
The module LabelTrees sets a label to all skeletons of each tree in the attached Graph (editing).

The given labels are distributed in order of the trees’ sizes.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: inGraphEditing, type: GraphEditing(MLBase)

Parameter Fields

Visible Fields


name: assign, type: Trigger

If pressed, the labels are distributed to the trees ordered by the volume (number of voxels) of the trees.

If there are more trees than labels, the excess trees are left unlabeled.


name: update, type: Trigger

If pressed, the labels are distributed to the trees ordered by their volume.

If there are more trees than labels, the smaller trees will get the last label. If a larger tree is removed, an update on the same graph will cause the largest of the left-over trees to have the now unassigned label.

Label Values

name: labelValues, type: String, default: 12025 12125 12225

Sets the label values that are to be distributed to the skeletons of all trees.