
The module RampFilter creates a grey level ramp or a ‘wedge’.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: input0, type: Image

Output Fields


name: output0, type: Image

Parameter Fields

Visible Fields

Direction Axis

name: direction, type: Enum, default: PositiveX

Defines the axis long which the ramp will be created.


Title Name
Positive X PositiveX
Negative X NegativeX
Positive Y PositiveY
Negative Y NegativeY
Positive Z PositiveZ
Negative Z NegativeZ


name: amplitude, type: Float, default: 100

Sets the amplitude of the ramp, i.e. the grey level difference between the lowest and the highest point of the ramp.

Add Input

name: addInput, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, the input image values are being added to the generated ramp values.

Add Const

name: addConst, type: Double, default: 0

Sets a constant value that is added to all output image values.

This valu can be considered an offset value.