
genre Interaction
author MeVis Medical Solutions AG
package MeVisLab/Standard
dll SoMenu
definition SoMenu.def


The base class for all menus that arrange their menu items as rectangles.

See SoBorderMenu, SoFixedMenu, or SoPopupMenu.


Add SoMenuItem nodes to the scene before this node and set their SoMenuItem.parentId to this nodes menuId.


The key/button combination for interacting with the module can be changed with SoInteractionMapping.

Dragging with pressed mouse button over a menu item with SoMenuItem.subMenuId set will open a sub-menu consisting of all items that have this id set as SoMenuItem.parentId.

Output Fields


name: self, type: SoNode

Connect this to the Inventor scene where the menu is needed.

Parameter Fields

Field Index

backgroundAlpha: Float enabled: Bool menuId: String
backgroundAlphaSelected: Float fontSize: Integer mouseOverColorFactor: Float
backgroundColor: Color hoverItemID: String on: Bool
backgroundColorSelected: Color iconBlendMode: Enum popupDelay: Float
color: Color interactionProviderID: String textIconGap: Integer
colorSelected: Color itemInnerBorder: Float textShadow: Bool
disableZBuffer: Bool itemOuterBorder: Float  
drawBackground: Bool lastClickedItemId: String  

Hidden Fields


name: interactionProviderID, type: String

Used to identify Managed Interaction actions of this node. If empty, the name of the node is used instead.


name: on, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If not set, the menu will not be shown and can not be interacted with.


name: enabled, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If not set, the menu will be shown, but can not be interacted with.


name: iconBlendMode, type: Enum, default: IconReplace

Blend mode to use for icons. Can be overridden by the menu item.


Title Name
Replace IconReplace
Blend IconBlend
Premultiplied Blend IconPremultipliedBlend


name: color, type: Color, default: 1 1 1

Color to use for text and gray-scale icons of unselected menu items. Can be overridden by the item.


name: colorSelected, type: Color, default: 1 1 1

Color to use for text and gray-scale icons of selected menu items. Can be overridden by the item.


name: drawBackground, type: Bool, default: TRUE

Whether to draw a background for the menu items.


name: backgroundColor, type: Color, default: 0.5 0.5 0.5

Color to use for the background of unselected menu items. Can be overridden by the item.


name: backgroundAlpha, type: Float, default: 0.80000001

Alpha factor to use for the background of unselected menu items. Can be overridden by the item.


name: backgroundColorSelected, type: Color, default: 0.699999988079071 0.699999988079071 0.699999988079071

Color to use for the background of selected menu items. Can be overridden by the item.


name: backgroundAlphaSelected, type: Float, default: 0.80000001

Alpha factor to use for the background of selected menu items. Can be overridden by the item.


name: mouseOverColorFactor, type: Float, default: 0.80000001

Color factor for brightening/darkening a menu item on mouse-over.


name: disableZBuffer, type: Bool, default: TRUE

Whether to disable the z buffer when drawing menu items.


name: lastClickedItemId, type: String, persistent: no

The of the last menu item that was clicked.


name: hoverItemID, type: String

The of the menu item the mouse cursor is currently over. (Only if the pointing action of this menu is currently active, which depends on the key/button binding).


name: popupDelay, type: Float, default: 250

The delay (in ms) until sub-menus are opened.


name: fontSize, type: Integer, default: 10

The font size for the text of menu items.


name: textShadow, type: Bool, default: TRUE

Draw text with a shadow.


name: itemOuterBorder, type: Float, default: 1

The border size (in pixels) to leave around each menu item.


name: itemInnerBorder, type: Float, default: 3

The border size (in pixels) to leave inside each menu item to text and icons.


name: textIconGap, type: Integer, default: 4

The gap (in pixels) between icon and text if both are drawn.