
The module SoMLLUT provides an ML lookup table (LUT) object to the Open Inventor scene graph.

You can connect any LUTFunction object (i.e., an object that is derived from ml::LUTFunction) to the module’s input field. The SoMLLUT module sets a corresponding lookup table element in the render state, so that nodes that are traversed after this module can access the LUT from the scene.

The provided LUT object is used by various visualization modules, such as SoView2D, SoView2DOverlay, SoGVRVolumeRenderer and other nodes that use a lookup table.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: inLUT, type: LUTFunction(MLBase), deprecated name: inputLUT

Output Fields


name: self, type: SoNode

Parameter Fields

Visible Fields

Accept Extensions

name: acceptExtensions, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, extensions such as SoMLLUTChangeColor are accepted.