
genre Histogram
author MeVis Medical Solutions AG
package MeVisLab/Standard
dll MLVolumetry
definition MLVolumetry.def
keywords normalize, minimum, maximum, quantile, mean, peak, sum, fwhm, statistics


The module HistogramParameters computes parameters from a given histogram.


Connect a histogram base object (e.g., output from the Histogram module)


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: inHistogram, type: HistogramObject(MLBase), deprecated name: histogram

histogram to be analyzed

Output Fields


name: outHistogramCurve, type: CurveData(MLBase), deprecated name: outputHistogramCurve

output histogram as curve (depends on useStepFunction)

For accessing this object via scripting see the Scripting Reference: MLCurveDataWrapper.

Parameter Fields

Field Index

#Non Empty Bins in Interval: Double Minimum: Double Position (fwhmPosition): Double
End Position: Double minValleyHeight: Double Q25%: Double
Entropy: Double minValleyPos: Double Q50% (median): Double
FWHM: Double Non-Zero Height: Double Q75%: Double
FWHM-left: Double Non-Zero Maximum: Double Q_p1%: Double
FWHM-right: Double Non-Zero Mean Height: Double Q_p2%: Double
Height: Double Non-Zero Minimum: Double Standard Deviation of Histogram: Double
Interval Sum: Double Non-Zero Position: Double Start Position: Double
IQR (Q75% - Q25%): Double normalize100: Bool Sum: Double
Maximum: Double p1 [%]: Double Use normalized histogram: Bool
Mean Height: Double p2 [%]: Double useStepFunction: Bool
Mean Position: Double Position (maxPeakPos): Double  

Visible Fields

Use normalized histogram

name: normalize, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the histogram is normalized before computing parameters.

p1 [%]

name: quantileArg, type: Double, default: 5, deprecated name: quantileValue

Sets the quantile for Q_p1%.

p2 [%]

name: quantile2Arg, type: Double, default: 95, deprecated name: quantile2Value

Sets the quantile for Q_p2%.


name: quantileX, type: Double, persistent: no

Shows the quantile for p1 [%].


name: quantile2X, type: Double, persistent: no

Shows the quantile for p2 [%].


name: quantile25, type: Double, persistent: no

Shows the 25% quantile.

Q50% (median)

name: quantile50, type: Double, persistent: no

Shows the 50% quantile (the median).


name: quantile75, type: Double, persistent: no

Shows the 75% quantile.

IQR (Q75% - Q25%)

name: interquartileRange, type: Double, persistent: no

Shows the interquartile range (IQR), defined as the difference between the 25% and 75% quantiles.

Position (maxPeakPos)

name: maxPeakPos, type: Double, persistent: no

Shows the position of the highest peak of the histogram.


name: maxPeakHeight, type: Double, persistent: no

Shows the height of the highest peak of the histogram.


name: fwhm, type: Double, persistent: no, deprecated name: FWHM

Shows the FWHM value using left side and right side for computation.

Position (fwhmPosition)

name: fwhmPosition, type: Double, default: 1, deprecated name: FWHMposition

Sets the position for the FHWM computation.


name: sum, type: Double, persistent: no

Shows the sum of histogram entries.

Mean Height

name: meanHeight, type: Double, persistent: no

Shows the mean height of the histogram.

Non-Zero Mean Height

name: nonZeroMeanHeight, type: Double, persistent: no

Shows the mean height of the non-zero histogram entries.

Mean Position

name: meanPos, type: Double, persistent: no

Shows the mean position of the histogram.

Standard Deviation of Histogram

name: standardDev, type: Double, persistent: no

Shows the standard deviation of the histogram.


name: minPos, type: Double, persistent: no

Shows the minimal histogram position.


name: maxPos, type: Double, persistent: no

Shows the maximal histogram position.

Non-Zero Minimum

name: nonZeroMinPos, type: Double, persistent: no

Shows the minimal histogram position using only non-zero histogram entries.

Non-Zero Maximum

name: nonZeroMaxPos, type: Double, persistent: no

Shows the maximal histogram position using only non-zero histogram entries.

Start Position

name: startPos, type: Double, default: 0

Sets the start position for the sum within the interval.

End Position

name: endPos, type: Double, default: 0

Sets the end position for the sum within the interval.

Interval Sum

name: intervalSum, type: Double, persistent: no

Shows the sum of entries within the set interval.


name: fwhmLeft, type: Double, persistent: no

Shows the FHWM value using only the left side for computation.


name: fwhmRight, type: Double, persistent: no

Shows the FHWM value using only the right side for computation.


name: entropy, type: Double, persistent: no

Shows the entropy value of the histogram.

Non-Zero Position

name: maxNonZeroPeakPos, type: Double, persistent: no

Shows the position of the non-zero peak of the histogram.

Non-Zero Height

name: maxNonZeroPeakHeight, type: Double, persistent: no

Shows the height of the peak of the non-zero histogram.

#Non Empty Bins in Interval

name: numNonEmptyBins, type: Double, persistent: no

Shows the number of non-empty bins within the interval.

Hidden Fields


name: normalize100, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Normalize to a sum of 100 (instead of 1.0)


name: minValleyPos, type: Double, persistent: no


name: minValleyHeight, type: Double, persistent: no


name: useStepFunction, type: Bool, default: FALSE

whether outHistogramCurve shall output steps or a piecewise linear curve