
The module RampLUT generates an RGB and alpha ramp lookup table (LUT) object.

The LUT can be used with the ApplyLUT module or within 2D/3D viewers (in conjunction with SoMLLUT). The two ramps for RGB and alpha channels can be parametrized independently.


Select parameters for the RGB Ramp and the Alpha Ramp. For both ramps, specify Center and Width, as well as Start and End color or alpha value.

Connect the outLUT output field to a SoMLLUT module to use the LUT in a 2D/3D viewer, or to an ApplyLUT module to apply the LUT to an ML image.

The module also has an ML image input; if a valid ML image is connected, the module RampLUT can set a default LUT based on the image’s min/max value or, if existing, on the LUT set in the DICOM tags.


See LUT Functions for general information about ML lookup tables.

For the exact handling of the DICOM Window Center and Window Width tags, see the Details section of DicomLUT.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: input0, type: Image

Output Fields


name: outLUT, type: LUTFunction(MLBase)

Parameter Fields

Visible Fields


name: relative, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, the generated LUT is relative, i.e., the index value interval [0, …, 1] is rescaled to the true image value range before applying the LUT.

If the LUT is absolute, on the other hand, the image values are used as index values directly, without rescaling.

Center (center)

name: center, type: Double, default: 0.5

Sets the center index value of the ramp, either as an absolute image value or relative to [0, …, 1].

Width (width)

name: width, type: Double, default: 1

Sets the width value of the ramp, either as an absolute image value range or relative to [0, …, 1].

Start (startColor)

name: startColor, type: Color, default: 0 0 0

Sets the color used for index values below the start of the ramp (i.e., index <= center-width/2).

End (endColor)

name: endColor, type: Color, default: 1 1 1

Sets the color used for index values above the end of the ramp (i.e., index >= center+width/2).

Center (alphaCenter)

name: alphaCenter, type: Double, default: 0.5

Sets the center index value of the ramp, either as an absolute image value or relative to [0, …, 1].

Width (alphaWidth)

name: alphaWidth, type: Double, default: 1

Sets the width value of the ramp, either as an absolute image value range or relative to [0, …, 1].

Start (alphaStart)

name: alphaStart, type: Double, default: 0, minimum: 0, maximum: 1

Sets the alpha value used for index values below the start of the ramp (i.e., index <= center-width/2).

End (alphaEnd)

name: alphaEnd, type: Double, default: 1, minimum: 0, maximum: 1

Sets the alpha value used for index values above the end of the ramp (i.e., index >= center+width/2).

Image valid

name: isImageValid, type: Bool, persistent: no

Shows whether the attached image is valid (or if there is no image attached).


name: isSigmoidVOILUT, type: Bool, persistent: no

Shows whether the VOI LUT Function tag of the input image is set to SIGMOID. Nonetheless, the module will always create a linear ramp LUT.

Use relative LUT if no input image

name: useRelativeIfNoInputImage, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the module uses a relative LUT in [0, …, 1] if no input image is attached.

If there was an input image attached, the module used an absolute LUT, and the image is detached while this flag is checked, the module uses the same LUT as before just in relative bounds.

Compute LUT on initialization

name: shouldComputeLUTOnInitialization, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, the module computes the LUT automatically based on the input image on initialization, i.e., after a saved network has been loaded. Otherwise, the stored LUT values (center, width) are just used.

Compute LUT on each image change

name: shouldComputeLUTOnEachImageChange, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the module computes a default LUT on each update of the input image.

Compute LUT Anew

name: computeLUTAnew, type: Trigger

When pressed, the LUT is computed anew on base of the input image’s DICOM tags.

The DICOM tags used to compute the LUT are: WindowCenter, WindowWidth, SlopeIntercept, and SlopeRescale.

Image Min Value

name: imageMinValue, type: Double, persistent: no

Shows the input image’s minimum value (or 0 if no image is attached).

Image Max Value

name: imageMaxValue, type: Double, persistent: no

Shows the input image’s maximum value (or 1 if no image is attached).

Image Range Min Value

name: imageRangeMinValue, type: Double, persistent: no

Shows the minimum value of the image value range. This is always 0.

Image Range Max Value

name: imageRangeMaxValue, type: Double, persistent: no

Shows the maximum value of the image value range.

Hidden Fields


name: useCorrectDicomLinearLutInterpretation, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, the window center shall be reduced by 0.5 and the window width by 1.0, which leads to the DICOM-conform calculation for linear LUTs. This is only relevant when the VOI LUT Function tag is set to LINEAR.

legacyValue: False