
genre Interaction
author MeVis Medical Solutions AG
package MeVisLab/Standard
dll SoView2D
definition view2d.def
see also SoView2D, GetVoxelValue
inherits from SoView2DExtension
keywords pixel, cursor, position, extension


The module SoView2DVoxelValue shows the current position of the mouse cursor and the voxel value beneath it.


Default Panel


Parameter Fields

Visible Fields


name: alt, type: Enum, default: IGNORED

see SoView2DExtension.alt

Values Valid

name: valuesValid, type: Bool, persistent: no, deprecated name: valuesUpToDate

This will be set to false if the mouse cursor is not over the image. Voxel Position, Integer Position, and World Position should be considered as invalid, as well as Output Value and Stored Value.

Voxel Position

name: voxelPosition, type: Vector3, persistent: no, deprecated name: voxelPos

Shows the current voxel position.

Integer Position

name: integerPosition, type: Vector3, persistent: no, deprecated name: floorVoxelPos

Shows the floored current voxel position.

World Position

name: worldPosition, type: Vector3, persistent: no, deprecated name: worldPos

Shows the current world position.

Stored Value

name: storedValue, type: Float, persistent: no, deprecated name: value

Shows the value stored in the image under the mouse cursor.

Output Value

name: outputValue, type: Float, persistent: no, deprecated name: medicalValue

Shows the voxel value under the mouse cursor in Hounsfield units.

This value is only valid for CT images.

Show Color Channel Values

name: showColorChannelValues, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Enables the display of voxel values from all color channels in Stored Value String; if disabled then only the value of the first channel is shown.

Color Channel Separator

name: colorChannelSeparator, type: String, default: /

The string used to separate color channel components in Stored Value String; other separators than a space are recommended to distinguish it from the space used in non-scalar voxel values.

Invalidate Undefined Output Values

name: invalidateUndefinedOutputValues, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If set, output values are set to NaN/empty string when Values Valid is false.

Max Precision

name: maxPrecision, type: Integer, default: 4

Sets the maximum number of digits after the comma of non-scalar voxels.

Stored Value String

name: storedValueString, type: String, persistent: no, deprecated name: valueStr

Shows the same as Stored Value only as a string.

Output Value String

name: outputValueString, type: String, persistent: no, deprecated name: medicalValueStr

Shows the same as Output Value only as a string.

Hidden Fields


name: interactionProviderID, type: String

see SoView2DExtension.interactionProviderID


name: drawingOn, type: Bool, default: TRUE

see SoView2DExtension.drawingOn


name: editingOn, type: Bool, default: TRUE

see SoView2DExtension.editingOn


name: maskValid, type: Bool, persistent: no


name: fixZOn, type: Bool, default: TRUE


name: color, type: Color, default: 1 1 1

see SoView2DExtension.color


name: selectionTolerance, type: Float, default: 4, deprecated name: selectDistance


name: needsValidVoxel, type: Bool, default: TRUE

see SoView2DExtension.needsValidVoxel


name: wantsAllEvents, type: Bool, default: FALSE


name: wantsKeyEvents, type: Bool, default: FALSE


name: setEventHandled, type: Bool, default: FALSE

see SoView2DExtension.setEventHandled


name: ignoreHandledEvents, type: Bool, default: FALSE

see SoView2DExtension.ignoreHandledEvents


name: createNewMode, type: Bool, default: FALSE

see SoView2DExtension.createNewMode


name: createNewModeRequest, type: Trigger

see SoView2DExtension.createNewModeRequest


name: renderOnSlab, type: Bool, default: FALSE


name: clipToSlice, type: Bool, default: FALSE


name: cursorShape, type: Enum, default: UNDEFINED_CURSOR

see SoView2DExtension.cursorShape


name: singleClicked, type: Trigger, persistent: no


name: doubleClicked, type: Trigger, persistent: no


name: viewerId, type: String, persistent: no

This field contains the id of the viewer through which the current voxel position was set.


name: modality, type: String, persistent: no