
genre Unary
author MeVis Medical Solutions AG
package MeVisLab/Standard
dll MLBasicModules
definition mlBasicModules.def
see also SubImage
keywords world, coordinate


The module GetVoxelValue gets the value of an input image to a corresponding world or voxel coordinate.

The value is written into a field, so it can be used in a network.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: input0, type: Image

Parameter Fields

Field Index

Input Coordinate System: Enum Update Mode: Enum
Interpolation: Enum Voxel value is valid: Bool
Output String Value: String  
Output Value: Double  
Position: Vector6  
Stored String Value: String  
Stored Value: Double  
Update: Trigger  

Visible Fields


name: position, type: Vector6, default: 0 0 0 0 0 0, deprecated name: worldCoordinateInput

Sets the position which is interpreted according to Input Coordinate System.

Stored Value

name: storedValue, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: voxelDoubleValue

The actual image value at the given position.

Stored String Value

name: storedStringValue, type: String, persistent: no, deprecated name: voxelStringValue

Shows the actual image value at the given position as a string.

Voxel value is valid

name: valid, type: Bool, persistent: no, deprecated name: voxelValueValid

Shows whether the output fields are valid.

Update Mode

name: updateMode, type: Enum, default: AutoClear

Defines the update mode of this module.


Title Name Deprecated Name Description
Clear AutoClear Off Nothing happens if the input or any field changes.
Update AutoUpdate   The output fields are computed anew on any field or input image change.

Output Value

name: outputValue, type: Double, persistent: no

Shows the medical image value at the given position. This means that the DICOM Rescale/Slope of the input image are applied to the image value.

Output String Value

name: outputStringValue, type: String, persistent: no

Shows the medical image value at the given position as a string. This means that the DICOM Rescale/Slope of the input image are applied to the image value.

Input Coordinate System

name: coordinateType, type: Enum, default: World

Defines the coordinate system the Position is interpreted in.


Title Name
World World
Voxel Voxel


name: update, type: Trigger, deprecated name: updateButton

If pressed, the module computes anew.


name: interpolation, type: Enum, default: NearestNeighbor

Selects the interpolation that is used.


Title Name Description
Nearest Neighbor NearestNeighbor Selects the nearest voxel value and does not interpolate.
Trilinear Trilinear Calculates the result value by using trilinear interpolation on 8 neighboring voxels. On the borders it clamps to the edges. NOTE: Trilinear interpolation is currently only supported on scalar types. On non-scalar types the module always uses nearest neighbor sampling.