultButtonNumber,
MLABWidgetControl parent = nullptr 

Shows a question panel with given parameters.

number of pressed button, starting with 0
textText to show.
detailDetailed information to show (e.g., a file or directory name).
titleWindow title to show.
buttonTextsList of button texts to show on the buttons, e.g., ["Ok", "Cancel"] or ["Retry", "Abort", "Ignore"]. Please use the following standard button texts if at all possible (ensures display of buttons in right order on any platform / ESC detection): Ok, Open, Save, Cancel, Close, Discard, Apply, Reset, Restore Defaults, Help, Save All, Yes, Yes To All, No, No To All, Abort, Retry, Ignore
defaultButtonNumberButton that is used when user presses return, starting from 0 for the first button.
parentParent window, e.g., ctx.window(), the dialog becomes becomes modal relative to parent or application modal if NULL. Script example:
i = MLAB.showQuestion("How about some coffee?", "I've got a new espresso machine", "MeVisLab", ["Yes", "No", "Cancel"], 0)
if i == 0:
pass # handle "Yes"
elif i == 1:
pass # handle "No"
elif i == 2:
pass # handle "Cancel" / Pressing of ESC
int showQuestion(const QString &text, const QString &detail, const QString &title, const QStringList &buttonTexts, int defaultButtonNumber, MLABWidgetControl *parent=nullptr)
Shows a question panel with given parameters.

◆ showQuestion [2/2]

int MLAB::showQuestion ( const QString &  text,
const QString &  title,
const QStringList &  buttonTexts,
int  defaultButtonNumber 

Shows a question panel with given parameters, defaultButtonNumber gives the default button starting from 0.

◆ showWarning [1/4]

int MLAB::showWarning ( const QString &  text,
const QString &  detail,
const QString &  title,
const QStringList &  buttonTexts,
int  defaultButtonNumber,
MLABWidgetControl parent = nullptr 

Shows a warning message panel with given parameters, for details see showQuestion(), defaultButtonNumber gives the default button starting from 0.

◆ showWarning [2/4]

void MLAB::showWarning ( const QString &  text,
const QString &  detail,
const QString &  title,
MLABWidgetControl parent = nullptr 

Shows a warning message box with graphically separated details and OK button.

◆ showWarning [3/4]

int MLAB::showWarning ( const QString &  text,
const QString &  title,
const QStringList &  buttonTexts,
int  defaultButtonNumber 

Shows a warning message panel with given parameters, for details see showQuestion(), defaultButtonNumber gives the default button starting from 0.

◆ showWarning [4/4]

void MLAB::showWarning ( const QString &  text,
const QString &  title = MEVISLAB_TITLESTRING 

Shows a warning message box with OK button.

◆ signFiles [1/2]

bool MLAB::signFiles ( const QStringList &  files,
const QString &  filter,
bool  crypt 

Signs the files (absolute filenames) with the license that MeVisLab was started with.

◆ signFiles [2/2]

bool MLAB::signFiles ( const QStringList &  files,
const QString &  filter,
bool  crypt,
const QString &  license 

Signs the files (absolute filenames) with the license file given as license.

◆ signFilesRecursive [1/2]

bool MLAB::signFilesRecursive ( const QString &  path,
const QString &  filter,
bool  crypt 

Signs the files with the license that MeVisLab was started with.

◆ signFilesRecursive [2/2]

bool MLAB::signFilesRecursive ( const QString &  path,
const QString &  filter,
bool  crypt,
const QString &  license 

Signs the files with the license file given as license.

◆ sleep

void MLAB::sleep ( int  secs)

Causes MLAB to sleep secs seconds.

◆ standaloneApplicationName

QString MLAB::standaloneApplicationName ( )

Returns the name of the macro module that is running as a MeVisLabApp standalone application (or empty string if MeVisLab itself is running).

◆ startObjectDrag

bool MLAB::startObjectDrag ( QObject *  object,
const QPixmap &  icon = QPixmap(),
int  hotSpotX = -1,
int  hotSpotY = -1 

Start dragging a QObject.

◆ stringToEncodedUrlString

QString MLAB::stringToEncodedUrlString ( const QString &  string)

Converts a URL string to an encoded URL string (using xx encoding).

◆ systemId

QString MLAB::systemId ( )

Returns the current system identification MLAB is running on.

Returns the following string depending on the system MLAB is running on:

  • windows
  • linux
  • unknown (on any other system)

If you want to get specific system information, use detailedSystemId().

◆ systemInfo

QString MLAB::systemInfo ( )

Returns a detailed info string about the system, should not be used for checking purposes: use systemId() instead.

◆ terminate

void MLAB::terminate ( int  exitCode = 0)

Terminates the whole MeVisLab application, note that scripting goes on after this call and MLAB closes in the next event processing.

◆ translate

QString MLAB::translate ( const QByteArray &  context,
const QString &  sourceText,
const QString &  disambiguation = QString() 
) const

Translates a string with Qt's translation infrastructure.

◆ unsetVariable

void MLAB::unsetVariable ( const QString &  name)

Unsets a global pref variable (only transient, will be default on next restart).

◆ userPrefsFileName

QString MLAB::userPrefsFileName ( )

Returns file name provided with -prefs parameter.

◆ usleep

void MLAB::usleep ( int  usecs)

Causes MLAB to sleep usecs microseconds.

◆ valueIsTrue

bool MLAB::valueIsTrue ( const QString &  val)

Returns whether the string value is true in the MeVisLab sense (Yes|1|On|True).

◆ variable

QString MLAB::variable ( const QString &  name)

Returns the value of a global pref variable (read from MeVisLab prefs and registry).

◆ variableIsTrue

bool MLAB::variableIsTrue ( const QString &  name)

Returns whether variable has YES/TRUE/1 as value.

◆ writeKey

void MLAB::writeKey ( const QString &  application,
const QString &  key,
const QString &  value 

Writes a permanent key/value pair for the given application.

This method can be used to easily retrieve machine/user settings information from the registry. If you want to immediately save you settings, you have to call writeRegistry() after your writeKey() calls.

◆ writeRegistry

void MLAB::writeRegistry ( )

To make sure that settings set via writeKey() are stored immediately, call this method.

◆ writeTreeToFile

bool MLAB::writeTreeToFile ( MLABTree tree,
const QString &  filename 

Writes the given tree to a file.

◆ writeTreeToString

QString MLAB::writeTreeToString ( MLABTree tree)

Writes the given tree to a string.

Property Documentation



The version number of MeVisLab as a number MAJOR_VERSION * 100000 + MINOR_VERSION * 100 + PATCH_LEVEL.

For example, MeVisLab version 3.5.0 is represented by the number 300500.

Releases before 3.5 used MAJOR_VERSION * 100 + MINOR_VERSION (without PATCH_LEVEL).



The complete version of MeVisLab as a string.

This is the version as shown in the About dialog.

◆ ML

MLABMLScriptWrapper* MLAB::ML

Provides access to ML global type functions.