
author MeVis Medical Solutions AG
package MeVisLab/Standard
dll SoCSO
definition SoCSO.def
inherits from SoView2DExtension
keywords roi, spline, polygon, polyline


The module SoView2DCSOExtensibleEditor manages attached CSO editors and renderers, and offers an optional default renderer for all types of CSOs.


Attach one or multiple CSO editors/renderers to the inExtensions field.

If multiple editors/renderers should be attached, use a SoGroup to group them and attach the group to this module.

The field Creator Extension Id takes a string that identifies the editor that should be used for creating a new CSO. Set the string to be the same as the extensionId string on any attached editor.

Alternatively, the field Creator Extension Id can be set to __default where the first found eligible editor is used to create a new CSO.

The configuration of the key commands and mouse button mask can be done with a SoInteractionMapping module.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: inCSOList, type: CSOList(MLBase)

Attach a CSOList.

For accessing this object via scripting see the Scripting Reference: MLCSOListWrapper.


name: inExtensions, type: SoNode

Attach a CSO editor or a SoGroup where multiple CSO editors/renderers are attached to.


name: inVisualizationSettings, type: CSOVisualizationSettings(MLBase)

Attach a SoCSOVisualizationSettings module to control the appearance of CSOs.


name: inTransformationProvider, type: TransformationProvider(MLBase)
For accessing this object via scripting see the Scripting Reference: MLTransformationProviderWrapper.

Output Fields


name: self, type: SoNode

Parameter Fields

Visible Fields

Drawing On

name: drawingOn, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, the attached editors render CSOs.

see also SoView2DExtension.drawingOn

Editing On

name: editingOn, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, editing of the rendered CSOs is possible.

see also SoView2DExtension.editingOn

Selection Tolerance

name: selectionTolerance, type: Float, default: 16, minimum: 0

Sets a selection tolerance (distance) in pixels.

Needs Valid Voxel

name: needsValidVoxel, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Restrict interaction to the area of the image underlay. Also see SoCSOPointEditor.restrictToImageBoundaries.

see also SoView2DExtension.needsValidVoxel


name: button1, type: Enum, default: PRESSED

Defines the mask for mouse button 1.

see also SoView2DExtension.button1


name: button2, type: Enum, default: IGNORED

Defines the mask for mouse button 2.

see also SoView2DExtension.button2


name: button3, type: Enum, default: IGNORED

Defines the mask for mouse button 3.

see also SoView2DExtension.button3


name: shift, type: Enum, default: IGNORED

Defines the mask for the SHIFT key.

see also SoView2DExtension.shift


name: control, type: Enum, default: IGNORED

Defines the mask for the CONTROL key.

see also SoView2DExtension.control


name: alt, type: Enum, default: IGNORED

Defines the mask for the ALT key.

see also SoView2DExtension.alt

Creator Extension Id

name: creatorExtensionId, type: String, default: __default

Sets an extension ID of an attached editor that creates a new CSO.

If this field is set to __default, the first attached editor is used to create a new CSO.

Always create a new CSO

name: alwaysCreateNewCSOs, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, a new CSO is always created if an appropriate editor is found.

Otherwise, an existing CSO is selected on clicking into a viewer.

Keys enabled

name: keyCommandsEnabled, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, key commands are enabled.

By default, the keyboard commands

Shortcut Effect
CTRL+C Copy selected CSO.
CTRL+X Cut selected CSO.
CTRL+V Paste selected CSO.
DEL Delete selected seed point.
SHIFT+DEL Delete selected CSO.
ESC Reset the current state

are available.

Remove all enabled

name: enableRemoveAll, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the module react on a keyboard shortcut to remove all CSOs and CSOGroups.

Default shortcut is CTRL+Q.

Interact only with selected CSO

name: interactOnlyWithSelectedCSO, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, interaction (modification) is only allowed with selected CSOs.

Render left-over CSOs with default renderer

name: renderLeftOverCSOsWithDefaultRenderer, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, an internal default renderer is used for rendering all CSOs without a specific, attached editor.

Allow Selection With Default Renderer

name: allowSelectionWithDefaultRenderer, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, all rendered CSO can be selected even if no specialized editor is attached.


name: renderCSOsOnImagesDependingOnCreationMode, type: Enum, default: ON_ALL_IMAGES

Defines on which images the CSOs should be rendered. This is determined by the imageInstanceSOP that is stored as userData in the CSO upon creation.


Title Name Description
On All Images ON_ALL_IMAGES CSOs are rendered on all images, the imageInstanceSOP is ignored.
Only On Images They Were Created On ONLY_ON_IMAGES_THEY_WERE_CREATED_ON The CSOs are rendered only on the images they were created on.

The CSOs are rendered only on images they were NOT created on.

This mode is useful to render CSOs with different visualization settings on secondary captures.

Only On Images They Can Be Transformed To ONLY_ON_IMAGES_THEY_CAN_BE_TRANSFORMED_TO  

Update CSO id under mouse

name: updateCSOIdUnderMouseCursor, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the field CSO Id Under Mouse is updated on each mouse movement.

CSO Id Under Mouse

name: csoIdUnderMouseCursor, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the ID of the CSO currently under the mouse cursor.

This field is only touched if its value changes.

If the field Update CSO id under mouse is off, this field is never updated.

Is creating new CSO

name: isCreatingNewCSO, type: Bool, persistent: no

Shows whether any editor is currently creating a new CSO.

Is editing existing CSO

name: isEditingExistingCSO, type: Bool, persistent: no

Shows whether any editor is editing/modifying an existing CSO.

Accumulate Transformations

name: accumulateTransformations, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, all SoCSOTransform modules in the graph are applied to all CSOs.

Otherwise, only the last SoCSOTransform module in the graph is applied to all CSOs (to guarantee compatibility for networks before MeVisLab 4.1).

Hidden Fields


name: interactionProviderID, type: String

see SoView2DExtension.interactionProviderID


name: maskValid, type: Bool, persistent: no


name: fixZOn, type: Bool, default: TRUE


name: color, type: Color, default: 1 1 1

see SoView2DExtension.color


name: wantsAllEvents, type: Bool, default: FALSE


name: wantsKeyEvents, type: Bool, default: FALSE


name: wantsMouseWheelEvents, type: Bool, default: FALSE


name: setEventHandled, type: Bool, default: FALSE

see SoView2DExtension.setEventHandled


name: ignoreHandledEvents, type: Bool, default: FALSE

see SoView2DExtension.ignoreHandledEvents


name: createNewMode, type: Bool, default: FALSE

see SoView2DExtension.createNewMode


name: createNewModeRequest, type: Trigger

see SoView2DExtension.createNewModeRequest


name: renderOnSlab, type: Bool, default: FALSE


name: clipToSlice, type: Bool, default: FALSE


name: cursorShape, type: Enum, default: UNDEFINED_CURSOR

see SoView2DExtension.cursorShape


name: alwaysModifyExistingCSOs, type: Bool, default: FALSE


name: cancelGeneration, type: Trigger


name: updateImageStatisticsOnFinishInteraction, type: Bool, default: FALSE