
author MeVis Medical Solutions AG
package MeVisLab/Standard
dll SoCSO
definition SoCSO.def
see also SoView2DCSOExtensibleEditor
keywords color, alpha, linewidth, seed, path, selection, mouseover


The module SoCSOVisualizationSettings sets visual parameters of CSOs.


Attach this module to a SoView2DCSOExtensibleEditor to set visual parameters to all CSOs that are rendered by attached editors and/or attach this module to individual editors to specifically set their visual parameters.

Parts of the visual attributes can be set for individual CSOs or CSOs in certain CSOGroups by attaching a StylePalette to this module. Some path points and seed points settings are then taken from the style palette but can still be set globally by this module.

For path points, the following attributes from the StylePalette are used:

  • Color
  • Line Style
  • Line Width

For seed points, the following attributes from the StylePalette are used:

  • Marker Type
  • Marker Size

There are more marker types than seed point styles. The following table shows how the marker types are mapped to the seed point styles:

Marker Type Seed Point Style
None None
Dot Fixed Size Circle
Asterisk Fixed Size Circle
Circle Circle
Square Rectangle
Triangle Rectangle
Plus Rectangle
Cross Rectangle


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: inStylePalette, type: StylePalette(MLBase)

Optional, sets visual attributes of path and seed points for individual CSOs/CSOGroups.

Output Fields


name: outVisualizationSettings, type: CSOVisualizationSettingsWithStylePalette(MLBase)

self (hidden)

name: self, type: SoNode

Hidden, not in use.

Parameter Fields

Field Index

Alpha (seedPointOnSliceAlpha): Float Global Alpha Factor: Float Use (useSeedPointBelowSliceStyle): Bool
Alpha (seedPointBelowSliceAlpha): Float Invert Visibility: Bool Use (useSeedPointBelowSliceSize): Bool
Alpha (seedPointAboveSliceAlpha): Float New Current Time Point: Integer Use (useSeedPointBelowSliceColor): Bool
Alpha (pathPointsOnSliceAlpha): Float Orientation Filter Mode: Enum Use (useSeedPointBelowSliceAlpha): Bool
Alpha (pathPointsBelowSliceAlpha): Float Overwrite Current Time Point: Bool Use (useSeedPointBelowSliceLineWidth): Bool
Alpha (pathPointsAboveSliceAlpha): Float Parallel Thickness Mode: Enum Use (useSeedPointAboveSliceStyle): Bool
Alpha (selectedPathPointsAlpha): Float Shadow Alpha: Float Use (useSeedPointAboveSliceSize): Bool
Alpha (selectedSeedPointAlpha): Float Shadow Color: Color Use (useSeedPointAboveSliceColor): Bool
Alpha (mouseOverPathPointsAlpha): Float Shadow Line Width: Float Use (useSeedPointAboveSliceAlpha): Bool
Alpha (mouseOverSeedPointAlpha): Float Should Overwrite Path Points Settings: Bool Use (useSeedPointAboveSliceLineWidth): Bool
Apply: Trigger Should Overwrite Seed Points Settings: Bool Use (usePathPointsOnSliceLineStyle): Bool
Auto Apply: Bool Should Overwrite Selection Settings: Bool Use (usePathPointsOnSliceLineWidth): Bool
Brighten (selectedPathPointsBrightenValue): Float Should Render Path Points: Bool Use (usePathPointsOnSliceColor): Bool
Brighten (selectedSeedPointBrightenValue): Float Should Render Seed Points: Bool Use (usePathPointsOnSliceAlpha): Bool
Brighten (mouseOverPathPointsBrightenValue): Float Should render seed points only for selected CSOs: Bool Use (usePathPointsBelowSliceLineStyle): Bool
Brighten (mouseOverSeedPointBrightenValue): Float Should Render Shadow: Bool Use (usePathPointsBelowSliceLineWidth): Bool
Color (seedPointOnSliceColor): Color Should Use Anti Aliasing: Bool Use (usePathPointsBelowSliceColor): Bool
Color (seedPointBelowSliceColor): Color shouldUsePathPointColorForSeedPoints: Bool Use (usePathPointsBelowSliceAlpha): Bool
Color (seedPointAboveSliceColor): Color Show CSOs on all time points: Bool Use (usePathPointsAboveSliceLineStyle): Bool
Color (pathPointsOnSliceColor): Color Show Parallel Thickness: Float Use (usePathPointsAboveSliceLineWidth): Bool
Color (pathPointsBelowSliceColor): Color Size (seedPointOnSliceSize): Float Use (usePathPointsAboveSliceColor): Bool
Color (pathPointsAboveSliceColor): Color Size (seedPointBelowSliceSize): Float Use (usePathPointsAboveSliceAlpha): Bool
Color Mode (selectedPathPointsColorMode): Enum Size (seedPointAboveSliceSize): Float Use style palette look up (shouldUseStylePaletteLookUpForSeedPoints): Bool
Color Mode (selectedSeedPointColorMode): Enum Size Mode (selectedSeedPointSizeMode): Enum Use style palette look up (shouldUseStylePaletteLookUpForPathPoints): Bool
Color Mode (mouseOverPathPointsColorMode): Enum Size Mode (mouseOverSeedPointSizeMode): Enum Visible By Mode: Enum
Color Mode (mouseOverSeedPointColorMode): Enum Style (seedPointOnSliceStyle): Enum Visible Id List: String
Enable Mouse Over Highlighting: Bool Style (seedPointBelowSliceStyle): Enum Voxel Slab Augment: Integer
Enlarge (selectedSeedPointEnlargeValue): Float Style (seedPointAboveSliceStyle): Enum Widen (selectedPathPointsWidenValue): Float
Enlarge (mouseOverSeedPointEnlargeValue): Float Style (pathPointsOnSliceLineStyle): Enum Widen (mouseOverPathPointsWidenValue): Float
Fixed Color (selectedPathPointsFixedColor): Color Style (pathPointsBelowSliceLineStyle): Enum Width (seedPointOnSliceLineWidth): Float
Fixed Color (selectedSeedPointFixedColor): Color Style (pathPointsAboveSliceLineStyle): Enum Width (seedPointBelowSliceLineWidth): Float
Fixed Color (mouseOverPathPointsFixedColor): Color Style Palette Look Up Path Points: Enum Width (seedPointAboveSliceLineWidth): Float
Fixed Color (mouseOverSeedPointFixedColor): Color Style Palette Look Up Seed Points: Enum Width (pathPointsOnSliceLineWidth): Float
Fixed Size (selectedSeedPointFixedSize): Float Use (useSeedPointOnSliceStyle): Bool Width (pathPointsBelowSliceLineWidth): Float
Fixed Size (mouseOverSeedPointFixedSize): Float Use (useSeedPointOnSliceSize): Bool Width (pathPointsAboveSliceLineWidth): Float
Fixed Width (selectedPathPointsFixedLineWidth): Float Use (useSeedPointOnSliceColor): Bool Width Mode (selectedPathPointsLineWidthMode): Enum
Fixed Width (mouseOverPathPointsFixedLineWidth): Float Use (useSeedPointOnSliceAlpha): Bool Width Mode (mouseOverPathPointsLineWidthMode): Enum
Ghosting Depth In Voxel: Integer Use (useSeedPointOnSliceLineWidth): Bool  

Visible Fields

Auto Apply

name: autoApply, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, all parameter changes take immediate effect.


name: apply, type: Trigger

When pressed, the parameter changes take effect.

Should Use Anti Aliasing

name: shouldUseAntiAliasing, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, CSOs are rendered with anti-aliasing.

Global Alpha Factor

name: globalAlphaFactor, type: Float, default: 1, minimum: 0, maximum: 1

Sets a global alpha factor.

Show CSOs on all time points

name: showCSOsOnAllTimePoints, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, all CSOs are shown on all time points.

Overwrite Current Time Point

name: overwriteCurrentTimePoint, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the current time point stored in the CSO is overwritten by New Current Time Point.

New Current Time Point

name: newCurrentTimePoint, type: Integer, default: 0

Sets a new current time point for CSOs if Overwrite Current Time Point is checked.

Orientation Filter Mode

name: orientationFilterMode, type: Enum, default: ORIENTATION_MODE_ALL, deprecated name: showOnlyParallelCSOs

Defines the filter mode for visibility of CSOs depending on their orientation regarding the current viewer slice.


Title Name Deprecated Name Description
All ORIENTATION_MODE_ALL FALSE All CSOs are rendered, regardless of their orientation.
Parallel ORIENTATION_MODE_PARALLEL TRUE Only CSOs parallel to the viewer slice are rendered.
Non Parallel ORIENTATION_MODE_NON_PARALLEL   Only CSOs that are not parallel to the current viewer slice are rendered.

Parallel Thickness Mode

name: parallelThicknessMode, type: Enum, default: PARALLEL_THICKNESS_MODE_RELATIVE_TO_SLICE

Defines how the Show Parallel Thickness value is interpreted.


Title Name Description
Absolute Mm PARALLEL_THICKNESS_MODE_ABSOLUTE_MM The deviation of points in slice-normal direction needs to be below the Show Parallel Thickness value in millimeters.
Relative To Slice PARALLEL_THICKNESS_MODE_RELATIVE_TO_SLICE The deviation of points in slice-normal direction needs to be below (‘sliceThickness’ * Show Parallel Thickness).

Show Parallel Thickness

name: showParallelThickness, type: Float, default: 0.2, minimum: 0

Sets the parallel thickness that is used for Orientation Filter Mode. The interpretation of this value also depends on Parallel Thickness Mode.

In general, the parallel thickness describes how far the points of a CSO can deviate in direction of the current slice’s normal in order to be interpreted as being parallel (or non-parallel).

The following illustration shows a CSO within a slice viewed from the side:


Ghosting Depth In Voxel

name: ghostingDepthInVoxel, type: Integer, default: 0, minimum: 0

Sets the depth of ghost rendering in voxel.

Voxel Slab Augment

name: voxelSlabAugment, type: Integer, default: 0, minimum: 0

Sets an augment value to the z-extent of the voxel slab where the CSOs are rendered. This field has only an effect if this module is attached to the SoView2DCSOExtensibleEditor.

The z-extent of the voxel slab is 1 if only a slice is rendered in a 2D viewer but can also be slice stack or slab. By augmenting this value by this field, the visibility test for (parts) of CSOs is influenced as only (parts of) CSOs are rendered that are contained by the visible voxel slab.

Should Render Shadow

name: shouldRenderShadow, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, CSOs are rendered with a shadow.

Shadow Color

name: shadowColor, type: Color, default: 0 0 0

Sets a shadow color.

Shadow Alpha

name: shadowAlpha, type: Float, default: 1, minimum: 0, maximum: 1

Sets a shadow alpha.

Shadow Line Width

name: shadowLineWidth, type: Float, default: 1, minimum: 1, maximum: 8

Sets the line width for shadow.

Should Render Seed Points

name: shouldRenderSeedPoints, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, seed points rendered.

Should Render Path Points

name: shouldRenderPathPoints, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, path points rendered.

Should Overwrite Seed Points Settings

name: shouldOverwriteSeedPointsSettings, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the seed point parameters of the CSOs overwritten by this module.

Should render seed points only for selected CSOs

name: shouldRenderSeedPointsOnlyForSelectedCSOs, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the seed points are only rendered for selected CSOs.

Use style palette look up (shouldUseStylePaletteLookUpForSeedPoints)

name: shouldUseStylePaletteLookUpForSeedPoints, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the visual settings of the attached StylePalette are used for the seed points of individual CSOs or CSOGroups.

Single settings can still be overwritten globally.

Style Palette Look Up Seed Points

name: stylePaletteLookUpSeedPoints, type: Enum, default: CSOId

Defines which information of a CSO/CSOGroup should be used as a look-up into the attached StylePalette for setting visual attributes of the seed points.


Title Name Description
CSOId CSOId The ID of the CSOs should be used.
CSOIndex CSOIndex The index of the CSOs should be used.
CSOGroup Id CSOGroupId The ID of the CSOGroups should be used.
CSOGroup Index CSOGroupIndex The index of the CSOGroups should be used.

Use (useSeedPointOnSliceStyle)

name: useSeedPointOnSliceStyle, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, the style set by Style is used for seed points on the current slice.

Otherwise, the style set in the CSO itself is used.

Use (useSeedPointOnSliceSize)

name: useSeedPointOnSliceSize, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the size set by Size is used for seed points on the current slice.

Otherwise, the size set in the CSO itself is used.

Use (useSeedPointOnSliceColor)

name: useSeedPointOnSliceColor, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the color set by Color is used for seed points on the current slice.

Otherwise, the color set in the CSO itself is used.

Use (useSeedPointOnSliceAlpha)

name: useSeedPointOnSliceAlpha, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the alpha value set by Alpha is used for seed points on the current slice.

Otherwise, the alpha value set in the CSO itself is used.

Use (useSeedPointOnSliceLineWidth)

name: useSeedPointOnSliceLineWidth, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the line width value set by Width is used for seed points on the current slice.

Otherwise, the line width value set in the CSO itself is used.

Style (seedPointOnSliceStyle)

name: seedPointOnSliceStyle, type: Enum, default: SEED_POINT_STYLE_RECTANGLE

Defines the seed point style on the current slice.


Title Name Description
None SEED_POINT_STYLE_NONE Invisible seed points.
Rectangle SEED_POINT_STYLE_RECTANGLE Seed points are rendered as rectangles.
Circle SEED_POINT_STYLE_CIRCLE Seed points are rendered as circles.
Fixed Size Circle SEED_POINT_STYLE_FIXED_SIZE_CIRCLE Seed points are rendered as filled circles of a fixed size.
Triangle SEED_POINT_STYLE_TRIANGLE Seed points are rendered as triangles.
Filled Rectangle SEED_POINT_STYLE_FILLED_RECTANGLE Seed points are rendered as filled rectangles.
Filled Circle SEED_POINT_STYLE_FILLED_CIRCLE Seed points are rendered as discs.
Filled Triangle SEED_POINT_STYLE_FILLED_TRIANGLE Seed points are rendered as filled triangles.
Dashed Rectangle SEED_POINT_STYLE_DASHED_RECTANGLE Seed points are rendered as dashed rectangles.

Size (seedPointOnSliceSize)

name: seedPointOnSliceSize, type: Float, default: 3, minimum: 1, maximum: 16

Sets the size of seed points in pixels on the current slice.

Does not apply to fixed size seed points.

Color (seedPointOnSliceColor)

name: seedPointOnSliceColor, type: Color, default: 1 1 1

Sets the color of seed points on the current slice.

Alpha (seedPointOnSliceAlpha)

name: seedPointOnSliceAlpha, type: Float, default: 1, minimum: 0, maximum: 1

Sets the alpha value of seed points on the current slice.

Width (seedPointOnSliceLineWidth)

name: seedPointOnSliceLineWidth, type: Float, default: 1, minimum: 1, maximum: 8

Sets the line width value of seed points on the current slice (mostly for non-filled shapes).

Use (useSeedPointBelowSliceStyle)

name: useSeedPointBelowSliceStyle, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, the style set by Style is used for seed points below the current slice.

Otherwise, the style set by Style is used.

Use (useSeedPointBelowSliceSize)

name: useSeedPointBelowSliceSize, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the size set by Size is used for seed points below the current slice.

Otherwise, the size set by Size is used.

Use (useSeedPointBelowSliceColor)

name: useSeedPointBelowSliceColor, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the color set by Color is used for seed points below the current slice.

Otherwise, the color set by Color is used.

Use (useSeedPointBelowSliceAlpha)

name: useSeedPointBelowSliceAlpha, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the alpha value set by Alpha is used for seed points below the current slice.

Otherwise, the alpha value set by Alpha is used.

Use (useSeedPointBelowSliceLineWidth)

name: useSeedPointBelowSliceLineWidth, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the line width value set by Width is used for seed points below the current slice.

Otherwise, the line width value set in the CSO itself is used.

Style (seedPointBelowSliceStyle)

name: seedPointBelowSliceStyle, type: Enum, default: SEED_POINT_STYLE_NONE

Defines the seed point style for seed points below the current slice.


Title Name Description
None SEED_POINT_STYLE_NONE Invisible seed points.
Rectangle SEED_POINT_STYLE_RECTANGLE Seed point are rendered as rectangles.
Circle SEED_POINT_STYLE_CIRCLE Seed points are rendered as circles.
Fixed Size Circle SEED_POINT_STYLE_FIXED_SIZE_CIRCLE Seed points are rendered as filled circles of fixed size.
Triangle SEED_POINT_STYLE_TRIANGLE Seed points are rendered as triangles.
Filled Rectangle SEED_POINT_STYLE_FILLED_RECTANGLE Seed points are rendered as filled rectangles.
Filled Circle SEED_POINT_STYLE_FILLED_CIRCLE Seed points are rendered as discs.
Filled Triangle SEED_POINT_STYLE_FILLED_TRIANGLE Seed points are rendered as filled triangles.
Dashed Rectangle SEED_POINT_STYLE_DASHED_RECTANGLE Seed points are rendered as dashed rectangles.

Size (seedPointBelowSliceSize)

name: seedPointBelowSliceSize, type: Float, default: 3, minimum: 1, maximum: 16

Sets the size of seed points below the current slice.

Color (seedPointBelowSliceColor)

name: seedPointBelowSliceColor, type: Color, default: 1 1 1

Sets the color of seed points below the current slice.

Alpha (seedPointBelowSliceAlpha)

name: seedPointBelowSliceAlpha, type: Float, default: 1, minimum: 0, maximum: 1

Sets the alpha value of seed points below the current slice.

Width (seedPointBelowSliceLineWidth)

name: seedPointBelowSliceLineWidth, type: Float, default: 1, minimum: 1, maximum: 8

Sets the line width value of seed points below the current slice (mostly for non-filled shapes).

Use (useSeedPointAboveSliceStyle)

name: useSeedPointAboveSliceStyle, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, the style set by Style is used for seed points above the current slice.

Otherwise, the style set by Style is used.

Use (useSeedPointAboveSliceSize)

name: useSeedPointAboveSliceSize, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the size set by Size is used for seed points above the current slice.

Otherwise, the size set by Size is used.

Use (useSeedPointAboveSliceColor)

name: useSeedPointAboveSliceColor, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the color set by Color is used for seed points above the current slice.

Otherwise, the color set by Color is used.

Use (useSeedPointAboveSliceAlpha)

name: useSeedPointAboveSliceAlpha, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the alpha value set by Alpha is used for seed points above the current slice.

Otherwise, the alpha value set by Alpha is used.

Use (useSeedPointAboveSliceLineWidth)

name: useSeedPointAboveSliceLineWidth, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the line width value set by Width is used for seed points above the current slice.

Otherwise, the line width value set in the CSO itself is used.

Style (seedPointAboveSliceStyle)

name: seedPointAboveSliceStyle, type: Enum, default: SEED_POINT_STYLE_NONE

Defines the seed point style for seed points above the current slice.


Title Name Description
None SEED_POINT_STYLE_NONE Invisible seed points.
Rectangle SEED_POINT_STYLE_RECTANGLE Seed point are rendered as rectangles.
Circle SEED_POINT_STYLE_CIRCLE Seed points are rendered as circles.
Fixed Size Circle SEED_POINT_STYLE_FIXED_SIZE_CIRCLE Seed points are rendered as filled circles of a fixed size.
Triangle SEED_POINT_STYLE_TRIANGLE Seed points are rendered as triangles.
Filled Rectangle SEED_POINT_STYLE_FILLED_RECTANGLE Seed points are rendered as filled rectangles.
Filled Circle SEED_POINT_STYLE_FILLED_CIRCLE Seed points are rendered as discs.
Filled Triangle SEED_POINT_STYLE_FILLED_TRIANGLE Seed points are rendered as filled triangles.
Dashed Rectangle SEED_POINT_STYLE_DASHED_RECTANGLE Seed points are rendered as dashed rectangles.

Size (seedPointAboveSliceSize)

name: seedPointAboveSliceSize, type: Float, default: 3, minimum: 1, maximum: 16

Sets the size of seed points above the current slice.

Does not apply to fixed size seed points.

Color (seedPointAboveSliceColor)

name: seedPointAboveSliceColor, type: Color, default: 1 1 1

Sets the color of seed points above the current slice.

Alpha (seedPointAboveSliceAlpha)

name: seedPointAboveSliceAlpha, type: Float, default: 1, minimum: 0, maximum: 1

Sets the alpha value for seed points above the current slice.

Width (seedPointAboveSliceLineWidth)

name: seedPointAboveSliceLineWidth, type: Float, default: 1, minimum: 1, maximum: 8

Sets the line width value of seed points above the current slice (mostly for non-filled shapes).

Should Overwrite Path Points Settings

name: shouldOverwritePathPointsSettings, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the path points parameters of the CSOs are being overwritten by this module.

Use style palette look up (shouldUseStylePaletteLookUpForPathPoints)

name: shouldUseStylePaletteLookUpForPathPoints, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the visual settings of the attached StylePalette are used for the path points of individual CSOs or CSOGroups. Single settings can still be overwritten globally.

Style Palette Look Up Path Points

name: stylePaletteLookUpPathPoints, type: Enum, default: CSOId

Defines which information of a CSO/CSOGroup should be used as a look up into the attached StylePalette for setting visual attributes of the path points.


Title Name Description
CSOId CSOId The ID of the CSOs should be used.
CSOIndex CSOIndex The index of the CSOs should be used.
CSOGroup Id CSOGroupId The ID of the CSOGroups should be used.
CSOGroup Index CSOGroupIndex The index of the CSOGroups should be used.

Use (usePathPointsOnSliceLineStyle)

name: usePathPointsOnSliceLineStyle, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, the line style of the path points parts that lie on the current slice are set by Style.

Otherwise, the line style is set in the CSO itself.

Use (usePathPointsOnSliceLineWidth)

name: usePathPointsOnSliceLineWidth, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the line width of the path points parts that lie on the current slice are set by Width.

Otherwise, the line width is set by the CSO itself.

Use (usePathPointsOnSliceColor)

name: usePathPointsOnSliceColor, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the color of the path points parts that lie on the current slice are set by Color.

Otherwise, the color is set by the CSO itself.

Use (usePathPointsOnSliceAlpha)

name: usePathPointsOnSliceAlpha, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, the alpha value of the path points parts that lie on the current slice are set by Alpha.

Otherwise, the alpha value is set by the CSO itself.

Style (pathPointsOnSliceLineStyle)

name: pathPointsOnSliceLineStyle, type: Enum, default: PATH_POINTS_STYLE_SOLID

Defines the path points style for the path point parts on the current slice.


Title Name Description
None PATH_POINTS_STYLE_NONE Invisible path points.
Solid PATH_POINTS_STYLE_SOLID Path points are rendered as a solid line.
Dashed PATH_POINTS_STYLE_DASHED Path points are rendered as a dashed line.
Dotted PATH_POINTS_STYLE_DOTTED Path points are rendered as a dotted line.
Short Dashed PATH_POINTS_STYLE_SHORT_DASHED Path points are rendered as a short dashed line.

Width (pathPointsOnSliceLineWidth)

name: pathPointsOnSliceLineWidth, type: Float, default: 1, minimum: 1, maximum: 8

Sets the line width of the parts of the path points that lie on the current slice.

Color (pathPointsOnSliceColor)

name: pathPointsOnSliceColor, type: Color, default: 1 1 1

Sets the color of the parts of the path points that lie on the current slice.

Alpha (pathPointsOnSliceAlpha)

name: pathPointsOnSliceAlpha, type: Float, default: 1, minimum: 0, maximum: 1

Sets the alpha value of the parts of the path points that lie on the current slice.

Use (usePathPointsBelowSliceLineStyle)

name: usePathPointsBelowSliceLineStyle, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, the line style of the path points parts that lie below the current slice are set by Style.

Otherwise, the line style is set by Style.

Use (usePathPointsBelowSliceLineWidth)

name: usePathPointsBelowSliceLineWidth, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the line width of the path points parts that lie below the current slice are set by Width.

Otherwise, the line width is set by Width.

Use (usePathPointsBelowSliceColor)

name: usePathPointsBelowSliceColor, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the color of the path points parts that lie below the current slice are set by Color.

Otherwise, the color is set by Color.

Use (usePathPointsBelowSliceAlpha)

name: usePathPointsBelowSliceAlpha, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, the alpha value of the path points parts that lie below the current slice are set by Alpha.

Otherwise, the alpha value is set by Alpha.

Style (pathPointsBelowSliceLineStyle)

name: pathPointsBelowSliceLineStyle, type: Enum, default: PATH_POINTS_STYLE_DASHED

Defines the line style of the path points parts that lie below the current slice.


Title Name Description
None PATH_POINTS_STYLE_NONE Invisible path points.
Solid PATH_POINTS_STYLE_SOLID Path points are rendered as a solid line.
Dashed PATH_POINTS_STYLE_DASHED Path points are rendered as a dashed line.
Dotted PATH_POINTS_STYLE_DOTTED Path points are rendered as a dotted line.
Short Dashed PATH_POINTS_STYLE_SHORT_DASHED Path points are rendered as short dashed line.

Width (pathPointsBelowSliceLineWidth)

name: pathPointsBelowSliceLineWidth, type: Float, default: 1, minimum: 1, maximum: 8

Defines the line width of the path points parts that lie below the current slice.

Color (pathPointsBelowSliceColor)

name: pathPointsBelowSliceColor, type: Color, default: 1 1 1

Defines the color of the path points parts that lie below the current slice.

Alpha (pathPointsBelowSliceAlpha)

name: pathPointsBelowSliceAlpha, type: Float, default: 0.5, minimum: 0, maximum: 1

Defines the alpha value of the path points parts that lie below the current slice.

Use (usePathPointsAboveSliceLineStyle)

name: usePathPointsAboveSliceLineStyle, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, the line style of the path points parts that lie above the current slice are set by Style.

Otherwise, the line style is set by Style.

Use (usePathPointsAboveSliceLineWidth)

name: usePathPointsAboveSliceLineWidth, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the line width of the path points parts that lie above the current slice are set by Width.

Otherwise, the line width is set by Width.

Use (usePathPointsAboveSliceColor)

name: usePathPointsAboveSliceColor, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the color of the path points parts that lie above the current slice are set by Color.

Otherwise, the color is set by Color.

Use (usePathPointsAboveSliceAlpha)

name: usePathPointsAboveSliceAlpha, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, the alpha value of the path points parts that lie above the current slice are set by Alpha.

Otherwise, the alpha value is set by Alpha.

Style (pathPointsAboveSliceLineStyle)

name: pathPointsAboveSliceLineStyle, type: Enum, default: PATH_POINTS_STYLE_DASHED

Defines the line style of the path points parts that lie above the current slice.


Title Name Description
None PATH_POINTS_STYLE_NONE Invisible path points.
Solid PATH_POINTS_STYLE_SOLID Path points are rendered as a solid line.
Dashed PATH_POINTS_STYLE_DASHED Path points are rendered as a dashed line.
Dotted PATH_POINTS_STYLE_DOTTED Path points are rendered as a dotted line.
Short Dashed PATH_POINTS_STYLE_SHORT_DASHED Path points are rendered as a short dashed line.

Width (pathPointsAboveSliceLineWidth)

name: pathPointsAboveSliceLineWidth, type: Float, default: 1, minimum: 1, maximum: 8

Sets the line width of the path points parts that lie above the current slice.

Color (pathPointsAboveSliceColor)

name: pathPointsAboveSliceColor, type: Color, default: 1 1 1

Sets the color of the path points parts that lie above the current slice.

Alpha (pathPointsAboveSliceAlpha)

name: pathPointsAboveSliceAlpha, type: Float, default: 0.5, minimum: 0, maximum: 1

Sets the alpha value of the path points parts that lie above the current slice.

Should Overwrite Selection Settings

name: shouldOverwriteSelectionSettings, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, the selection settings are being overwritten.

Color Mode (selectedPathPointsColorMode)

name: selectedPathPointsColorMode, type: Enum, default: HIGHLIGHT_MODE_RELATIVE

Defines the color mode for path points of selected CSOs.


Title Name Description
Relative HIGHLIGHT_MODE_RELATIVE The color of path points of selected CSOs are brightened/darkened by Brighten.
Absolute HIGHLIGHT_MODE_ABSOLUTE The color of path points of selected CSOs is set to Fixed Color.

Width Mode (selectedPathPointsLineWidthMode)

name: selectedPathPointsLineWidthMode, type: Enum, default: HIGHLIGHT_MODE_RELATIVE

Defines the path point width mode for selected CSOs.


Title Name Description
Relative HIGHLIGHT_MODE_RELATIVE The line width of path points of selected CSOs is multiplied by Widen.
Absolute HIGHLIGHT_MODE_ABSOLUTE The line width of path points of selected CSOs is set to Fixed Width.

Brighten (selectedPathPointsBrightenValue)

name: selectedPathPointsBrightenValue, type: Float, default: 1.2, minimum: 0, maximum: 8

Sets a color brighten value for path points of selected CSOs.

Fixed Color (selectedPathPointsFixedColor)

name: selectedPathPointsFixedColor, type: Color, default: 1 1 0

Sets a fixed color for path points of selected CSOs.

Alpha (selectedPathPointsAlpha)

name: selectedPathPointsAlpha, type: Float, default: 1, minimum: 0, maximum: 1

Sets an alpha value for path points of selected CSOs.

Widen (selectedPathPointsWidenValue)

name: selectedPathPointsWidenValue, type: Float, default: 1, minimum: 0, maximum: 8

Sets a widen value for path points of selected CSOs.

Fixed Width (selectedPathPointsFixedLineWidth)

name: selectedPathPointsFixedLineWidth, type: Float, default: 2, minimum: 1, maximum: 8

Sets a fixed width for path points of selected CSOs.

Color Mode (selectedSeedPointColorMode)

name: selectedSeedPointColorMode, type: Enum, default: HIGHLIGHT_MODE_RELATIVE

Defines the color mode for seed points of a selected CSO.


Title Name Description
Relative HIGHLIGHT_MODE_RELATIVE Seed points of selected CSOs are brightened/darkened by Brighten.
Absolute HIGHLIGHT_MODE_ABSOLUTE The color of seed point of selected CSOs is set to Fixed Color.

Size Mode (selectedSeedPointSizeMode)

name: selectedSeedPointSizeMode, type: Enum, default: HIGHLIGHT_MODE_RELATIVE

Defines the size mode of seed points of selected CSOs.


Title Name Description
Relative HIGHLIGHT_MODE_RELATIVE The size of seed points of selected CSOs is multiplied by Enlarge.
Absolute HIGHLIGHT_MODE_ABSOLUTE The size of seed points of selected CSOs is set to Fixed Size.

Brighten (selectedSeedPointBrightenValue)

name: selectedSeedPointBrightenValue, type: Float, default: 1.2, minimum: 0, maximum: 8

Sets a brighten/darken factor for seed points of selected CSOs.

Fixed Color (selectedSeedPointFixedColor)

name: selectedSeedPointFixedColor, type: Color, default: 1 1 0

Sets a fixed color for seed point of selected CSOs.

Alpha (selectedSeedPointAlpha)

name: selectedSeedPointAlpha, type: Float, default: 1, minimum: 0, maximum: 1

Sets an alpha value for seed points of selected CSOs.

Enlarge (selectedSeedPointEnlargeValue)

name: selectedSeedPointEnlargeValue, type: Float, default: 1, minimum: 0, maximum: 16

Sets an enlarge factor for seed points of selected CSOs.

Fixed Size (selectedSeedPointFixedSize)

name: selectedSeedPointFixedSize, type: Float, default: 2, minimum: 1, maximum: 16

Sets a fixed size for seed points of selected CSOs.

Enable Mouse Over Highlighting

name: enableMouseOverHighlighting, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, visual parameters are changed for CSOs currently under the mouse cursor.

Color Mode (mouseOverPathPointsColorMode)

name: mouseOverPathPointsColorMode, type: Enum, default: HIGHLIGHT_MODE_RELATIVE

Defines the color mode for path points of CSOs currently under the mouse cursor.


Title Name Description
Relative HIGHLIGHT_MODE_RELATIVE The color of path points of CSOs currently under the mouse cursor is brightened/darkened by Brighten.
Absolute HIGHLIGHT_MODE_ABSOLUTE The color of path points of CSOs currently under the mouse cursor is set to Fixed Color.

Width Mode (mouseOverPathPointsLineWidthMode)

name: mouseOverPathPointsLineWidthMode, type: Enum, default: HIGHLIGHT_MODE_RELATIVE

Defines the line width mode for path points of CSOs currently under the mouse cursor.


Title Name Description
Relative HIGHLIGHT_MODE_RELATIVE The line width of path points of CSOs currently under the mouse cursor is multiplied by Widen.
Absolute HIGHLIGHT_MODE_ABSOLUTE The line width of path points of CSOs currently under the mouse cursor is set to Fixed Width.

Brighten (mouseOverPathPointsBrightenValue)

name: mouseOverPathPointsBrightenValue, type: Float, default: 1.2, minimum: 0, maximum: 8

Sets a brighten/darken value for path points of CSOs currently under the mouse cursor.

Fixed Color (mouseOverPathPointsFixedColor)

name: mouseOverPathPointsFixedColor, type: Color, default: 1 1 0

Sets a color for path points of CSOs currently under the mouse cursor.

Alpha (mouseOverPathPointsAlpha)

name: mouseOverPathPointsAlpha, type: Float, default: 1, minimum: 0, maximum: 1

Sets an alpha value for path points of CSOs currently under the mouse cursor.

Widen (mouseOverPathPointsWidenValue)

name: mouseOverPathPointsWidenValue, type: Float, default: 1, minimum: 0, maximum: 8

Sets a line width widen value for path points of CSOs currently under the mouse cursor.

Fixed Width (mouseOverPathPointsFixedLineWidth)

name: mouseOverPathPointsFixedLineWidth, type: Float, default: 2, minimum: 1, maximum: 8

Sets a fixed line width for path points of CSOs currently under the mouse cursor.

Color Mode (mouseOverSeedPointColorMode)

name: mouseOverSeedPointColorMode, type: Enum, default: HIGHLIGHT_MODE_RELATIVE

Defines the color mode for seed points currently under the mouse cursor.


Title Name Description
Relative HIGHLIGHT_MODE_RELATIVE The color of seed point currently under the mouse cursor is brightened/darkened by Brighten.
Absolute HIGHLIGHT_MODE_ABSOLUTE The color of seed point currently under the mouse cursor is set to Fixed Color.

Size Mode (mouseOverSeedPointSizeMode)

name: mouseOverSeedPointSizeMode, type: Enum, default: HIGHLIGHT_MODE_RELATIVE

Defines the size mode for seed points currently under the mouse cursor.


Title Name Description
Relative HIGHLIGHT_MODE_RELATIVE The size of seed points currently under the mouse cursor is multiplied by Enlarge.
Absolute HIGHLIGHT_MODE_ABSOLUTE The size of seed points currently under the mouse cursor is set to Fixed Size.

Brighten (mouseOverSeedPointBrightenValue)

name: mouseOverSeedPointBrightenValue, type: Float, default: 1.2, minimum: 0, maximum: 8

Sets a brighten/darken value for the color of seed points currently under the mouse cursor.

Fixed Color (mouseOverSeedPointFixedColor)

name: mouseOverSeedPointFixedColor, type: Color, default: 1 1 0

Sets a fixed color for seed points currently under the mouse cursor.

Alpha (mouseOverSeedPointAlpha)

name: mouseOverSeedPointAlpha, type: Float, default: 1, minimum: 0, maximum: 1

Sets an alpha value for seed points currently under the mouse cursor.

Enlarge (mouseOverSeedPointEnlargeValue)

name: mouseOverSeedPointEnlargeValue, type: Float, default: 1, minimum: 0, maximum: 16

Sets an enlarge value for the size of seed points currently under the mouse cursor.

Fixed Size (mouseOverSeedPointFixedSize)

name: mouseOverSeedPointFixedSize, type: Float, default: 2, minimum: 1, maximum: 16

Sets a fixed size for seed points currently under the mouse cursor.

Visible By Mode

name: visibleByMode, type: Enum, default: CSOs

Defines how the Visible Id List should be interpreted.


Title Name Description
CSOs CSOs The Visible Id List is a list of CSO ids.
Groups Groups The Visible Id List is a list of CSOGroup ids.

Visible Id List

name: visibleIdList, type: String

Sets the list of visible objects (CSOs or CSOGroups). This is a space-separated list of IDs.

Invert Visibility

name: invertVisibility, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Inverts the visibility.

Hidden Fields


name: shouldUsePathPointColorForSeedPoints, type: Bool, default: FALSE