
The module LabelSelectedTree sets label values to skeletons of a selected tree or parts of a selected tree. The selection is done by giving a position.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: inGraphEditing, type: GraphEditing(MLBase)

Parameter Fields

Field Index

Label Mode: Enum
Label Value: String
Position: Vector3
Range for Smart Snap in Skeletons: Integer
Update: Trigger

Visible Fields

Label Mode

name: labelMode, type: Enum, default: FromSelectedEdgeToLeaves

Defines the label mode.


Title Name Description
Whole Tree WholeTree The labels of all skeletons of the whole tree are set.
From Selected Edge To Leaves FromSelectedEdgeToLeaves The labels of the skeletons of the whole selected edge down to each leaf recursively are set.
From Selected Skeleton To Leaves FromSelectedSkeletonToLeaves The labels of the skeletons of the selected edge, starting from the selected skeleton, down to each leaf recursively are set.
From Smart Snap Selected Skeleton To Leaves FromSmartSnapSelectedSkeletonToLeaves If the selected skeleton is within the range of Range for Smart Snap in Skeletons to a preceding skeleton with a different label than the selected skeleton or to the preceding node, the edge’s skeleton labels are set from the found skeleton or node, otherwise just from the selected skeleton down to all leaves.


name: position, type: Vector3, default: 0 0 0

Sets a position in 3D; the nearest skeleton of any tree/edge is searched for to determine which tree is to be labeled.

Label Value

name: labelValue, type: String, default: 12025

Sets the label value that is set to skeletons.

Range for Smart Snap in Skeletons

name: numSkeletonsSmartSnap, type: Integer, default: 5, minimum: 0

Sets the range in skeletons for the smart snap option.


name: update, type: Trigger