
The module MergeLists merges two lists derived from ml.BaseList of the same type by copying the list elements of the two input lists.


Default Panel


Input Fields

Both input lists need to be of the same type.


name: inList1, type: MLBase, deprecated name: inputList0


name: inList2, type: MLBase, deprecated name: inputList1

Output Fields

The merged output list.


name: outList, type: MLBase, deprecated name: outputList

Parameter Fields

Visible Fields


name: update, type: Trigger, deprecated name: apply

If pressed, the module merges the two input lists if they are valid.

Auto-Update Mode

name: updateMode, type: Enum, default: AutoUpdate, deprecated name: autoUpdateMode

Defines the automatic update mode.


Title Name Deprecated Name Description
Off Off AutoUpdateModeDoNothing The module does not react to an input change.
Auto Clear AutoClear AutoUpdateModeAutoClear The module clears the output list on any input change.
Auto Update AutoUpdate AutoUpdateModeAutoUpdate The module updates the merged output list on any input change.


name: clear, type: Trigger

If pressed, the output list is cleared.

Completely rebuild output list on each update.

name: alwaysRebuild, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the module will rebuild the output list from scratch when an update is performed (instead of modifying it iteratively from stored input list events).

This mode is useful if

  • you don’t need to know each single event in the subsequent operator
  • you plan on disabling auto-update and manually updating the output list from time to time
  • the number of events that might have occurred in the meantime is larger than the sum of the input list sizes.

Notify output once for each stored event.

name: notifyForEachEvent, type: Bool, default: TRUE

This is only effective if Completely rebuild output list on each update. and Auto-Update are disabled. If the field is enabled (default), the stored list events will be iteratively relayed as a solitary events, and the output list will be touched each time. If disabled, the output list will be touched only once at the end, and the ActNew-event is set to indicate that any subsequent operator has to re-read the whole list.