2D |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ConvexHull | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Region | MLFuzzy | Calculates (2D / slice-wise) convex hulls of one or more objects. |
DicomViewer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Visualization, ApplicationsMenu | | Convenience module to load a directory containing DICOM files and view the images in 2D and 3D. |
GVROrthoOverlay | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Displays an ML image as an overlay in an (ortho) viewer. |
JointHistogram | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Histogram | MLJointHist | Generate 2D histogram |
JointHistogramMask | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Histogram | MLJointHist | Generate binary mask using rectangle region from 2D histogram |
OrthoTriplePlaneViewer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | View2D | | Orthogonal variable triple plane viewer |
RegistrationManual | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Registration | | Manual 3D rigid body registration |
SoExtText2 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Visualization | SoView2D | nicer font node than SoText2 |
SoImageFileSampler | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoImageSamplers | loads an image file from disk and adds it as a sampler |
3D |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DicomViewer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Visualization, ApplicationsMenu | | Convenience module to load a directory containing DICOM files and view the images in 2D and 3D. |
MIPlaneDragger | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Interaction | | Plane dragger with Managed Interaction |
PointCloudToMask | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLPointCloudToMask | Converts a list of points and normal pairs (surface) to a 3D mask image. |
RegionGrowing | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Region | MLSegmentation | Simple 2D/3D/4D region growing operator. |
SoCameraInteraction | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoCameraInteraction | Control camera/headlight with mouse. |
SoCameraWidget | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoCameraInteraction | Control existing camera with viewer widgets. |
SoCustomExaminerViewer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View3D | SoCustomViewer | customizable examiner viewer |
SoExaminerViewer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View3D | SoViewers | The examiner viewer is used to view an OpenInventor scene graph. It stores the current settings and the camera position |
SoGVRVolumeRenderer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | VolRend | SoGVR | Volume Renderer using OpenGL and shaders |
SoImageFileSampler | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoImageSamplers | loads an image file from disk and adds it as a sampler |
SoMIDraggerContainer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoManagedInteractionDraggers | Container for Managed Interaction draggers |
SoMIRotateCylindricalDragger | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoManagedInteractionDraggers | Spherical rotation dragger with Managed Interaction |
SoMIRotateDiscDragger | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoManagedInteractionDraggers | Disc rotation dragger with Managed Interaction |
SoMIRotateSphericalDragger | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoManagedInteractionDraggers | Spherical rotation dragger with Managed Interaction |
SoMITranslate1Dragger | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoManagedInteractionDraggers | Translation along one axis dragger with Managed Interaction |
SoMITranslate2Dragger | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoManagedInteractionDraggers | Translation in a plane dragger with Managed Interaction |
SoRenderArea | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View3D | SoViewers | Simple viewer with no interaction, nice to use with SoView2D |
SoSlideWidget | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoCameraInteraction | Manipulate numeric value(s) with viewer widgets. |
SoTrackballDragger | Silicon Graphics Inc | InventorModule | InventorDraggers | | |
SoTrackballManip | Silicon Graphics Inc | InventorModule | InventorManipulators | | |
SoTransform | Silicon Graphics Inc | InventorModule | InventorTransform,InventorNodesAutomatic | | |
SoTransformBoxDragger | Silicon Graphics Inc | InventorModule | InventorDraggers | | |
SoTransformBoxManip | Silicon Graphics Inc | InventorModule | InventorManipulators | | |
SoTransformSeparator | Silicon Graphics Inc | InventorModule | InventorNodesAutomatic,InventorGroup | | |
SoView2DHint | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2D | hint for 3d rendering of view2d and extensions |
SoView2DScene | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2DScene | 2D slice visualization of connected scene |
SoView2DSlicer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoView2D | Allows to slice through a SoView2D by using the mouse |
4D |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CalculateVolume | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Volumetry | MLVolumetry | Calculates voxel volume and number of voxels in interval, also for all timepoints and individual timepoints |
RegionGrowing | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Region | MLSegmentation | Simple 2D/3D/4D region growing operator. |
abort |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ErrorTest | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Test | MLDiagnosis | Prints/Forces different types of messages and forces desired error types |
absolute |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Arithmetic1 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Unary | MLBasicModules | Arithmetic processing of an image |
ComplexToReal | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Unary | MLComplexArithmetic | Computes either abs, arg or power of complex number |
ImageStatistics | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Statistics | MLMiscModules | Compute statistical values for a complete image or slice by slice |
SubImageStatistics | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Statistics | MLMiscModules | do statistics on selectable dimensions of an image |
accumulate |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ImageROIsFileCache | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Caches an image in a file and allows for combining new ROIs into this initial image; useful for combining masks. |
action |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoActionLog | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Visualization | SoUtils | log currently passing action |
SoActionNotify | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Visualization | SoUtils | Touches trigger fields on certain actions |
SoPointingActionSwitcher | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Switch managed pointing actions depending on mouse cursor position |
active |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoFocus | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoUtils | General facility to detect focus changes |
adaptive |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
WEMLevelSetRemesh | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLOpenVDB | remesh a WEM using a level set representation |
add |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Arithmetic0 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLMiscModules | simple arithmetic and logic expresions evaluated one or two float or Vector3 arguments, simpler to use than SoCalculator |
Arithmetic1 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Unary | MLBasicModules | Arithmetic processing of an image |
Arithmetic2 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Binary | MLBasicModules | Arithmetic processing of two images |
CombineLabels | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Arithmetic | | Combines selected bits of up to three input images into of a label image |
ComplexArithmetic1 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Unary | MLComplexArithmetic | Performs some complex number specific functions |
ComplexArithmetic2 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Binary | MLComplexArithmetic | performs complex arithmetics on two inputs |
Compose3DFrom2DFiles | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Creates a 3d image from 2d images with the same size. This can be used to create a ML image from a set of tiff slices. |
ComposeBaseList | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLBase | Composes two base objects to one BaseList. |
Counter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Counter for integer numbers |
CSOMerge | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOModule | MLCSOModules | Merges two input CSOLists. |
ImageROIsFileCache | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Caches an image in a file and allows for combining new ROIs into this initial image; useful for combining masks. |
MatrixArithmetic | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLCoordUtils1 | Standard matrix operations for (two) 4x4 homogenous matrices. |
OrthoProjection | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLGeometry1 | Projects a volume dataset along a given dimension |
affine |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoCSOTransform | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | SoCSO | SoCSO | Transforms CSOs by an affine matrix. |
SoTransform | Silicon Graphics Inc | InventorModule | InventorTransform,InventorNodesAutomatic | | |
SoTransformSeparator | Silicon Graphics Inc | InventorModule | InventorNodesAutomatic,InventorGroup | | |
SoView2DRigidRegistrationEditor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2D | SoView2D | manual rigid registration editor |
alert |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
MessageBox | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | GUI | | Configurable message dialog |
MessageBoxExt | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | GUI | | Configurable message dialog with additional elements |
align |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
InterleaveDimension | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLGeometry1 | Merges a dimension sequentially into another one |
SwapFlipDimensions | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLGeometry1 | User may choose two dimensions to swap with all contents. Useful i.e. for misaligned data. |
aligned |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoBoundingBoxVis | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Computes and visualizes an axis aligned bounding box for an arbitrary OpenInventor scene. |
alpha |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ChangeLUTColor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | Apply color, intensity and/or alpha factors to a LUT |
ColorMatrix | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLColor | Applys a matrix to an input image to change the colors |
ColorTable | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLColor | Offers different Color Tables |
DicomPaletteLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | Generate color palette LUT from an image's DICOM tags |
SoCSOVisualizationSettings | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoCSO | Overwrites visual settings for CSOs. |
SoDepthPeelRenderer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Visualization | SoRenderers | renders a scene with depth peeling |
amplitude |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
RampFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Generators | MLBasicModules | Creates a grey value ramp with amplitude and direction; add to input or ramp alone. |
analysis |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
LoadAny | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Module to identify, analyze, open and perhaps load most MeVisLab, ML, WEM, CSO itk, vtk and many other file formats |
Analyze |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ImageLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FileMain | MLImageFile | Loads an image. |
ImageSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FileMain | MLImageFile | Saves an image to a file |
LoadAny | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Module to identify, analyze, open and perhaps load most MeVisLab, ML, WEM, CSO itk, vtk and many other file formats |
and |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Arithmetic0 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLMiscModules | simple arithmetic and logic expresions evaluated one or two float or Vector3 arguments, simpler to use than SoCalculator |
Arithmetic1 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Unary | MLBasicModules | Arithmetic processing of an image |
Arithmetic2 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Binary | MLBasicModules | Arithmetic processing of two images |
BitConvert | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Image | MLFilter2 | Set/Clears/Inverts certain bit planes in an image |
BitImageArithmetic | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | BitImageTools | MLBitImageTools | Unary and binary operations on a bit image |
BitMaskConvert | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Image | MLFilter2 | Set/Clears/Inverts certain bit planes in an image in dependency of a second input image as mask |
angle |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ComposeRotation | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Coordinate | MLCoordUtils1 | Compute composition of two rotations |
TransformEdit | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Coordinate | MLMiscModulesInv | Editing a transformation matrix incrementally and interactively |
animation |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
AnimationRecorder | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | |
anisotrop |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SmoothHistogram | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Histogram | MLVolumetry | Smooth graph of histogram. |
anisotropic |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
RecAnisoDiffusion | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Diffusion | MLFilter1 | Recursive (iterative), anisotropic (edge preserving 'EP') binomial (Gaussian) filter. |
annotation |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Comment | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Extras | | Store comments in a network |
SoView2DLabel | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2D | Draws a string at a user selected (world) position onto a SoView2D. |
SoView2DLegend | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2D | Converts a legend string to a legend and draws this onto a SoView2D. The legend consists of a (stippled) line and a text, both in a specified color. The legend is intended to be used with SoView2DContour. |
View2DExtensions | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | View2D | | Standard, customizable View2D extensions |
anonymization |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DicomDeidentify | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLDicomDeidentify | Remove identifying information from DICOM data according to PS 3.15, annex E |
anonymizer |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DicomDeidentify | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLDicomDeidentify | Remove identifying information from DICOM data according to PS 3.15, annex E |
antialiasing |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PostEffectAntiAliasing | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | View3D | | offers a configuration of the SoPostEffectRenderer that offers anti-aliasing |
PostEffectRenderer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | View3D | | offers a typical configuration of the SoPostEffectRenderer |
aos |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Diffusion | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Diffusion | MLDiffusion1 | Nonlinear Diffusion Filter |
append |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Compose3DFrom2DFiles | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Creates a 3d image from 2d images with the same size. This can be used to create a ML image from a set of tiff slices. |
ComposeBaseList | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLBase | Composes two base objects to one BaseList. |
ConcatenateCurves | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Diagram | MLCurve | Concatenate input curves and curve lists to a single output curve list |
ConcatenateImages | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Binary | MLGeometry1 | concatenates images |
CSOMerge | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOModule | MLCSOModules | Merges two input CSOLists. |
application |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TestBatchCommand | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | testing the batch commandline facility |
approximation |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CSOGenerateSmoothSurfaceFromSparseContours | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOModule | MLCSOModules | Generates a smooth surface for sparsly distributed, arbitrarily oriented but plane, and closed contours, and voxelizes that surface into an ML image. |
arbitray |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
LoadAny | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Module to identify, analyze, open and perhaps load most MeVisLab, ML, WEM, CSO itk, vtk and many other file formats |
arccos |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Arithmetic0 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLMiscModules | simple arithmetic and logic expresions evaluated one or two float or Vector3 arguments, simpler to use than SoCalculator |
arcsin |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Arithmetic0 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLMiscModules | simple arithmetic and logic expresions evaluated one or two float or Vector3 arguments, simpler to use than SoCalculator |
arctan |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Arithmetic0 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLMiscModules | simple arithmetic and logic expresions evaluated one or two float or Vector3 arguments, simpler to use than SoCalculator |
area |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoDiagram2D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Diagram | SoDiagram2D | Draws a diagram using OpenGL. The diagram supports extensions which can be added to the scene. |
SoPointingActionSwitcher | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Switch managed pointing actions depending on mouse cursor position |
WEMGenerateStatistics | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMProcessing | MLWEMModules | Add statistical primitive value list to nodes, edges and faces. |
argmax |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
OrthoProjection | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLGeometry1 | Projects a volume dataset along a given dimension |
argument |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ComplexToReal | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Unary | MLComplexArithmetic | Computes either abs, arg or power of complex number |
arithmetic |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CombineLabels | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Arithmetic | | Combines selected bits of up to three input images into of a label image |
ExtractLabels | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Unary | MLBasicModules | Extracts objects identified via a defined labels (= bitmasks) from a given label image |
arithmetics |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TypeArithmetic1 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Collection of unary operations for non scalar voxel types |
TypeArithmetic2 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Binary operations between non scalar types of two input images. |
array |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoDrawInstanced | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoRenderers | renders geometry multiple times using instancing |
SoImageFileSampler | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoImageSamplers | loads an image file from disk and adds it as a sampler |
ascii |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CSOLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOPersistence | MLCSOModules | Loads a CSOList from a file. |
CSOSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOPersistence | MLCSOModules | Saves a CSOList to file. |
StringUtils | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLMiscModules | A collection of various string utilities |
assert |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ErrorTest | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Test | MLDiagnosis | Prints/Forces different types of messages and forces desired error types |
attribute |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ItemModelAttributeFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLABMLItemModelSupport | Implements an attribute filtering proxy for an ItemModel |
attributes |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CSOFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOModule | MLCSOModules | Filters an input CSOList by certain options. |
CSOInfo | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOModule | MLCSOModules | Provides some info about a CSOList |
CSOManager | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOModule | MLCSO | Administers and maintains CSOs |
autocenter |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
View2DExtensions | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | View2D | | Standard, customizable View2D extensions |
automatic |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
LoadAny | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Module to identify, analyze, open and perhaps load most MeVisLab, ML, WEM, CSO itk, vtk and many other file formats |
SmartMarker | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | can be used to set include/exclude marker, decision in-/exclude marker is automatic - defined by the mask input image |
Tester | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Test | MLDiagnosis | Module to test ML modules |
TestInput | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Module to create test images |
autostart |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CommandNotifier | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Test | | Notifies buttons of script commands |
IdleTrigger | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLMiscModulesInv | Triggers another field periodically after a certain time |
average |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Convolution | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Simple constant convolution filters like Average, Gauss, Sobel, Laplace |
ExtendedConvolution | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Convolution filters with some options |
ImageStatistics | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Statistics | MLMiscModules | Compute statistical values for a complete image or slice by slice |
Rank | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Example for a simple average filter to an image. |
SoGVRMeanIPMode | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | VolRendExtensions | SoGVR | implements a mean/average intensity projection as GVR extension |
SubImageStatistics | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Statistics | MLMiscModules | do statistics on selectable dimensions of an image |
TextureFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLFilter2 | Applies statistic texture filters to an image |
AverageIP |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoGVRMeanIPMode | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | VolRendExtensions | SoGVR | implements a mean/average intensity projection as GVR extension |
avi |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoMovieScripter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoMovieScripter | tool for script based or interactively generated movies |
axes |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoCoordinateSystem | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoUtils | Renders x/y/z coordinate system |
axial |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoCameraInteraction | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoCameraInteraction | Control camera/headlight with mouse. |
SoOrthoView2D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2D | SoView2D | 2D viewer that show three orthogonal viewers and allows different layout types |
axis |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ComposeRotation | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Coordinate | MLCoordUtils1 | Compute composition of two rotations |
MarkerPCA | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Marker | MLGeometry1 | Does a principal component analysis on the markers. |
SoBoundingBoxVis | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Computes and visualizes an axis aligned bounding box for an arbitrary OpenInventor scene. |
SoCoordinateSystem | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoUtils | Renders x/y/z coordinate system |
SoMIRotateDiscDragger | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoManagedInteractionDraggers | Disc rotation dragger with Managed Interaction |
SoMITranslate1Dragger | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoManagedInteractionDraggers | Translation along one axis dragger with Managed Interaction |
SoMITranslate2Dragger | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoManagedInteractionDraggers | Translation in a plane dragger with Managed Interaction |
background |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
AsyncMemoryImageLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLAsyncImageLoaders | Loads an image from disk into a memory image asynchronously. |
SoClearBuffers | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoUtils | Clears the GL buffer. |
bad |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TraceView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Test | MLDiagnosis | Shows the current tracing state A garbage module containing invalid settings, programming errors and other bad stuff for testing purposes |
ball |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoMIRotateCylindricalDragger | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoManagedInteractionDraggers | Spherical rotation dragger with Managed Interaction |
SoMIRotateSphericalDragger | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoManagedInteractionDraggers | Spherical rotation dragger with Managed Interaction |
bar |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoDiagram2D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Diagram | SoDiagram2D | Draws a diagram using OpenGL. The diagram supports extensions which can be added to the scene. |
Base |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CopyList | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLBase | Copies (ListBase-derived) object lists. |
EditObject | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLParser | Allows the editing of a base object via its XML representation. |
ExtractObjectFromList | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLBase | Extract a single object from an ML object list. |
LocalBase | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Used to resolve base object files relative to network or to the local MeVisLab installation |
MergeLists | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLBase | Merges two lists of the same arbitrary (BaseListTemplate-derived, for example XMarkerList) type. |
ObjectInspector | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Allows inspecting, editing and extraction of field values of ML objects that support TreeNode-Export. |
SoBypass | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Disconnects Inventor sub-graph from scene |
based |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SliceDistanceTransform | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | SliceDistanceTransform | Computes a slice-wise distance transform and can also interpolate slices in-between |
baseitem |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
MergeLists | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLBase | Merges two lists of the same arbitrary (BaseListTemplate-derived, for example XMarkerList) type. |
BaseList |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CopyList | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLBase | Copies (ListBase-derived) object lists. |
ExtractObjectFromList | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLBase | Extract a single object from an ML object list. |
MergeLists | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLBase | Merges two lists of the same arbitrary (BaseListTemplate-derived, for example XMarkerList) type. |
BaseLoad |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
EditObject | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLParser | Allows the editing of a base object via its XML representation. |
LoadBase | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | File | MLParser | Loads a ml::Base object from a file. |
LocalBase | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Used to resolve base object files relative to network or to the local MeVisLab installation |
basename |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
FileInformation | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Access file information such as size, creation date and permissions. Can also be used to create valid pathnames from directory, basename and extension and check for existance of files. |
MakeName | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Generates a new filename from an input filename and a template |
BaseSave |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SaveBase | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | File | MLParser | Saves an ml::Base object to a file. |
batch |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
FieldIterator | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Set field values from a field value list and iterate through the list in a batch mode |
binary |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BitImageArithmetic | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | BitImageTools | MLBitImageTools | Unary and binary operations on a bit image |
BitImageLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | BitImageIO | MLBitImageTools | Loads a BitImage from file and provides it as ML image and base object |
BitImageSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | BitImageIO | MLBitImageTools | Save an ML image as BitImage with interval segmentation |
BitImageToML | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | BitImageTools | MLBitImageTools | Converts a BitImage and provides it as ML image |
CloseGap | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLKernel | Closes gaps within binary images. Also includes majority, contour point extraction and binary dilation/erosion filters. |
CombineLabels | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Arithmetic | | Combines selected bits of up to three input images into of a label image |
CSOLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOPersistence | MLCSOModules | Loads a CSOList from a file. |
CSOSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOPersistence | MLCSOModules | Saves a CSOList to file. |
ExtractLabels | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Unary | MLBasicModules | Extracts objects identified via a defined labels (= bitmasks) from a given label image |
IntervalThreshold | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Segmentation | MLMiscModules | Simple Segmentation with one or two thresholds. |
MaskSliceInterpolator | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Segmentation | | Interpolates slices of a binary mask |
MLToBitImage | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | BitImageTools | MLBitImageTools | Save an ML image as BitImage with interval segementation |
RasterMacro | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Generators | | Generates a binary image with a definable, basic shape in it. |
TypeArithmetic2 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Binary operations between non scalar types of two input images. |
ZeroCrossings | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLKernel | Kernel filter to detect zero-crossings in an image |
bind |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TypeComposer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Composes different images to a new image of other voxel type |
TypeComposerN | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Composes different images to a new image of other voxel type |
TypeFromDimension | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Extracts non scalar voxels from a certain image dimension. |
TypeFromScalars | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Composes a type from scalar components of all voxels. |
bit |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BoolArithmetic | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLBasicModules | Standard boolean arithmetic operations. |
bitmask |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BitConvert | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Image | MLFilter2 | Set/Clears/Inverts certain bit planes in an image |
CombineLabels | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Arithmetic | | Combines selected bits of up to three input images into of a label image |
ExtractLabels | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Unary | MLBasicModules | Extracts objects identified via a defined labels (= bitmasks) from a given label image |
bitplane |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BitImageLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | BitImageIO | MLBitImageTools | Loads a BitImage from file and provides it as ML image and base object |
BitImageSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | BitImageIO | MLBitImageTools | Save an ML image as BitImage with interval segmentation |
BitImageToML | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | BitImageTools | MLBitImageTools | Converts a BitImage and provides it as ML image |
MLToBitImage | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | BitImageTools | MLBitImageTools | Save an ML image as BitImage with interval segementation |
bits |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BitConvert | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Image | MLFilter2 | Set/Clears/Inverts certain bit planes in an image |
blend |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Mask | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Image | MLMiscModules | Masks the image at input 1 with mask at input 2 with selectable mode. |
SoGVRFramebufferSettings | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | VolRend | SoGVR | Allows to modify blend function/equation and polygon offset |
blending |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoPostEffectTransparentGeometry | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoRenderers | adds transparent geometry to the rendering |
blink |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoFlash | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Visualization | SoFlash | Smoothly flashing material node |
blue |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ColorMatrix | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLColor | Applys a matrix to an input image to change the colors |
ColorTable | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLColor | Offers different Color Tables |
bluescreen |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ChromaKey | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLColor | implements the chroma key algorithm for masking a background color (e.g. a greenscreen) |
blur |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
cvMedian | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLOpenCVModules | wraps the OpenCV 2D median filter |
bmp |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ExportImageAsSlices | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Save a 3D image as a stack of 2D images. |
ImageLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FileMain | MLImageFile | Loads an image. |
ImageSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FileMain | MLImageFile | Saves an image to a file |
bone |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BitMorphology | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLKernel | Implements dilation and erosion filters that separately act on single bits |
Morphology | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLKernel | Implements dilation and erosion filters. |
SeparateBits | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Scale | MLVolumetry | Spreads all gray levels that occur in an image to separate bits, and reverse. |
bones |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
FuzzyConnectDistance | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fuzzy | MLFuzzy | Uses distance-based fuzzy connectedness for the segmentation of an image. |
boolean |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BitConvert | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Image | MLFilter2 | Set/Clears/Inverts certain bit planes in an image |
BitImageArithmetic | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | BitImageTools | MLBitImageTools | Unary and binary operations on a bit image |
BoolArithmetic | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLBasicModules | Standard boolean arithmetic operations. |
BoolInt | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Translate between a bool and an integer field |
BoolString | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Translate between a bool and a string field |
border |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoPointingActionSwitcher | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Switch managed pointing actions depending on mouse cursor position |
Surround | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Contour | MLKernel | Draws the boundaries of an object specified via a gray value interval. |
boundary |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Sprawl2D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLBeam | 2D sprawling of a given object based on a reference image. The given object is extended along radial beams to the next border or the reference image. |
Surround | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Contour | MLKernel | Draws the boundaries of an object specified via a gray value interval. |
bounding |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ClusterToMarkers | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Marker | MLClusterToMarkers | Converts clusters to markers. |
ImageStatistics | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Statistics | MLMiscModules | Compute statistical values for a complete image or slice by slice |
KeyFrameBox | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLResample1 | Computes the bounding box of a key frame list. |
MarkerPCA | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Marker | MLGeometry1 | Does a principal component analysis on the markers. |
MergeRegions | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Subimage | MLGeometry1 | Merges up to 4 different Regions belonging to the same volume. Several merge modes (mask, max, ...) available. |
ModifyRegion | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Region | | Allows up- or downsizing of an ROI by absolute mm or voxel offsets or a relative fraction in x,y and z dimension. |
SoCoordinateSystem | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoUtils | Renders x/y/z coordinate system |
TestWEMNearestPoint | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Test the MLWEMNearestPointWrapper interactively |
VecBoxConvert | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Geometry | MLCoordUtils1 | Converts box, vector and component fields into each other. |
boundingbox |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BitImageArithmetic | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | BitImageTools | MLBitImageTools | Unary and binary operations on a bit image |
BoundingVolumeHierarchy |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
WEMRayIntersect | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLWEMAcceleration | Allows to intersect a WEM triangle mesh with a ray |
box |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BitImageArithmetic | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | BitImageTools | MLBitImageTools | Unary and binary operations on a bit image |
ClusterToMarkers | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Marker | MLClusterToMarkers | Converts clusters to markers. |
Draw3D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Draw | MLMiscModules | Permits drawing some 3D primitives into an image |
Draw3DMacro | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Draw | | Simple Draw3D Editor with input and output. |
ImageStatistics | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Statistics | MLMiscModules | Compute statistical values for a complete image or slice by slice |
KernelMask | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLFilter2 | Puts values of an image area into a kernel with defined extention |
MarkerPCA | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Marker | MLGeometry1 | Does a principal component analysis on the markers. |
MergeRegions | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Subimage | MLGeometry1 | Merges up to 4 different Regions belonging to the same volume. Several merge modes (mask, max, ...) available. |
ModifyRegion | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Region | | Allows up- or downsizing of an ROI by absolute mm or voxel offsets or a relative fraction in x,y and z dimension. |
RasterMacro | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Generators | | Generates a binary image with a definable, basic shape in it. |
SoCoordinateSystem | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoUtils | Renders x/y/z coordinate system |
SoView2DMarkerEditor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoView2DMarkerEditor | Manages a list of markers that can be selected and are drawn on the SoView2D |
SubImage | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Subimage | MLBasicModules | Extract a subimage out of an input image |
break |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
FanInVector | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Vector | | Has multiple input vectors and outputs the last changed input vector (breaking loops if values are equal) |
SyncFloat | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Synchronizes two floating point fields, breaking loops if the values don't differ by an epsilon |
SyncVector | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Vector | | Synchronizes the two vector in both directions, breaking loops if the values dont differ by epsilon |
browser |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TestWebEngineView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing the WebEngineView control |
brush |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DrawVoxels3D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLDrawVoxels3D | Draws with simple brushes in a 3D volume. |
buffer |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
MemoryCache | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Image | MLMiscModules | Buffers the input volume in memory and can protect it from input changes. |
MLImageFormatFileCache | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Buffers the input volume in an cache file of ML image format and can protect it from input changes. |
bug |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
RuntimeDump | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Installs a dump function for bad runtime typed object |
TraceView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Test | MLDiagnosis | Shows the current tracing state A garbage module containing invalid settings, programming errors and other bad stuff for testing purposes |
build |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ModuleDependencyAnalyzer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Inspectors | | Check dependencies of modules. |
ModuleDependencyAnalyzerTestMacro | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | |
bump |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
WEMImageSliceIntensityProfile | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMGenerate | MLWEMModules | Creates an intensity profile mesh for an image slice. |
button |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoBorderMenu | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoMenu | Border menu for Inventor |
SoFixedMenu | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoMenu | Menu with fixed item positions for Inventor |
SoMenuItem | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoMenu | Item for Inventor menus |
SoPopupMenu | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoMenu | Simple popup menu for Inventor |
SoView2DMenu | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2DMenu | Popup Menu Node For 2D Viewing |
SoView2DMenuItem | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2DMenu | Item For View2D Menus |
SoView2DMenuItems | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | View2DExtended | | Macro containing 10 SoView2DItem nodes under a group node |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
WEMRayIntersect | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLWEMAcceleration | Allows to intersect a WEM triangle mesh with a ray |
bypass |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoToggle | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | InventorGroup | SoUtils | Toggles the rendering of the contained scene graph |
byte |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
MinMaxScan | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Info | MLMiscModules | Determines correct minimum and maximum values and the adequate data type of an input image. |
Scale | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Scale | MLMiscModules | Scales data from input to output with possible data type conversion. |
bzip2 |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
MLImageFormatFileCache | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Buffers the input volume in an cache file of ML image format and can protect it from input changes. |
MLImageFormatInfo | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Information module for ML image format |
MLImageFormatLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Load module for ML image format |
MLImageFormatSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Save module for ML image format |
c-arm |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CArmDRR | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Projection | | C-Arm device specific interface for DRR ML module |
c-dimension |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ColorMatrix | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLColor | Applys a matrix to an input image to change the colors |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DicomTool | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Several DICOM tools: Save slices, send to PACS (storescu, dcmsend), check DICOM connectivity (echoscu). |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DicomReceiver | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | A DICOM C-STORE Service Class Provider (storescp) which can be used to receive images from remote PACS systems. |
DicomTool | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Several DICOM tools: Save slices, send to PACS (storescu, dcmsend), check DICOM connectivity (echoscu). |
cache |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
AutoImage | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Automatically generate/update a downsampled image file, e.g. for preview purposes |
BitImageLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | BitImageIO | MLBitImageTools | Loads a BitImage from file and provides it as ML image and base object |
BitImageSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | BitImageIO | MLBitImageTools | Save an ML image as BitImage with interval segmentation |
CoreControl | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLControl | Interface module to ML core settings |
MLImageFormatInfo | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Information module for ML image format |
MLImageFormatLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Load module for ML image format |
MLImageFormatSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Save module for ML image format |
ProcessAllPages | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FlowControl | MLMiscModules | Module to force the input networks to calculate all pages of the requested image (might be limited by available memory). This is useful if image calculations are to slow to be displayed interactively. |
caching |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
MemoryCache | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Image | MLMiscModules | Buffers the input volume in memory and can protect it from input changes. |
MLImageFormatFileCache | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Buffers the input volume in an cache file of ML image format and can protect it from input changes. |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
WEMSaveAsU3D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMPersistence | MLWEMModules | Saves a WEM in U3D format. |
calculate |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Checksum | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Compute checksum of an image |
HistogramVolumetrySimple | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Histogram | MLVolumetry | Computes the volume of a specified gray value interval from a histogram. |
SoCalculator | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Fields | SoUtils | General calculator for float and vector3f fields |
calculation |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CalculateGradient | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLFilter1 | Calculates the gradient image in all directions |
DicomTimeTool | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Various time/date calculations on DICOM time/date strings |
ProcessAllPages | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FlowControl | MLMiscModules | Module to force the input networks to calculate all pages of the requested image (might be limited by available memory). This is useful if image calculations are to slow to be displayed interactively. |
can |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
RuntimeView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Module to give an overview about currently registered runtime types |
carrier |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TypeArithmetic1 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Collection of unary operations for non scalar voxel types |
TypeArithmetic2 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Binary operations between non scalar types of two input images. |
TypeComposer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Composes different images to a new image of other voxel type |
TypeComposerN | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Composes different images to a new image of other voxel type |
TypeDecomposer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Decomposes all voxel components to different images |
TypeDecomposerN | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Decomposes all voxel components to different images |
TypeFromDimension | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Extracts non scalar voxels from a certain image dimension. |
TypeFromScalars | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Composes a type from scalar components of all voxels. |
TypeToScalars | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Decomposes all voxel components to scalars |
cascaded |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoShadowMapping | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoShadowMapping | renders shadows by using cascaded shadow maps |
case |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
StringUtils | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLMiscModules | A collection of various string utilities |
cast |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DicomRescale | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | DICOM | MLImageFile | Rescales (DICOM) images to user-defined (DICOM) intercept and slope values |
MinMaxScan | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Info | MLMiscModules | Determines correct minimum and maximum values and the adequate data type of an input image. |
Scale | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Scale | MLMiscModules | Scales data from input to output with possible data type conversion. |
casting |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoPathTracerVolume | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoPathTracer | Adds a volume to a SoPathTracer. |
Ceil |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Round | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Image | MLBasicModules | Converts a float image to an integer image using Round, Floor, or Ceil. |
center |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ClusterToMarkers | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Marker | MLClusterToMarkers | Converts clusters to markers. |
LUTPrimitive | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | A single channel LUT with predefined primitives of different shapes |
MarkerStatistics | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Marker | MLGeometry1 | Compute statistics on a marker list |
RampLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | A pair of RGB/alpha ramp LUTs |
VoxelValueRescale | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Scale | MLMiscModules | Convert voxel values and LUT parameters between stored and output representation |
Window | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLMiscModules | Apply window/level to integer gray value images |
cerr |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
RedirectStream | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLControl | Permits redirection and suppression of stream outputs |
chamfer |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SliceDistanceTransform | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | SliceDistanceTransform | Computes a slice-wise distance transform and can also interpolate slices in-between |
change |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DicomTagModify | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | DICOM | MLImageFile | Modify Dicom tags of an image |
EditObject | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLParser | Allows the editing of a base object via its XML representation. |
Reshape | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLGeometry1 | reshapes / converts the image size (x, y, z, c, t, u) to a new (x1, y1, z1, c1, t1, u1) |
SetFileName | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLImageFile | Set file name associated with image |
changes |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
FieldUndo | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Observe an attached field and undo / redo changes |
Tester | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Test | MLDiagnosis | Module to test ML modules |
char |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
MinMaxScan | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Info | MLMiscModules | Determines correct minimum and maximum values and the adequate data type of an input image. |
Scale | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Scale | MLMiscModules | Scales data from input to output with possible data type conversion. |
character |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
StringUtils | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLMiscModules | A collection of various string utilities |
check |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CommandNotifier | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Test | | Notifies buttons of script commands |
ImageCompare | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Test | MLMiscModules | Compares two images and posts error on inequality |
RuntimeDump | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Installs a dump function for bad runtime typed object |
SoWEMDiagnosis | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | WEMInformation | SoWEM | Displays WEM information with an Inventor scene |
checkerboard |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
AddNoise | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Generators | MLBasicModules | Creates noise based on various models. |
JointDisplay | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Image | MLJointHist | Merges two images for joint display. |
choice |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BaseSwitch | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FlowControl | MLMiscModules | Passes through one of a set of inputs |
Switch | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FlowControl | MLMiscModules | Passes through one of a set of inputs |
Switch1toN | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FlowControl | MLMiscModules | Passes input to one of the outputs |
choose |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoSwitch | Silicon Graphics Inc | InventorModule | InventorNodesAutomatic,InventorGroup | | |
Chromium |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TestWebEngineView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing the WebEngineView control |
cine |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SortSlices4D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLGeometry1 | Sorting of slices of 4d image that have been imported erroneously as 3d image. |
circle |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Draw3D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Draw | MLMiscModules | Permits drawing some 3D primitives into an image |
Draw3DMacro | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Draw | | Simple Draw3D Editor with input and output. |
class |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
RuntimeView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Module to give an overview about currently registered runtime types |
classification |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
FuzzyCluster | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fuzzy | MLFuzzy | Uses the fuzzy cmeans algorithm to extract a given number of clusters. |
clear |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BitImageArithmetic | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | BitImageTools | MLBitImageTools | Unary and binary operations on a bit image |
clip |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ModifyRegion | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Region | | Allows up- or downsizing of an ROI by absolute mm or voxel offsets or a relative fraction in x,y and z dimension. |
clone |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Replicate | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Subimage | MLGeometry1 | replicates an image |
close |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BitMorphology | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLKernel | Implements dilation and erosion filters that separately act on single bits |
ConvexHull | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Region | MLFuzzy | Calculates (2D / slice-wise) convex hulls of one or more objects. |
Morphology | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLKernel | Implements dilation and erosion filters. |
WEMLevelSetFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLOpenVDB | allows to filter a level set generated from a WEM and remesh the result |
closer |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoShadowMapping | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoShadowMapping | renders shadows by using cascaded shadow maps |
closing |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BitMorphology | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLKernel | Implements dilation and erosion filters that separately act on single bits |
Morphology | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLKernel | Implements dilation and erosion filters. |
cluster |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ComputeConnectedComponents | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLCluster | Computes the connected components of an image and outputs a cluster object. |
ConnectedComponentsInfo | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLCluster | Provides information about all clusters and an active cluster. |
ConnectedComponentsToImage | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLCluster | Converts a clusters object to an ML image. |
FilterConnectedComponents | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLCluster | Filters and selects computed cluster objects. |
cmeans |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
FuzzyCluster | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fuzzy | MLFuzzy | Uses the fuzzy cmeans algorithm to extract a given number of clusters. |
cmy |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ColorModelConverter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLColor | changes color model of an input image |
cmyk |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ColorModelConverter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLColor | changes color model of an input image |
collapse |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
WEMReducePolygons | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMProcessing | MLWEMModules | Simplifies a WEM by using the quadric error metrics. |
collect |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
FieldShift | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Shifts field contents out0-out9 forward if input is changed. Then it puts input into out0. |
collection |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ImageComposer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Compose | MLMiscModules | Concatenation of input images |
color |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DicomPaletteLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | Generate color palette LUT from an image's DICOM tags |
DisplayLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | LUT | | LUT viewer displaying a LUT as a diagram and as a color bar |
DynamicStylePalette | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Visualization | MLBase | Provides a dynamic number of colors, line and marker styles. |
LinearLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | A simple color/gray wedge LUT |
SoClearBuffers | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoUtils | Clears the GL buffer. |
SoCSOVisualizationSettings | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoCSO | Overwrites visual settings for CSOs. |
SoDiagram2DBackground | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Diagram | SoDiagram2D | Renders a colored background behind a diagram. |
SoMaterial | Silicon Graphics Inc | InventorModule | InventorNodesAutomatic | | |
StylePalette | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Visualization | MLBase | Provides colors, curve styles and marker type settings. |
WEMModify | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMProcessing | MLWEMModules | Modifies all nodes or faces of a WEM. |
colors |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ColorMatrix | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLColor | Applys a matrix to an input image to change the colors |
colour |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoDiagram2DBackground | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Diagram | SoDiagram2D | Renders a colored background behind a diagram. |
Columns |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ImageSeparator | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Subimage | MLGeometry1 | Separates matrix columns of an input image |
combine |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ComposeBaseList | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLBase | Composes two base objects to one BaseList. |
ConcatenateCurves | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Diagram | MLCurve | Concatenate input curves and curve lists to a single output curve list |
ConcatenateImages | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Binary | MLGeometry1 | concatenates images |
ExtractLabels | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Unary | MLBasicModules | Extracts objects identified via a defined labels (= bitmasks) from a given label image |
ImageComposer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Compose | MLMiscModules | Concatenation of input images |
ImageROIsFileCache | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Caches an image in a file and allows for combining new ROIs into this initial image; useful for combining masks. |
JointDisplay | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Image | MLJointHist | Merges two images for joint display. |
MergeLists | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLBase | Merges two lists of the same arbitrary (BaseListTemplate-derived, for example XMarkerList) type. |
VecBoxConvert | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Geometry | MLCoordUtils1 | Converts box, vector and component fields into each other. |
commandline |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TestBatchCommand | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | testing the batch commandline facility |
compare |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SynchroView2D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | View2D | | Two 2D viewers synchronized via their world coordinates. |
CompareImages |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ImageCompare | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Test | MLMiscModules | Compares two images and posts error on inequality |
comparing |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
KernelMask | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLFilter2 | Puts values of an image area into a kernel with defined extention |
comparison |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CompareNetworks | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | compares two *.mlab files |
ImageCompare | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Test | MLMiscModules | Compares two images and posts error on inequality |
compatibility |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Tester | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Test | MLDiagnosis | Module to test ML modules |
complex |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TypeArithmetic1 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Collection of unary operations for non scalar voxel types |
TypeArithmetic2 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Binary operations between non scalar types of two input images. |
TypeComposer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Composes different images to a new image of other voxel type |
TypeComposerN | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Composes different images to a new image of other voxel type |
TypeDecomposer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Decomposes all voxel components to different images |
TypeDecomposerN | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Decomposes all voxel components to different images |
TypeFromDimension | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Extracts non scalar voxels from a certain image dimension. |
TypeFromScalars | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Composes a type from scalar components of all voxels. |
TypeToScalars | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Decomposes all voxel components to scalars |
component |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TypeArithmetic1 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Collection of unary operations for non scalar voxel types |
components |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TypeFromDimension | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Extracts non scalar voxels from a certain image dimension. |
TypeFromScalars | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Composes a type from scalar components of all voxels. |
TypeToScalars | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Decomposes all voxel components to scalars |
WEMDemergePatches | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMProcessing | MLWEMModules | Demerges a WEM into connected components |
compose |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
MatrixArithmetic | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLCoordUtils1 | Standard matrix operations for (two) 4x4 homogenous matrices. |
MergeLists | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLBase | Merges two lists of the same arbitrary (BaseListTemplate-derived, for example XMarkerList) type. |
TransformEdit | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Coordinate | MLMiscModulesInv | Editing a transformation matrix incrementally and interactively |
TypeFromDimension | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Extracts non scalar voxels from a certain image dimension. |
VecBoxConvert | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Geometry | MLCoordUtils1 | Converts box, vector and component fields into each other. |
composition |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ComposeRotation | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Coordinate | MLCoordUtils1 | Compute composition of two rotations |
ImageComposer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Compose | MLMiscModules | Concatenation of input images |
LUTCompose | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | Compose several input LUTs to a single output LUT by chained evaluation of the input LUTs |
TransformEdit | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Coordinate | MLMiscModulesInv | Editing a transformation matrix incrementally and interactively |
compression |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
MLImageFormatFileCache | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Buffers the input volume in an cache file of ML image format and can protect it from input changes. |
MLImageFormatInfo | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Information module for ML image format |
MLImageFormatLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Load module for ML image format |
MLImageFormatSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Save module for ML image format |
compressor |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
MLImageFormatFileCache | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Buffers the input volume in an cache file of ML image format and can protect it from input changes. |
MLImageFormatInfo | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Information module for ML image format |
MLImageFormatLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Load module for ML image format |
MLImageFormatSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Save module for ML image format |
compute |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Checksum | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Compute checksum of an image |
SoCalculator | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Fields | SoUtils | General calculator for float and vector3f fields |
concat |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
StringUtils | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLMiscModules | A collection of various string utilities |
concatenate |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ImageComposer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Compose | MLMiscModules | Concatenation of input images |
MergeLists | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLBase | Merges two lists of the same arbitrary (BaseListTemplate-derived, for example XMarkerList) type. |
StringUtils | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLMiscModules | A collection of various string utilities |
concatenation |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ConcatenateImages | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Binary | MLGeometry1 | concatenates images |
cone |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Draw3D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Draw | MLMiscModules | Permits drawing some 3D primitives into an image |
Draw3DMacro | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Draw | | Simple Draw3D Editor with input and output. |
RasterMacro | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Generators | | Generates a binary image with a definable, basic shape in it. |
WEMExtrudeCSO | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMProcessing | MLWEMModules | Extrudes one or several contours to a surface |
configure |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ColorTable | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLColor | Offers different Color Tables |
confirmation |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
MessageBox | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | GUI | | Configurable message dialog |
MessageBoxExt | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | GUI | | Configurable message dialog with additional elements |
connect |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TypeComposer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Composes different images to a new image of other voxel type |
TypeComposerN | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Composes different images to a new image of other voxel type |
TypeFromDimension | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Extracts non scalar voxels from a certain image dimension. |
TypeFromScalars | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Composes a type from scalar components of all voxels. |
connected |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
WEMDemergePatches | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMProcessing | MLWEMModules | Demerges a WEM into connected components |
connectedness |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
FuzzyConnectDistance | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fuzzy | MLFuzzy | Uses distance-based fuzzy connectedness for the segmentation of an image. |
console |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
RedirectStream | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLControl | Permits redirection and suppression of stream outputs |
constant |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ComplexArithmetic1 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Unary | MLComplexArithmetic | Performs some complex number specific functions |
cvMedian | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLOpenCVModules | wraps the OpenCV 2D median filter |
construct |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
VecBoxConvert | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Geometry | MLCoordUtils1 | Converts box, vector and component fields into each other. |
contour |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CloseGap | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLKernel | Closes gaps within binary images. Also includes majority, contour point extraction and binary dilation/erosion filters. |
CSOFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOModule | MLCSOModules | Filters an input CSOList by certain options. |
CSOGenerateSmoothSurfaceFromSparseContours | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOModule | MLCSOModules | Generates a smooth surface for sparsly distributed, arbitrarily oriented but plane, and closed contours, and voxelizes that surface into an ML image. |
CSOInfo | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOModule | MLCSOModules | Provides some info about a CSOList |
CSOInspector | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Inspectors | | Inspector for CSOs (contour segmentation objects). |
CSOIsoGenerator | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOModule | MLCSOModules | Finds all iso contours on given input image. |
CSOLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOPersistence | MLCSOModules | Loads a CSOList from a file. |
CSOManager | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOModule | MLCSO | Administers and maintains CSOs |
CSOMerge | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOModule | MLCSOModules | Merges two input CSOLists. |
CSOSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOPersistence | MLCSOModules | Saves a CSOList to file. |
CSOSliceInterpolator | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOModule | MLCSOModules | Interpolates parallel CSOs on slices. |
CSOVoxelizeContours | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOModule | MLCSOModules | Voxelizes all closed, plane contours into an ML image. |
CSOVoxelSetToImage | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOModule | MLCSOModules | Converts CSOVoxelSets to an ML image for testing. |
CSOVoxelSetToMarkerList | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOModule | MLCSOModules | Converts a CSOVoxelSetList to a XMarkerList for testing. |
CurvatureEstimation | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLKernel | Kernel filter to estimate the curvature of a 2D-contour in a defined neighbourhood of a voxel |
ImageToCSOVoxelSet | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOModule | MLCSOModules | Converts an ML image to a CSOVoxelSetList for testing. |
LocalCSOLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | CSOPersistence | | Loads a CSO from local paths. |
SliceDistanceTransform | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | SliceDistanceTransform | Computes a slice-wise distance transform and can also interpolate slices in-between |
SoCSO3DRenderer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | SoCSO | SoCSO | Renders the CSOs of a CSOList in 3D. |
SoCSODrawOnSurface | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | SoCSO | SoCSO | Allows to draw CSOs on 3D surfaces. |
SoCSOTransform | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | SoCSO | SoCSO | Transforms CSOs by an affine matrix. |
SoRenderSurfaceIntersection | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoRenderers | |
SoView2DLegend | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2D | Converts a legend string to a legend and draws this onto a SoView2D. The legend consists of a (stippled) line and a text, both in a specified color. The legend is intended to be used with SoView2DContour. |
Surround | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Contour | MLKernel | Draws the boundaries of an object specified via a gray value interval. |
WEMBinarySurface | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLOpenVDB | creates a WEM surface from a binary segmentation mask |
contours |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ComposeRTStruct | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | DICOM | MLRTStructSupport | Create an RT structure set from CSO contours |
ExtractRTStruct | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | DICOM | MLRTStructSupport | Extract a RT structure set from a DICOM object as CSO contours |
contrast |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CLAHE | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLCLAHE | implements CLAHE contrast enhancement filter |
TextureFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLFilter2 | Applies statistic texture filters to an image |
control |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BaseBypass | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Bypass base input or not. |
BaseClear | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLBasicModules | Clear or bypass a base object; allows explicit update of output. |
BaseSwitch | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FlowControl | MLMiscModules | Passes through one of a set of inputs |
Bypass | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FlowControl | MLBasicModules | Dummy operator, maybe useful to connect a single network input to multiple modules |
conversion |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Arithmetic0 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLMiscModules | simple arithmetic and logic expresions evaluated one or two float or Vector3 arguments, simpler to use than SoCalculator |
DicomRescale | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | DICOM | MLImageFile | Rescales (DICOM) images to user-defined (DICOM) intercept and slope values |
MinMaxScan | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Info | MLMiscModules | Determines correct minimum and maximum values and the adequate data type of an input image. |
Scale | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Scale | MLMiscModules | Scales data from input to output with possible data type conversion. |
conversions |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TypeArithmetic1 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Collection of unary operations for non scalar voxel types |
TypeArithmetic2 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Binary operations between non scalar types of two input images. |
convert |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BitImageToML | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | BitImageTools | MLBitImageTools | Converts a BitImage and provides it as ML image |
ComplexToReal | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Unary | MLComplexArithmetic | Computes either abs, arg or power of complex number |
CurveToHistogram | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Histogram | MLVolumetry | Convert curve data to histogram object. |
DeMosaic | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Neuro | MLGeometry1 | Extracts mosaic features from fMRI and DTI data and converts data to 4d data. |
GVRVolumeToOrthoImages | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Octree | MLGVR | accesses the GVRVolume and extracts 3 ortho ML images |
LUTCurve | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | Convert a LUT into a curve object |
MarkerListToWEMPlane | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMGenerate | MLWEMModules | Generates a deformed plane out of a marker list. |
MultiFieldInventorTrafo | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Coordinate | MLCoordUtils1 | Transform between inventor and ml multifields |
OverwriteVectorComponent | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Vector | | Allows to overwrite selected components of an input vector. |
PointCloudToMask | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLPointCloudToMask | Converts a list of points and normal pairs (surface) to a 3D mask image. |
Reshape | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLGeometry1 | reshapes / converts the image size (x, y, z, c, t, u) to a new (x1, y1, z1, c1, t1, u1) |
SoView2DWEMBulgeEditor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | WEMInteraction | SoWEM | Interactive bulging of a WEM in 2D. |
SoWEMBulgeEditor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | WEMInteraction | SoWEM | Interactive bulging of a WEM in 3D. |
WEMBulgeEditor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMInteraction | SoWEM | Interactive bulging of a WEM. |
Converter |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoWEMConvertInventor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | WEMGenerate | SoWEM | Converts an Inventor scene to a WEM data structure. |
converters |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TypeArithmetic1 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Collection of unary operations for non scalar voxel types |
TypeArithmetic2 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Binary operations between non scalar types of two input images. |
convolution |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Correlation | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | computes the correlation/convolution of one image with another |
Sigma | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Kernel based sigma filter |
Sobel3D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Edge detection or gradient estimation in 3D |
TextureFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLFilter2 | Applies statistic texture filters to an image |
WEMVascularSystem | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMGenerate | MLWEMModules | Vessel Visualization with Convolution Surfaces |
coord |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SynchroView2D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | View2D | | Two 2D viewers synchronized via their world coordinates. |
coordinate |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CurveCursor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Diagram | MLCurve | Pick curve values and display curve cursor |
GetVoxelValue | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Unary | MLBasicModules | Getting the value of an image to a given world coordinate |
OrthoReformat3 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLCoordUtils1 | Reformat for sagittal, coronal and transversal view. |
OrthoSwapFlip | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLCoordUtils1 | Swap and flip coordinates, select view direction. |
Reformat | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLResample1 | Reformats image0 into coordinate system of image1 by interpolation and can also be used in cooperation with the SoView2DOverlay module. |
SetVoxelValue | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Unary | MLBasicModules | Sets a single voxel value of an image at a given world or voxel position |
SetWorldMatrix | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Coordinate | MLCoordUtils1 | Copy voxel-to-world-matrix from reference image or compose using elementary transforms |
SoAxis | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Visualization | SoUtils | Draws a 3D coordinate system |
SoView2DVoxelView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2D | SoView2D | SoView2D extension for detailed voxel viewing |
WorldVoxelConvert | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Coordinate | MLCoordUtils1 | Convert world in voxel coordinates and vice versa. |
coordinates |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
MergeRegions | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Subimage | MLGeometry1 | Merges up to 4 different Regions belonging to the same volume. Several merge modes (mask, max, ...) available. |
ModifyRegion | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Region | | Allows up- or downsizing of an ROI by absolute mm or voxel offsets or a relative fraction in x,y and z dimension. |
SoPicking | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoUtils | Helper module for picking in Inventor scenes |
SoSelection2 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoUtils | Helper module for picking in Inventor scenes |
copy |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BitImageArithmetic | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | BitImageTools | MLBitImageTools | Unary and binary operations on a bit image |
ConcatenateImages | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Binary | MLGeometry1 | concatenates images |
DimensionSliceClone | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Subimage | MLGeometry1 | clones dimension slices of an image |
Replicate | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Subimage | MLGeometry1 | replicates an image |
coronal |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
OrthoReformat3 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLCoordUtils1 | Reformat for sagittal, coronal and transversal view. |
OrthoSwapFlip | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLCoordUtils1 | Swap and flip coordinates, select view direction. |
SoCameraInteraction | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoCameraInteraction | Control camera/headlight with mouse. |
SoOrthoView2D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2D | SoView2D | 2D viewer that show three orthogonal viewers and allows different layout types |
correction |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
RampBias | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Filters | | Multiplies image with linear function in order to simulate or compensate for bias field. |
SmartMarker | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | can be used to set include/exclude marker, decision in-/exclude marker is automatic - defined by the mask input image |
correlation |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TextureFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLFilter2 | Applies statistic texture filters to an image |
cos |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Arithmetic0 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLMiscModules | simple arithmetic and logic expresions evaluated one or two float or Vector3 arguments, simpler to use than SoCalculator |
count |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BoundingBox | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Subimage | MLMiscModules | Extracts the bounding box of an object given by an interval from an image |
CalculateVolume | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Volumetry | MLVolumetry | Calculates voxel volume and number of voxels in interval, also for all timepoints and individual timepoints |
HistogramVolumetrySimple | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Histogram | MLVolumetry | Computes the volume of a specified gray value interval from a histogram. |
ImageStatistics | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Statistics | MLMiscModules | Compute statistical values for a complete image or slice by slice |
InventorSceneChangeObserver | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | observes the incoming scene for field/node changes |
SubImageStatistics | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Statistics | MLMiscModules | do statistics on selectable dimensions of an image |
countdown |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Counter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Counter for integer numbers |
counter |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
InventorSceneChangeObserver | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | observes the incoming scene for field/node changes |
MakeName | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Generates a new filename from an input filename and a template |
SoInventorFieldBridge | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | MLMiscModulesInv | Helper module to connect a Inventor engine field with a ML field |
cout |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
RedirectStream | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLControl | Permits redirection and suppression of stream outputs |
cpp |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ModuleView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Module to show internal state ML module |
crash |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoControl | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Inspectors | SoControl | Inventor core control |
TraceView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Test | MLDiagnosis | Shows the current tracing state A garbage module containing invalid settings, programming errors and other bad stuff for testing purposes |
create |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ConstantImage | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Generators | MLBasicModules | Generates a constant image |
RuntimeView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Module to give an overview about currently registered runtime types |
WEMInitialize | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMGenerate | MLWEMModules | Initializes a WEM with a simple shape. |
WEMSelectPatches | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMProcessing | MLWEMModules | Creates a new WEM that contains a subset of Patches from an existing WEM. |
crop |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SubImage | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Subimage | MLBasicModules | Extract a subimage out of an input image |
cross |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CalculateVectorFromVectors | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Vector | MLCoordUtils1 | Calculates vector from two vectors |
Roberts | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Provides the opportunity to apply one of several Roberts Cross operators to an image |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SliceDistanceTransform | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | SliceDistanceTransform | Computes a slice-wise distance transform and can also interpolate slices in-between |
VoxelSetInspector | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Inspectors | | Inspector for the content of CSOVoxelSet |
CT |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DicomRescale | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | DICOM | MLImageFile | Rescales (DICOM) images to user-defined (DICOM) intercept and slope values |
Radon | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Projection | MLTransformation | 2D Radon Transform |
SoView2DAnnotation | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2D | Draws annotations (dicom and userdefined) on the SoView2D |
VoxelValueRescale | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Scale | MLMiscModules | Convert voxel values and LUT parameters between stored and output representation |
cubemap |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoCreateCubeMapSampler | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoImageSamplers | renders a cube map using the input inventor scene |
SoImageFileSampler | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoImageSamplers | loads an image file from disk and adds it as a sampler |
cursor |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoCrosshair | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoUtils | A positionable line cross for selections and positions |
SoView2DPosition | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoView2D | Selects and draws a cursor at the current position on SoView2D |
SoView2DVoxelValue | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoView2D | Reads the current cursor position on the SoView2D. |
curvature |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
WEMGenerateStatistics | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMProcessing | MLWEMModules | Add statistical primitive value list to nodes, edges and faces. |
Curve |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DynamicStylePalette | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Visualization | MLBase | Provides a dynamic number of colors, line and marker styles. |
Histogram | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Histogram | MLVolumetry | Creates a histogram from an input image, optionally using a mask image. |
SoDiagram2D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Diagram | SoDiagram2D | Draws a diagram using OpenGL. The diagram supports extensions which can be added to the scene. |
StylePalette | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Visualization | MLBase | Provides colors, curve styles and marker type settings. |
Curved |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PathToKeyFrame | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLResample1 | Converts a list of path positions to a KeyFrameList (for curved MPRs). |
customizable |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoCustomExaminerViewer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View3D | SoCustomViewer | customizable examiner viewer |
cut |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BoundingBox | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Subimage | MLMiscModules | Extracts the bounding box of an object given by an interval from an image |
ModifyRegion | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Region | | Allows up- or downsizing of an ROI by absolute mm or voxel offsets or a relative fraction in x,y and z dimension. |
SoView2DPlane | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Plane | SoView2D | Draws the intersection between a plane and the current slice on SoView2D |
SoView2DRectangle | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoView2D | Allows to select a 3D rectangle on the SoView2D |
cycle |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Counter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Counter for integer numbers |
IdleTrigger | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLMiscModulesInv | Triggers another field periodically after a certain time |
ImageIteratorEnd | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FlowControl | MLImageIterator | End module for a network in which an image is iterated |
ImageIteratorStart | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FlowControl | MLImageIterator | Start module for a network in which an image is iterated |
KeyCounter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | A numerical index field that can be incremented and decremented by pressing a key in a viewer |
SyncFloat | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Synchronizes two floating point fields, breaking loops if the values don't differ by an epsilon |
SyncVector | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Vector | | Synchronizes the two vector in both directions, breaking loops if the values dont differ by epsilon |
Cylinder |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
RasterMacro | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Generators | | Generates a binary image with a definable, basic shape in it. |
SoPathTracerLines | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoPathTracer | Renders thick lines in a SoPathTracer. |
data |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
AnonymizeMacro | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Anonymize a DICOM dataset. |
DicomRescale | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | DICOM | MLImageFile | Rescales (DICOM) images to user-defined (DICOM) intercept and slope values |
EditObject | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLParser | Allows the editing of a base object via its XML representation. |
ImagePropertyConvert | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | ImageMain | MLBasicModules | Converts image properties. |
Info | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Info | MLBasicModules | Display properties of input image |
LoadBase | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | File | MLParser | Loads a ml::Base object from a file. |
LocalBase | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Used to resolve base object files relative to network or to the local MeVisLab installation |
MemoryCache | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Image | MLMiscModules | Buffers the input volume in memory and can protect it from input changes. |
MinMaxScan | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Info | MLMiscModules | Determines correct minimum and maximum values and the adequate data type of an input image. |
MLImageFormatFileCache | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Buffers the input volume in an cache file of ML image format and can protect it from input changes. |
ProcessAllPages | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FlowControl | MLMiscModules | Module to force the input networks to calculate all pages of the requested image (might be limited by available memory). This is useful if image calculations are to slow to be displayed interactively. |
SaveBase | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | File | MLParser | Saves an ml::Base object to a file. |
Scale | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Scale | MLMiscModules | Scales data from input to output with possible data type conversion. |
SoClipBox | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoUtils | Provides 6 clipping planes that surround the scene |
dataset |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Compose3DFrom2DFiles | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Creates a 3d image from 2d images with the same size. This can be used to create a ML image from a set of tiff slices. |
ImageLoadMulti | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Provides convenient access to sets of images. |
datatype |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TypeArithmetic1 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Collection of unary operations for non scalar voxel types |
TypeArithmetic2 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Binary operations between non scalar types of two input images. |
TypeComposer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Composes different images to a new image of other voxel type |
TypeComposerN | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Composes different images to a new image of other voxel type |
TypeDecomposer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Decomposes all voxel components to different images |
TypeDecomposerN | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Decomposes all voxel components to different images |
TypeFromDimension | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Extracts non scalar voxels from a certain image dimension. |
TypeFromScalars | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Composes a type from scalar components of all voxels. |
TypeToScalars | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Decomposes all voxel components to scalars |
date |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Arithmetic0 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLMiscModules | simple arithmetic and logic expresions evaluated one or two float or Vector3 arguments, simpler to use than SoCalculator |
DicomTimeTool | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Various time/date calculations on DICOM time/date strings |
dcm |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
AsyncMemoryImageLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLAsyncImageLoaders | Loads an image from disk into a memory image asynchronously. |
dcmsend |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DicomTool | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Several DICOM tools: Save slices, send to PACS (storescu, dcmsend), check DICOM connectivity (echoscu). |
dds |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoImageFileSampler | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoImageSamplers | loads an image file from disk and adds it as a sampler |
debug |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CoreControl | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLControl | Interface module to ML core settings |
FieldListener | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Display name, type and value of a connected field |
RedirectStream | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLControl | Permits redirection and suppression of stream outputs |
debugger |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ModuleView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Module to show internal state ML module |
debugging |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Console | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Appends ML messages to a userdefined log file |
ErrorTest | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Test | MLDiagnosis | Prints/Forces different types of messages and forces desired error types |
MemoryTracer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Counts and memory allocations frees and memory block exceeds in windows debug mode it |
MLLogFile | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Appends ML messages to a userdefined log file |
ModuleView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Module to show internal state ML module |
TraceView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Test | MLDiagnosis | Shows the current tracing state A garbage module containing invalid settings, programming errors and other bad stuff for testing purposes |
decompose |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ExtractObjectFromList | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLBase | Extract a single object from an ML object list. |
ImageSeparator | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Subimage | MLGeometry1 | Separates matrix columns of an input image |
TypeComposer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Composes different images to a new image of other voxel type |
TypeComposerN | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Composes different images to a new image of other voxel type |
TypeFromScalars | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Composes a type from scalar components of all voxels. |
TypeToScalars | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Decomposes all voxel components to scalars |
VecBoxConvert | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Geometry | MLCoordUtils1 | Converts box, vector and component fields into each other. |
decouple |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CopyList | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLBase | Copies (ListBase-derived) object lists. |
decrease |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Counter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Counter for integer numbers |
decrement |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Counter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Counter for integer numbers |
KeyCounter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | A numerical index field that can be incremented and decremented by pressing a key in a viewer |
default |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CSOManager | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOModule | MLCSO | Administers and maintains CSOs |
defined |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DynamicStylePalette | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Visualization | MLBase | Provides a dynamic number of colors, line and marker styles. |
StylePalette | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Visualization | MLBase | Provides colors, curve styles and marker type settings. |
demo |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TestBatchCommand | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | testing the batch commandline facility |
demultiplex |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BaseSwitch | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FlowControl | MLMiscModules | Passes through one of a set of inputs |
Switch | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FlowControl | MLMiscModules | Passes through one of a set of inputs |
deprecation |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
MLReplaceDeprecatedAPI | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Runs a Python script that replaces or warns about the usage of the deprecated ML API |
depth |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoClearBuffers | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoUtils | Clears the GL buffer. |
SoShadowMapping | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoShadowMapping | renders shadows by using cascaded shadow maps |
derivative |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CalculateGradient | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLFilter1 | Calculates the gradient image in all directions |
derived |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
RuntimeView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Module to give an overview about currently registered runtime types |
description |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Comment | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Extras | | Store comments in a network |
detailed |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoView2DVoxelView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2D | SoView2D | SoView2D extension for detailed voxel viewing |
detect |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Sobel3D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Edge detection or gradient estimation in 3D |
detection |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CalculateGradient | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLFilter1 | Calculates the gradient image in all directions |
Compass | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Applys compass filter to an input image. |
LoadAny | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Module to identify, analyze, open and perhaps load most MeVisLab, ML, WEM, CSO itk, vtk and many other file formats |
Roberts | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Provides the opportunity to apply one of several Roberts Cross operators to an image |
determinant |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
MatrixArithmetic | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLCoordUtils1 | Standard matrix operations for (two) 4x4 homogenous matrices. |
deviation |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ImageStatistics | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Statistics | MLMiscModules | Compute statistical values for a complete image or slice by slice |
MarkerStatistics | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Marker | MLGeometry1 | Compute statistics on a marker list |
SubImageStatistics | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Statistics | MLMiscModules | do statistics on selectable dimensions of an image |
diagnosis |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Console | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Appends ML messages to a userdefined log file |
CoreControl | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLControl | Interface module to ML core settings |
FieldTracer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Recorder for Field Notifications |
MemoryTracer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Counts and memory allocations frees and memory block exceeds in windows debug mode it |
MLLogFile | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Appends ML messages to a userdefined log file |
ModuleView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Module to show internal state ML module |
Tester | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Test | MLDiagnosis | Module to test ML modules |
TestInput | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Module to create test images |
TraceView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Test | MLDiagnosis | Shows the current tracing state A garbage module containing invalid settings, programming errors and other bad stuff for testing purposes |
diagram |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ConcatenateCurves | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Diagram | MLCurve | Concatenate input curves and curve lists to a single output curve list |
CurveCreator | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Diagram | MLCurve | |
CurveCursor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Diagram | MLCurve | Pick curve values and display curve cursor |
CurveToHistogram | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Histogram | MLVolumetry | Convert curve data to histogram object. |
DisplayLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | LUT | | LUT viewer displaying a LUT as a diagram and as a color bar |
DynaCurve | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Diagram | MLDynaCurve | Extract time curves from dynamic image data |
PrintCurves | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Diagram | MLCurve | Print curve data into a text field and/or to a text file. |
ProfileCurve | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Diagram | MLCurve | Extract profile curve data from an image. |
dialog |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
MessageBox | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | GUI | | Configurable message dialog |
MessageBoxExt | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | GUI | | Configurable message dialog with additional elements |
TestDelayedMessageBox | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing interactivity to delayed message dialog triggered during MLAB.processEvents |
diameter |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Arithmetic0 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLMiscModules | simple arithmetic and logic expresions evaluated one or two float or Vector3 arguments, simpler to use than SoCalculator |
Magnify | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Subimage | MLGeometry1 | Extract a region from the input image and scale its voxel-to-world-matrix |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Arithmetic0 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLMiscModules | simple arithmetic and logic expresions evaluated one or two float or Vector3 arguments, simpler to use than SoCalculator |
Arithmetic0 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLMiscModules | simple arithmetic and logic expresions evaluated one or two float or Vector3 arguments, simpler to use than SoCalculator |
AsyncMemoryImageLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLAsyncImageLoaders | Loads an image from disk into a memory image asynchronously. |
ComposeRTStruct | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | DICOM | MLRTStructSupport | Create an RT structure set from CSO contours |
DicomQuery | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Query the contents of a PACS server |
DicomQueryEditor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Edit PACS queries, used by DicomQuery |
DicomSourceEditor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Edit PACS server entries, used by DicomQuery |
ExtractRTStruct | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | DICOM | MLRTStructSupport | Extract a RT structure set from a DICOM object as CSO contours |
ImageLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FileMain | MLImageFile | Loads an image. |
ImageSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FileMain | MLImageFile | Saves an image to a file |
MakeName | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Generates a new filename from an input filename and a template |
SoView2DAnnotation | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2D | Draws annotations (dicom and userdefined) on the SoView2D |
VoxelValueRescale | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Scale | MLMiscModules | Convert voxel values and LUT parameters between stored and output representation |
diff |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Arithmetic0 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLMiscModules | simple arithmetic and logic expresions evaluated one or two float or Vector3 arguments, simpler to use than SoCalculator |
difference |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Arithmetic2 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Binary | MLBasicModules | Arithmetic processing of two images |
DicomTimeTool | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Various time/date calculations on DICOM time/date strings |
TextureFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLFilter2 | Applies statistic texture filters to an image |
WEMLevelSetBoolean | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLOpenVDB | allows to perform boolean operations on WEM meshes using a level set representation |
diffusion |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
FloydSteinberg | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Diffusion | MLFilter2 | Uses Floyd-Steinberg dithering to reduce number of gray values in image with error distribution |
RecGaussFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Diffusion | MLFilter1 | Recursive (iterative) binomial (Gaussian) filter |
SmoothHistogram | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Histogram | MLVolumetry | Smooth graph of histogram. |
digitally |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CArmDRR | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Projection | | C-Arm device specific interface for DRR ML module |
DRR | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Projection | MLDRR | Creates a (2D) Digitally Reconstructed Radiograph from 3D CT data |
DRRLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Projection | MLDRR | Generates LUTs for LUT based projections of the DRR module |
dilate |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CloseGap | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLKernel | Closes gaps within binary images. Also includes majority, contour point extraction and binary dilation/erosion filters. |
MorphologicalGradient | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Filters | | Computes the Morphological Gradient |
WEMLevelSetFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLOpenVDB | allows to filter a level set generated from a WEM and remesh the result |
WEMLevelSetOffset | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLOpenVDB | allows to enlarge or shrink a mesh using level sets |
dilation |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BitMorphology | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLKernel | Implements dilation and erosion filters that separately act on single bits |
CloseGap | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLKernel | Closes gaps within binary images. Also includes majority, contour point extraction and binary dilation/erosion filters. |
MorphologicalGradient | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Filters | | Computes the Morphological Gradient |
Morphology | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLKernel | Implements dilation and erosion filters. |
dimension |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ImageSeparator | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Subimage | MLGeometry1 | Separates matrix columns of an input image |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DicomUIDGenerator | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Tool to create DICOM UID (Unique Identifiers) |
directory |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Compose3DFrom2DFiles | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Creates a 3d image from 2d images with the same size. This can be used to create a ML image from a set of tiff slices. |
FileInformation | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Access file information such as size, creation date and permissions. Can also be used to create valid pathnames from directory, basename and extension and check for existance of files. |
ImageLoadMulti | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Provides convenient access to sets of images. |
LocalPath | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Creates an absolute path using relative path variables. |
MakeName | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Generates a new filename from an input filename and a template |
disc |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BitImageLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | BitImageIO | MLBitImageTools | Loads a BitImage from file and provides it as ML image and base object |
BitImageSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | BitImageIO | MLBitImageTools | Save an ML image as BitImage with interval segmentation |
ImageROIsFileCache | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Caches an image in a file and allows for combining new ROIs into this initial image; useful for combining masks. |
MLImageFormatFileCache | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Buffers the input volume in an cache file of ML image format and can protect it from input changes. |
MLImageFormatInfo | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Information module for ML image format |
MLImageFormatLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Load module for ML image format |
MLImageFormatSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Save module for ML image format |
disjoint |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TypeDecomposer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Decomposes all voxel components to different images |
TypeDecomposerN | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Decomposes all voxel components to different images |
TypeToScalars | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Decomposes all voxel components to scalars |
disk |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BitImageLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | BitImageIO | MLBitImageTools | Loads a BitImage from file and provides it as ML image and base object |
BitImageSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | BitImageIO | MLBitImageTools | Save an ML image as BitImage with interval segmentation |
MLImageFormatFileCache | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Buffers the input volume in an cache file of ML image format and can protect it from input changes. |
MLImageFormatInfo | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Information module for ML image format |
MLImageFormatLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Load module for ML image format |
MLImageFormatSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Save module for ML image format |
displace |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
WEMImageSliceIntensityProfile | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMGenerate | MLWEMModules | Creates an intensity profile mesh for an image slice. |
display |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CurveCursor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Diagram | MLCurve | Pick curve values and display curve cursor |
DicomTagBrowser | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Display the DICOM tree belonging to an image |
MessageBox | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | GUI | | Configurable message dialog |
MessageBoxExt | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | GUI | | Configurable message dialog with additional elements |
SoDiagram2D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Diagram | SoDiagram2D | Draws a diagram using OpenGL. The diagram supports extensions which can be added to the scene. |
SoView2DDeformationGridView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2D | SoView2D | SoView2D extension for displaying a deformation grid as an image overlay. |
SoView2DVectorFieldView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2D | SoView2D | SoView2D extension for displaying a 3-D vector field as an image overlay. |
dissect |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TypeDecomposer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Decomposes all voxel components to different images |
TypeDecomposerN | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Decomposes all voxel components to different images |
TypeToScalars | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Decomposes all voxel components to scalars |
distance |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ConstrainedConnectionCost | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLRate | calculates connection costs with respect to marker set |
DistanceFromXMarkerList | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Marker | MLDTF | Calculate nearest list element to given spatial position |
DtfSkeletonization | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Distance | MLDTF | 3D distance transformation by homotopic thinning, skeletonization |
SoCalculator | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Fields | SoUtils | General calculator for float and vector3f fields |
SoPlaneSync | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Plane | SoUtils | Calculates a parallel plane from a plane given by a position and a rotation |
TestWEMNearestPoint | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Test the MLWEMNearestPointWrapper interactively |
VoxelizeCSO | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLOpenVDB | voxelizes CSOs into a reference image coordinate system |
VoxelizeMarkers | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLOpenVDB | voxelizes a marker list as spheres into a reference image coordinate system |
VoxelizeWEM | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLOpenVDB | voxelizes a WEM into a reference image coordinate system |
WEMGeodesicClip | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMProcessing | MLWEMModules | Clips a WEM using the geodesic distance from given markers |
distribution |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
FloydSteinberg | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Diffusion | MLFilter2 | Uses Floyd-Steinberg dithering to reduce number of gray values in image with error distribution |
disturbance |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
AddNoise | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Generators | MLBasicModules | Creates noise based on various models. |
dithering |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
FloydSteinberg | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Diffusion | MLFilter2 | Uses Floyd-Steinberg dithering to reduce number of gray values in image with error distribution |
div |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
MatrixArithmetic | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLCoordUtils1 | Standard matrix operations for (two) 4x4 homogenous matrices. |
divide |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Arithmetic0 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLMiscModules | simple arithmetic and logic expresions evaluated one or two float or Vector3 arguments, simpler to use than SoCalculator |
Arithmetic1 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Unary | MLBasicModules | Arithmetic processing of an image |
Arithmetic2 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Binary | MLBasicModules | Arithmetic processing of two images |
ComplexArithmetic1 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Unary | MLComplexArithmetic | Performs some complex number specific functions |
ComplexArithmetic2 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Binary | MLComplexArithmetic | performs complex arithmetics on two inputs |
DecomposeBaseList | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLBase | Decomposes a BaseList in a solitary object and a rest list. |
ExtractObjectFromList | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLBase | Extract a single object from an ML object list. |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ModuleDependencyAnalyzer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Inspectors | | Check dependencies of modules. |
ModuleDependencyAnalyzerTestMacro | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | |
double |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
MinMaxScan | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Info | MLMiscModules | Determines correct minimum and maximum values and the adequate data type of an input image. |
Scale | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Scale | MLMiscModules | Scales data from input to output with possible data type conversion. |
TypeArithmetic2 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Binary operations between non scalar types of two input images. |
downsample |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
AutoImage | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Automatically generate/update a downsampled image file, e.g. for preview purposes |
downsize |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ModifyRegion | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Region | | Allows up- or downsizing of an ROI by absolute mm or voxel offsets or a relative fraction in x,y and z dimension. |
draggers |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoMIRotateCylindricalDragger | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoManagedInteractionDraggers | Spherical rotation dragger with Managed Interaction |
SoMIRotateDiscDragger | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoManagedInteractionDraggers | Disc rotation dragger with Managed Interaction |
SoMIRotateSphericalDragger | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoManagedInteractionDraggers | Spherical rotation dragger with Managed Interaction |
SoMITranslate1Dragger | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoManagedInteractionDraggers | Translation along one axis dragger with Managed Interaction |
SoMITranslate2Dragger | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoManagedInteractionDraggers | Translation in a plane dragger with Managed Interaction |
draw |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Raster | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Draw | MLMiscModules | Rasters an object (list) into an image. |
RasterFunctions | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Draw | MLMiscModules | A collection of raster functions. |
SetVoxelValue | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Unary | MLBasicModules | Sets a single voxel value of an image at a given world or voxel position |
SoCSO3DRenderer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | SoCSO | SoCSO | Renders the CSOs of a CSOList in 3D. |
SoCSOTransform | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | SoCSO | SoCSO | Transforms CSOs by an affine matrix. |
SoDiagram2D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Diagram | SoDiagram2D | Draws a diagram using OpenGL. The diagram supports extensions which can be added to the scene. |
SoExtText2 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Visualization | SoView2D | nicer font node than SoText2 |
SoView2DMarkerEditor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoView2DMarkerEditor | Manages a list of markers that can be selected and are drawn on the SoView2D |
SoView2DPosition | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoView2D | Selects and draws a cursor at the current position on SoView2D |
drawing |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoView2D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2D | SoView2D | 2D viewer that draws slices and sends drawing and mouse/keyboard events to its extensions |
dtf |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
EuclideanDistanceTransform | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Distance | MLDTF | calculates the euclidean distance image in 1D, 2D or 3D. It is also possible to calculate the Voronoi division. |
dti |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DeMosaic | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Neuro | MLGeometry1 | Extracts mosaic features from fMRI and DTI data and converts data to 4d data. |
SoTensorFieldVis | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | DTIVisualization | SoTensorFieldVis | 3D Visualization of DTI images, vector fields and tensor fields |
dual |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TypeArithmetic2 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Binary operations between non scalar types of two input images. |
WEMBinarySurface | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLOpenVDB | creates a WEM surface from a binary segmentation mask |
dummy |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Bypass | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FlowControl | MLBasicModules | Dummy operator, maybe useful to connect a single network input to multiple modules |
dump |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CoreControl | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLControl | Interface module to ML core settings |
duration |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Arithmetic0 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLMiscModules | simple arithmetic and logic expresions evaluated one or two float or Vector3 arguments, simpler to use than SoCalculator |
dynamic |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CalculateVolume | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Volumetry | MLVolumetry | Calculates voxel volume and number of voxels in interval, also for all timepoints and individual timepoints |
DynaCurve | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Diagram | MLDynaCurve | Extract time curves from dynamic image data |
SortSlices4D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLGeometry1 | Sorting of slices of 4d image that have been imported erroneously as 3d image. |
echoscu |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DicomTool | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Several DICOM tools: Save slices, send to PACS (storescu, dcmsend), check DICOM connectivity (echoscu). |
edge |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CalculateGradient | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLFilter1 | Calculates the gradient image in all directions |
Compass | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Applys compass filter to an input image. |
Convolution | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Simple constant convolution filters like Average, Gauss, Sobel, Laplace |
CurvatureEstimation | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLKernel | Kernel filter to estimate the curvature of a 2D-contour in a defined neighbourhood of a voxel |
MorphologicalGradient | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Filters | | Computes the Morphological Gradient |
Rank | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Example for a simple average filter to an image. |
RecAnisoDiffusion | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Diffusion | MLFilter1 | Recursive (iterative), anisotropic (edge preserving 'EP') binomial (Gaussian) filter. |
Roberts | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Provides the opportunity to apply one of several Roberts Cross operators to an image |
Sobel3D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Edge detection or gradient estimation in 3D |
edit |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ObjectInspector | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Allows inspecting, editing and extraction of field values of ML objects that support TreeNode-Export. |
editor |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DicomQueryEditor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Edit PACS queries, used by DicomQuery |
DicomSourceEditor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Edit PACS server entries, used by DicomQuery |
SoView2DRigidRegistrationEditor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2D | SoView2D | manual rigid registration editor |
effect |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ImageStatistics | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Statistics | MLMiscModules | Compute statistical values for a complete image or slice by slice |
effective |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Arithmetic0 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLMiscModules | simple arithmetic and logic expresions evaluated one or two float or Vector3 arguments, simpler to use than SoCalculator |
eigen |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TypeArithmetic1 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Collection of unary operations for non scalar voxel types |
element |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BitMorphology | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLKernel | Implements dilation and erosion filters that separately act on single bits |
Convolution | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Simple constant convolution filters like Average, Gauss, Sobel, Laplace |
Morphology | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLKernel | Implements dilation and erosion filters. |
Rank | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Example for a simple average filter to an image. |
elevation |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
WEMImageSliceIntensityProfile | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMGenerate | MLWEMModules | Creates an intensity profile mesh for an image slice. |
ellipsoid |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Draw3D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Draw | MLMiscModules | Permits drawing some 3D primitives into an image |
Draw3DMacro | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Draw | | Simple Draw3D Editor with input and output. |
emphasis |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TextureFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLFilter2 | Applies statistic texture filters to an image |
end |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ImageIteratorStart | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FlowControl | MLImageIterator | Start module for a network in which an image is iterated |
engine |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ComposeRotation | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Coordinate | MLCoordUtils1 | Compute composition of two rotations |
SoInventorFieldBridge | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | MLMiscModulesInv | Helper module to connect a Inventor engine field with a ML field |
enhance |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BitMorphology | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLKernel | Implements dilation and erosion filters that separately act on single bits |
Convolution | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Simple constant convolution filters like Average, Gauss, Sobel, Laplace |
ExtendedConvolution | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Convolution filters with some options |
KernelEditor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Editor to edit 6D kernels |
Morphology | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLKernel | Implements dilation and erosion filters. |
Rank | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Example for a simple average filter to an image. |
Sigma | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Kernel based sigma filter |
enhancement |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CLAHE | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLCLAHE | implements CLAHE contrast enhancement filter |
RecAnisoDiffusion | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Diffusion | MLFilter1 | Recursive (iterative), anisotropic (edge preserving 'EP') binomial (Gaussian) filter. |
RecGaussFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Diffusion | MLFilter1 | Recursive (iterative) binomial (Gaussian) filter |
SoEdgeEmphasize | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Visualization | SoSilhouette | Open Inventor feature-lines enhancement node |
enlarge |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ModifyRegion | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Region | | Allows up- or downsizing of an ROI by absolute mm or voxel offsets or a relative fraction in x,y and z dimension. |
SoView2DAutoCenter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2D | Zooms into a region of a slice. |
entries |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoInteractionInfo | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoInteractionControllers | Shows available pointing (mouse), command (keyboard), and offset (mouse wheel) actions by ID |
entropie |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TextureFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLFilter2 | Applies statistic texture filters to an image |
environment |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CoreControl | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLControl | Interface module to ML core settings |
epsilon |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SyncFloat | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Synchronizes two floating point fields, breaking loops if the values don't differ by an epsilon |
SyncVector | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Vector | | Synchronizes the two vector in both directions, breaking loops if the values dont differ by epsilon |
eq |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Arithmetic2 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Binary | MLBasicModules | Arithmetic processing of two images |
equal |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Arithmetic2 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Binary | MLBasicModules | Arithmetic processing of two images |
equality |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ImageCompare | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Test | MLMiscModules | Compares two images and posts error on inequality |
equation |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoGVRFramebufferSettings | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | VolRend | SoGVR | Allows to modify blend function/equation and polygon offset |
erode |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CloseGap | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLKernel | Closes gaps within binary images. Also includes majority, contour point extraction and binary dilation/erosion filters. |
MorphologicalGradient | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Filters | | Computes the Morphological Gradient |
WEMLevelSetFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLOpenVDB | allows to filter a level set generated from a WEM and remesh the result |
WEMLevelSetOffset | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLOpenVDB | allows to enlarge or shrink a mesh using level sets |
erosion |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BitMorphology | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLKernel | Implements dilation and erosion filters that separately act on single bits |
CloseGap | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLKernel | Closes gaps within binary images. Also includes majority, contour point extraction and binary dilation/erosion filters. |
MorphologicalGradient | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Filters | | Computes the Morphological Gradient |
Morphology | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLKernel | Implements dilation and erosion filters. |
error |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Arithmetic0 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLMiscModules | simple arithmetic and logic expresions evaluated one or two float or Vector3 arguments, simpler to use than SoCalculator |
CoreControl | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLControl | Interface module to ML core settings |
FloydSteinberg | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Diffusion | MLFilter2 | Uses Floyd-Steinberg dithering to reduce number of gray values in image with error distribution |
RedirectStream | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLControl | Permits redirection and suppression of stream outputs |
RuntimeDump | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Installs a dump function for bad runtime typed object |
SoDiagram2D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Diagram | SoDiagram2D | Draws a diagram using OpenGL. The diagram supports extensions which can be added to the scene. |
SoWEMDiagnosis | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | WEMInformation | SoWEM | Displays WEM information with an Inventor scene |
TraceView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Test | MLDiagnosis | Shows the current tracing state A garbage module containing invalid settings, programming errors and other bad stuff for testing purposes |
WEMReducePolygons | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMProcessing | MLWEMModules | Simplifies a WEM by using the quadric error metrics. |
euclidean |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SliceDistanceTransform | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | SliceDistanceTransform | Computes a slice-wise distance transform and can also interpolate slices in-between |
evaluation |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoView2DExtensionSeparator | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2D | SoView2D | SoView2D extension for grouping of extensions to control event evaluation. |
event |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
FieldTracer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Recorder for Field Notifications |
GenericPointingAction | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Interaction | SoInteractionControllers | Generic pointing action supporting the Managed Interaction scheme |
GenericSoView2DPointingAction | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Interaction | SoInteractionControllers | Generic pointing action supporting the Managed Interaction scheme |
SoGenericCommandAction | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoInteractionControllers | Generic command action supporting the Managed Interaction scheme |
SoGenericOffsetAction | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoInteractionControllers | Generic offset action supporting the Managed Interaction scheme |
SoInteractionInfo | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoInteractionControllers | Shows available pointing (mouse), command (keyboard), and offset (mouse wheel) actions by ID |
SoInteractionMapping | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoInteractionControllers | Overrides pointing (mouse), command (keyboard), and offset (mouse wheel) mappings for the Managed Interaction scheme |
SoKeyGrabber | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoUtils | Grabs keyboard events in an Inventor scene |
SoMouseGrabber | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoUtils | Grabs mouse events in an Inventor scene and converts them to floats |
SoView2DExtensionSeparator | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2D | SoView2D | SoView2D extension for grouping of extensions to control event evaluation. |
examine |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoView2DVoxelView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2D | SoView2D | SoView2D extension for detailed voxel viewing |
example |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Comment | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Extras | | Store comments in a network |
SoFlash | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Visualization | SoFlash | Smoothly flashing material node |
TestBatchCommand | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | testing the batch commandline facility |
TestBorderlessWindow | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | testing borderless windows |
TestBoxLayout | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing GUI Layouter BoxLayout |
TestButtonGroups | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing GUI Components |
TestComboBox | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing GUI Components |
TestControlVisibility | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | testing setVisible and visible=yes/no via scripting |
TestCrossRefs | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | tests module cross references |
TestDateTime | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing the DateTime control |
TestDefaultStyle | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing GUI default style |
TestDependsOn | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Test dependsOn expression evaluation |
TestDynamicFrames | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing GUI Components |
TestEventFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing the event filter control |
TestGraphicsView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing the graphics view control |
TestGraphicsViewHotArea | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing the graphics view hot areas |
TestGridLayout | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing GUI Layouter Grid |
TestHorizontalLayout | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing GUI Layouter Horizontal |
TestHyperText | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing GUI Components |
TestIconView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing GUI Components |
TestItemModelView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing StandardItemModel and ItemModelView control |
TestLayouter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing GUI alignment groups and layouting with alignX/Y |
TestListBox | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing GUI Components |
TestListView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing GUI Components |
TestMacroModule | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | test all fields / script commands possible in a MacroModule |
TestModalDialog | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | testing |
TestMoviePlayer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing MoviePlayer control |
TestMultiLanguage | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing the translation features of mevislab |
TestMultipleScreens | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing screen geometry and moving controls |
TestPanels | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing GUI Components |
TestPattern | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Generators | MLBasicModules | Generates a test image |
TestPopupMenu | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing dynamic popup menus |
TestPrinting | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing printing facilities |
TestPrototypes | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing Prototypes |
TestPython | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | tests the python scripting implementation |
TestQuickView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing QuickView control |
TestSplitterLayout | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing GUI Layouter Splitter |
TestSqlQuery | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | test the Sql classes |
TestStyles | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing Styles |
TestTableLayout | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing GUI Layouter Table |
TestTabViewLayout | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing GUI Layouter TabView with normal/invisible Tabs |
TestThumbWheel | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing the workings of the ThumbWheel control |
TestTimers | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | test the scripting timer callLater methods |
TestVerticalLayout | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing GUI Layouter Vertical |
TestViewers | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | testing |
TestVisibleOn | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing visibleOn expression behavior |
TestWebEngineView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing the WebEngineView control |
exception |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoControl | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Inspectors | SoControl | Inventor core control |
exceptions |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CoreControl | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLControl | Interface module to ML core settings |
exclude |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SmartMarker | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | can be used to set include/exclude marker, decision in-/exclude marker is automatic - defined by the mask input image |
exclusive |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BitMaskConvert | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Image | MLFilter2 | Set/Clears/Inverts certain bit planes in an image in dependency of a second input image as mask |
execute |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CommandNotifier | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Test | | Notifies buttons of script commands |
execution |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CommandNotifier | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Test | | Notifies buttons of script commands |
exit |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ErrorTest | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Test | MLDiagnosis | Prints/Forces different types of messages and forces desired error types |
exp |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Arithmetic0 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLMiscModules | simple arithmetic and logic expresions evaluated one or two float or Vector3 arguments, simpler to use than SoCalculator |
expand |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
LocalPath | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Creates an absolute path using relative path variables. |
ExpandFileName |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
LocalPath | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Creates an absolute path using relative path variables. |
export |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BitImageLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | BitImageIO | MLBitImageTools | Loads a BitImage from file and provides it as ML image and base object |
BitImageSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | BitImageIO | MLBitImageTools | Save an ML image as BitImage with interval segmentation |
ExportImageAsSlices | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Save a 3D image as a stack of 2D images. |
MLImageFormatFileCache | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Buffers the input volume in an cache file of ML image format and can protect it from input changes. |
MLImageFormatInfo | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Information module for ML image format |
MLImageFormatLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Load module for ML image format |
MLImageFormatSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Save module for ML image format |
extend |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Reshape | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLGeometry1 | reshapes / converts the image size (x, y, z, c, t, u) to a new (x1, y1, z1, c1, t1, u1) |
Sprawl2D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLBeam | 2D sprawling of a given object based on a reference image. The given object is extended along radial beams to the next border or the reference image. |
extended |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TypeArithmetic1 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Collection of unary operations for non scalar voxel types |
TypeArithmetic2 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Binary operations between non scalar types of two input images. |
TypeComposer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Composes different images to a new image of other voxel type |
TypeComposerN | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Composes different images to a new image of other voxel type |
TypeDecomposer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Decomposes all voxel components to different images |
TypeDecomposerN | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Decomposes all voxel components to different images |
TypeFromDimension | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Extracts non scalar voxels from a certain image dimension. |
TypeFromScalars | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Composes a type from scalar components of all voxels. |
TypeToScalars | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Decomposes all voxel components to scalars |
ExtendedConvolution |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Sobel3D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Edge detection or gradient estimation in 3D |
extension |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
FileInformation | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Access file information such as size, creation date and permissions. Can also be used to create valid pathnames from directory, basename and extension and check for existance of files. |
ImagePropertyConvert | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | ImageMain | MLBasicModules | Converts image properties. |
MakeName | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Generates a new filename from an input filename and a template |
SoView2DAnnotation | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2D | Draws annotations (dicom and userdefined) on the SoView2D |
SoView2DAutoCenter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2D | Zooms into a region of a slice. |
SoView2DBorder | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2D | Draws a border on the SoView2D |
SoView2DBorderHighlight | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2D | Draws a border around a selected range of slices in a View2D |
SoView2DDeformationGridView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2D | SoView2D | SoView2D extension for displaying a deformation grid as an image overlay. |
SoView2DHint | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2D | hint for 3d rendering of view2d and extensions |
SoView2DMarkerEditor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoView2DMarkerEditor | Manages a list of markers that can be selected and are drawn on the SoView2D |
SoView2DOverlay | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2D | SoView2D | Draws an overlay image onto the SoView2D, uses the current LUT (image needs to have same extent as SoView2D image!) |
SoView2DPlane | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Plane | SoView2D | Draws the intersection between a plane and the current slice on SoView2D |
SoView2DPosition | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoView2D | Selects and draws a cursor at the current position on SoView2D |
SoView2DRectangle | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoView2D | Allows to select a 3D rectangle on the SoView2D |
SoView2DSlicePan | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoView2D | Allows xy panning of the inner slices of SoView2D |
SoView2DSlicer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoView2D | Allows to slice through a SoView2D by using the mouse |
SoView2DSliceZoom | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoView2D | Allows zooming of inner slices in SoView2D |
SoView2DTranslationRotation | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoView2D | allows to do a trackball interaction on the slice, can be used to position mprs interactively |
SoView2DVectorFieldView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2D | SoView2D | SoView2D extension for displaying a 3-D vector field as an image overlay. |
SoView2DVoxelValue | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoView2D | Reads the current cursor position on the SoView2D. |
SoView2DVoxelView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2D | SoView2D | SoView2D extension for detailed voxel viewing |
extensions |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoDiagram2D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Diagram | SoDiagram2D | Draws a diagram using OpenGL. The diagram supports extensions which can be added to the scene. |
extent |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Info | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Info | MLBasicModules | Display properties of input image |
SoCoordinateSystem | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoUtils | Renders x/y/z coordinate system |
extents |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
KernelEditor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Editor to edit 6D kernels |
extract |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BoundingBox | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Subimage | MLMiscModules | Extracts the bounding box of an object given by an interval from an image |
Magnify | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Subimage | MLGeometry1 | Extract a region from the input image and scale its voxel-to-world-matrix |
Mask | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Image | MLMiscModules | Masks the image at input 1 with mask at input 2 with selectable mode. |
ObjectInspector | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Allows inspecting, editing and extraction of field values of ML objects that support TreeNode-Export. |
TypeFromDimension | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Extracts non scalar voxels from a certain image dimension. |
VecBoxConvert | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Geometry | MLCoordUtils1 | Converts box, vector and component fields into each other. |
extraction |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CloseGap | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLKernel | Closes gaps within binary images. Also includes majority, contour point extraction and binary dilation/erosion filters. |
extrema |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
LocalMaxima | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLKernel | Kernel filter to detect if a voxel is a local maximum in a defined neighborhood |
extremum |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
LocalMaxima | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLKernel | Kernel filter to detect if a voxel is a local maximum in a defined neighborhood |
Extrude |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoView2DWEMContour | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | WEMInteraction | SoWEM | Draw contour in screen coordinates. To be used by SoWEMExtrude. |
factor |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoDiagram2DZoom | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Diagram | SoDiagram2D | Zooms a diagram. |
fast |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
cvMedian | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLOpenCVModules | wraps the OpenCV 2D median filter |
OffscreenRenderer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Visualization | MLOffscreenRender | OpenGL accelerated offscreen renderer |
fatal |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ErrorTest | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Test | MLDiagnosis | Prints/Forces different types of messages and forces desired error types |
fbo |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoCheckFramebufferObjectSupport | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Visualization,Shader | SoFrameBufferObjects | check for framebuffer object support |
SoDepthPeelRenderer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Visualization | SoRenderers | renders a scene with depth peeling |
SoFramebufferRenderer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Visualization | SoRenderers | renders a scene with a fixed resolution |
SoFramebufferTexture | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Visualization | SoFrameBufferObjects | framebuffer object texture |
SoMLImageProperties | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoMLSupport | set ML image properties in Open Inventor state |
fcm |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
FuzzyCluster | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fuzzy | MLFuzzy | Uses the fuzzy cmeans algorithm to extract a given number of clusters. |
feature-lines |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoEdgeEmphasize | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Visualization | SoSilhouette | Open Inventor feature-lines enhancement node |
field |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BaseClear | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLBasicModules | Clear or bypass a base object; allows explicit update of output. |
BoolInt | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Translate between a bool and an integer field |
BoolString | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Translate between a bool and a string field |
CalculateGradient | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLFilter1 | Calculates the gradient image in all directions |
InventorSceneChangeObserver | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | observes the incoming scene for field/node changes |
ObjectInspector | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Allows inspecting, editing and extraction of field values of ML objects that support TreeNode-Export. |
PrintCurves | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Diagram | MLCurve | Print curve data into a text field and/or to a text file. |
SoView2DDeformationGridView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2D | SoView2D | SoView2D extension for displaying a deformation grid as an image overlay. |
fieldlistener |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
RunPythonScript | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | FlowControl | | This macro allows to execute Python scripts from within a MeVisLab network |
Fields |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
FieldIterator | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Set field values from a field value list and iterate through the list in a batch mode |
FieldTracer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Recorder for Field Notifications |
FieldUndo | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Observe an attached field and undo / redo changes |
SoTensorFieldVis | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | DTIVisualization | SoTensorFieldVis | 3D Visualization of DTI images, vector fields and tensor fields |
TestPrototypes | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing Prototypes |
file |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BitImageLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | BitImageIO | MLBitImageTools | Loads a BitImage from file and provides it as ML image and base object |
BitImageSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | BitImageIO | MLBitImageTools | Save an ML image as BitImage with interval segmentation |
CompareNetworks | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | compares two *.mlab files |
Console | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Appends ML messages to a userdefined log file |
ImageLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FileMain | MLImageFile | Loads an image. |
ImageSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FileMain | MLImageFile | Saves an image to a file |
LoadAny | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Module to identify, analyze, open and perhaps load most MeVisLab, ML, WEM, CSO itk, vtk and many other file formats |
LoadBase | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | File | MLParser | Loads a ml::Base object from a file. |
LocalBase | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Used to resolve base object files relative to network or to the local MeVisLab installation |
MLImageFormatInfo | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Information module for ML image format |
MLImageFormatLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Load module for ML image format |
MLImageFormatSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Save module for ML image format |
PrintCurves | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Diagram | MLCurve | Print curve data into a text field and/or to a text file. |
SaveBase | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | File | MLParser | Saves an ml::Base object to a file. |
SetFileName | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLImageFile | Set file name associated with image |
WEMLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMGenerate | MLWEMModules | Loads a WEM from disk. |
WEMSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMPersistence | MLWEMModules | Saves a WEM to disc in various formats. |
WEMSceneLoader | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | WEMSceneLoader | Allows to load wem patches from meshes of various format. |
Filename |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
FileDirectory | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Generate a list of files in a directory, possibly including subdirectories |
FileInformation | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Access file information such as size, creation date and permissions. Can also be used to create valid pathnames from directory, basename and extension and check for existance of files. |
MakeName | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Generates a new filename from an input filename and a template |
SetFileName | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLImageFile | Set file name associated with image |
fill |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BitImageArithmetic | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | BitImageTools | MLBitImageTools | Unary and binary operations on a bit image |
ConstrainedConnectionCost | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLRate | calculates connection costs with respect to marker set |
CSOSliceInterpolator | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOModule | MLCSOModules | Interpolates parallel CSOs on slices. |
CSOVoxelizeContours | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOModule | MLCSOModules | Voxelizes all closed, plane contours into an ML image. |
RegionGrowing | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Region | MLSegmentation | Simple 2D/3D/4D region growing operator. |
RegionGrowingMacro | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Region | | Wraps the RegionGrowing module to simplify its usage. |
SoDiagram2DBackground | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Diagram | SoDiagram2D | Renders a colored background behind a diagram. |
filled |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoRenderSurfaceIntersection | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoRenderers | |
filter |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BitMorphology | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLKernel | Implements dilation and erosion filters that separately act on single bits |
CloseGap | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLKernel | Closes gaps within binary images. Also includes majority, contour point extraction and binary dilation/erosion filters. |
Compass | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Applys compass filter to an input image. |
Convolution | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Simple constant convolution filters like Average, Gauss, Sobel, Laplace |
CurvatureEstimation | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLKernel | Kernel filter to estimate the curvature of a 2D-contour in a defined neighbourhood of a voxel |
Diffusion | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Diffusion | MLDiffusion1 | Nonlinear Diffusion Filter |
ExtendedConvolution | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Convolution filters with some options |
ItemModelAttributeFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLABMLItemModelSupport | Implements an attribute filtering proxy for an ItemModel |
ItemModelItemFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLABMLItemModelSupport | Implements an item filtering proxy for an ItemModel |
LocalMaxima | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLKernel | Kernel filter to detect if a voxel is a local maximum in a defined neighborhood |
Morphology | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLKernel | Implements dilation and erosion filters. |
Rank | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Example for a simple average filter to an image. |
RecAnisoDiffusion | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Diffusion | MLFilter1 | Recursive (iterative), anisotropic (edge preserving 'EP') binomial (Gaussian) filter. |
Resample3D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLGeometry1 | Interpolation in 3d on arbitrary planar parallel grid. 17 filters available |
Roberts | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Provides the opportunity to apply one of several Roberts Cross operators to an image |
Sigma | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Kernel based sigma filter |
SmoothHistogram | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Histogram | MLVolumetry | Smooth graph of histogram. |
Sobel3D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Edge detection or gradient estimation in 3D |
StandardDeviation | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLKernel | Kernel filter to calculate the standard deviation or variance of a voxel neighbourhood defined by the kernel |
WEMSelectPatches | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMProcessing | MLWEMModules | Creates a new WEM that contains a subset of Patches from an existing WEM. |
ZeroCrossings | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLKernel | Kernel filter to detect zero-crossings in an image |
find |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
StringUtils | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLMiscModules | A collection of various string utilities |
flip |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TypeArithmetic1 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Collection of unary operations for non scalar voxel types |
float |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ComposeMatrix | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Coordinate | MLCoordUtils1 | Composes matrix from float values or vectors |
ComposeVector3 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Vector | MLCoordUtils1 | Composes vector3 from single float values |
ComposeVector4 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Vector | MLCoordUtils1 | Composes vector4 from single float values |
MinMaxScan | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Info | MLMiscModules | Determines correct minimum and maximum values and the adequate data type of an input image. |
Scale | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Scale | MLMiscModules | Scales data from input to output with possible data type conversion. |
VecBoxConvert | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Geometry | MLCoordUtils1 | Converts box, vector and component fields into each other. |
Floor |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Round | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Image | MLBasicModules | Converts a float image to an integer image using Round, Floor, or Ceil. |
flow |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BaseBypass | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Bypass base input or not. |
BaseClear | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLBasicModules | Clear or bypass a base object; allows explicit update of output. |
BaseSwitch | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FlowControl | MLMiscModules | Passes through one of a set of inputs |
Bypass | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FlowControl | MLBasicModules | Dummy operator, maybe useful to connect a single network input to multiple modules |
SoPathTracerLines | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoPathTracer | Renders thick lines in a SoPathTracer. |
SoView2DDeformationGridView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2D | SoView2D | SoView2D extension for displaying a deformation grid as an image overlay. |
SoView2DVectorFieldView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2D | SoView2D | SoView2D extension for displaying a 3-D vector field as an image overlay. |
flowcontrol |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ProcessAllPages | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FlowControl | MLMiscModules | Module to force the input networks to calculate all pages of the requested image (might be limited by available memory). This is useful if image calculations are to slow to be displayed interactively. |
fmri |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DeMosaic | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Neuro | MLGeometry1 | Extracts mosaic features from fMRI and DTI data and converts data to 4d data. |
SortSlices4D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLGeometry1 | Sorting of slices of 4d image that have been imported erroneously as 3d image. |
Font |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoView2DLabel | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2D | Draws a string at a user selected (world) position onto a SoView2D. |
force |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ErrorTest | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Test | MLDiagnosis | Prints/Forces different types of messages and forces desired error types |
Format |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ImageLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FileMain | MLImageFile | Loads an image. |
ImageSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FileMain | MLImageFile | Saves an image to a file |
StringUtils | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLMiscModules | A collection of various string utilities |
WEMLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMGenerate | MLWEMModules | Loads a WEM from disk. |
WEMSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMPersistence | MLWEMModules | Saves a WEM to disc in various formats. |
WEMSceneLoader | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | WEMSceneLoader | Allows to load wem patches from meshes of various format. |
formats |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
LoadAny | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Module to identify, analyze, open and perhaps load most MeVisLab, ML, WEM, CSO itk, vtk and many other file formats |
fractal |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BoxCountingDimension | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Statistics | MLFilter2 | Calculates the box-counting (Minkowski) dimension of an object |
fragment |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoCheckShaderSupport | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | check for shader support |
SoClearShaderState | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | clear shader-related elements in traversal state |
SoGeometryShader | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | geometry shader |
SoGLRenderState | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | modify OpenGL state |
SoMLImageProperties | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoMLSupport | set ML image properties in Open Inventor state |
SoMLSampler1D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader sampler 1D parameter |
SoMLSampler2D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader sampler 2D parameter |
SoMLSampler3D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader sampler 3D parameter |
SoMLSamplerCubeMap | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader sampler cubemap parameter |
SoMultiplePass | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | render scene multiple times |
SoShaderParameter1f | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader float parameter |
SoShaderParameter1fv | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader float array parameter |
SoShaderParameter1i | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader 1 integer parameter |
SoShaderParameter2f | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader 2 float parameter |
SoShaderParameter2i | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader 2 integer parameters |
SoShaderParameter3f | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader 3 float parameter |
SoShaderParameter3i | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader 3 integer parameters |
SoShaderParameter4f | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader 4 float parameter |
SoShaderParameterColor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader color parameter |
SoShaderParameterMatrix | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader matrix parameter |
SoShaderParameterMLImageProperties | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader ML image properties parameter |
SoShaderParameterMLImageSize | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader ML image size parameter |
SoShaderParameterPlane | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader plane parameter |
SoShaderParameterRotation | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader rotation parameter |
SoShaderProgram | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader program |
SoVertexShader | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | vertex shader |
framebuffer |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoDepthPeelRenderer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Visualization | SoRenderers | renders a scene with depth peeling |
frames |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoMovieScripter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoMovieScripter | tool for script based or interactively generated movies |
Frangi |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
HessianFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLFilter2 | Vesselness filter similar to Frangi et al. |
full |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
MLImageFormatFileCache | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Buffers the input volume in an cache file of ML image format and can protect it from input changes. |
function |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Raster | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Draw | MLMiscModules | Rasters an object (list) into an image. |
SoGVRFramebufferSettings | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | VolRend | SoGVR | Allows to modify blend function/equation and polygon offset |
functional |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SortSlices4D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLGeometry1 | Sorting of slices of 4d image that have been imported erroneously as 3d image. |
TestCaseManager | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Test | | Manage the TestCenter. |
TestCaseRunner | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Test | | Runs a single test case |
fwhm |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
HistogramParameters | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Histogram | MLVolumetry | Calculate (normalized) histogram parameters. |
gaps |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ConvexHull | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Region | MLFuzzy | Calculates (2D / slice-wise) convex hulls of one or more objects. |
garbage |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TraceView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Test | MLDiagnosis | Shows the current tracing state A garbage module containing invalid settings, programming errors and other bad stuff for testing purposes |
gauss |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Convolution | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Simple constant convolution filters like Average, Gauss, Sobel, Laplace |
ExtendedConvolution | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Convolution filters with some options |
LUTPrimitive | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | A single channel LUT with predefined primitives of different shapes |
Rank | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Example for a simple average filter to an image. |
WEMLevelSetFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLOpenVDB | allows to filter a level set generated from a WEM and remesh the result |
gaussian |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
AddNoise | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Generators | MLBasicModules | Creates noise based on various models. |
AddNoise | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Generators | MLBasicModules | Creates noise based on various models. |
RecAnisoDiffusion | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Diffusion | MLFilter1 | Recursive (iterative), anisotropic (edge preserving 'EP') binomial (Gaussian) filter. |
RecGaussFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Diffusion | MLFilter1 | Recursive (iterative) binomial (Gaussian) filter |
Resample3D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLGeometry1 | Interpolation in 3d on arbitrary planar parallel grid. 17 filters available |
Sigma | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Kernel based sigma filter |
generate |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ConstantImage | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Generators | MLBasicModules | Generates a constant image |
CSOIsoGenerator | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOModule | MLCSOModules | Finds all iso contours on given input image. |
WEMInitialize | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMGenerate | MLWEMModules | Initializes a WEM with a simple shape. |
WEMIsoSurface | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMGenerate | MLWEMModules | Generates an iso surface as a WEM. |
generic |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TestCenter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Test | | The new TestCenter |
geom |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
WEMLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMGenerate | MLWEMModules | Loads a WEM from disk. |
WEMSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMPersistence | MLWEMModules | Saves a WEM to disc in various formats. |
Geometry |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DimensionSliceClone | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Subimage | MLGeometry1 | clones dimension slices of an image |
SoCheckShaderSupport | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | check for shader support |
SoClearShaderState | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | clear shader-related elements in traversal state |
SoFragmentShader | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | fragment shader |
SoGLRenderState | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | modify OpenGL state |
SoMLSampler1D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader sampler 1D parameter |
SoMLSampler2D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader sampler 2D parameter |
SoMLSampler3D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader sampler 3D parameter |
SoMLSamplerCubeMap | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader sampler cubemap parameter |
SoMultiplePass | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | render scene multiple times |
SoRenderSurfaceIntersection | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoRenderers | |
SoShaderParameter1f | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader float parameter |
SoShaderParameter1fv | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader float array parameter |
SoShaderParameter1i | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader 1 integer parameter |
SoShaderParameter2f | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader 2 float parameter |
SoShaderParameter2i | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader 2 integer parameters |
SoShaderParameter3f | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader 3 float parameter |
SoShaderParameter3i | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader 3 integer parameters |
SoShaderParameter4f | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader 4 float parameter |
SoShaderParameterColor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader color parameter |
SoShaderParameterMatrix | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader matrix parameter |
SoShaderParameterMLImageProperties | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader ML image properties parameter |
SoShaderParameterMLImageSize | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader ML image size parameter |
SoShaderParameterPlane | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader plane parameter |
SoShaderParameterRotation | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader rotation parameter |
SoShaderProgram | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader program |
SoVertexShader | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | vertex shader |
gestures |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoView2DMenu | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2DMenu | Popup Menu Node For 2D Viewing |
SoView2DMenuItem | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2DMenu | Item For View2D Menus |
SoView2DMenuItems | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | View2DExtended | | Macro containing 10 SoView2DItem nodes under a group node |
global |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
MemoryCache | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Image | MLMiscModules | Buffers the input volume in memory and can protect it from input changes. |
MLImageFormatFileCache | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Buffers the input volume in an cache file of ML image format and can protect it from input changes. |
PythonImage | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLPythonImageProcessing | allows to set an image from python |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoShaderPipeline | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoShaderPipeline | creates and enables a GLSL shader from the current state |
SoView2DExtensionSampler | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2D | Allows to render SoView2D extensions to a texture and use it in an overlay shader |
SoView2DShaderDevicePosition | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2D | Allows to access a world position as device position uniform |
SoView2DShaderDiagnosis | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2D | Allows to show the shader pipeline of a SoView2DShaderOverlay |
SoView2DShaderFunction | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2D | Allows to add/remove function of the SoView2DShaderOverlay |
SoView2DShaderInclude | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2D | Adds includes to be used with SoView2DShaderFunction |
SoView2DShaderOverlay | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2D | Renders named overlays using a GLSL shader |
gradient |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Sobel3D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Edge detection or gradient estimation in 3D |
TestPattern | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Generators | MLBasicModules | Generates a test image |
graph |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ConnectEdges | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLGraphEditing | Connects edges in a graph |
DisconnectEdges | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLGraphEditing | Disconnects or removes edges in a graph |
GetTreeLabels | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLGraphEditing | Retrieves tree labels |
LabelByThresholdedVolume | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLGraphEditing | Sets labels for image voxel values under the skeleton positions |
LabelFromEdgeToLeaves | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLGraphEditing | Sets labels from a selected down to the leaves |
LabelSelectedTree | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLGraphEditing | Sets labels to a selected tree |
LabelTrees | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLGraphEditing | Sets labels to trees in order of descending size |
RemoveTree | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLGraphEditing | Removes a tree |
SetLabelToTreeDepth | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLGraphEditing | Sets labels accordings to tree depth from roots to leaves |
SetRoot | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLGraphEditing | Sets a new root in a tree |
SoSceneWriter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | InventorFile | SoUtils | Writes the scene graph to a file (diverse formats). |
VascularInspector | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Inspectors | | Inspector for vascular systems (more general: for MLGraph). |
gravity |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ClusterToMarkers | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Marker | MLClusterToMarkers | Converts clusters to markers. |
MarkerStatistics | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Marker | MLGeometry1 | Compute statistics on a marker list |
gray |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
AddNoise | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Generators | MLBasicModules | Creates noise based on various models. |
ImagePropertyConvert | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | ImageMain | MLBasicModules | Converts image properties. |
RampFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Generators | MLBasicModules | Creates a grey value ramp with amplitude and direction; add to input or ramp alone. |
VoxelValueRescale | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Scale | MLMiscModules | Convert voxel values and LUT parameters between stored and output representation |
green |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ColorMatrix | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLColor | Applys a matrix to an input image to change the colors |
ColorTable | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLColor | Offers different Color Tables |
greenscreen |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ChromaKey | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLColor | implements the chroma key algorithm for masking a background color (e.g. a greenscreen) |
grey |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TextureFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLFilter2 | Applies statistic texture filters to an image |
Greyvalues |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
KernelMask | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLFilter2 | Puts values of an image area into a kernel with defined extention |
grid |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
OpenVDBLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLOpenVDB | load a sparse grid as an ML volume |
OpenVDBSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLOpenVDB | saves a volume to a sparse OpenVDB grid |
group |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CSOFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOModule | MLCSOModules | Filters an input CSOList by certain options. |
SoTransformSeparator | Silicon Graphics Inc | InventorModule | InventorNodesAutomatic,InventorGroup | | |
grouping |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CSOManager | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOModule | MLCSO | Administers and maintains CSOs |
SoView2DExtensionSeparator | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2D | SoView2D | SoView2D extension for grouping of extensions to control event evaluation. |
growth |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Arithmetic0 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLMiscModules | simple arithmetic and logic expresions evaluated one or two float or Vector3 arguments, simpler to use than SoCalculator |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
GVRGradientVolumeSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Octree | MLGVR | writes GVR gradient volume cache files to disk |
SoCSODrawOnSurface | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | SoCSO | SoCSO | Allows to draw CSOs on 3D surfaces. |
halfspace |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Draw3D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Draw | MLMiscModules | Permits drawing some 3D primitives into an image |
Draw3DMacro | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Draw | | Simple Draw3D Editor with input and output. |
handle |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoActionLog | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Visualization | SoUtils | log currently passing action |
SoActionNotify | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Visualization | SoUtils | Touches trigger fields on certain actions |
handler |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
GenericPointingAction | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Interaction | SoInteractionControllers | Generic pointing action supporting the Managed Interaction scheme |
GenericSoView2DPointingAction | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Interaction | SoInteractionControllers | Generic pointing action supporting the Managed Interaction scheme |
SoGenericCommandAction | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoInteractionControllers | Generic command action supporting the Managed Interaction scheme |
SoGenericOffsetAction | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoInteractionControllers | Generic offset action supporting the Managed Interaction scheme |
handling |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoControl | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Inspectors | SoControl | Inventor core control |
SoView2DExtensionSeparator | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2D | SoView2D | SoView2D extension for grouping of extensions to control event evaluation. |
hardware |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoShadowMapping | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoShadowMapping | renders shadows by using cascaded shadow maps |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
FuzzyConnectDistance | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fuzzy | MLFuzzy | Uses distance-based fuzzy connectedness for the segmentation of an image. |
hdr |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoImageFileSampler | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoImageSamplers | loads an image file from disk and adds it as a sampler |
header |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoGVRShaderInclude | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | VolRend | SoGVR | Defines GLSL code which can used by functions defined with SoGVRShaderFunction |
headlight |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoCameraInteraction | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoCameraInteraction | Control camera/headlight with mouse. |
heightfield |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
WEMImageSliceIntensityProfile | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMGenerate | MLWEMModules | Creates an intensity profile mesh for an image slice. |
help |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Comment | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Extras | | Store comments in a network |
hermite |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Resample3D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLGeometry1 | Interpolation in 3d on arbitrary planar parallel grid. 17 filters available |
hierarchy |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TestWEMNearestPoint | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Test the MLWEMNearestPointWrapper interactively |
highlight |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoDiagram2DCursor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Diagram | SoDiagram2D | Shows a cursor with the curve data at the mouse cursor. |
highlighting |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoFocus | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoUtils | General facility to detect focus changes |
hipaa |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DicomDeidentify | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLDicomDeidentify | Remove identifying information from DICOM data according to PS 3.15, annex E |
history |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
FieldUndo | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Observe an attached field and undo / redo changes |
holes |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CavitySeeker | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLBeam | Cavity search doing sophisticate kernel based evaluation of surrounding area. |
ConvexHull | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Region | MLFuzzy | Calculates (2D / slice-wise) convex hulls of one or more objects. |
Sprawl2D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLBeam | 2D sprawling of a given object based on a reference image. The given object is extended along radial beams to the next border or the reference image. |
homogeneity |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TextureFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLFilter2 | Applies statistic texture filters to an image |
horizontal |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoDiagram2DRuler | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Diagram | SoDiagram2D | Measures interactively distances in a diagram. |
hounsfield |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DicomLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | Generate modality and/or VOI LUT from an image's DICOM tags, optionally compose with input LUT |
DicomRescale | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | DICOM | MLImageFile | Rescales (DICOM) images to user-defined (DICOM) intercept and slope values |
VoxelValueRescale | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Scale | MLMiscModules | Convert voxel values and LUT parameters between stored and output representation |
hsi |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ColorModelConverter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLColor | changes color model of an input image |
hsv |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ColorModelConverter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLColor | changes color model of an input image |
HU |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DicomRescale | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | DICOM | MLImageFile | Rescales (DICOM) images to user-defined (DICOM) intercept and slope values |
id |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
RuntimeView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Module to give an overview about currently registered runtime types |
identify |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Checksum | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Compute checksum of an image |
identity |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TypeArithmetic1 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Collection of unary operations for non scalar voxel types |
illumination |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoGVRTagObjectStyle | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | VolRendExtensions | SoGVR | allows to extend the SoGVRVolumeRenderer with shading parameters per tag object id |
image |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
AffineTransformation2D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | SpatialTransformation | MLTransformation | affine transformation using MPR |
AffineTransformation3D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | SpatialTransformation | MLTransformation | affine transformation using MPR |
AnonymizeMacro | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Anonymize a DICOM dataset. |
ApplyLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | Apply LUT to an ML image |
Arithmetic1 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Unary | MLBasicModules | Arithmetic processing of an image |
BitConvert | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Image | MLFilter2 | Set/Clears/Inverts certain bit planes in an image |
CavitySeeker | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLBeam | Cavity search doing sophisticate kernel based evaluation of surrounding area. |
Correlation | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | computes the correlation/convolution of one image with another |
CurvatureEstimation | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLKernel | Kernel filter to estimate the curvature of a 2D-contour in a defined neighbourhood of a voxel |
CurveToHistogram | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Histogram | MLVolumetry | Convert curve data to histogram object. |
DeMosaic | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Neuro | MLGeometry1 | Extracts mosaic features from fMRI and DTI data and converts data to 4d data. |
ExportImageAsSlices | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Save a 3D image as a stack of 2D images. |
Info | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Info | MLBasicModules | Display properties of input image |
KernelMask | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLFilter2 | Puts values of an image area into a kernel with defined extention |
LoadAny | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Module to identify, analyze, open and perhaps load most MeVisLab, ML, WEM, CSO itk, vtk and many other file formats |
OffscreenRenderer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Visualization | MLOffscreenRender | OpenGL accelerated offscreen renderer |
Reshape | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLGeometry1 | reshapes / converts the image size (x, y, z, c, t, u) to a new (x1, y1, z1, c1, t1, u1) |
SoView2DEnlargeOnClick | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2D | Switches to single image from tiled images on click onto a slice |
SoView2DOverlayDecoration | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2D | SoView2D | Draws decorations onto the overlay image that is rendered on a SoView2D |
SoView2DVoxelView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2D | SoView2D | SoView2D extension for detailed voxel viewing |
TestInput | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Module to create test images |
TestPattern | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Generators | MLBasicModules | Generates a test image |
images |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Arithmetic2 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Binary | MLBasicModules | Arithmetic processing of two images |
ImageCompare | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Test | MLMiscModules | Compares two images and posts error on inequality |
SortSlices4D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLGeometry1 | Sorting of slices of 4d image that have been imported erroneously as 3d image. |
TestInput | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Module to create test images |
imaginary |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ComplexArithmetic1 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Unary | MLComplexArithmetic | Performs some complex number specific functions |
ComplexArithmetic2 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Binary | MLComplexArithmetic | performs complex arithmetics on two inputs |
ComplexToReal | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Unary | MLComplexArithmetic | Computes either abs, arg or power of complex number |
ImgLoadMulti |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ImageLoadMulti | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Provides convenient access to sets of images. |
ImgPropConvert |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ImagePropertyConvert | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | ImageMain | MLBasicModules | Converts image properties. |
implicit |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Raster | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Draw | MLMiscModules | Rasters an object (list) into an image. |
RasterFunctions | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Draw | MLMiscModules | A collection of raster functions. |
WEMVascularSystem | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMGenerate | MLWEMModules | Vessel Visualization with Convolution Surfaces |
import |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BitImageLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | BitImageIO | MLBitImageTools | Loads a BitImage from file and provides it as ML image and base object |
BitImageSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | BitImageIO | MLBitImageTools | Save an ML image as BitImage with interval segmentation |
MLImageFormatFileCache | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Buffers the input volume in an cache file of ML image format and can protect it from input changes. |
MLImageFormatInfo | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Information module for ML image format |
MLImageFormatLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Load module for ML image format |
MLImageFormatSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Save module for ML image format |
importer |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
LoadAny | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Module to identify, analyze, open and perhaps load most MeVisLab, ML, WEM, CSO itk, vtk and many other file formats |
include |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SmartMarker | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | can be used to set include/exclude marker, decision in-/exclude marker is automatic - defined by the mask input image |
increase |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Counter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Counter for integer numbers |
increment |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Counter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Counter for integer numbers |
KeyCounter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | A numerical index field that can be incremented and decremented by pressing a key in a viewer |
independent |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoPostEffectTransparentGeometry | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoRenderers | adds transparent geometry to the rendering |
index |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DynamicStylePalette | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Visualization | MLBase | Provides a dynamic number of colors, line and marker styles. |
KeyCounter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | A numerical index field that can be incremented and decremented by pressing a key in a viewer |
Rank | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Example for a simple average filter to an image. |
StylePalette | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Visualization | MLBase | Provides colors, curve styles and marker type settings. |
Thumbnail | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Resample | | Creates thumbnail image from input image with default size 48x48 pixel and optionally stored this automatically in a png (or other file format) file |
induction |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ImageIteratorEnd | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FlowControl | MLImageIterator | End module for a network in which an image is iterated |
ImageIteratorStart | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FlowControl | MLImageIterator | Start module for a network in which an image is iterated |
info |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BackgroundTasksInspector | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Inspectors | | Display background tasks |
CacheView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | View Cache utilization |
CSOFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOModule | MLCSOModules | Filters an input CSOList by certain options. |
CSOInspector | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Inspectors | | Inspector for CSOs (contour segmentation objects). |
CurveInspector | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Inspectors | | Inspector for CurveData/CurveList objects. |
EvaluateRelativeLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | LUT | | Evaluates the input LUT at a defined position and returns the color. |
GVRTemporalDifference | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | VolRendExtensions | | renders a temporal difference image using a secondary image and a custom shader |
GVRVolumeInspector | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Inspectors | | Inspector for GVR Volumes. |
ImageCalculationDiagnosis | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLDiagnosis | A module that shows internal details of an ML module's output image and the involved settings |
MarkerListInspector | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Inspectors | | Inspector for MarkerLists. |
MessageBox | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | GUI | | Configurable message dialog |
MessageBoxExt | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | GUI | | Configurable message dialog with additional elements |
MLABGlobalModules | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | global modules that are created on mevislab startup and take there settings from mevislab prefs |
MLBaseInspector | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Inspectors | | Generic inspector for MLBase objects. |
MLImageInspector | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Inspectors | | Inspector for ML images. |
MLLUTInspector | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Inspectors | | Inspector for LUT objects. |
ModuleDependencyAnalyzer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Inspectors | | Check dependencies of modules. |
ModuleDependencyAnalyzerTestMacro | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | |
ModuleGenreSelector | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Allows for the selection of an existing genre. |
OutputInspector | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Inspectors | | Display the data object at the most recently clicked connector. |
SceneInspector | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Inspectors | | Inspector for OpenInventor scenes. |
StylePaletteInspector | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Inspectors | | Inspector for the content of StylePalette |
WEMInspector | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Inspectors | | Inspector for WEM surfaces. |
information |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CacheView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | View Cache utilization |
Comment | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Extras | | Store comments in a network |
Console | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Appends ML messages to a userdefined log file |
CSOInfo | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOModule | MLCSOModules | Provides some info about a CSOList |
CSOInspector | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Inspectors | | Inspector for CSOs (contour segmentation objects). |
MemoryTracer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Counts and memory allocations frees and memory block exceeds in windows debug mode it |
MLLogFile | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Appends ML messages to a userdefined log file |
SoView2DAnnotation | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2D | Draws annotations (dicom and userdefined) on the SoView2D |
WEMInfo | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMInformation | MLWEMModules | Shows information about a WEMList. |
WEMPerformance | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | WEMInformation | | Measures the processing time of all MLWEM modules in a network. |
inhomogeneity |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
AddNoise | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Generators | MLBasicModules | Creates noise based on various models. |
RampBias | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Filters | | Multiplies image with linear function in order to simulate or compensate for bias field. |
RampFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Generators | MLBasicModules | Creates a grey value ramp with amplitude and direction; add to input or ramp alone. |
initialization |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
WEMInitialize | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMGenerate | MLWEMModules | Initializes a WEM with a simple shape. |
input |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BitMorphology | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLKernel | Implements dilation and erosion filters that separately act on single bits |
Convolution | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Simple constant convolution filters like Average, Gauss, Sobel, Laplace |
FanInVector | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Vector | | Has multiple input vectors and outputs the last changed input vector (breaking loops if values are equal) |
KernelEditor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Editor to edit 6D kernels |
MemoryCache | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Image | MLMiscModules | Buffers the input volume in memory and can protect it from input changes. |
MLImageFormatFileCache | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Buffers the input volume in an cache file of ML image format and can protect it from input changes. |
Morphology | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLKernel | Implements dilation and erosion filters. |
ProcessAllPages | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FlowControl | MLMiscModules | Module to force the input networks to calculate all pages of the requested image (might be limited by available memory). This is useful if image calculations are to slow to be displayed interactively. |
Rank | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Example for a simple average filter to an image. |
Switch | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FlowControl | MLMiscModules | Passes through one of a set of inputs |
Switch1toN | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FlowControl | MLMiscModules | Passes input to one of the outputs |
inputimage |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ChangePageExtent | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | ImageMain | MLBasicModules | Change the page extent of the image |
inset |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoOrientationModel | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Visualization | SoOrientation | displays several predefined models |
inside |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
IntervalThreshold | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Segmentation | MLMiscModules | Simple Segmentation with one or two thresholds. |
inspector |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
FieldListener | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Display name, type and value of a connected field |
SoView2DVoxelView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2D | SoView2D | SoView2D extension for detailed voxel viewing |
VascularInspector | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Inspectors | | Inspector for vascular systems (more general: for MLGraph). |
installer |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ModuleDependencyAnalyzer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Inspectors | | Check dependencies of modules. |
ModuleDependencyAnalyzerTestMacro | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | |
TestBatchCommand | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | testing the batch commandline facility |
instance |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
RuntimeView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Module to give an overview about currently registered runtime types |
instanced |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoPointSpriteRenderer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoRenderers | renders points as spheres using point sprites |
instances |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoDrawInstanced | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoRenderers | renders geometry multiple times using instancing |
int |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Counter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Counter for integer numbers |
MinMaxScan | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Info | MLMiscModules | Determines correct minimum and maximum values and the adequate data type of an input image. |
Scale | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Scale | MLMiscModules | Scales data from input to output with possible data type conversion. |
VecBoxConvert | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Geometry | MLCoordUtils1 | Converts box, vector and component fields into each other. |
int16 |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
MinMaxScan | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Info | MLMiscModules | Determines correct minimum and maximum values and the adequate data type of an input image. |
Scale | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Scale | MLMiscModules | Scales data from input to output with possible data type conversion. |
int32 |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
MinMaxScan | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Info | MLMiscModules | Determines correct minimum and maximum values and the adequate data type of an input image. |
Scale | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Scale | MLMiscModules | Scales data from input to output with possible data type conversion. |
int8 |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
MinMaxScan | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Info | MLMiscModules | Determines correct minimum and maximum values and the adequate data type of an input image. |
Scale | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Scale | MLMiscModules | Scales data from input to output with possible data type conversion. |
integer |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BoolInt | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Translate between a bool and an integer field |
intensity |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ChangeLUTColor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | Apply color, intensity and/or alpha factors to a LUT |
RampBias | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Filters | | Multiplies image with linear function in order to simulate or compensate for bias field. |
SoGVRVolumeRenderer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | VolRend | SoGVR | Volume Renderer using OpenGL and shaders |
interact |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoCSODrawOnSurface | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | SoCSO | SoCSO | Allows to draw CSOs on 3D surfaces. |
interaction |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
GenericPointingAction | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Interaction | SoInteractionControllers | Generic pointing action supporting the Managed Interaction scheme |
GenericSoView2DPointingAction | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Interaction | SoInteractionControllers | Generic pointing action supporting the Managed Interaction scheme |
InventorRayPicker | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Interaction | MLMiscModulesInv | Apply a SoRayPickAction to a scene graph and get hit point. |
MPR | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLResample1 | Compute a multi-planar reformation (MPR) defined by a translation and a rotation (world coords) |
ProcessAllPages | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FlowControl | MLMiscModules | Module to force the input networks to calculate all pages of the requested image (might be limited by available memory). This is useful if image calculations are to slow to be displayed interactively. |
So3DMarkerEditor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | So3DXMarker | visualization and interactive placement of markers in three dimensions |
So3DMarkerRenderer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | So3DXMarker | visualization of markers in three dimensions |
SoBorderMenu | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoMenu | Border menu for Inventor |
SoExecuteCommandAction | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoInteractionControllers | Allows to manually trigger a command action in an Inventor scene |
SoFixedMenu | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoMenu | Menu with fixed item positions for Inventor |
SoGenericCommandAction | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoInteractionControllers | Generic command action supporting the Managed Interaction scheme |
SoGenericOffsetAction | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoInteractionControllers | Generic offset action supporting the Managed Interaction scheme |
SoKeyGrabber | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoUtils | Grabs keyboard events in an Inventor scene |
SoMenuItem | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoMenu | Item for Inventor menus |
SoMouseGrabber | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoUtils | Grabs mouse events in an Inventor scene and converts them to floats |
SoPointingActionSwitcher | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Switch managed pointing actions depending on mouse cursor position |
SoPopupMenu | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoMenu | Simple popup menu for Inventor |
SoTrackballDragger | Silicon Graphics Inc | InventorModule | InventorDraggers | | |
SoTrackballManip | Silicon Graphics Inc | InventorModule | InventorManipulators | | |
SoTransformBoxDragger | Silicon Graphics Inc | InventorModule | InventorDraggers | | |
SoTransformBoxManip | Silicon Graphics Inc | InventorModule | InventorManipulators | | |
SoWEMExtrude | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | WEMInteraction | SoWEM | Extrude contour in screen coordinates to WEM. |
SoWEMInteract | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | WEMInteraction | SoWEM | Remove or select parts of the WEM based on a 2D drawn contour. |
WEMInteract | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | WEMInteraction | | Remove or select parts of the WEM based on a 2D drawn contour. |
interactive |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Draw3D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Draw | MLMiscModules | Permits drawing some 3D primitives into an image |
Draw3DMacro | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Draw | | Simple Draw3D Editor with input and output. |
InteractiveRampLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | View2D | | Ramp LUT modifiable through mouse interaction, used in View2DExtensions |
SoGVRIncrementalUpdater | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | VolRendExtensions | SoGVR | allows to have incremental updates of the same SoGVRVolumeRenderer module in multiple viewers |
TestWEMNearestPoint | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Test the MLWEMNearestPointWrapper interactively |
intercept |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DicomLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | Generate modality and/or VOI LUT from an image's DICOM tags, optionally compose with input LUT |
DicomRescale | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | DICOM | MLImageFile | Rescales (DICOM) images to user-defined (DICOM) intercept and slope values |
VoxelValueRescale | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Scale | MLMiscModules | Convert voxel values and LUT parameters between stored and output representation |
interest |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ROISelect | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Subimage | | Allows to select a volume of interest interactively. For 4d images, all or one specific timepoint is selected. |
VOISelect2D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Subimage | | Often the roi shall be selected in x and y only while preserving all slices. |
interface |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ModuleView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Module to show internal state ML module |
interleave |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SwapFlipDimensions | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLGeometry1 | User may choose two dimensions to swap with all contents. Useful i.e. for misaligned data. |
internet |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
HTTPFileDownload | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | allows to asynchronously download a file via HTTP protocol |
interpolate |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Downsample3D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Resample | | Downsample an image according to given size restrictions |
MaskSliceInterpolator | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Segmentation | | Interpolates slices of a binary mask |
interpolation |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CSOGenerateSmoothSurfaceFromSparseContours | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOModule | MLCSOModules | Generates a smooth surface for sparsly distributed, arbitrarily oriented but plane, and closed contours, and voxelizes that surface into an ML image. |
CSOSliceInterpolator | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOModule | MLCSOModules | Interpolates parallel CSOs on slices. |
MaskSliceInterpolator | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Segmentation | | Interpolates slices of a binary mask |
Reformat | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLResample1 | Reformats image0 into coordinate system of image1 by interpolation and can also be used in cooperation with the SoView2DOverlay module. |
Resample3D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLGeometry1 | Interpolation in 3d on arbitrary planar parallel grid. 17 filters available |
SliceDistanceTransform | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | SliceDistanceTransform | Computes a slice-wise distance transform and can also interpolate slices in-between |
intersect |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoView2DPlane | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Plane | SoView2D | Draws the intersection between a plane and the current slice on SoView2D |
intersection |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TriplePlane | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Coordinate | MLCoordUtils1 | compute the orthogonal representation of three given planes and gives the intersection point of them |
WEMLevelSetBoolean | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLOpenVDB | allows to perform boolean operations on WEM meshes using a level set representation |
interval |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BitMorphology | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLKernel | Implements dilation and erosion filters that separately act on single bits |
BoundingBox | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Subimage | MLMiscModules | Extracts the bounding box of an object given by an interval from an image |
CalculateVolume | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Volumetry | MLVolumetry | Calculates voxel volume and number of voxels in interval, also for all timepoints and individual timepoints |
Convolution | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Simple constant convolution filters like Average, Gauss, Sobel, Laplace |
ExtendedConvolution | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Convolution filters with some options |
HistogramVolumetrySimple | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Histogram | MLVolumetry | Computes the volume of a specified gray value interval from a histogram. |
ImageStatistics | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Statistics | MLMiscModules | Compute statistical values for a complete image or slice by slice |
IntervalThreshold | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Segmentation | MLMiscModules | Simple Segmentation with one or two thresholds. |
Morphology | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLKernel | Implements dilation and erosion filters. |
Rank | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Example for a simple average filter to an image. |
Sigma | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Kernel based sigma filter |
Sobel3D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Edge detection or gradient estimation in 3D |
SubImageStatistics | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Statistics | MLMiscModules | do statistics on selectable dimensions of an image |
Intervall |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Surround | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Contour | MLKernel | Draws the boundaries of an object specified via a gray value interval. |
invalid |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TraceView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Test | MLDiagnosis | Shows the current tracing state A garbage module containing invalid settings, programming errors and other bad stuff for testing purposes |
Inventor |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
GenerateImageForBoundingBox | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLGenerateImageForBoundingBox | Generates an ML image for a bounding box. |
ListModules | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Inspectors | | Generate a list of modules for a given set of packages. |
LocalSoFile | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | InventorFile | | Used to resolve iv files relative to a given variable |
OffscreenRenderer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Visualization | MLOffscreenRender | OpenGL accelerated offscreen renderer |
SoFlash | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Visualization | SoFlash | Smoothly flashing material node |
SoRenderArea | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View3D | SoViewers | Simple viewer with no interaction, nice to use with SoView2D |
SoSilhouette | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Visualization | SoSilhouette | Open Inventor silhouette node |
VectorLine | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Vector | | draws a line on an inventor scene via two specified vectors |
inverse |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
MatrixArithmetic | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLCoordUtils1 | Standard matrix operations for (two) 4x4 homogenous matrices. |
TextureFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLFilter2 | Applies statistic texture filters to an image |
TransformEdit | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Coordinate | MLMiscModulesInv | Editing a transformation matrix incrementally and interactively |
invert |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Arithmetic1 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Unary | MLBasicModules | Arithmetic processing of an image |
BitImageArithmetic | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | BitImageTools | MLBitImageTools | Unary and binary operations on a bit image |
BitMaskConvert | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Image | MLFilter2 | Set/Clears/Inverts certain bit planes in an image in dependency of a second input image as mask |
TypeArithmetic1 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Collection of unary operations for non scalar voxel types |
io |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BitImageLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | BitImageIO | MLBitImageTools | Loads a BitImage from file and provides it as ML image and base object |
BitImageSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | BitImageIO | MLBitImageTools | Save an ML image as BitImage with interval segmentation |
MLImageFormatFileCache | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Buffers the input volume in an cache file of ML image format and can protect it from input changes. |
MLImageFormatInfo | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Information module for ML image format |
MLImageFormatLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Load module for ML image format |
MLImageFormatSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Save module for ML image format |
MLToBitImage | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | BitImageTools | MLBitImageTools | Save an ML image as BitImage with interval segementation |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DicomUIDGenerator | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Tool to create DICOM UID (Unique Identifiers) |
WEMBinarySurface | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLOpenVDB | creates a WEM surface from a binary segmentation mask |
isoline |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CSOIsoGenerator | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOModule | MLCSOModules | Finds all iso contours on given input image. |
isovalue |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CSOIsoGenerator | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOModule | MLCSOModules | Finds all iso contours on given input image. |
item |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ItemModelAttributeFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLABMLItemModelSupport | Implements an attribute filtering proxy for an ItemModel |
ItemModelItemFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLABMLItemModelSupport | Implements an item filtering proxy for an ItemModel |
SoView2DMenu | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2DMenu | Popup Menu Node For 2D Viewing |
ItemModel |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ItemModelAttributeFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLABMLItemModelSupport | Implements an attribute filtering proxy for an ItemModel |
ItemModelItemFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLABMLItemModelSupport | Implements an item filtering proxy for an ItemModel |
iterate |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ImageLoadMulti | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Provides convenient access to sets of images. |
iteration |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
FieldIterator | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Set field values from a field value list and iterate through the list in a batch mode |
ImageIteratorEnd | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FlowControl | MLImageIterator | End module for a network in which an image is iterated |
ImageIteratorStart | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FlowControl | MLImageIterator | Start module for a network in which an image is iterated |
iv |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoCalculator | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Fields | SoUtils | General calculator for float and vector3f fields |
SoKeyGrabber | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoUtils | Grabs keyboard events in an Inventor scene |
SoMouseGrabber | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoUtils | Grabs mouse events in an Inventor scene and converts them to floats |
SoSceneWriter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | InventorFile | SoUtils | Writes the scene graph to a file (diverse formats). |
join |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
MergeLists | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLBase | Merges two lists of the same arbitrary (BaseListTemplate-derived, for example XMarkerList) type. |
TypeComposer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Composes different images to a new image of other voxel type |
TypeComposerN | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Composes different images to a new image of other voxel type |
TypeFromDimension | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Extracts non scalar voxels from a certain image dimension. |
TypeFromScalars | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Composes a type from scalar components of all voxels. |
jpeg |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ExportImageAsSlices | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Save a 3D image as a stack of 2D images. |
ImageLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FileMain | MLImageFile | Loads an image. |
ImageSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FileMain | MLImageFile | Saves an image to a file |
jpg |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ExportImageAsSlices | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Save a 3D image as a stack of 2D images. |
ImageLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FileMain | MLImageFile | Loads an image. |
ImageSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FileMain | MLImageFile | Saves an image to a file |
kernel |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BitMorphology | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLKernel | Implements dilation and erosion filters that separately act on single bits |
CavitySeeker | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLBeam | Cavity search doing sophisticate kernel based evaluation of surrounding area. |
CloseGap | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLKernel | Closes gaps within binary images. Also includes majority, contour point extraction and binary dilation/erosion filters. |
Convolution | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Simple constant convolution filters like Average, Gauss, Sobel, Laplace |
CurvatureEstimation | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLKernel | Kernel filter to estimate the curvature of a 2D-contour in a defined neighbourhood of a voxel |
ExtendedConvolution | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Convolution filters with some options |
HessianFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLFilter2 | Vesselness filter similar to Frangi et al. |
LocalMaxima | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLKernel | Kernel filter to detect if a voxel is a local maximum in a defined neighborhood |
Morphology | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLKernel | Implements dilation and erosion filters. |
Rank | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Example for a simple average filter to an image. |
RecGaussFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Diffusion | MLFilter1 | Recursive (iterative) binomial (Gaussian) filter |
Sigma | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Kernel based sigma filter |
Sobel3D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Edge detection or gradient estimation in 3D |
Sprawl2D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLBeam | 2D sprawling of a given object based on a reference image. The given object is extended along radial beams to the next border or the reference image. |
StandardDeviation | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLKernel | Kernel filter to calculate the standard deviation or variance of a voxel neighbourhood defined by the kernel |
ZeroCrossings | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLKernel | Kernel filter to detect zero-crossings in an image |
keyboard |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoGenericCommandAction | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoInteractionControllers | Generic command action supporting the Managed Interaction scheme |
SoGenericOffsetAction | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoInteractionControllers | Generic offset action supporting the Managed Interaction scheme |
SoInteractionMapping | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoInteractionControllers | Overrides pointing (mouse), command (keyboard), and offset (mouse wheel) mappings for the Managed Interaction scheme |
SoKeyGrabber | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoUtils | Grabs keyboard events in an Inventor scene |
SoUndoActions | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoInteractionControllers | Provides undo and redo command actions with default shortcuts |
KeyFrameList |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PathToKeyFrame | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLResample1 | Converts a list of path positions to a KeyFrameList (for curved MPRs). |
keyframes |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
MPRPath | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLResample1 | Draws an MPR slice on a given position of the given path. |
Kirsch |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Compass | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Applys compass filter to an input image. |
kurtosis |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TextureFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLFilter2 | Applies statistic texture filters to an image |
lab |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ColorModelConverter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLColor | changes color model of an input image |
Label |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoView2DLabel | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2D | Draws a string at a user selected (world) position onto a SoView2D. |
lanczos |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Resample3D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLGeometry1 | Interpolation in 3d on arbitrary planar parallel grid. 17 filters available |
laplace |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Convolution | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Simple constant convolution filters like Average, Gauss, Sobel, Laplace |
Sigma | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Kernel based sigma filter |
WEMLevelSetFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLOpenVDB | allows to filter a level set generated from a WEM and remesh the result |
WEMSmooth | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMProcessing | MLWEMModules | Smoothes a WEM with various algorithms. |
Laplacian |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Sigma | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Kernel based sigma filter |
length |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CalculateVectorFromVectors | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Vector | MLCoordUtils1 | Calculates vector from two vectors |
TextureFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLFilter2 | Applies statistic texture filters to an image |
WEMGenerateStatistics | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMProcessing | MLWEMModules | Add statistical primitive value list to nodes, edges and faces. |
level |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
LUTPrimitive | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | A single channel LUT with predefined primitives of different shapes |
RampLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | A pair of RGB/alpha ramp LUTs |
TextureFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLFilter2 | Applies statistic texture filters to an image |
Window | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLMiscModules | Apply window/level to integer gray value images |
light |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoCameraInteraction | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoCameraInteraction | Control camera/headlight with mouse. |
line |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Draw3D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Draw | MLMiscModules | Permits drawing some 3D primitives into an image |
Draw3DMacro | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Draw | | Simple Draw3D Editor with input and output. |
DynamicStylePalette | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Visualization | MLBase | Provides a dynamic number of colors, line and marker styles. |
SoDiagram2D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Diagram | SoDiagram2D | Draws a diagram using OpenGL. The diagram supports extensions which can be added to the scene. |
SoDiagram2DCurveSection2 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Diagram | SoDiagram2D | Divides the background of a diagram into two interactively adjustable halves. |
SoDiagram2DCurveSection3 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Diagram | SoDiagram2D | Divides the background of a diagram into three interactively adjustable halves. |
StylePalette | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Visualization | MLBase | Provides colors, curve styles and marker type settings. |
linear |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
RampFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Generators | MLBasicModules | Creates a grey value ramp with amplitude and direction; add to input or ramp alone. |
lines |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoCrosshair | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoUtils | A positionable line cross for selections and positions |
linewidth |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoCSOVisualizationSettings | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoCSO | Overwrites visual settings for CSOs. |
link |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TypeComposer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Composes different images to a new image of other voxel type |
TypeComposerN | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Composes different images to a new image of other voxel type |
TypeFromDimension | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Extracts non scalar voxels from a certain image dimension. |
TypeFromScalars | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Composes a type from scalar components of all voxels. |
linux |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
OSType | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Info | | Macro provides field connections to control os-dependent information flow |
list |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Compose3DFrom2DFiles | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Creates a 3d image from 2d images with the same size. This can be used to create a ML image from a set of tiff slices. |
FieldIterator | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Set field values from a field value list and iterate through the list in a batch mode |
ImageLoadMulti | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Provides convenient access to sets of images. |
WEMGenerateStatistics | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMProcessing | MLWEMModules | Add statistical primitive value list to nodes, edges and faces. |
ListBase |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ExtractObjectFromList | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLBase | Extract a single object from an ML object list. |
MergeLists | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLBase | Merges two lists of the same arbitrary (BaseListTemplate-derived, for example XMarkerList) type. |
StringListContainer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLBase | Container for a string list object. |
XMarkerListContainer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Marker | MLBase | Container for a string list object. |
load |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
AutoImage | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Automatically generate/update a downsampled image file, e.g. for preview purposes |
BitImageSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | BitImageIO | MLBitImageTools | Save an ML image as BitImage with interval segmentation |
Compose3DFrom2DFiles | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Creates a 3d image from 2d images with the same size. This can be used to create a ML image from a set of tiff slices. |
DicomImport | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | DICOM | DicomImport | Module to import DICOM data |
DicomImportExtraOutput | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | DICOM | DicomImport | Module to import DICOM data |
LocalBase | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Used to resolve base object files relative to network or to the local MeVisLab installation |
LocalImage | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Used to resolve images relative to network or to the local MeVisLab installation |
LocalSoFile | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | InventorFile | | Used to resolve iv files relative to a given variable |
MemoryCache | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Image | MLMiscModules | Buffers the input volume in memory and can protect it from input changes. |
MLImageFormatFileCache | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Buffers the input volume in an cache file of ML image format and can protect it from input changes. |
MLImageFormatInfo | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Information module for ML image format |
MLImageFormatSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Save module for ML image format |
MLToBitImage | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | BitImageTools | MLBitImageTools | Save an ML image as BitImage with interval segementation |
SaveBase | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | File | MLParser | Saves an ml::Base object to a file. |
SettingsManager | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Used to load and save settings of modules in the network. |
WEMDicomLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Load a WEM from a DICOM file |
WEMDicomLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Load a WEM from a DICOM file |
loader |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
LoadAny | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Module to identify, analyze, open and perhaps load most MeVisLab, ML, WEM, CSO itk, vtk and many other file formats |
local |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
LocalBase | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Used to resolve base object files relative to network or to the local MeVisLab installation |
Magnify | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Subimage | MLGeometry1 | Extract a region from the input image and scale its voxel-to-world-matrix |
Rank | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Example for a simple average filter to an image. |
LocalMinima |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
LocalMaxima | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLKernel | Kernel filter to detect if a voxel is a local maximum in a defined neighborhood |
LocalMinMax |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
LocalMaxima | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLKernel | Kernel filter to detect if a voxel is a local maximum in a defined neighborhood |
log |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Arithmetic0 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLMiscModules | simple arithmetic and logic expresions evaluated one or two float or Vector3 arguments, simpler to use than SoCalculator |
Console | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Appends ML messages to a userdefined log file |
FieldListener | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Display name, type and value of a connected field |
RuntimeDump | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Installs a dump function for bad runtime typed object |
SoActionLog | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Visualization | SoUtils | log currently passing action |
logging |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
MemoryTracer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Counts and memory allocations frees and memory block exceeds in windows debug mode it |
logic |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Arithmetic0 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLMiscModules | simple arithmetic and logic expresions evaluated one or two float or Vector3 arguments, simpler to use than SoCalculator |
long |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
MinMaxScan | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Info | MLMiscModules | Determines correct minimum and maximum values and the adequate data type of an input image. |
Scale | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Scale | MLMiscModules | Scales data from input to output with possible data type conversion. |
TextureFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLFilter2 | Applies statistic texture filters to an image |
lookup |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ApplyLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | Apply LUT to an ML image |
ChangeLUTColor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | Apply color, intensity and/or alpha factors to a LUT |
ColorTable | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLColor | Offers different Color Tables |
DicomLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | Generate modality and/or VOI LUT from an image's DICOM tags, optionally compose with input LUT |
DicomPaletteLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | Generate color palette LUT from an image's DICOM tags |
DisplayLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | LUT | | LUT viewer displaying a LUT as a diagram and as a color bar |
DRRLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Projection | MLDRR | Generates LUTs for LUT based projections of the DRR module |
EvaluateRelativeLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | LUT | | Evaluates the input LUT at a defined position and returns the color. |
ImageToLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | Convert an ML image to a 1/2/3D-LUT |
LinearLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | A simple color/gray wedge LUT |
LUTBlend | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | Generate an nD-LUT by blending two input LUTs |
LUTChannelMap | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | maps the channels of the input lut to the channels of the output lut |
LUTCombiner | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | combines several LUTs |
LUTCompose | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | Compose several input LUTs to a single output LUT by chained evaluation of the input LUTs |
LUTConcat | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | Concatenate several input LUTs to a single 2D- or 3D-output LUT |
LUTCurve | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | Convert a LUT into a curve object |
LUTDuplicate | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | Duplicate input LUT to a single 2D- or 3D-output LUT |
LUTInfo | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | Display properties of a LUT object |
LUTPrimitive | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | A single channel LUT with predefined primitives of different shapes |
LUTRescale | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | Rescale a LUT's index range |
LUTSelect | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | Select a 1D-LUT from a specified row/layer of a 2D- or 3D-LUT |
LUTToMLImage | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | Convert a 1/2/3D-LUT to an ML image |
MLLUTInspector | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Inspectors | | Inspector for LUT objects. |
RampLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | A pair of RGB/alpha ramp LUTs |
SoLUTEditor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | LUT | SoLUTTools | a lookup table editor for RGBA tables |
SoLUTEditor2D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | LUT | SoLUTTools | a 2D lookup table editor for RGBA tables |
SoMLLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | LUT | SoUtils | Sets an ML look-up table in the state of the inventor scene |
SoMLLUTChangeColor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | LUT | SoUtils | Changes following SoMLLUT as it is done by the ChangeLUTColor module. |
TableLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | Define a LUT from a table of sampling points |
View2DExtensions | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | View2D | | Standard, customizable View2D extensions |
VoxelValueRescale | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Scale | MLMiscModules | Convert voxel values and LUT parameters between stored and output representation |
loop |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Counter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Counter for integer numbers |
FanInVector | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Vector | | Has multiple input vectors and outputs the last changed input vector (breaking loops if values are equal) |
IdleTrigger | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLMiscModulesInv | Triggers another field periodically after a certain time |
ImageIteratorEnd | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FlowControl | MLImageIterator | End module for a network in which an image is iterated |
ImageIteratorStart | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FlowControl | MLImageIterator | Start module for a network in which an image is iterated |
KeyCounter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | A numerical index field that can be incremented and decremented by pressing a key in a viewer |
SyncFloat | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Synchronizes two floating point fields, breaking loops if the values don't differ by an epsilon |
SyncVector | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Vector | | Synchronizes the two vector in both directions, breaking loops if the values dont differ by epsilon |
lower |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
StringUtils | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLMiscModules | A collection of various string utilities |
Lumisys |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ImageLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FileMain | MLImageFile | Loads an image. |
lut |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
InteractiveRampLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | View2D | | Ramp LUT modifiable through mouse interaction, used in View2DExtensions |
View2DExtensions | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | View2D | | Standard, customizable View2D extensions |
VoxelValueRescale | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Scale | MLMiscModules | Convert voxel values and LUT parameters between stored and output representation |
Window | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLMiscModules | Apply window/level to integer gray value images |
lutValue |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
WEMModify | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMProcessing | MLWEMModules | Modifies all nodes or faces of a WEM. |
lzf |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
MLImageFormatFileCache | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Buffers the input volume in an cache file of ML image format and can protect it from input changes. |
MLImageFormatInfo | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Information module for ML image format |
MLImageFormatLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Load module for ML image format |
MLImageFormatSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Save module for ML image format |
lzma |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
MLImageFormatFileCache | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Buffers the input volume in an cache file of ML image format and can protect it from input changes. |
MLImageFormatInfo | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Information module for ML image format |
MLImageFormatLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Load module for ML image format |
MLImageFormatSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Save module for ML image format |
lzw |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
MLImageFormatFileCache | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Buffers the input volume in an cache file of ML image format and can protect it from input changes. |
MLImageFormatInfo | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Information module for ML image format |
MLImageFormatLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Load module for ML image format |
MLImageFormatSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Save module for ML image format |
mac |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
OSType | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Info | | Macro provides field connections to control os-dependent information flow |
macro |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ListModules | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Inspectors | | Generate a list of modules for a given set of packages. |
magnify |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoDiagram2DAxisZoom | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Diagram | SoDiagram2D | Zooms a diagram independently in x and y direction and to shift along an axis. |
SoDiagram2DZoom | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Diagram | SoDiagram2D | Zooms a diagram. |
main |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
MarkerPCA | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Marker | MLGeometry1 | Does a principal component analysis on the markers. |
majority |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CloseGap | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLKernel | Closes gaps within binary images. Also includes majority, contour point extraction and binary dilation/erosion filters. |
managed |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
GenericPointingAction | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Interaction | SoInteractionControllers | Generic pointing action supporting the Managed Interaction scheme |
GenericSoView2DPointingAction | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Interaction | SoInteractionControllers | Generic pointing action supporting the Managed Interaction scheme |
SoBorderMenu | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoMenu | Border menu for Inventor |
SoExecuteCommandAction | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoInteractionControllers | Allows to manually trigger a command action in an Inventor scene |
SoFixedMenu | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoMenu | Menu with fixed item positions for Inventor |
SoGenericCommandAction | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoInteractionControllers | Generic command action supporting the Managed Interaction scheme |
SoGenericOffsetAction | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoInteractionControllers | Generic offset action supporting the Managed Interaction scheme |
SoInteractionInfo | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoInteractionControllers | Shows available pointing (mouse), command (keyboard), and offset (mouse wheel) actions by ID |
SoInteractionMapping | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoInteractionControllers | Overrides pointing (mouse), command (keyboard), and offset (mouse wheel) mappings for the Managed Interaction scheme |
SoMenuItem | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoMenu | Item for Inventor menus |
SoPointingActionSwitcher | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Switch managed pointing actions depending on mouse cursor position |
SoPopupMenu | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoMenu | Simple popup menu for Inventor |
manager |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
UndoManager | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLUndoContext | Provide an undo/redo stack to be used by other modules. |
manipulate |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TransformEdit | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Coordinate | MLMiscModulesInv | Editing a transformation matrix incrementally and interactively |
manual |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoView2DRigidRegistrationEditor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2D | SoView2D | manual rigid registration editor |
mapping |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Reformat | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLResample1 | Reformats image0 into coordinate system of image1 by interpolation and can also be used in cooperation with the SoView2DOverlay module. |
SoPointingActionSwitcher | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Switch managed pointing actions depending on mouse cursor position |
marker |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CopyList | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLBase | Copies (ListBase-derived) object lists. |
DynamicStylePalette | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Visualization | MLBase | Provides a dynamic number of colors, line and marker styles. |
PathToKeyFrame | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLResample1 | Converts a list of path positions to a KeyFrameList (for curved MPRs). |
SoCrosshair | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoUtils | A positionable line cross for selections and positions |
SoPathTracerSpheres | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoPathTracer | Renders markers as spheres in a SoPathTracer. |
SoView2DArrowHeadSettings | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoView2D | Adjusts rendering settings of the arrow heads of vector markers. |
StylePalette | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Visualization | MLBase | Provides colors, curve styles and marker type settings. |
VoxelSetInspector | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Inspectors | | Inspector for the content of CSOVoxelSet |
markerlist |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DynamicStylePalette | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Visualization | MLBase | Provides a dynamic number of colors, line and marker styles. |
So3DMarkerEditor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | So3DXMarker | visualization and interactive placement of markers in three dimensions |
So3DMarkerRenderer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | So3DXMarker | visualization of markers in three dimensions |
SoView2DMarkerEditor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoView2DMarkerEditor | Manages a list of markers that can be selected and are drawn on the SoView2D |
StylePalette | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Visualization | MLBase | Provides colors, curve styles and marker type settings. |
mask |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
AbsoluteDifference | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Calculates the absolute difference between two images |
Arithmetic2 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Binary | MLBasicModules | Arithmetic processing of two images |
Histogram | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Histogram | MLVolumetry | Creates a histogram from an input image, optionally using a mask image. |
ImageROIsFileCache | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Caches an image in a file and allows for combining new ROIs into this initial image; useful for combining masks. |
MaskSliceInterpolator | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Segmentation | | Interpolates slices of a binary mask |
MergeRegions | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Subimage | MLGeometry1 | Merges up to 4 different Regions belonging to the same volume. Several merge modes (mask, max, ...) available. |
Raster | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Draw | MLMiscModules | Rasters an object (list) into an image. |
RasterFunctions | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Draw | MLMiscModules | A collection of raster functions. |
SeparateBits | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Scale | MLVolumetry | Spreads all gray levels that occur in an image to separate bits, and reverse. |
SoRenderSurfaceIntersection | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoRenderers | |
SoVolumeCutting | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoVolumeCutting | allows to cut away parts of a 3D volume |
match |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
JointDisplay | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Image | MLJointHist | Merges two images for joint display. |
MergeRegions | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Subimage | MLGeometry1 | Merges up to 4 different Regions belonging to the same volume. Several merge modes (mask, max, ...) available. |
material |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoFlash | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Visualization | SoFlash | Smoothly flashing material node |
matrix |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CSOAffineTransformationModificator | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOModule | MLCSOModules | Transforms a list of selected CSOs by a 4x4 matrix. |
ImagePropertyConvert | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | ImageMain | MLBasicModules | Converts image properties. |
ImageSeparator | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Subimage | MLGeometry1 | Separates matrix columns of an input image |
Info | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Info | MLBasicModules | Display properties of input image |
Reformat | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLResample1 | Reformats image0 into coordinate system of image1 by interpolation and can also be used in cooperation with the SoView2DOverlay module. |
SoCSOTransform | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | SoCSO | SoCSO | Transforms CSOs by an affine matrix. |
TextureFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLFilter2 | Applies statistic texture filters to an image |
TransformEdit | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Coordinate | MLMiscModulesInv | Editing a transformation matrix incrementally and interactively |
TypeArithmetic1 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Collection of unary operations for non scalar voxel types |
TypeArithmetic2 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Binary operations between non scalar types of two input images. |
TypeComposer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Composes different images to a new image of other voxel type |
TypeComposerN | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Composes different images to a new image of other voxel type |
TypeDecomposer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Decomposes all voxel components to different images |
TypeDecomposerN | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Decomposes all voxel components to different images |
TypeFromDimension | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Extracts non scalar voxels from a certain image dimension. |
TypeFromScalars | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Composes a type from scalar components of all voxels. |
TypeToScalars | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Decomposes all voxel components to scalars |
max |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Arithmetic2 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Binary | MLBasicModules | Arithmetic processing of two images |
OrthoProjection | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLGeometry1 | Projects a volume dataset along a given dimension |
maxima |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
LocalMaxima | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLKernel | Kernel filter to detect if a voxel is a local maximum in a defined neighborhood |
maximal |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ImagePropertyConvert | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | ImageMain | MLBasicModules | Converts image properties. |
maximum |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BitMorphology | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLKernel | Implements dilation and erosion filters that separately act on single bits |
CalculateVolume | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Volumetry | MLVolumetry | Calculates voxel volume and number of voxels in interval, also for all timepoints and individual timepoints |
DicomRescale | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | DICOM | MLImageFile | Rescales (DICOM) images to user-defined (DICOM) intercept and slope values |
HistogramParameters | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Histogram | MLVolumetry | Calculate (normalized) histogram parameters. |
ImageStatistics | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Statistics | MLMiscModules | Compute statistical values for a complete image or slice by slice |
Info | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Info | MLBasicModules | Display properties of input image |
MarkerStatistics | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Marker | MLGeometry1 | Compute statistics on a marker list |
MinMaxScan | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Info | MLMiscModules | Determines correct minimum and maximum values and the adequate data type of an input image. |
Morphology | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLKernel | Implements dilation and erosion filters. |
Rank | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Example for a simple average filter to an image. |
Scale | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Scale | MLMiscModules | Scales data from input to output with possible data type conversion. |
SoGVRVolumeRenderer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | VolRend | SoGVR | Volume Renderer using OpenGL and shaders |
SubImageStatistics | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Statistics | MLMiscModules | do statistics on selectable dimensions of an image |
md5 |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ImageHash | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLCrypto | Module to generate different hashes for an image. |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TestBorderlessWindow | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | testing borderless windows |
TestBoxLayout | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing GUI Layouter BoxLayout |
TestButtonGroups | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing GUI Components |
TestComboBox | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing GUI Components |
TestControlVisibility | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | testing setVisible and visible=yes/no via scripting |
TestDateTime | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing the DateTime control |
TestDefaultStyle | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing GUI default style |
TestDependsOn | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Test dependsOn expression evaluation |
TestDynamicFrames | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing GUI Components |
TestEventFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing the event filter control |
TestGraphicsView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing the graphics view control |
TestGraphicsViewHotArea | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing the graphics view hot areas |
TestGridLayout | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing GUI Layouter Grid |
TestHorizontalLayout | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing GUI Layouter Horizontal |
TestHyperText | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing GUI Components |
TestIconView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing GUI Components |
TestItemModelView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing StandardItemModel and ItemModelView control |
TestLayouter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing GUI alignment groups and layouting with alignX/Y |
TestListBox | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing GUI Components |
TestListView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing GUI Components |
TestMacroModule | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | test all fields / script commands possible in a MacroModule |
TestModalDialog | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | testing |
TestMoviePlayer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing MoviePlayer control |
TestMultiLanguage | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing the translation features of mevislab |
TestMultipleScreens | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing screen geometry and moving controls |
TestPanels | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing GUI Components |
TestPopupMenu | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing dynamic popup menus |
TestPrinting | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing printing facilities |
TestPrototypes | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing Prototypes |
TestPython | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | tests the python scripting implementation |
TestQuickView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing QuickView control |
TestSplitterLayout | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing GUI Layouter Splitter |
TestStyles | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing Styles |
TestTableLayout | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing GUI Layouter Table |
TestTabViewLayout | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing GUI Layouter TabView with normal/invisible Tabs |
TestThumbWheel | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing the workings of the ThumbWheel control |
TestTimers | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | test the scripting timer callLater methods |
TestVerticalLayout | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing GUI Layouter Vertical |
TestViewers | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | testing |
TestVisibleOn | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing visibleOn expression behavior |
TestWebEngineView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing the WebEngineView control |
mean |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
HistogramParameters | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Histogram | MLVolumetry | Calculate (normalized) histogram parameters. |
ImageStatistics | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Statistics | MLMiscModules | Compute statistical values for a complete image or slice by slice |
MarkerStatistics | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Marker | MLGeometry1 | Compute statistics on a marker list |
SubImageStatistics | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Statistics | MLMiscModules | do statistics on selectable dimensions of an image |
WEMLevelSetFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLOpenVDB | allows to filter a level set generated from a WEM and remesh the result |
meancurvature |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
WEMLevelSetFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLOpenVDB | allows to filter a level set generated from a WEM and remesh the result |
measure |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
InventorSceneChangeObserver | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | observes the incoming scene for field/node changes |
SoCoordinateSystem | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoUtils | Renders x/y/z coordinate system |
StopWatch | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Extras | | Perform time measurements |
WEMSurfaceDistance | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMProcessing | MLWEMModules | Measures the minimal distances of one WEM to another. |
measurement |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CalculateAngle | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Geometry | MLCoordUtils1 | Calculates angle between two vectors |
WEMPerformance | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | WEMInformation | | Measures the processing time of all MLWEM modules in a network. |
median |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ImageStatistics | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Statistics | MLMiscModules | Compute statistical values for a complete image or slice by slice |
MarkerStatistics | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Marker | MLGeometry1 | Compute statistics on a marker list |
Rank | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Example for a simple average filter to an image. |
WEMLevelSetFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLOpenVDB | allows to filter a level set generated from a WEM and remesh the result |
memory |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
AutoImage | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Automatically generate/update a downsampled image file, e.g. for preview purposes |
CacheView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | View Cache utilization |
ProcessAllPages | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FlowControl | MLMiscModules | Module to force the input networks to calculate all pages of the requested image (might be limited by available memory). This is useful if image calculations are to slow to be displayed interactively. |
merge |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ComposeBaseList | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLBase | Composes two base objects to one BaseList. |
ConcatenateCurves | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Diagram | MLCurve | Concatenate input curves and curve lists to a single output curve list |
ConcatenateImages | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Binary | MLGeometry1 | concatenates images |
ImageROIsFileCache | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Caches an image in a file and allows for combining new ROIs into this initial image; useful for combining masks. |
InterleaveDimension | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLGeometry1 | Merges a dimension sequentially into another one |
Mask | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Image | MLMiscModules | Masks the image at input 1 with mask at input 2 with selectable mode. |
TypeComposer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Composes different images to a new image of other voxel type |
TypeComposerN | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Composes different images to a new image of other voxel type |
TypeFromDimension | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Extracts non scalar voxels from a certain image dimension. |
TypeFromDimension | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Extracts non scalar voxels from a certain image dimension. |
TypeFromScalars | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Composes a type from scalar components of all voxels. |
VecBoxConvert | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Geometry | MLCoordUtils1 | Converts box, vector and component fields into each other. |
WEMComposePatches | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMProcessing | MLWEMModules | Merges WEM patches into one new WEM. |
mesh |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
WEMDicomLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Load a WEM from a DICOM file |
WEMDicomSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Store a WEM to a DICOM file |
message |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Comment | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Extras | | Store comments in a network |
ErrorTest | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Test | MLDiagnosis | Prints/Forces different types of messages and forces desired error types |
messages |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Console | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Appends ML messages to a userdefined log file |
MLLogFile | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Appends ML messages to a userdefined log file |
meta |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
MLABGlobalModules | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | global modules that are created on mevislab startup and take there settings from mevislab prefs |
metric |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
WEMReducePolygons | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMProcessing | MLWEMModules | Simplifies a WEM by using the quadric error metrics. |
mevis |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DicomSetPatientInformation | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Macro to set patient and series information |
DicomUIDGenerator | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Tool to create DICOM UID (Unique Identifiers) |
min |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Arithmetic2 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Binary | MLBasicModules | Arithmetic processing of two images |
OrthoProjection | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLGeometry1 | Projects a volume dataset along a given dimension |
miniature |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Thumbnail | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Resample | | Creates thumbnail image from input image with default size 48x48 pixel and optionally stored this automatically in a png (or other file format) file |
minima |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
LocalMaxima | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLKernel | Kernel filter to detect if a voxel is a local maximum in a defined neighborhood |
minimal |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ImagePropertyConvert | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | ImageMain | MLBasicModules | Converts image properties. |
WEMSurfaceDistance | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMProcessing | MLWEMModules | Measures the minimal distances of one WEM to another. |
minimum |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BitMorphology | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLKernel | Implements dilation and erosion filters that separately act on single bits |
CalculateVolume | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Volumetry | MLVolumetry | Calculates voxel volume and number of voxels in interval, also for all timepoints and individual timepoints |
DicomRescale | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | DICOM | MLImageFile | Rescales (DICOM) images to user-defined (DICOM) intercept and slope values |
HistogramParameters | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Histogram | MLVolumetry | Calculate (normalized) histogram parameters. |
ImageStatistics | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Statistics | MLMiscModules | Compute statistical values for a complete image or slice by slice |
Info | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Info | MLBasicModules | Display properties of input image |
LocalMaxima | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLKernel | Kernel filter to detect if a voxel is a local maximum in a defined neighborhood |
MarkerStatistics | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Marker | MLGeometry1 | Compute statistics on a marker list |
MinMaxScan | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Info | MLMiscModules | Determines correct minimum and maximum values and the adequate data type of an input image. |
Morphology | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLKernel | Implements dilation and erosion filters. |
Rank | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Example for a simple average filter to an image. |
Scale | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Scale | MLMiscModules | Scales data from input to output with possible data type conversion. |
SoGVRVolumeRenderer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | VolRend | SoGVR | Volume Renderer using OpenGL and shaders |
SubImageStatistics | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Statistics | MLMiscModules | do statistics on selectable dimensions of an image |
minkowski |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BoxCountingDimension | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Statistics | MLFilter2 | Calculates the box-counting (Minkowski) dimension of an object |
mip |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CArmDRR | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Projection | | C-Arm device specific interface for DRR ML module |
DRR | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Projection | MLDRR | Creates a (2D) Digitally Reconstructed Radiograph from 3D CT data |
DRRLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Projection | MLDRR | Generates LUTs for LUT based projections of the DRR module |
OrthoProjection | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLGeometry1 | Projects a volume dataset along a given dimension |
mirror |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
KernelEditor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Editor to edit 6D kernels |
WEMModify | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMProcessing | MLWEMModules | Modifies all nodes or faces of a WEM. |
missing |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CSOSliceInterpolator | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOModule | MLCSOModules | Interpolates parallel CSOs on slices. |
MaskSliceInterpolator | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Segmentation | | Interpolates slices of a binary mask |
mitchell |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Resample3D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLGeometry1 | Interpolation in 3d on arbitrary planar parallel grid. 17 filters available |
mix |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TypeComposer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Composes different images to a new image of other voxel type |
TypeComposerN | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Composes different images to a new image of other voxel type |
TypeFromDimension | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Extracts non scalar voxels from a certain image dimension. |
TypeFromScalars | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Composes a type from scalar components of all voxels. |
ml |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Arithmetic0 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLMiscModules | simple arithmetic and logic expresions evaluated one or two float or Vector3 arguments, simpler to use than SoCalculator |
CoreControl | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLControl | Interface module to ML core settings |
ListModules | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Inspectors | | Generate a list of modules for a given set of packages. |
mlab |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CompareNetworks | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | compares two *.mlab files |
mlDebug |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ErrorTest | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Test | MLDiagnosis | Prints/Forces different types of messages and forces desired error types |
mlimage |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
AsyncMemoryImageLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLAsyncImageLoaders | Loads an image from disk into a memory image asynchronously. |
mm |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Arithmetic0 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLMiscModules | simple arithmetic and logic expresions evaluated one or two float or Vector3 arguments, simpler to use than SoCalculator |
modality |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DicomLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | Generate modality and/or VOI LUT from an image's DICOM tags, optionally compose with input LUT |
model |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ItemModelAttributeFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLABMLItemModelSupport | Implements an attribute filtering proxy for an ItemModel |
ItemModelItemFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLABMLItemModelSupport | Implements an item filtering proxy for an ItemModel |
modify |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DicomTool | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Several DICOM tools: Save slices, send to PACS (storescu, dcmsend), check DICOM connectivity (echoscu). |
EditObject | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLParser | Allows the editing of a base object via its XML representation. |
SetFileName | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLImageFile | Set file name associated with image |
module |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Tester | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Test | MLDiagnosis | Module to test ML modules |
moment |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TextureFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLFilter2 | Applies statistic texture filters to an image |
monitor |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
FieldListener | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Display name, type and value of a connected field |
morphology |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CloseGap | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLKernel | Closes gaps within binary images. Also includes majority, contour point extraction and binary dilation/erosion filters. |
ConstrainedConnectionCost | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLRate | calculates connection costs with respect to marker set |
MorphologicalGradient | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Filters | | Computes the Morphological Gradient |
SeparateBits | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Scale | MLVolumetry | Spreads all gray levels that occur in an image to separate bits, and reverse. |
mouse |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
GenericPointingAction | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Interaction | SoInteractionControllers | Generic pointing action supporting the Managed Interaction scheme |
GenericSoView2DPointingAction | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Interaction | SoInteractionControllers | Generic pointing action supporting the Managed Interaction scheme |
InteractiveRampLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | View2D | | Ramp LUT modifiable through mouse interaction, used in View2DExtensions |
SoGenericOffsetAction | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoInteractionControllers | Generic offset action supporting the Managed Interaction scheme |
SoInteractionMapping | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoInteractionControllers | Overrides pointing (mouse), command (keyboard), and offset (mouse wheel) mappings for the Managed Interaction scheme |
SoView2DPosition | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoView2D | Selects and draws a cursor at the current position on SoView2D |
mouseover |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoCSOVisualizationSettings | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoCSO | Overwrites visual settings for CSOs. |
move |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
FieldShift | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Shifts field contents out0-out9 forward if input is changed. Then it puts input into out0. |
movie |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
AnimationRecorder | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | |
SoCustomExaminerViewer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View3D | SoCustomViewer | customizable examiner viewer |
SoExaminerViewer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View3D | SoViewers | The examiner viewer is used to view an OpenInventor scene graph. It stores the current settings and the camera position |
VideoWriterInventor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLVideoWriter | |
VideoWriterML | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLVideoWriter | |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PathToKeyFrame | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLResample1 | Converts a list of path positions to a KeyFrameList (for curved MPRs). |
SoView2DOverlayMPR | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2DScene | renders the input image onto the underlying SoView2D image, reformatting the input image to the correct view |
TransformWorldMatrix | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Coordinate | MLCoordUtils1 | transforms the world matrix of the input image |
View2DIsoContourShader | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Renders an iso contour overlay using a shader |
MR |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SortSlices4D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLGeometry1 | Sorting of slices of 4d image that have been imported erroneously as 3d image. |
mrt |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoView2DAnnotation | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2D | Draws annotations (dicom and userdefined) on the SoView2D |
mult |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
MatrixArithmetic | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLCoordUtils1 | Standard matrix operations for (two) 4x4 homogenous matrices. |
multi |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
MPR | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLResample1 | Compute a multi-planar reformation (MPR) defined by a translation and a rotation (world coords) |
MPRLight | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLResample1 | Compute a multi-planar reformation (MPR) defined by a translation and a rotation (world coords). No Inventor dependencies |
MPRPath | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLResample1 | Draws an MPR slice on a given position of the given path. |
SoDrawInstanced | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoRenderers | renders geometry multiple times using instancing |
SoPointSpriteRenderer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoRenderers | renders points as spheres using point sprites |
multifield |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ComposeArray | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Coordinate | MLCoordUtils1 | Compose ML Multifield |
DecomposeArray | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Coordinate | MLCoordUtils1 | Decompose ML Multifield |
multifields |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
MultiFieldInventorTrafo | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Coordinate | MLCoordUtils1 | Transform between inventor and ml multifields |
Multiple |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DimensionSliceClone | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Subimage | MLGeometry1 | clones dimension slices of an image |
FanInVector | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Vector | | Has multiple input vectors and outputs the last changed input vector (breaking loops if values are equal) |
LoadAny | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Module to identify, analyze, open and perhaps load most MeVisLab, ML, WEM, CSO itk, vtk and many other file formats |
Replicate | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Subimage | MLGeometry1 | replicates an image |
multiplex |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Switch1toN | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FlowControl | MLMiscModules | Passes input to one of the outputs |
multiply |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Arithmetic0 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLMiscModules | simple arithmetic and logic expresions evaluated one or two float or Vector3 arguments, simpler to use than SoCalculator |
Arithmetic1 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Unary | MLBasicModules | Arithmetic processing of an image |
Arithmetic2 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Binary | MLBasicModules | Arithmetic processing of two images |
ComplexArithmetic1 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Unary | MLComplexArithmetic | Performs some complex number specific functions |
ComplexArithmetic2 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Binary | MLComplexArithmetic | performs complex arithmetics on two inputs |
name |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
AnonymizeMacro | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Anonymize a DICOM dataset. |
DicomSetPatientInformation | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Macro to set patient and series information |
SetFileName | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLImageFile | Set file name associated with image |
navigate |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ImageLoadMulti | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Provides convenient access to sets of images. |
navigation |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoCustomExaminerViewer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View3D | SoCustomViewer | customizable examiner viewer |
SoExaminerViewer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View3D | SoViewers | The examiner viewer is used to view an OpenInventor scene graph. It stores the current settings and the camera position |
View2DExtensions | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | View2D | | Standard, customizable View2D extensions |
ndarray |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PythonImage | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLPythonImageProcessing | allows to set an image from python |
negate |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Arithmetic1 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Unary | MLBasicModules | Arithmetic processing of an image |
BitImageArithmetic | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | BitImageTools | MLBitImageTools | Unary and binary operations on a bit image |
TypeArithmetic1 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Collection of unary operations for non scalar voxel types |
negation |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BoolArithmetic | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLBasicModules | Standard boolean arithmetic operations. |
neighborhood |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ComputeConnectedComponents | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLCluster | Computes the connected components of an image and outputs a cluster object. |
ConnectedComponentsInfo | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLCluster | Provides information about all clusters and an active cluster. |
ConnectedComponentsToImage | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLCluster | Converts a clusters object to an ML image. |
FilterConnectedComponents | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLCluster | Filters and selects computed cluster objects. |
neq |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Arithmetic2 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Binary | MLBasicModules | Arithmetic processing of two images |
network |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Comment | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Extras | | Store comments in a network |
SettingsManager | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Used to load and save settings of modules in the network. |
node |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
InventorSceneChangeObserver | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | observes the incoming scene for field/node changes |
SoBorderMenu | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoMenu | Border menu for Inventor |
SoEdgeEmphasize | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Visualization | SoSilhouette | Open Inventor feature-lines enhancement node |
SoFixedMenu | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoMenu | Menu with fixed item positions for Inventor |
SoMenuItem | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoMenu | Item for Inventor menus |
SoPopupMenu | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoMenu | Simple popup menu for Inventor |
SoSilhouette | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Visualization | SoSilhouette | Open Inventor silhouette node |
SoView2DMenu | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2DMenu | Popup Menu Node For 2D Viewing |
SoView2DMenuItem | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2DMenu | Item For View2D Menus |
SoView2DMenuItems | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | View2DExtended | | Macro containing 10 SoView2DItem nodes under a group node |
non-uniformity |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TextureFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLFilter2 | Applies statistic texture filters to an image |
nonlinear |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Diffusion | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Diffusion | MLDiffusion1 | Nonlinear Diffusion Filter |
norm |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
EuclideanDistanceTransform | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Distance | MLDTF | calculates the euclidean distance image in 1D, 2D or 3D. It is also possible to calculate the Voronoi division. |
normal |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ComposePlane | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Plane | MLCoordUtils1 | Composes plane from point and normal vector |
SoPicking | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoUtils | Helper module for picking in Inventor scenes |
SoSelection2 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoUtils | Helper module for picking in Inventor scenes |
Normalization |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
HistogramEqualization | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLFilter2 | Applys a histogram equalization to an input image |
normalize |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DicomRescale | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | DICOM | MLImageFile | Rescales (DICOM) images to user-defined (DICOM) intercept and slope values |
HistogramEqualization | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLFilter2 | Applys a histogram equalization to an input image |
HistogramParameters | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Histogram | MLVolumetry | Calculate (normalized) histogram parameters. |
KernelEditor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Editor to edit 6D kernels |
notification |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BaseClear | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLBasicModules | Clear or bypass a base object; allows explicit update of output. |
CommandNotifier | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Test | | Notifies buttons of script commands |
CSOManager | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOModule | MLCSO | Administers and maintains CSOs |
FieldBypass | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLMiscModules | Switch on/off field notification |
notifications |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
FieldTracer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Recorder for Field Notifications |
number |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ComplexArithmetic2 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Binary | MLComplexArithmetic | performs complex arithmetics on two inputs |
ComplexToReal | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Unary | MLComplexArithmetic | Computes either abs, arg or power of complex number |
Counter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Counter for integer numbers |
numpy |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PythonArithmetic | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLPythonImageProcessing | a generic module that allow to process ML images with python |
PythonImage | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLPythonImageProcessing | allows to set an image from python |
object |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CombineLabels | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Arithmetic | | Combines selected bits of up to three input images into of a label image |
ComposeBaseList | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLBase | Composes two base objects to one BaseList. |
CopyList | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLBase | Copies (ListBase-derived) object lists. |
DecomposeBaseList | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLBase | Decomposes a BaseList in a solitary object and a rest list. |
ExtractLabels | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Unary | MLBasicModules | Extracts objects identified via a defined labels (= bitmasks) from a given label image |
LoadBase | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | File | MLParser | Loads a ml::Base object from a file. |
MergeLists | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLBase | Merges two lists of the same arbitrary (BaseListTemplate-derived, for example XMarkerList) type. |
Raster | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Draw | MLMiscModules | Rasters an object (list) into an image. |
RasterFunctions | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Draw | MLMiscModules | A collection of raster functions. |
SaveBase | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | File | MLParser | Saves an ml::Base object to a file. |
SoPicking | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoUtils | Helper module for picking in Inventor scenes |
SoSelection2 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoUtils | Helper module for picking in Inventor scenes |
WEMDicomLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Load a WEM from a DICOM file |
WEMDicomSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Store a WEM to a DICOM file |
oblique |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
MPR | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLResample1 | Compute a multi-planar reformation (MPR) defined by a translation and a rotation (world coords) |
MPRLight | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLResample1 | Compute a multi-planar reformation (MPR) defined by a translation and a rotation (world coords). No Inventor dependencies |
occurrence |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TextureFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLFilter2 | Applies statistic texture filters to an image |
octree |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
GVRCacheInfo | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLGVR | manages the GVR caches |
GVRGradientVolumeSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Octree | MLGVR | writes GVR gradient volume cache files to disk |
GVRImageToVolume | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Octree | MLGVR | creates a GVR volume in memory |
GVRPickResultInfo | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Octree | MLGVR | get information on a picking result |
GVRPickResultToCurve | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Octree | MLGVR | convert a picking result to curve objects |
GVRPreloadVolume | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Octree | MLGVR | preloads a complete gvr volume from cache file |
GVRTestPattern | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLGVR | create test patterns for GVR rendering |
GVRTestPatternAnalyzer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLGVR | analyze test pattern screenshot for GVR rendering |
GVRVolumeInfo | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Octree | MLGVR | prints information on a GVRVolume |
GVRVolumeLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Octree | MLGVR | reads GVR cache files from disk |
GVRVolumeSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Octree | MLGVR | writes GVR cache files to disk |
GVRVolumeToImage | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Octree | MLGVR | accesses the GVRVolume and extracts ML image |
GVRVolumeToOrthoImages | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Octree | MLGVR | accesses the GVRVolume and extracts 3 ortho ML images |
off |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoToggle | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | InventorGroup | SoUtils | Toggles the rendering of the contained scene graph |
WEMLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMGenerate | MLWEMModules | Loads a WEM from disk. |
WEMSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMPersistence | MLWEMModules | Saves a WEM to disc in various formats. |
offscreen |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoCheckFramebufferObjectSupport | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Visualization,Shader | SoFrameBufferObjects | check for framebuffer object support |
SoDepthPeelRenderer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Visualization | SoRenderers | renders a scene with depth peeling |
SoFramebufferRenderer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Visualization | SoRenderers | renders a scene with a fixed resolution |
offset |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoGVRFramebufferSettings | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | VolRend | SoGVR | Allows to modify blend function/equation and polygon offset |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoPostEffectTransparentGeometry | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoRenderers | adds transparent geometry to the rendering |
SoWeightedBlendedOIT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoRenderers | offers fast and plausible order independent rendering |
on |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoToggle | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | InventorGroup | SoUtils | Toggles the rendering of the contained scene graph |
open |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BitMorphology | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLKernel | Implements dilation and erosion filters that separately act on single bits |
Compose3DFrom2DFiles | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Creates a 3d image from 2d images with the same size. This can be used to create a ML image from a set of tiff slices. |
ImageLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FileMain | MLImageFile | Loads an image. |
ImageLoadMulti | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Provides convenient access to sets of images. |
LoadBase | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | File | MLParser | Loads a ml::Base object from a file. |
LocalBase | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Used to resolve base object files relative to network or to the local MeVisLab installation |
MemoryCache | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Image | MLMiscModules | Buffers the input volume in memory and can protect it from input changes. |
Morphology | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLKernel | Implements dilation and erosion filters. |
SaveBase | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | File | MLParser | Saves an ml::Base object to a file. |
SoSilhouette | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Visualization | SoSilhouette | Open Inventor silhouette node |
SoWEMConvertInventor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | WEMGenerate | SoWEM | Converts an Inventor scene to a WEM data structure. |
WEMLevelSetFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLOpenVDB | allows to filter a level set generated from a WEM and remesh the result |
OpenGL |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoGLClearError | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoUtils | Logs/clears GL errors while rendering |
SoGLColorDepthInfo | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoUtils | Shows information on GL state while rendering |
SoGLGet | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoUtils | Allows to get GL state infos while rendering |
SoGLStateInfo | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoUtils | Shows information on GL state while rendering |
opening |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BitMorphology | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLKernel | Implements dilation and erosion filters that separately act on single bits |
Morphology | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLKernel | Implements dilation and erosion filters. |
openinventor |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoBorderMenu | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoMenu | Border menu for Inventor |
SoFixedMenu | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoMenu | Menu with fixed item positions for Inventor |
SoMenuItem | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoMenu | Item for Inventor menus |
SoPopupMenu | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoMenu | Simple popup menu for Inventor |
SoView2DMenu | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2DMenu | Popup Menu Node For 2D Viewing |
SoView2DMenuItem | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2DMenu | Item For View2D Menus |
SoView2DMenuItems | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | View2DExtended | | Macro containing 10 SoView2DItem nodes under a group node |
operation |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Arithmetic2 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Binary | MLBasicModules | Arithmetic processing of two images |
BitImageArithmetic | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | BitImageTools | MLBitImageTools | Unary and binary operations on a bit image |
BoolArithmetic | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLBasicModules | Standard boolean arithmetic operations. |
operations |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TypeArithmetic2 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Binary operations between non scalar types of two input images. |
optimize |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
InventorSceneChangeObserver | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | observes the incoming scene for field/node changes |
or |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Arithmetic0 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLMiscModules | simple arithmetic and logic expresions evaluated one or two float or Vector3 arguments, simpler to use than SoCalculator |
Arithmetic1 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Unary | MLBasicModules | Arithmetic processing of an image |
Arithmetic2 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Binary | MLBasicModules | Arithmetic processing of two images |
BitConvert | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Image | MLFilter2 | Set/Clears/Inverts certain bit planes in an image |
BitImageArithmetic | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | BitImageTools | MLBitImageTools | Unary and binary operations on a bit image |
BitMaskConvert | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Image | MLFilter2 | Set/Clears/Inverts certain bit planes in an image in dependency of a second input image as mask |
order |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoPostEffectTransparentGeometry | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoRenderers | adds transparent geometry to the rendering |
SoView2DExtensionSeparator | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2D | SoView2D | SoView2D extension for grouping of extensions to control event evaluation. |
origin |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoCoordinateSystem | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoUtils | Renders x/y/z coordinate system |
original |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Mask | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Image | MLMiscModules | Masks the image at input 1 with mask at input 2 with selectable mode. |
orthogonal |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
GVROrthoView2D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | View2D | | Orthogonal viewer using GVR volume |
OrthoTriplePlaneViewer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | View2D | | Orthogonal variable triple plane viewer |
OrthoView2D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | View2D | | Orthogonal viewer |
RegistrationManual | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Registration | | Manual 3D rigid body registration |
SoOrthoView2D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2D | SoView2D | 2D viewer that show three orthogonal viewers and allows different layout types |
TriplePlane | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Coordinate | MLCoordUtils1 | compute the orthogonal representation of three given planes and gives the intersection point of them |
out |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
WEMImageData | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMProcessing | MLWEMModules | Reads out image data and stores them in WEM nodes |
Outline |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Surround | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Contour | MLKernel | Draws the boundaries of an object specified via a gray value interval. |
output |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CoreControl | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLControl | Interface module to ML core settings |
ImageClear | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FlowControl | MLBasicModules | Clears automatically output image if input image changes. |
RedirectStream | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLControl | Permits redirection and suppression of stream outputs |
Switch | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FlowControl | MLMiscModules | Passes through one of a set of inputs |
Switch1toN | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FlowControl | MLMiscModules | Passes input to one of the outputs |
outputinspector |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BackgroundTasksInspector | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Inspectors | | Display background tasks |
CSOInspector | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Inspectors | | Inspector for CSOs (contour segmentation objects). |
CurveInspector | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Inspectors | | Inspector for CurveData/CurveList objects. |
DisplayLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | LUT | | LUT viewer displaying a LUT as a diagram and as a color bar |
outputting |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Console | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Appends ML messages to a userdefined log file |
MLLogFile | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Appends ML messages to a userdefined log file |
outside |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
IntervalThreshold | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Segmentation | MLMiscModules | Simple Segmentation with one or two thresholds. |
outstream |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Console | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Appends ML messages to a userdefined log file |
MLLogFile | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Appends ML messages to a userdefined log file |
overlay |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Mask | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Image | MLMiscModules | Masks the image at input 1 with mask at input 2 with selectable mode. |
SoCameraWidget | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoCameraInteraction | Control existing camera with viewer widgets. |
SoPolygonOffset | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | InventorNodesAutomatic | SoUtils | The SoPolygonOffset node encapsulates the OpenGL 1.1 polygon offset feature |
SoRenderSurfaceIntersection | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoRenderers | |
SoSlideWidget | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoCameraInteraction | Manipulate numeric value(s) with viewer widgets. |
SoView2DOverlayMPR | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2DScene | renders the input image onto the underlying SoView2D image, reformatting the input image to the correct view |
SoViewportRegion | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Visualization | SoUtils | Renders its children into a specified viewport region. Events are also mapped to this viewport region. |
View2DIsoContourShader | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Renders an iso contour overlay using a shader |
override |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoPointingActionSwitcher | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Switch managed pointing actions depending on mouse cursor position |
pack |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TypeComposer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Composes different images to a new image of other voxel type |
TypeComposerN | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Composes different images to a new image of other voxel type |
TypeFromDimension | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Extracts non scalar voxels from a certain image dimension. |
TypeFromScalars | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Composes a type from scalar components of all voxels. |
packages |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ListModules | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Inspectors | | Generate a list of modules for a given set of packages. |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DicomQuery | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Query the contents of a PACS server |
DicomQueryEditor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Edit PACS queries, used by DicomQuery |
DicomSourceEditor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Edit PACS server entries, used by DicomQuery |
page |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ImagePropertyConvert | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | ImageMain | MLBasicModules | Converts image properties. |
Info | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Info | MLBasicModules | Display properties of input image |
paint |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DrawVoxels3D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLDrawVoxels3D | Draws with simple brushes in a 3D volume. |
pan |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoCameraWidget | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoCameraInteraction | Control existing camera with viewer widgets. |
View2DExtensions | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | View2D | | Standard, customizable View2D extensions |
parallel |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BackgroundTasksInspector | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Inspectors | | Display background tasks |
BitMorphology | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLKernel | Implements dilation and erosion filters that separately act on single bits |
CSOSliceInterpolator | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOModule | MLCSOModules | Interpolates parallel CSOs on slices. |
Morphology | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLKernel | Implements dilation and erosion filters. |
SoCalculator | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Fields | SoUtils | General calculator for float and vector3f fields |
SoPlaneSync | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Plane | SoUtils | Calculates a parallel plane from a plane given by a position and a rotation |
parameter |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoView2DContour | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2DContour | Calculates and draws multiple contours in 2D or 3D objects |
parent |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
RuntimeView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Module to give an overview about currently registered runtime types |
parse |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ComposeWEMDescriptionForU3D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | WEMPersistence | | Composes the WEM description string for the WEMSaveAsU3D module. |
StringUtils | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLMiscModules | A collection of various string utilities |
partial |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ImageStatistics | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Statistics | MLMiscModules | Compute statistical values for a complete image or slice by slice |
particles |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
MarkersToSurface | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLOpenVDB | creates a WEM surface from a marker list by rasterizing the markers as spheres |
path |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
FileDirectory | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Generate a list of files in a directory, possibly including subdirectories |
FileInformation | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Access file information such as size, creation date and permissions. Can also be used to create valid pathnames from directory, basename and extension and check for existance of files. |
LocalPath | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Creates an absolute path using relative path variables. |
SoCSOVisualizationSettings | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoCSO | Overwrites visual settings for CSOs. |
patient |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
AnonymizeMacro | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Anonymize a DICOM dataset. |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoShadowMapping | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoShadowMapping | renders shadows by using cascaded shadow maps |
peak |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
HistogramParameters | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Histogram | MLVolumetry | Calculate (normalized) histogram parameters. |
pepper |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
AddNoise | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Generators | MLBasicModules | Creates noise based on various models. |
percentage |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ModifyRegion | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Region | | Allows up- or downsizing of an ROI by absolute mm or voxel offsets or a relative fraction in x,y and z dimension. |
SoShadowMapping | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoShadowMapping | renders shadows by using cascaded shadow maps |
TextureFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLFilter2 | Applies statistic texture filters to an image |
perception |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoShadowMapping | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoShadowMapping | renders shadows by using cascaded shadow maps |
performance |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
InventorSceneChangeObserver | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | observes the incoming scene for field/node changes |
periodically |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
IdleTrigger | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLMiscModulesInv | Triggers another field periodically after a certain time |
permissions |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
FileInformation | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Access file information such as size, creation date and permissions. Can also be used to create valid pathnames from directory, basename and extension and check for existance of files. |
perona-malik |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Diffusion | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Diffusion | MLDiffusion1 | Nonlinear Diffusion Filter |
persistence |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CSOLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOPersistence | MLCSOModules | Loads a CSOList from a file. |
CSOSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOPersistence | MLCSOModules | Saves a CSOList to file. |
personal |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
AnonymizeMacro | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Anonymize a DICOM dataset. |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ImageLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FileMain | MLImageFile | Loads an image. |
ImageSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FileMain | MLImageFile | Saves an image to a file |
phantom |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
RampBias | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Filters | | Multiplies image with linear function in order to simulate or compensate for bias field. |
phase |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ComplexToReal | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Unary | MLComplexArithmetic | Computes either abs, arg or power of complex number |
pick |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CurveCursor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Diagram | MLCurve | Pick curve values and display curve cursor |
picking |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoPicking | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoUtils | Helper module for picking in Inventor scenes |
SoSelection2 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoUtils | Helper module for picking in Inventor scenes |
pictogram |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Thumbnail | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Resample | | Creates thumbnail image from input image with default size 48x48 pixel and optionally stored this automatically in a png (or other file format) file |
pictorial |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Thumbnail | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Resample | | Creates thumbnail image from input image with default size 48x48 pixel and optionally stored this automatically in a png (or other file format) file |
pipeline |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoGVRPointLight | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoGVR | Adds a point light to the GVR shader pipeline |
SoGVRShaderFunction | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoGVR | Defines a custom GLSL function and adds it to the rendering pipeline of GVR |
SoGVRShaderInclude | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | VolRend | SoGVR | Defines GLSL code which can used by functions defined with SoGVRShaderFunction |
SoGVRShaderMain | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | VolRend | SoGVR | Defines GLSL code which replaces the main function |
SoGVRShaderParameterDirection | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoGVR | Defines a direction parameter available in the GVR shader |
SoGVRShaderParameterPlane | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoGVR | Defines a plane parameter available in the GVR shader |
SoGVRShaderParameterPosition | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoGVR | Defines a position parameter available in the GVR shader |
pixel |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoView2DMarkerEditor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoView2DMarkerEditor | Manages a list of markers that can be selected and are drawn on the SoView2D |
SoView2DVoxelValue | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoView2D | Reads the current cursor position on the SoView2D. |
SoView2DVoxelView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2D | SoView2D | SoView2D extension for detailed voxel viewing |
planar |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
MPR | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLResample1 | Compute a multi-planar reformation (MPR) defined by a translation and a rotation (world coords) |
MPRLight | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLResample1 | Compute a multi-planar reformation (MPR) defined by a translation and a rotation (world coords). No Inventor dependencies |
MPRPath | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLResample1 | Draws an MPR slice on a given position of the given path. |
plane |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoCalculator | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Fields | SoUtils | General calculator for float and vector3f fields |
planes |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TriplePlane | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Coordinate | MLCoordUtils1 | compute the orthogonal representation of three given planes and gives the intersection point of them |
playlist |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ImageLoadMulti | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Provides convenient access to sets of images. |
ply |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
WEMLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMGenerate | MLWEMModules | Loads a WEM from disk. |
WEMSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMPersistence | MLWEMModules | Saves a WEM to disc in various formats. |
png |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ExportImageAsSlices | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Save a 3D image as a stack of 2D images. |
ImageLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FileMain | MLImageFile | Loads an image. |
ImageSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FileMain | MLImageFile | Saves an image to a file |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ImageLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FileMain | MLImageFile | Loads an image. |
ImageSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FileMain | MLImageFile | Saves an image to a file |
point |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CloseGap | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLKernel | Closes gaps within binary images. Also includes majority, contour point extraction and binary dilation/erosion filters. |
ComposePlane | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Plane | MLCoordUtils1 | Composes plane from point and normal vector |
Draw3D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Draw | MLMiscModules | Permits drawing some 3D primitives into an image |
Draw3DMacro | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Draw | | Simple Draw3D Editor with input and output. |
SoView2DMarkerEditor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoView2DMarkerEditor | Manages a list of markers that can be selected and are drawn on the SoView2D |
TableLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | Define a LUT from a table of sampling points |
pointing |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoPointingActionSwitcher | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Switch managed pointing actions depending on mouse cursor position |
polygon |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
IsoSurface | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | IsoSurf | | Generates a WEM iso surface and provides smoothing and polygon reduction. |
SoGVRFramebufferSettings | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | VolRend | SoGVR | Allows to modify blend function/equation and polygon offset |
SoView2DCSOExtensibleEditor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoCSO | Extensible editor for rendering, generating, and modifying CSOs. |
polyline |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoView2DCSOExtensibleEditor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoCSO | Extensible editor for rendering, generating, and modifying CSOs. |
polynome |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Resample3D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLGeometry1 | Interpolation in 3d on arbitrary planar parallel grid. 17 filters available |
popup |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoBorderMenu | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoMenu | Border menu for Inventor |
SoFixedMenu | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoMenu | Menu with fixed item positions for Inventor |
SoMenuItem | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoMenu | Item for Inventor menus |
SoPopupMenu | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoMenu | Simple popup menu for Inventor |
SoView2DMenu | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2DMenu | Popup Menu Node For 2D Viewing |
SoView2DMenuItem | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2DMenu | Item For View2D Menus |
SoView2DMenuItems | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | View2DExtended | | Macro containing 10 SoView2DItem nodes under a group node |
position |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
HistogramPeakEstimate | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Histogram | MLVolumetry | Compute estimate of peak positions of a histogram. |
SetVoxelValue | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Unary | MLBasicModules | Sets a single voxel value of an image at a given world or voxel position |
SoCrosshair | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoUtils | A positionable line cross for selections and positions |
SoView2DLabel | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2D | Draws a string at a user selected (world) position onto a SoView2D. |
SoView2DVoxelValue | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoView2D | Reads the current cursor position on the SoView2D. |
postfix |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
StringUtils | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLMiscModules | A collection of various string utilities |
power |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Arithmetic1 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Unary | MLBasicModules | Arithmetic processing of an image |
ComplexToReal | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Unary | MLComplexArithmetic | Computes either abs, arg or power of complex number |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ImageLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FileMain | MLImageFile | Loads an image. |
ImageSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FileMain | MLImageFile | Saves an image to a file |
predefined |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ColorTable | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLColor | Offers different Color Tables |
prefix |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
StringUtils | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLMiscModules | A collection of various string utilities |
preprocess |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CavitySeeker | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLBeam | Cavity search doing sophisticate kernel based evaluation of surrounding area. |
preprocessing |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
IntervalThreshold | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Segmentation | MLMiscModules | Simple Segmentation with one or two thresholds. |
preserving |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Rank | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Example for a simple average filter to an image. |
RecAnisoDiffusion | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Diffusion | MLFilter1 | Recursive (iterative), anisotropic (edge preserving 'EP') binomial (Gaussian) filter. |
prevention |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoControl | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Inspectors | SoControl | Inventor core control |
preview |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
AutoImage | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Automatically generate/update a downsampled image file, e.g. for preview purposes |
Downsample3D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Resample | | Downsample an image according to given size restrictions |
Prewitt |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Compass | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Applys compass filter to an input image. |
primitive |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
WEMGenerateStatistics | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMProcessing | MLWEMModules | Add statistical primitive value list to nodes, edges and faces. |
print |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ErrorTest | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Test | MLDiagnosis | Prints/Forces different types of messages and forces desired error types |
prism |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
WEMExtrudeCSO | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMProcessing | MLWEMModules | Extrudes one or several contours to a surface |
process |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BackgroundTasksInspector | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Inspectors | | Display background tasks |
SoView2DWEMBulgeEditor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | WEMInteraction | SoWEM | Interactive bulging of a WEM in 2D. |
SoWEMBulgeEditor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | WEMInteraction | SoWEM | Interactive bulging of a WEM in 3D. |
WEMBulgeEditor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMInteraction | SoWEM | Interactive bulging of a WEM. |
WEMMerge | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMProcessing | MLWEMModules | Merges multiple WEMs |
product |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CalculateVectorFromVectors | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Vector | MLCoordUtils1 | Calculates vector from two vectors |
profile |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DynaCurve | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Diagram | MLDynaCurve | Extract time curves from dynamic image data |
InventorSceneChangeObserver | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | observes the incoming scene for field/node changes |
project |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TypeArithmetic1 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Collection of unary operations for non scalar voxel types |
Projection |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Radon | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Projection | MLTransformation | 2D Radon Transform |
SoGVRVolumeRenderer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | VolRend | SoGVR | Volume Renderer using OpenGL and shaders |
properties |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ImagePropertyConvert | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | ImageMain | MLBasicModules | Converts image properties. |
proxy |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ItemModelAttributeFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLABMLItemModelSupport | Implements an attribute filtering proxy for an ItemModel |
ItemModelItemFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLABMLItemModelSupport | Implements an item filtering proxy for an ItemModel |
pseudonymization |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DicomDeidentify | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLDicomDeidentify | Remove identifying information from DICOM data according to PS 3.15, annex E |
pseudonymizer |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DicomDeidentify | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLDicomDeidentify | Remove identifying information from DICOM data according to PS 3.15, annex E |
python |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
QImageToML | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLPythonImageProcessing | allows to set a QImage from python |
RunPythonScript | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | FlowControl | | This macro allows to execute Python scripts from within a MeVisLab network |
QImage |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
QImageToML | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLPythonImageProcessing | allows to set a QImage from python |
QPainter |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
QImageToML | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLPythonImageProcessing | allows to set a QImage from python |
QtWebEngine |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TestWebEngineView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing the WebEngineView control |
quadric |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
WEMReducePolygons | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMProcessing | MLWEMModules | Simplifies a WEM by using the quadric error metrics. |
quality |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoGVRIncrementalUpdater | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | VolRendExtensions | SoGVR | allows to have incremental updates of the same SoGVRVolumeRenderer module in multiple viewers |
WEMGenerateStatistics | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMProcessing | MLWEMModules | Add statistical primitive value list to nodes, edges and faces. |
quantile |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
HistogramParameters | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Histogram | MLVolumetry | Calculate (normalized) histogram parameters. |
MarkerStatistics | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Marker | MLGeometry1 | Compute statistics on a marker list |
quaternion |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TypeArithmetic1 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Collection of unary operations for non scalar voxel types |
query |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CSOFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOModule | MLCSOModules | Filters an input CSOList by certain options. |
DicomQuery | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Query the contents of a PACS server |
DicomQueryEditor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Edit PACS queries, used by DicomQuery |
radiobox |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoBorderMenu | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoMenu | Border menu for Inventor |
SoFixedMenu | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoMenu | Menu with fixed item positions for Inventor |
SoMenuItem | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoMenu | Item for Inventor menus |
SoPopupMenu | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoMenu | Simple popup menu for Inventor |
SoView2DMenu | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2DMenu | Popup Menu Node For 2D Viewing |
SoView2DMenuItem | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2DMenu | Item For View2D Menus |
SoView2DMenuItems | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | View2DExtended | | Macro containing 10 SoView2DItem nodes under a group node |
radiograph |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CArmDRR | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Projection | | C-Arm device specific interface for DRR ML module |
radiographs |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DRR | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Projection | MLDRR | Creates a (2D) Digitally Reconstructed Radiograph from 3D CT data |
DRRLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Projection | MLDRR | Generates LUTs for LUT based projections of the DRR module |
radiotherapy |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ComposeRTStruct | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | DICOM | MLRTStructSupport | Create an RT structure set from CSO contours |
ExtractRTStruct | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | DICOM | MLRTStructSupport | Extract a RT structure set from a DICOM object as CSO contours |
ram |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
MemoryCache | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Image | MLMiscModules | Buffers the input volume in memory and can protect it from input changes. |
ramp |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
InteractiveRampLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | View2D | | Ramp LUT modifiable through mouse interaction, used in View2DExtensions |
LUTPrimitive | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | A single channel LUT with predefined primitives of different shapes |
TestPattern | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Generators | MLBasicModules | Generates a test image |
random |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
AddNoise | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Generators | MLBasicModules | Creates noise based on various models. |
range |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DicomRescale | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | DICOM | MLImageFile | Rescales (DICOM) images to user-defined (DICOM) intercept and slope values |
ImagePropertyConvert | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | ImageMain | MLBasicModules | Converts image properties. |
Info | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Info | MLBasicModules | Display properties of input image |
MinMaxScan | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Info | MLMiscModules | Determines correct minimum and maximum values and the adequate data type of an input image. |
Scale | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Scale | MLMiscModules | Scales data from input to output with possible data type conversion. |
raster |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DrawVoxels3D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLDrawVoxels3D | Draws with simple brushes in a 3D volume. |
VoxelizeInventorScene | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Visualization | MLVoxelizeInvScene | Voxelizes an arbitrary inventor scene into a volume |
rasterize |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CSOGenerateSmoothSurfaceFromSparseContours | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOModule | MLCSOModules | Generates a smooth surface for sparsly distributed, arbitrarily oriented but plane, and closed contours, and voxelizes that surface into an ML image. |
CSOVoxelizeContours | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOModule | MLCSOModules | Voxelizes all closed, plane contours into an ML image. |
CSOVoxelSetToImage | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOModule | MLCSOModules | Converts CSOVoxelSets to an ML image for testing. |
VoxelizeInventorSceneGPU | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLVoxelizeInventorSceneGPU | implements voxelization using the GPU |
Raw |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ImageLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FileMain | MLImageFile | Loads an image. |
ImageSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FileMain | MLImageFile | Saves an image to a file |
ray |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoPathTracerVolume | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoPathTracer | Adds a volume to a SoPathTracer. |
read |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BitImageLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | BitImageIO | MLBitImageTools | Loads a BitImage from file and provides it as ML image and base object |
BitImageSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | BitImageIO | MLBitImageTools | Save an ML image as BitImage with interval segmentation |
DicomImport | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | DICOM | DicomImport | Module to import DICOM data |
DicomImportExtraOutput | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | DICOM | DicomImport | Module to import DICOM data |
FileInformation | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Access file information such as size, creation date and permissions. Can also be used to create valid pathnames from directory, basename and extension and check for existance of files. |
MLImageFormatFileCache | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Buffers the input volume in an cache file of ML image format and can protect it from input changes. |
MLImageFormatInfo | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Information module for ML image format |
MLImageFormatLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Load module for ML image format |
MLImageFormatSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Save module for ML image format |
PrintCurves | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Diagram | MLCurve | Print curve data into a text field and/or to a text file. |
WEMImageData | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMProcessing | MLWEMModules | Reads out image data and stores them in WEM nodes |
reader |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
LoadAny | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Module to identify, analyze, open and perhaps load most MeVisLab, ML, WEM, CSO itk, vtk and many other file formats |
real |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ComplexArithmetic1 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Unary | MLComplexArithmetic | Performs some complex number specific functions |
ComplexArithmetic2 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Binary | MLComplexArithmetic | performs complex arithmetics on two inputs |
reconstructed |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CArmDRR | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Projection | | C-Arm device specific interface for DRR ML module |
DRR | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Projection | MLDRR | Creates a (2D) Digitally Reconstructed Radiograph from 3D CT data |
DRRLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Projection | MLDRR | Generates LUTs for LUT based projections of the DRR module |
recorder |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
AnimationRecorder | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | |
FieldTracer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Recorder for Field Notifications |
recording |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
FieldTracer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Recorder for Field Notifications |
SoCustomExaminerViewer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View3D | SoCustomViewer | customizable examiner viewer |
SoExaminerViewer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View3D | SoViewers | The examiner viewer is used to view an OpenInventor scene graph. It stores the current settings and the camera position |
Rectangle |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
RectMaskImage | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Generators | | Generate a rectangular mask image for a given source image |
SoDiagram2DZoom | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Diagram | SoDiagram2D | Zooms a diagram. |
red |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ColorMatrix | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLColor | Applys a matrix to an input image to change the colors |
ColorTable | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLColor | Offers different Color Tables |
redirection |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
RedirectStream | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLControl | Permits redirection and suppression of stream outputs |
redo |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoUndoActions | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoInteractionControllers | Provides undo and redo command actions with default shortcuts |
UndoManager | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLUndoContext | Provide an undo/redo stack to be used by other modules. |
reduce |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BoundingBox | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Subimage | MLMiscModules | Extracts the bounding box of an object given by an interval from an image |
WEMLevelSetRemesh | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLOpenVDB | remesh a WEM using a level set representation |
reduction |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BoundingBox | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Subimage | MLMiscModules | Extracts the bounding box of an object given by an interval from an image |
WEMReducePolygons | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMProcessing | MLWEMModules | Simplifies a WEM by using the quadric error metrics. |
reformat |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
InterleaveDimension | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLGeometry1 | Merges a dimension sequentially into another one |
MPR | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLResample1 | Compute a multi-planar reformation (MPR) defined by a translation and a rotation (world coords) |
MPRLight | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLResample1 | Compute a multi-planar reformation (MPR) defined by a translation and a rotation (world coords). No Inventor dependencies |
MPRPath | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLResample1 | Draws an MPR slice on a given position of the given path. |
RegistrationManual | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Registration | | Manual 3D rigid body registration |
SoView2DOverlayMPR | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2DScene | renders the input image onto the underlying SoView2D image, reformatting the input image to the correct view |
reformats |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TypeArithmetic1 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Collection of unary operations for non scalar voxel types |
TypeArithmetic2 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Binary operations between non scalar types of two input images. |
region |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ComputeConnectedComponents | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLCluster | Computes the connected components of an image and outputs a cluster object. |
ConnectedComponentsInfo | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLCluster | Provides information about all clusters and an active cluster. |
ConnectedComponentsToImage | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLCluster | Converts a clusters object to an ML image. |
FilterConnectedComponents | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLCluster | Filters and selects computed cluster objects. |
ROISelect | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Subimage | | Allows to select a volume of interest interactively. For 4d images, all or one specific timepoint is selected. |
VOISelect2D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Subimage | | Often the roi shall be selected in x and y only while preserving all slices. |
regist |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SynchroView2D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | View2D | | Two 2D viewers synchronized via their world coordinates. |
registered |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TypeArithmetic1 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Collection of unary operations for non scalar voxel types |
registration |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
JointDisplay | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Image | MLJointHist | Merges two images for joint display. |
ModifyRegion | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Region | | Allows up- or downsizing of an ROI by absolute mm or voxel offsets or a relative fraction in x,y and z dimension. |
SoView2DRigidRegistrationEditor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2D | SoView2D | manual rigid registration editor |
TransformWorldMatrix | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Coordinate | MLCoordUtils1 | transforms the world matrix of the input image |
regression |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TestCenter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Test | | The new TestCenter |
relais |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Bypass | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FlowControl | MLBasicModules | Dummy operator, maybe useful to connect a single network input to multiple modules |
relative |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Arithmetic0 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLMiscModules | simple arithmetic and logic expresions evaluated one or two float or Vector3 arguments, simpler to use than SoCalculator |
LUTRescale | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | Rescale a LUT's index range |
ModifyRegion | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Region | | Allows up- or downsizing of an ROI by absolute mm or voxel offsets or a relative fraction in x,y and z dimension. |
remove |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DiscardNegative | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Image | MLBasicModules | Replaces negative voxels by 0. Algorithm optimized for this special task, faster than IntervalThreshold. |
render |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoCSODrawOnSurface | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | SoCSO | SoCSO | Allows to draw CSOs on 3D surfaces. |
SoGLClearError | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoUtils | Logs/clears GL errors while rendering |
SoGLColorDepthInfo | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoUtils | Shows information on GL state while rendering |
SoGLGet | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoUtils | Allows to get GL state infos while rendering |
SoGLStateInfo | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoUtils | Shows information on GL state while rendering |
SoView2D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2D | SoView2D | 2D viewer that draws slices and sends drawing and mouse/keyboard events to its extensions |
rendering |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
OffscreenRenderer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Visualization | MLOffscreenRender | OpenGL accelerated offscreen renderer |
SoCustomExaminerViewer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View3D | SoCustomViewer | customizable examiner viewer |
SoEdgeEmphasize | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Visualization | SoSilhouette | Open Inventor feature-lines enhancement node |
SoExaminerViewer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View3D | SoViewers | The examiner viewer is used to view an OpenInventor scene graph. It stores the current settings and the camera position |
SoGVRMeanIPMode | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | VolRendExtensions | SoGVR | implements a mean/average intensity projection as GVR extension |
SoGVRTagObjectStyle | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | VolRendExtensions | SoGVR | allows to extend the SoGVRVolumeRenderer with shading parameters per tag object id |
SoGVRVolumeRenderer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | VolRend | SoGVR | Volume Renderer using OpenGL and shaders |
SoPathTracerVolume | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoPathTracer | Adds a volume to a SoPathTracer. |
SoView2DHint | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2D | hint for 3d rendering of view2d and extensions |
reorder |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
InterleaveDimension | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLGeometry1 | Merges a dimension sequentially into another one |
Reshape | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLGeometry1 | reshapes / converts the image size (x, y, z, c, t, u) to a new (x1, y1, z1, c1, t1, u1) |
SwapFlipDimensions | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLGeometry1 | User may choose two dimensions to swap with all contents. Useful i.e. for misaligned data. |
TypeArithmetic1 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Collection of unary operations for non scalar voxel types |
repeat |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Replicate | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Subimage | MLGeometry1 | replicates an image |
replace |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
StringUtils | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLMiscModules | A collection of various string utilities |
resample |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
AutoImage | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Automatically generate/update a downsampled image file, e.g. for preview purposes |
Downsample3D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Resample | | Downsample an image according to given size restrictions |
Thumbnail | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Resample | | Creates thumbnail image from input image with default size 48x48 pixel and optionally stored this automatically in a png (or other file format) file |
rescale |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DicomLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | Generate modality and/or VOI LUT from an image's DICOM tags, optionally compose with input LUT |
InterleaveDimension | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLGeometry1 | Merges a dimension sequentially into another one |
SwapFlipDimensions | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLGeometry1 | User may choose two dimensions to swap with all contents. Useful i.e. for misaligned data. |
reshape |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
InterleaveDimension | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLGeometry1 | Merges a dimension sequentially into another one |
SwapFlipDimensions | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLGeometry1 | User may choose two dimensions to swap with all contents. Useful i.e. for misaligned data. |
restore |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
LoadBase | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | File | MLParser | Loads a ml::Base object from a file. |
LocalBase | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Used to resolve base object files relative to network or to the local MeVisLab installation |
SaveBase | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | File | MLParser | Saves an ml::Base object to a file. |
WEMDicomLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Load a WEM from a DICOM file |
retrieve |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DicomQuery | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Query the contents of a PACS server |
DicomQueryEditor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Edit PACS queries, used by DicomQuery |
DicomSourceEditor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Edit PACS server entries, used by DicomQuery |
reverse |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
StringUtils | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLMiscModules | A collection of various string utilities |
rgb |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ChromaKey | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLColor | implements the chroma key algorithm for masking a background color (e.g. a greenscreen) |
ColorModelConverter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLColor | changes color model of an input image |
ColorTable | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLColor | Offers different Color Tables |
DicomPaletteLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | Generate color palette LUT from an image's DICOM tags |
rgba |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ColorMatrix | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLColor | Applys a matrix to an input image to change the colors |
ColorTable | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLColor | Offers different Color Tables |
DicomPaletteLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | Generate color palette LUT from an image's DICOM tags |
rigid |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoView2DRigidRegistrationEditor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2D | SoView2D | manual rigid registration editor |
Roberts |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Sigma | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Kernel based sigma filter |
Sobel3D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Edge detection or gradient estimation in 3D |
Robinson |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Compass | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Applys compass filter to an input image. |
roi |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BoundingBox | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Subimage | MLMiscModules | Extracts the bounding box of an object given by an interval from an image |
ComposeRTStruct | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | DICOM | MLRTStructSupport | Create an RT structure set from CSO contours |
Draw3D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Draw | MLMiscModules | Permits drawing some 3D primitives into an image |
Draw3DMacro | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Draw | | Simple Draw3D Editor with input and output. |
ExtractRTStruct | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | DICOM | MLRTStructSupport | Extract a RT structure set from a DICOM object as CSO contours |
Magnify | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Subimage | MLGeometry1 | Extract a region from the input image and scale its voxel-to-world-matrix |
MergeRegions | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Subimage | MLGeometry1 | Merges up to 4 different Regions belonging to the same volume. Several merge modes (mask, max, ...) available. |
ModifyRegion | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Region | | Allows up- or downsizing of an ROI by absolute mm or voxel offsets or a relative fraction in x,y and z dimension. |
SoView2DCSOExtensibleEditor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoCSO | Extensible editor for rendering, generating, and modifying CSOs. |
root |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Arithmetic0 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLMiscModules | simple arithmetic and logic expresions evaluated one or two float or Vector3 arguments, simpler to use than SoCalculator |
rotate |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
AffineTransformation2D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | SpatialTransformation | MLTransformation | affine transformation using MPR |
AffineTransformation3D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | SpatialTransformation | MLTransformation | affine transformation using MPR |
CSOAffineTransformationModificator | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOModule | MLCSOModules | Transforms a list of selected CSOs by a 4x4 matrix. |
MIPlaneDragger | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Interaction | | Plane dragger with Managed Interaction |
SoCameraWidget | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoCameraInteraction | Control existing camera with viewer widgets. |
SoMIDraggerContainer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoManagedInteractionDraggers | Container for Managed Interaction draggers |
SoMIRotateCylindricalDragger | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoManagedInteractionDraggers | Spherical rotation dragger with Managed Interaction |
SoMIRotateDiscDragger | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoManagedInteractionDraggers | Disc rotation dragger with Managed Interaction |
SoMIRotateSphericalDragger | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoManagedInteractionDraggers | Spherical rotation dragger with Managed Interaction |
SoTransform | Silicon Graphics Inc | InventorModule | InventorTransform,InventorNodesAutomatic | | |
SoTransformSeparator | Silicon Graphics Inc | InventorModule | InventorNodesAutomatic,InventorGroup | | |
rotation |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SetWorldMatrix | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Coordinate | MLCoordUtils1 | Copy voxel-to-world-matrix from reference image or compose using elementary transforms |
SoView2DTranslationRotation | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoView2D | allows to do a trackball interaction on the slice, can be used to position mprs interactively |
TransformEdit | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Coordinate | MLMiscModulesInv | Editing a transformation matrix incrementally and interactively |
run |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TextureFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLFilter2 | Applies statistic texture filters to an image |
Sagittal |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
OrthoReformat3 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLCoordUtils1 | Reformat for sagittal, coronal and transversal view. |
OrthoSwapFlip | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLCoordUtils1 | Swap and flip coordinates, select view direction. |
SoCameraInteraction | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoCameraInteraction | Control camera/headlight with mouse. |
SoOrthoView2D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2D | SoView2D | 2D viewer that show three orthogonal viewers and allows different layout types |
salt |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
AddNoise | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Generators | MLBasicModules | Creates noise based on various models. |
sampling |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TableLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | Define a LUT from a table of sampling points |
save |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
AutoImage | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Automatically generate/update a downsampled image file, e.g. for preview purposes |
BitImageLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | BitImageIO | MLBitImageTools | Loads a BitImage from file and provides it as ML image and base object |
ExportImageAsSlices | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Save a 3D image as a stack of 2D images. |
ImageROIsFileCache | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Caches an image in a file and allows for combining new ROIs into this initial image; useful for combining masks. |
MLImageFormatFileCache | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Buffers the input volume in an cache file of ML image format and can protect it from input changes. |
MLImageFormatInfo | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Information module for ML image format |
MLImageFormatLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Load module for ML image format |
MLToBitImage | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | BitImageTools | MLBitImageTools | Save an ML image as BitImage with interval segementation |
PrintCurves | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Diagram | MLCurve | Print curve data into a text field and/or to a text file. |
SettingsManager | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Used to load and save settings of modules in the network. |
SoSceneWriter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | InventorFile | SoUtils | Writes the scene graph to a file (diverse formats). |
VascularInspector | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Inspectors | | Inspector for vascular systems (more general: for MLGraph). |
WEMDicomSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Store a WEM to a DICOM file |
scale |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
AffineTransformation2D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | SpatialTransformation | MLTransformation | affine transformation using MPR |
AffineTransformation3D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | SpatialTransformation | MLTransformation | affine transformation using MPR |
CSOAffineTransformationModificator | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOModule | MLCSOModules | Transforms a list of selected CSOs by a 4x4 matrix. |
Magnify | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Subimage | MLGeometry1 | Extract a region from the input image and scale its voxel-to-world-matrix |
MagnifyMacro | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | shows a moveable magnifier rectangle on a SoView2D |
Resample3D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLGeometry1 | Interpolation in 3d on arbitrary planar parallel grid. 17 filters available |
SoCoordinateSystem | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoUtils | Renders x/y/z coordinate system |
SoTransform | Silicon Graphics Inc | InventorModule | InventorTransform,InventorNodesAutomatic | | |
SoTransformSeparator | Silicon Graphics Inc | InventorModule | InventorNodesAutomatic,InventorGroup | | |
SoView2DAutoCenter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2D | Zooms into a region of a slice. |
WEMModify | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMProcessing | MLWEMModules | Modifies all nodes or faces of a WEM. |
scaling |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SetWorldMatrix | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Coordinate | MLCoordUtils1 | Copy voxel-to-world-matrix from reference image or compose using elementary transforms |
scan |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DicomRescale | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | DICOM | MLImageFile | Rescales (DICOM) images to user-defined (DICOM) intercept and slope values |
Scale | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Scale | MLMiscModules | Scales data from input to output with possible data type conversion. |
VoxelizeInventorSceneGPU | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLVoxelizeInventorSceneGPU | implements voxelization using the GPU |
scene |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
LocalSoFile | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | InventorFile | | Used to resolve iv files relative to a given variable |
MIPlaneDragger | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Interaction | | Plane dragger with Managed Interaction |
SoCustomExaminerViewer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View3D | SoCustomViewer | customizable examiner viewer |
SoExaminerViewer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View3D | SoViewers | The examiner viewer is used to view an OpenInventor scene graph. It stores the current settings and the camera position |
SoMIDraggerContainer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoManagedInteractionDraggers | Container for Managed Interaction draggers |
SoMIRotateCylindricalDragger | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoManagedInteractionDraggers | Spherical rotation dragger with Managed Interaction |
SoMIRotateDiscDragger | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoManagedInteractionDraggers | Disc rotation dragger with Managed Interaction |
SoMIRotateSphericalDragger | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoManagedInteractionDraggers | Spherical rotation dragger with Managed Interaction |
SoMITranslate1Dragger | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoManagedInteractionDraggers | Translation along one axis dragger with Managed Interaction |
SoMITranslate2Dragger | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoManagedInteractionDraggers | Translation in a plane dragger with Managed Interaction |
scheme |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
GenericPointingAction | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Interaction | SoInteractionControllers | Generic pointing action supporting the Managed Interaction scheme |
GenericSoView2DPointingAction | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Interaction | SoInteractionControllers | Generic pointing action supporting the Managed Interaction scheme |
SoExecuteCommandAction | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoInteractionControllers | Allows to manually trigger a command action in an Inventor scene |
SoGenericCommandAction | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoInteractionControllers | Generic command action supporting the Managed Interaction scheme |
SoGenericOffsetAction | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoInteractionControllers | Generic offset action supporting the Managed Interaction scheme |
SoInteractionInfo | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoInteractionControllers | Shows available pointing (mouse), command (keyboard), and offset (mouse wheel) actions by ID |
SoInteractionMapping | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoInteractionControllers | Overrides pointing (mouse), command (keyboard), and offset (mouse wheel) mappings for the Managed Interaction scheme |
scripting |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
RunPythonScript | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | FlowControl | | This macro allows to execute Python scripts from within a MeVisLab network |
TestPython | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | tests the python scripting implementation |
TestSqlQuery | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | test the Sql classes |
TestTimers | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | test the scripting timer callLater methods |
TestWEMNearestPoint | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Test the MLWEMNearestPointWrapper interactively |
scroll |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoView2DSlicer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoView2D | Allows to slice through a SoView2D by using the mouse |
search |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CavitySeeker | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLBeam | Cavity search doing sophisticate kernel based evaluation of surrounding area. |
StringUtils | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLMiscModules | A collection of various string utilities |
seconds |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Counter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Counter for integer numbers |
seed |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoCSOVisualizationSettings | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoCSO | Overwrites visual settings for CSOs. |
SoView2DMarkerEditor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoView2DMarkerEditor | Manages a list of markers that can be selected and are drawn on the SoView2D |
segmentation |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
AddNoise | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Generators | MLBasicModules | Creates noise based on various models. |
CombineLabels | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Arithmetic | | Combines selected bits of up to three input images into of a label image |
ComputeConnectedComponents | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLCluster | Computes the connected components of an image and outputs a cluster object. |
ConnectedComponentsInfo | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLCluster | Provides information about all clusters and an active cluster. |
ConnectedComponentsToImage | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLCluster | Converts a clusters object to an ML image. |
CSOManager | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOModule | MLCSO | Administers and maintains CSOs |
Draw3D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Draw | MLMiscModules | Permits drawing some 3D primitives into an image |
Draw3DMacro | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Draw | | Simple Draw3D Editor with input and output. |
ExtractLabels | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Unary | MLBasicModules | Extracts objects identified via a defined labels (= bitmasks) from a given label image |
FilterConnectedComponents | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLCluster | Filters and selects computed cluster objects. |
FuzzyCluster | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fuzzy | MLFuzzy | Uses the fuzzy cmeans algorithm to extract a given number of clusters. |
FuzzyConnectDistance | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fuzzy | MLFuzzy | Uses distance-based fuzzy connectedness for the segmentation of an image. |
IntervalThreshold | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Segmentation | MLMiscModules | Simple Segmentation with one or two thresholds. |
MaskToMarkers | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Marker | MLGeometry1 | Create a list of XMarkers from a Mask image |
OtsuThreshold | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Segmentation | MLSegmentation | automatic thresholding (Otsu) |
RampBias | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Filters | | Multiplies image with linear function in order to simulate or compensate for bias field. |
RampFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Generators | MLBasicModules | Creates a grey value ramp with amplitude and direction; add to input or ramp alone. |
RegionGrowing | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Region | MLSegmentation | Simple 2D/3D/4D region growing operator. |
RegionGrowingMacro | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Region | | Wraps the RegionGrowing module to simplify its usage. |
SeparateBits | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Scale | MLVolumetry | Spreads all gray levels that occur in an image to separate bits, and reverse. |
SmartMarker | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | can be used to set include/exclude marker, decision in-/exclude marker is automatic - defined by the mask input image |
Sprawl2D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLBeam | 2D sprawling of a given object based on a reference image. The given object is extended along radial beams to the next border or the reference image. |
Threshold | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Segmentation | MLMiscModules | Thresholding of gray value images |
WEMDicomLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Load a WEM from a DICOM file |
WEMDicomSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Store a WEM to a DICOM file |
WEMThreshold | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMProcessing | MLWEMModules | Removes nodes with a PVL value outside an interval. |
WEMThresholdToCSO | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMProcessing | MLWEMModules | Outputs CSOs at PVL interval borders |
select |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BaseSwitch | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FlowControl | MLMiscModules | Passes through one of a set of inputs |
ConnectedComponentsInfo | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLCluster | Provides information about all clusters and an active cluster. |
CurveCursor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Diagram | MLCurve | Pick curve values and display curve cursor |
FilterConnectedComponents | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLCluster | Filters and selects computed cluster objects. |
SoDiagram2DCursor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Diagram | SoDiagram2D | Shows a cursor with the curve data at the mouse cursor. |
SoSwitch | Silicon Graphics Inc | InventorModule | InventorNodesAutomatic,InventorGroup | | |
SoToggle | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | InventorGroup | SoUtils | Toggles the rendering of the contained scene graph |
SoView2DRectangle | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoView2D | Allows to select a 3D rectangle on the SoView2D |
Switch | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FlowControl | MLMiscModules | Passes through one of a set of inputs |
Switch1toN | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FlowControl | MLMiscModules | Passes input to one of the outputs |
selected |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CSOInfo | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOModule | MLCSOModules | Provides some info about a CSOList |
selection |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CSOManager | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOModule | MLCSO | Administers and maintains CSOs |
SoBorderMenu | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoMenu | Border menu for Inventor |
SoCrosshair | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoUtils | A positionable line cross for selections and positions |
SoCSOVisualizationSettings | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoCSO | Overwrites visual settings for CSOs. |
SoFixedMenu | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoMenu | Menu with fixed item positions for Inventor |
SoMenuItem | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoMenu | Item for Inventor menus |
SoPopupMenu | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoMenu | Simple popup menu for Inventor |
SoView2DMenu | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2DMenu | Popup Menu Node For 2D Viewing |
SoView2DMenuItem | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2DMenu | Item For View2D Menus |
SoView2DMenuItems | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | View2DExtended | | Macro containing 10 SoView2DItem nodes under a group node |
selector |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoCrosshair | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoUtils | A positionable line cross for selections and positions |
Separate |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ImageSeparator | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Subimage | MLGeometry1 | Separates matrix columns of an input image |
ImageSeparator | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Subimage | MLGeometry1 | Separates matrix columns of an input image |
TypeComposer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Composes different images to a new image of other voxel type |
TypeComposerN | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Composes different images to a new image of other voxel type |
TypeDecomposer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Decomposes all voxel components to different images |
TypeDecomposerN | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Decomposes all voxel components to different images |
TypeFromDimension | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Extracts non scalar voxels from a certain image dimension. |
TypeFromScalars | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Composes a type from scalar components of all voxels. |
TypeToScalars | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Decomposes all voxel components to scalars |
WEMDemergePatches | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMProcessing | MLWEMModules | Demerges a WEM into connected components |
sequence |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
FieldIterator | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Set field values from a field value list and iterate through the list in a batch mode |
sequences |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TestInput | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Module to create test images |
sequentialize |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ImageComposer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Compose | MLMiscModules | Concatenation of input images |
server |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DicomQuery | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Query the contents of a PACS server |
DicomQueryEditor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Edit PACS queries, used by DicomQuery |
DicomSourceEditor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Edit PACS server entries, used by DicomQuery |
set |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
RasterFunctions | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Draw | MLMiscModules | A collection of raster functions. |
SetPageExtent |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ChangePageExtent | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | ImageMain | MLBasicModules | Change the page extent of the image |
sha |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ImageHash | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLCrypto | Module to generate different hashes for an image. |
shader |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoCheckFramebufferObjectSupport | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Visualization,Shader | SoFrameBufferObjects | check for framebuffer object support |
SoGLRenderState | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | modify OpenGL state |
SoGVRPointLight | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoGVR | Adds a point light to the GVR shader pipeline |
SoMLImageProperties | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoMLSupport | set ML image properties in Open Inventor state |
SoMLSampler1D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader sampler 1D parameter |
SoMLSampler2D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader sampler 2D parameter |
SoMLSampler3D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader sampler 3D parameter |
SoMLSamplerCubeMap | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader sampler cubemap parameter |
SoMultiplePass | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | render scene multiple times |
shading |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoGVRTagObjectStyle | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | VolRendExtensions | SoGVR | allows to extend the SoGVRVolumeRenderer with shading parameters per tag object id |
shadow |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
GVRAmbientOcclusion | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | implements ambient occlusion |
shape |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SliceDistanceTransform | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | SliceDistanceTransform | Computes a slice-wise distance transform and can also interpolate slices in-between |
WEMExtrudeCSO | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMProcessing | MLWEMModules | Extrudes one or several contours to a surface |
WEMInitialize | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMGenerate | MLWEMModules | Initializes a WEM with a simple shape. |
Sharpen |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Sigma | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Kernel based sigma filter |
shear |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
AffineTransformation2D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | SpatialTransformation | MLTransformation | affine transformation using MPR |
AffineTransformation3D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | SpatialTransformation | MLTransformation | affine transformation using MPR |
CSOAffineTransformationModificator | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOModule | MLCSOModules | Transforms a list of selected CSOs by a 4x4 matrix. |
SoTransform | Silicon Graphics Inc | InventorModule | InventorTransform,InventorNodesAutomatic | | |
SoTransformSeparator | Silicon Graphics Inc | InventorModule | InventorNodesAutomatic,InventorGroup | | |
shift |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoDiagram2DAxisZoom | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Diagram | SoDiagram2D | Zooms a diagram independently in x and y direction and to shift along an axis. |
View2DExtensions | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | View2D | | Standard, customizable View2D extensions |
short |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
MinMaxScan | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Info | MLMiscModules | Determines correct minimum and maximum values and the adequate data type of an input image. |
Scale | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Scale | MLMiscModules | Scales data from input to output with possible data type conversion. |
TextureFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLFilter2 | Applies statistic texture filters to an image |
shortcut |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoUndoActions | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoInteractionControllers | Provides undo and redo command actions with default shortcuts |
show |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ModuleView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Module to show internal state ML module |
RuntimeDump | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Installs a dump function for bad runtime typed object |
siemens |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DeMosaic | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Neuro | MLGeometry1 | Extracts mosaic features from fMRI and DTI data and converts data to 4d data. |
signature |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SignFiles | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Sign MeVisLab Files |
signed |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
MinMaxScan | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Info | MLMiscModules | Determines correct minimum and maximum values and the adequate data type of an input image. |
Scale | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Scale | MLMiscModules | Scales data from input to output with possible data type conversion. |
simplification |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
WEMReducePolygons | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMProcessing | MLWEMModules | Simplifies a WEM by using the quadric error metrics. |
simulation |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
RampBias | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Filters | | Multiplies image with linear function in order to simulate or compensate for bias field. |
sin |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Arithmetic0 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLMiscModules | simple arithmetic and logic expresions evaluated one or two float or Vector3 arguments, simpler to use than SoCalculator |
sinc |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Resample3D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLGeometry1 | Interpolation in 3d on arbitrary planar parallel grid. 17 filters available |
single |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoClearBuffers | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoUtils | Clears the GL buffer. |
SoView2DEnlargeOnClick | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2D | Switches to single image from tiled images on click onto a slice |
TypeArithmetic1 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Collection of unary operations for non scalar voxel types |
Sinogram |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Radon | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Projection | MLTransformation | 2D Radon Transform |
size |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CalculateVolume | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Volumetry | MLVolumetry | Calculates voxel volume and number of voxels in interval, also for all timepoints and individual timepoints |
CoreControl | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLControl | Interface module to ML core settings |
FileInformation | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Access file information such as size, creation date and permissions. Can also be used to create valid pathnames from directory, basename and extension and check for existance of files. |
ImagePropertyConvert | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | ImageMain | MLBasicModules | Converts image properties. |
Info | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Info | MLBasicModules | Display properties of input image |
Reshape | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLGeometry1 | reshapes / converts the image size (x, y, z, c, t, u) to a new (x1, y1, z1, c1, t1, u1) |
skeleton |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ConnectEdges | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLGraphEditing | Connects edges in a graph |
DisconnectEdges | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLGraphEditing | Disconnects or removes edges in a graph |
GetTreeLabels | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLGraphEditing | Retrieves tree labels |
GraphManager | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLGraphEditing | Enables graph editing with undo/redo |
LabelByThresholdedVolume | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLGraphEditing | Sets labels for image voxel values under the skeleton positions |
LabelFromEdgeToLeaves | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLGraphEditing | Sets labels from a selected down to the leaves |
LabelSelectedTree | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLGraphEditing | Sets labels to a selected tree |
LabelTrees | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLGraphEditing | Sets labels to trees in order of descending size |
RemoveTree | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLGraphEditing | Removes a tree |
SetLabelToTreeDepth | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLGraphEditing | Sets labels accordings to tree depth from roots to leaves |
SetRoot | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLGraphEditing | Sets a new root in a tree |
SplitGraph | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLGraphEditing | Splits a graph and removes trees if label values criterion is not met |
WEMVascularSystem | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMGenerate | MLWEMModules | Vessel Visualization with Convolution Surfaces |
skewness |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TextureFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLFilter2 | Applies statistic texture filters to an image |
slice |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DicomFrameSelect | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | DICOM | MLImageFile | Selects the DICOM sub-tree for a specified z-slice and time point. |
DicomFrameTagInfo | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | DICOM | MLImageFile | Displays information about the shared and frame specific values of a given DICOM tag. |
ImageStatistics | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Statistics | MLMiscModules | Compute statistical values for a complete image or slice by slice |
MaskSliceInterpolator | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Segmentation | | Interpolates slices of a binary mask |
MPRPath | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLResample1 | Draws an MPR slice on a given position of the given path. |
SoView2D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2D | SoView2D | 2D viewer that draws slices and sends drawing and mouse/keyboard events to its extensions |
SoView2DContour | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2DContour | Calculates and draws multiple contours in 2D or 3D objects |
SoView2DOverlayMPR | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2DScene | renders the input image onto the underlying SoView2D image, reformatting the input image to the correct view |
SoView2DScene | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2DScene | 2D slice visualization of connected scene |
slices |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DeMosaic | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Neuro | MLGeometry1 | Extracts mosaic features from fMRI and DTI data and converts data to 4d data. |
slope |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DicomLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | Generate modality and/or VOI LUT from an image's DICOM tags, optionally compose with input LUT |
DicomRescale | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | DICOM | MLImageFile | Rescales (DICOM) images to user-defined (DICOM) intercept and slope values |
RampBias | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Filters | | Multiplies image with linear function in order to simulate or compensate for bias field. |
VoxelValueRescale | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Scale | MLMiscModules | Convert voxel values and LUT parameters between stored and output representation |
smooth |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CloseGap | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLKernel | Closes gaps within binary images. Also includes majority, contour point extraction and binary dilation/erosion filters. |
Convolution | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Simple constant convolution filters like Average, Gauss, Sobel, Laplace |
smoothing |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
IsoSurface | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | IsoSurf | | Generates a WEM iso surface and provides smoothing and polygon reduction. |
RecAnisoDiffusion | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Diffusion | MLFilter1 | Recursive (iterative), anisotropic (edge preserving 'EP') binomial (Gaussian) filter. |
RecGaussFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Diffusion | MLFilter1 | Recursive (iterative) binomial (Gaussian) filter |
sobel |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Convolution | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Simple constant convolution filters like Average, Gauss, Sobel, Laplace |
SoBypass |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoToggle | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | InventorGroup | SoUtils | Toggles the rendering of the contained scene graph |
SoField |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
InventorSceneChangeObserver | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | observes the incoming scene for field/node changes |
soft |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoShadowMapping | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoShadowMapping | renders shadows by using cascaded shadow maps |
SoMarker |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
So3DMarkerEditor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | So3DXMarker | visualization and interactive placement of markers in three dimensions |
So3DMarkerRenderer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | So3DXMarker | visualization of markers in three dimensions |
SoNode |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
InventorSceneChangeObserver | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | observes the incoming scene for field/node changes |
sop |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DicomTagViewer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | DICOM | MLImageFile | Shows DICOM tags of an image |
sorting |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SortSlices4D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLGeometry1 | Sorting of slices of 4d image that have been imported erroneously as 3d image. |
SoView2D |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoRenderSurfaceIntersection | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoRenderers | |
SoXMarker |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
So3DMarkerEditor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | So3DXMarker | visualization and interactive placement of markers in three dimensions |
So3DMarkerRenderer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | So3DXMarker | visualization of markers in three dimensions |
sparse |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
OpenVDBLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLOpenVDB | load a sparse grid as an ML volume |
OpenVDBSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLOpenVDB | saves a volume to a sparse OpenVDB grid |
speckle |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
AddNoise | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Generators | MLBasicModules | Creates noise based on various models. |
sphere |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BitMorphology | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLKernel | Implements dilation and erosion filters that separately act on single bits |
Convolution | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Simple constant convolution filters like Average, Gauss, Sobel, Laplace |
Draw3D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Draw | MLMiscModules | Permits drawing some 3D primitives into an image |
Draw3DMacro | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Draw | | Simple Draw3D Editor with input and output. |
ExtendedConvolution | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Convolution filters with some options |
KernelEditor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Editor to edit 6D kernels |
Morphology | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLKernel | Implements dilation and erosion filters. |
Rank | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Example for a simple average filter to an image. |
RasterMacro | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Generators | | Generates a binary image with a definable, basic shape in it. |
SoMIRotateCylindricalDragger | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoManagedInteractionDraggers | Spherical rotation dragger with Managed Interaction |
SoMIRotateSphericalDragger | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoManagedInteractionDraggers | Spherical rotation dragger with Managed Interaction |
SoView2DMarkerEditor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoView2DMarkerEditor | Manages a list of markers that can be selected and are drawn on the SoView2D |
TestWEMNearestPoint | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Test the MLWEMNearestPointWrapper interactively |
spheres |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoPointSpriteRenderer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoRenderers | renders points as spheres using point sprites |
spherical |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BitMorphology | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLKernel | Implements dilation and erosion filters that separately act on single bits |
Convolution | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Simple constant convolution filters like Average, Gauss, Sobel, Laplace |
ExtendedConvolution | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Convolution filters with some options |
KernelEditor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Editor to edit 6D kernels |
Morphology | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLKernel | Implements dilation and erosion filters. |
Rank | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Example for a simple average filter to an image. |
spline |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CSOGenerateSmoothSurfaceFromSparseContours | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOModule | MLCSOModules | Generates a smooth surface for sparsly distributed, arbitrarily oriented but plane, and closed contours, and voxelizes that surface into an ML image. |
CSOSliceInterpolator | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOModule | MLCSOModules | Interpolates parallel CSOs on slices. |
SoView2DCSOExtensibleEditor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoCSO | Extensible editor for rendering, generating, and modifying CSOs. |
split |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DecomposeBaseList | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLBase | Decomposes a BaseList in a solitary object and a rest list. |
ExtractObjectFromList | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLBase | Extract a single object from an ML object list. |
SoDiagram2DCurveSection2 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Diagram | SoDiagram2D | Divides the background of a diagram into two interactively adjustable halves. |
SoDiagram2DCurveSection3 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Diagram | SoDiagram2D | Divides the background of a diagram into three interactively adjustable halves. |
VecBoxConvert | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Geometry | MLCoordUtils1 | Converts box, vector and component fields into each other. |
WEMSubdivide | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMProcessing | MLWEMModules | Subdivides a WEM by splitting edges. |
sqrt |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Arithmetic0 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLMiscModules | simple arithmetic and logic expresions evaluated one or two float or Vector3 arguments, simpler to use than SoCalculator |
sso |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
WEMDicomLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Load a WEM from a DICOM file |
WEMDicomSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Store a WEM to a DICOM file |
stack |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CoreControl | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLControl | Interface module to ML core settings |
ExportImageAsSlices | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Save a 3D image as a stack of 2D images. |
standard |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ImageStatistics | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Statistics | MLMiscModules | Compute statistical values for a complete image or slice by slice |
SubImageStatistics | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Statistics | MLMiscModules | do statistics on selectable dimensions of an image |
View2DExtensions | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | View2D | | Standard, customizable View2D extensions |
standardabweichung |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
StandardDeviation | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLKernel | Kernel filter to calculate the standard deviation or variance of a voxel neighbourhood defined by the kernel |
start |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ImageIteratorEnd | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FlowControl | MLImageIterator | End module for a network in which an image is iterated |
StopWatch | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Extras | | Perform time measurements |
state |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ModuleView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Module to show internal state ML module |
SoActionLog | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Visualization | SoUtils | log currently passing action |
statistic |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BoundingBox | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Subimage | MLMiscModules | Extracts the bounding box of an object given by an interval from an image |
CacheView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | View Cache utilization |
CalculateVolume | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Volumetry | MLVolumetry | Calculates voxel volume and number of voxels in interval, also for all timepoints and individual timepoints |
Statistics |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Histogram | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Histogram | MLVolumetry | Creates a histogram from an input image, optionally using a mask image. |
HistogramParameters | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Histogram | MLVolumetry | Calculate (normalized) histogram parameters. |
std |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
RedirectStream | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLControl | Permits redirection and suppression of stream outputs |
stddev |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
MarkerStatistics | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Marker | MLGeometry1 | Compute statistics on a marker list |
OrthoProjection | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLGeometry1 | Projects a volume dataset along a given dimension |
StandardDeviation | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLKernel | Kernel filter to calculate the standard deviation or variance of a voxel neighbourhood defined by the kernel |
stencil |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoClearBuffers | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoUtils | Clears the GL buffer. |
stl |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoSceneWriter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | InventorFile | SoUtils | Writes the scene graph to a file (diverse formats). |
WEMLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMGenerate | MLWEMModules | Loads a WEM from disk. |
WEMSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMPersistence | MLWEMModules | Saves a WEM to disc in various formats. |
stop |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
LapTimer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Extras | MLMiscModules | Lap Timer to measure times. Used in HepaVision for automatic logging of times for each image processing step. |
storage |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BitImageLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | BitImageIO | MLBitImageTools | Loads a BitImage from file and provides it as ML image and base object |
BitImageSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | BitImageIO | MLBitImageTools | Save an ML image as BitImage with interval segmentation |
ImageROIsFileCache | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Caches an image in a file and allows for combining new ROIs into this initial image; useful for combining masks. |
MLImageFormatFileCache | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Buffers the input volume in an cache file of ML image format and can protect it from input changes. |
MLImageFormatInfo | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Information module for ML image format |
MLImageFormatLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Load module for ML image format |
MLImageFormatSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Save module for ML image format |
store |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BitImageLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | BitImageIO | MLBitImageTools | Loads a BitImage from file and provides it as ML image and base object |
BitImageSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | BitImageIO | MLBitImageTools | Save an ML image as BitImage with interval segmentation |
ImageROIsFileCache | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Caches an image in a file and allows for combining new ROIs into this initial image; useful for combining masks. |
ImageSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FileMain | MLImageFile | Saves an image to a file |
LoadBase | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | File | MLParser | Loads a ml::Base object from a file. |
MLImageFormatFileCache | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Buffers the input volume in an cache file of ML image format and can protect it from input changes. |
MLImageFormatInfo | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Information module for ML image format |
MLImageFormatLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Load module for ML image format |
MLImageFormatSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Save module for ML image format |
SaveBase | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | File | MLParser | Saves an ml::Base object to a file. |
WEMDicomSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Store a WEM to a DICOM file |
storescp |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DicomReceiver | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | A DICOM C-STORE Service Class Provider (storescp) which can be used to receive images from remote PACS systems. |
storescu |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DicomTool | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Several DICOM tools: Save slices, send to PACS (storescu, dcmsend), check DICOM connectivity (echoscu). |
stream |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoPathTracerLines | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoPathTracer | Renders thick lines in a SoPathTracer. |
streamlines |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoPathTracerLines | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoPathTracer | Renders thick lines in a SoPathTracer. |
string |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ComposeWEMDescriptionForU3D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | WEMPersistence | | Composes the WEM description string for the WEMSaveAsU3D module. |
EditObject | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLParser | Allows the editing of a base object via its XML representation. |
PrintCurves | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Diagram | MLCurve | Print curve data into a text field and/or to a text file. |
SoExtText2 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Visualization | SoView2D | nicer font node than SoText2 |
SoView2DLabel | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2D | Draws a string at a user selected (world) position onto a SoView2D. |
StringUtils | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLMiscModules | A collection of various string utilities |
stringlistcontainer |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
StringListSplitter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Splits string lists into its components and provides a field for every component. |
structure |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BitMorphology | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLKernel | Implements dilation and erosion filters that separately act on single bits |
ComposeRTStruct | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | DICOM | MLRTStructSupport | Create an RT structure set from CSO contours |
Convolution | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Simple constant convolution filters like Average, Gauss, Sobel, Laplace |
ExtractRTStruct | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | DICOM | MLRTStructSupport | Extract a RT structure set from a DICOM object as CSO contours |
Morphology | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Morphology | MLKernel | Implements dilation and erosion filters. |
Rank | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLKernel | Example for a simple average filter to an image. |
Sub |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
KernelMask | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLFilter2 | Puts values of an image area into a kernel with defined extention |
subimage |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BitImageArithmetic | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | BitImageTools | MLBitImageTools | Unary and binary operations on a bit image |
Magnify | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Subimage | MLGeometry1 | Extract a region from the input image and scale its voxel-to-world-matrix |
ModifyRegion | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Region | | Allows up- or downsizing of an ROI by absolute mm or voxel offsets or a relative fraction in x,y and z dimension. |
ROISelect | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Subimage | | Allows to select a volume of interest interactively. For 4d images, all or one specific timepoint is selected. |
VecBoxConvert | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Geometry | MLCoordUtils1 | Converts box, vector and component fields into each other. |
VOISelect2D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Subimage | | Often the roi shall be selected in x and y only while preserving all slices. |
subimg |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ModifyRegion | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Region | | Allows up- or downsizing of an ROI by absolute mm or voxel offsets or a relative fraction in x,y and z dimension. |
VecBoxConvert | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Geometry | MLCoordUtils1 | Converts box, vector and component fields into each other. |
subset |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CSOFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOModule | MLCSOModules | Filters an input CSOList by certain options. |
substring |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
StringUtils | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLMiscModules | A collection of various string utilities |
subticks |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoAxis | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Visualization | SoUtils | Draws a 3D coordinate system |
subtract |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
AbsoluteDifference | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Calculates the absolute difference between two images |
Arithmetic0 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLMiscModules | simple arithmetic and logic expresions evaluated one or two float or Vector3 arguments, simpler to use than SoCalculator |
Arithmetic1 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Unary | MLBasicModules | Arithmetic processing of an image |
Arithmetic2 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Binary | MLBasicModules | Arithmetic processing of two images |
ComplexArithmetic1 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Unary | MLComplexArithmetic | Performs some complex number specific functions |
ComplexArithmetic2 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Binary | MLComplexArithmetic | performs complex arithmetics on two inputs |
Counter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Counter for integer numbers |
DecomposeBaseList | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLBase | Decomposes a BaseList in a solitary object and a rest list. |
ExtractObjectFromList | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLBase | Extract a single object from an ML object list. |
MatrixArithmetic | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLCoordUtils1 | Standard matrix operations for (two) 4x4 homogenous matrices. |
subtree |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DicomFrameSelect | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | DICOM | MLImageFile | Selects the DICOM sub-tree for a specified z-slice and time point. |
DicomFrameTagInfo | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | DICOM | MLImageFile | Displays information about the shared and frame specific values of a given DICOM tag. |
sum |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
HistogramParameters | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Histogram | MLVolumetry | Calculate (normalized) histogram parameters. |
MatrixArithmetic | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLCoordUtils1 | Standard matrix operations for (two) 4x4 homogenous matrices. |
TextureFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLFilter2 | Applies statistic texture filters to an image |
surface |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CSOGenerateSmoothSurfaceFromSparseContours | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOModule | MLCSOModules | Generates a smooth surface for sparsly distributed, arbitrarily oriented but plane, and closed contours, and voxelizes that surface into an ML image. |
LocalWEMLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | WEMPersistence | | Loads a WEM from local paths. |
MarkerListToWEMPlane | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMGenerate | MLWEMModules | Generates a deformed plane out of a marker list. |
SoWEMExtrude | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | WEMInteraction | SoWEM | Extrude contour in screen coordinates to WEM. |
SoWEMInteract | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | WEMInteraction | SoWEM | Remove or select parts of the WEM based on a 2D drawn contour. |
SoWEMRenderer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | WEMRendering | SoWEM | Renders a WEM to OpenInventor |
SoWEMRendererBoundingBox | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | WEMRendering | SoWEM | Renders the bounding boxes of WEMPatches (AA/OA). |
SoWEMRendererDecorateMesh | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | WEMRendering | SoWEM | Adds an Inventor scene directly before the faces. |
SoWEMRendererEdges | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | WEMRendering | SoWEM | Renders the edges of WEMPatches. |
SoWEMRendererNodes | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | WEMRendering | SoWEM | Renders the nodes of WEMPatches. |
SoWEMRendererNormals | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | WEMRendering | SoWEM | Renders the node normals of WEMPatches. |
SoWEMRendererTangents | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | WEMRendering | SoWEM | Allows to send tangents as vertex attributes |
SoWEMRendererVertexAttributes | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | WEMRendering | SoWEM | Allows to send PVLs as vertex attributes |
WEMDicomLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Load a WEM from a DICOM file |
WEMDicomSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Store a WEM to a DICOM file |
WEMInitialize | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMGenerate | MLWEMModules | Initializes a WEM with a simple shape. |
WEMInspector | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Inspectors | | Inspector for WEM surfaces. |
WEMInteract | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | WEMInteraction | | Remove or select parts of the WEM based on a 2D drawn contour. |
WEMLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMGenerate | MLWEMModules | Loads a WEM from disk. |
WEMMerge | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMProcessing | MLWEMModules | Merges multiple WEMs |
WEMModify | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMProcessing | MLWEMModules | Modifies all nodes or faces of a WEM. |
WEMReducePolygons | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMProcessing | MLWEMModules | Simplifies a WEM by using the quadric error metrics. |
WEMSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMPersistence | MLWEMModules | Saves a WEM to disc in various formats. |
WEMSceneLoader | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | WEMSceneLoader | Allows to load wem patches from meshes of various format. |
WEMSmooth | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMProcessing | MLWEMModules | Smoothes a WEM with various algorithms. |
WEMSubdivide | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMProcessing | MLWEMModules | Subdivides a WEM by splitting edges. |
WEMThreshold | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMProcessing | MLWEMModules | Removes nodes with a PVL value outside an interval. |
WEMThresholdToCSO | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMProcessing | MLWEMModules | Outputs CSOs at PVL interval borders |
surfaces |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
WEMVascularSystem | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMGenerate | MLWEMModules | Vessel Visualization with Convolution Surfaces |
swap |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
InterleaveDimension | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLGeometry1 | Merges a dimension sequentially into another one |
sweep |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
WEMExtrudeCSO | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMProcessing | MLWEMModules | Extrudes one or several contours to a surface |
switch |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BaseBypass | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Bypass base input or not. |
FieldBypass | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLMiscModules | Switch on/off field notification |
SoBypass | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Disconnects Inventor sub-graph from scene |
SoToggle | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | InventorGroup | SoUtils | Toggles the rendering of the contained scene graph |
SoView2DEnlargeOnClick | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2D | Switches to single image from tiled images on click onto a slice |
synchronize |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SyncFloat | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Synchronizes two floating point fields, breaking loops if the values don't differ by an epsilon |
SyncVector | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Vector | | Synchronizes the two vector in both directions, breaking loops if the values dont differ by epsilon |
synchronized |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoCalculator | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Fields | SoUtils | General calculator for float and vector3f fields |
SoPlaneSync | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Plane | SoUtils | Calculates a parallel plane from a plane given by a position and a rotation |
system |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ModuleDependencyAnalyzer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Inspectors | | Check dependencies of modules. |
ModuleDependencyAnalyzerTestMacro | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | |
OSType | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Info | | Macro provides field connections to control os-dependent information flow |
Reformat | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLResample1 | Reformats image0 into coordinate system of image1 by interpolation and can also be used in cooperation with the SoView2DOverlay module. |
RuntimeView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Module to give an overview about currently registered runtime types |
SoAxis | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Visualization | SoUtils | Draws a 3D coordinate system |
table |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ApplyLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | Apply LUT to an ML image |
ChangeLUTColor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | Apply color, intensity and/or alpha factors to a LUT |
DicomLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | Generate modality and/or VOI LUT from an image's DICOM tags, optionally compose with input LUT |
DicomPaletteLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | Generate color palette LUT from an image's DICOM tags |
DisplayLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | LUT | | LUT viewer displaying a LUT as a diagram and as a color bar |
DRRLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Projection | MLDRR | Generates LUTs for LUT based projections of the DRR module |
EvaluateRelativeLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | LUT | | Evaluates the input LUT at a defined position and returns the color. |
ImageToLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | Convert an ML image to a 1/2/3D-LUT |
LinearLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | A simple color/gray wedge LUT |
LUTBlend | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | Generate an nD-LUT by blending two input LUTs |
LUTChannelMap | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | maps the channels of the input lut to the channels of the output lut |
LUTCombiner | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | combines several LUTs |
LUTCompose | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | Compose several input LUTs to a single output LUT by chained evaluation of the input LUTs |
LUTConcat | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | Concatenate several input LUTs to a single 2D- or 3D-output LUT |
LUTCurve | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | Convert a LUT into a curve object |
LUTDuplicate | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | Duplicate input LUT to a single 2D- or 3D-output LUT |
LUTInfo | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | Display properties of a LUT object |
LUTPrimitive | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | A single channel LUT with predefined primitives of different shapes |
LUTRescale | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | Rescale a LUT's index range |
LUTSelect | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | Select a 1D-LUT from a specified row/layer of a 2D- or 3D-LUT |
LUTToMLImage | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | Convert a 1/2/3D-LUT to an ML image |
MLLUTInspector | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Inspectors | | Inspector for LUT objects. |
RampLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | A pair of RGB/alpha ramp LUTs |
SoLUTEditor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | LUT | SoLUTTools | a lookup table editor for RGBA tables |
SoLUTEditor2D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | LUT | SoLUTTools | a 2D lookup table editor for RGBA tables |
SoMLLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | LUT | SoUtils | Sets an ML look-up table in the state of the inventor scene |
SoMLLUTChangeColor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | LUT | SoUtils | Changes following SoMLLUT as it is done by the ChangeLUTColor module. |
VoxelValueRescale | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Scale | MLMiscModules | Convert voxel values and LUT parameters between stored and output representation |
tag |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DicomTool | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Several DICOM tools: Save slices, send to PACS (storescu, dcmsend), check DICOM connectivity (echoscu). |
MLImageFormatFileCache | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Buffers the input volume in an cache file of ML image format and can protect it from input changes. |
MLImageFormatInfo | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Information module for ML image format |
MLImageFormatLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Load module for ML image format |
MLImageFormatSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Save module for ML image format |
SoLUTEditor2D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | LUT | SoLUTTools | a 2D lookup table editor for RGBA tables |
tags |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DicomTagBrowser | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Display the DICOM tree belonging to an image |
DicomTagModify | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | DICOM | MLImageFile | Modify Dicom tags of an image |
tan |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Arithmetic0 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLMiscModules | simple arithmetic and logic expresions evaluated one or two float or Vector3 arguments, simpler to use than SoCalculator |
template |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
MakeName | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Generates a new filename from an input filename and a template |
temporary |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
MLImageFormatFileCache | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Buffers the input volume in an cache file of ML image format and can protect it from input changes. |
tensor |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TypeArithmetic1 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Collection of unary operations for non scalar voxel types |
TypeArithmetic2 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Binary operations between non scalar types of two input images. |
tensorarithmetic |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TypeArithmetic1 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Collection of unary operations for non scalar voxel types |
TypeArithmetic2 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Binary operations between non scalar types of two input images. |
test |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
FieldTracer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Recorder for Field Notifications |
ListFieldPassThrough | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Test | MLDiagnosis | Simple test module for pass-through of list fields |
RuntimeDump | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Installs a dump function for bad runtime typed object |
TraceView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Test | MLDiagnosis | Shows the current tracing state A garbage module containing invalid settings, programming errors and other bad stuff for testing purposes |
WEMInitialize | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMGenerate | MLWEMModules | Initializes a WEM with a simple shape. |
testcasemanager |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
FieldValueTestCaseConverter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Test | | A module to convert field-value test case sets. |
FieldValueTestCaseEditor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Test | | A module to edit field-value test case sets. |
FieldValueTestCaseGenerator | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Test | | Generates XML with FieldValueTestCases which can be uses with the FieldValueTestCaseEditor, -Iterator and -Converter |
FieldValueTestCaseIterator | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Test | | iterates TestCases of a FieldValueTestCase |
testing |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
AddNoise | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Generators | MLBasicModules | Creates noise based on various models. |
CommandNotifier | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Test | | Notifies buttons of script commands |
ErrorTest | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Test | MLDiagnosis | Prints/Forces different types of messages and forces desired error types |
RampFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Generators | MLBasicModules | Creates a grey value ramp with amplitude and direction; add to input or ramp alone. |
TestCaseManager | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Test | | Manage the TestCenter. |
TestCaseRunner | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Test | | Runs a single test case |
TestCenter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Test | | The new TestCenter |
Tester | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Test | MLDiagnosis | Module to test ML modules |
TestWEMNearestPoint | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Test the MLWEMNearestPointWrapper interactively |
tests |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Tester | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Test | MLDiagnosis | Module to test ML modules |
text |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Comment | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Extras | | Store comments in a network |
Draw3D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Draw | MLMiscModules | Permits drawing some 3D primitives into an image |
Draw3DMacro | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Draw | | Simple Draw3D Editor with input and output. |
PrintCurves | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Diagram | MLCurve | Print curve data into a text field and/or to a text file. |
SoView2DLabel | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2D | Draws a string at a user selected (world) position onto a SoView2D. |
texture |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
KernelMask | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLFilter2 | Puts values of an image area into a kernel with defined extention |
SoImageFileSampler | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoImageSamplers | loads an image file from disk and adds it as a sampler |
SoInheritedFramebufferSampler | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | framebuffer object sampler parameter |
SoMultiPassFramebufferSampler | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | framebuffer object sampler parameter |
TextureFilterOp |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TextureFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLFilter2 | Applies statistic texture filters to an image |
thin |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
LocalMaxima | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLKernel | Kernel filter to detect if a voxel is a local maximum in a defined neighborhood |
thinning |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DtfSkeletonization | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Distance | MLDTF | 3D distance transformation by homotopic thinning, skeletonization |
threads |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CoreControl | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLControl | Interface module to ML core settings |
threshold |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
HistogramVolumetrySimple | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Histogram | MLVolumetry | Computes the volume of a specified gray value interval from a histogram. |
OtsuThreshold | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Segmentation | MLSegmentation | automatic thresholding (Otsu) |
Surround | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Contour | MLKernel | Draws the boundaries of an object specified via a gray value interval. |
thresholding |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
RegionGrowing | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Region | MLSegmentation | Simple 2D/3D/4D region growing operator. |
RegionGrowingMacro | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Region | | Wraps the RegionGrowing module to simplify its usage. |
thresholds |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
IntervalThreshold | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Segmentation | MLMiscModules | Simple Segmentation with one or two thresholds. |
ticks |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoAxis | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Visualization | SoUtils | Draws a 3D coordinate system |
tie |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TypeComposer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Composes different images to a new image of other voxel type |
TypeComposerN | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Composes different images to a new image of other voxel type |
TypeFromDimension | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Extracts non scalar voxels from a certain image dimension. |
TypeFromScalars | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Composes a type from scalar components of all voxels. |
tiff |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
AsyncMemoryImageLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLAsyncImageLoaders | Loads an image from disk into a memory image asynchronously. |
ImageLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FileMain | MLImageFile | Loads an image. |
ImageSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | FileMain | MLImageFile | Saves an image to a file |
tile |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PythonImage | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLPythonImageProcessing | allows to set an image from python |
time |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Arithmetic0 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLMiscModules | simple arithmetic and logic expresions evaluated one or two float or Vector3 arguments, simpler to use than SoCalculator |
DynaCurve | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Diagram | MLDynaCurve | Extract time curves from dynamic image data |
IdleTrigger | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLMiscModulesInv | Triggers another field periodically after a certain time |
Info | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Info | MLBasicModules | Display properties of input image |
StopWatch | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Extras | | Perform time measurements |
WEMPerformance | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | WEMInformation | | Measures the processing time of all MLWEM modules in a network. |
timecounter |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Counter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Counter for integer numbers |
timepoint |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DicomFrameSelect | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | DICOM | MLImageFile | Selects the DICOM sub-tree for a specified z-slice and time point. |
DicomFrameTagInfo | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | DICOM | MLImageFile | Displays information about the shared and frame specific values of a given DICOM tag. |
timepoints |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ROISelect | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Subimage | | Allows to select a volume of interest interactively. For 4d images, all or one specific timepoint is selected. |
timer |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Counter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Counter for integer numbers |
SoInventorFieldBridge | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | MLMiscModulesInv | Helper module to connect a Inventor engine field with a ML field |
TimeCounter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Provides a timer driven counter. |
timeseries |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SortSlices4D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLGeometry1 | Sorting of slices of 4d image that have been imported erroneously as 3d image. |
toinputimage |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ChangePageExtent | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | ImageMain | MLBasicModules | Change the page extent of the image |
tool |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
StringSplit | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Splits a string into its components and provides a field for every component. |
trace |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CoreControl | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLControl | Interface module to ML core settings |
FieldListener | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Display name, type and value of a connected field |
MatrixArithmetic | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLCoordUtils1 | Standard matrix operations for (two) 4x4 homogenous matrices. |
RuntimeDump | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Installs a dump function for bad runtime typed object |
TypeArithmetic1 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Collection of unary operations for non scalar voxel types |
tracing |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
MemoryTracer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Counts and memory allocations frees and memory block exceeds in windows debug mode it |
track |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
RuntimeDump | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Installs a dump function for bad runtime typed object |
transfer |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
RemoteMasterFile | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Remote | MLRemoteFileTransfer | transfer files to/from a remote module |
RemoteSlaveFile | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Remote | MLRemoteFileTransfer | transfer files to/from a local module |
Window | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLMiscModules | Apply window/level to integer gray value images |
transform |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
MultiFieldInventorTrafo | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Coordinate | MLCoordUtils1 | Transform between inventor and ml multifields |
OrthoReformat3 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLCoordUtils1 | Reformat for sagittal, coronal and transversal view. |
OrthoSwapFlip | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLCoordUtils1 | Swap and flip coordinates, select view direction. |
Radon | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Projection | MLTransformation | 2D Radon Transform |
Reformat | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLResample1 | Reformats image0 into coordinate system of image1 by interpolation and can also be used in cooperation with the SoView2DOverlay module. |
SetWorldMatrix | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Coordinate | MLCoordUtils1 | Copy voxel-to-world-matrix from reference image or compose using elementary transforms |
WEMModify | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMProcessing | MLWEMModules | Modifies all nodes or faces of a WEM. |
WorldVoxelConvert | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Coordinate | MLCoordUtils1 | Convert world in voxel coordinates and vice versa. |
transformation |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ImagePropertyConvert | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | ImageMain | MLBasicModules | Converts image properties. |
RampBias | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Filters | | Multiplies image with linear function in order to simulate or compensate for bias field. |
SeparateBits | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Scale | MLVolumetry | Spreads all gray levels that occur in an image to separate bits, and reverse. |
translate |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
AffineTransformation2D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | SpatialTransformation | MLTransformation | affine transformation using MPR |
AffineTransformation3D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | SpatialTransformation | MLTransformation | affine transformation using MPR |
CSOAffineTransformationModificator | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOModule | MLCSOModules | Transforms a list of selected CSOs by a 4x4 matrix. |
CSOVoxelSetToImage | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOModule | MLCSOModules | Converts CSOVoxelSets to an ML image for testing. |
CSOVoxelSetToMarkerList | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOModule | MLCSOModules | Converts a CSOVoxelSetList to a XMarkerList for testing. |
FieldShift | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Shifts field contents out0-out9 forward if input is changed. Then it puts input into out0. |
MIPlaneDragger | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Interaction | | Plane dragger with Managed Interaction |
SoDiagram2DAxisZoom | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Diagram | SoDiagram2D | Zooms a diagram independently in x and y direction and to shift along an axis. |
SoMIDraggerContainer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoManagedInteractionDraggers | Container for Managed Interaction draggers |
SoMITranslate1Dragger | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoManagedInteractionDraggers | Translation along one axis dragger with Managed Interaction |
SoMITranslate2Dragger | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoManagedInteractionDraggers | Translation in a plane dragger with Managed Interaction |
WEMModify | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMProcessing | MLWEMModules | Modifies all nodes or faces of a WEM. |
translation |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BoolInt | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Translate between a bool and an integer field |
BoolString | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Translate between a bool and a string field |
SetWorldMatrix | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Coordinate | MLCoordUtils1 | Copy voxel-to-world-matrix from reference image or compose using elementary transforms |
SoView2DTranslationRotation | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoView2D | allows to do a trackball interaction on the slice, can be used to position mprs interactively |
TestMultiLanguage | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Testing the translation features of mevislab |
TransformEdit | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Coordinate | MLMiscModulesInv | Editing a transformation matrix incrementally and interactively |
transparency |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ChangeLUTColor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | Apply color, intensity and/or alpha factors to a LUT |
PostEffectRenderer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | View3D | | offers a typical configuration of the SoPostEffectRenderer |
SoDepthPeelRenderer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Visualization | SoRenderers | renders a scene with depth peeling |
transversal |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
OrthoReformat3 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLCoordUtils1 | Reformat for sagittal, coronal and transversal view. |
OrthoSwapFlip | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLCoordUtils1 | Swap and flip coordinates, select view direction. |
trash |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TraceView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Test | MLDiagnosis | Shows the current tracing state A garbage module containing invalid settings, programming errors and other bad stuff for testing purposes |
traversal |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoActionLog | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Visualization | SoUtils | log currently passing action |
SoActionNotify | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Visualization | SoUtils | Touches trigger fields on certain actions |
tree |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DicomTagBrowser | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Display the DICOM tree belonging to an image |
treedata |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
WEMVascularSystem | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMGenerate | MLWEMModules | Vessel Visualization with Convolution Surfaces |
triangle |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Draw3D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Draw | MLMiscModules | Permits drawing some 3D primitives into an image |
Draw3DMacro | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Draw | | Simple Draw3D Editor with input and output. |
SoDiagram2DRuler | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Diagram | SoDiagram2D | Measures interactively distances in a diagram. |
triangulate |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
WEMModify | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMProcessing | MLWEMModules | Modifies all nodes or faces of a WEM. |
tricubic |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Resample3D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLGeometry1 | Interpolation in 3d on arbitrary planar parallel grid. 17 filters available |
trigger |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
RunPythonScript | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | FlowControl | | This macro allows to execute Python scripts from within a MeVisLab network |
trilinear |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Resample3D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLGeometry1 | Interpolation in 3d on arbitrary planar parallel grid. 17 filters available |
trim |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
StringUtils | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLMiscModules | A collection of various string utilities |
triquadratic |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Resample3D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLGeometry1 | Interpolation in 3d on arbitrary planar parallel grid. 17 filters available |
Truncate |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Round | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Image | MLBasicModules | Converts a float image to an integer image using Round, Floor, or Ceil. |
tumor |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
FuzzyConnectDistance | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fuzzy | MLFuzzy | Uses distance-based fuzzy connectedness for the segmentation of an image. |
tutorial |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TestBatchCommand | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | testing the batch commandline facility |
twin |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SynchroView2D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | View2D | | Two 2D viewers synchronized via their world coordinates. |
type |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DicomRescale | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | DICOM | MLImageFile | Rescales (DICOM) images to user-defined (DICOM) intercept and slope values |
DynamicStylePalette | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Visualization | MLBase | Provides a dynamic number of colors, line and marker styles. |
ImagePropertyConvert | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | ImageMain | MLBasicModules | Converts image properties. |
Info | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Info | MLBasicModules | Display properties of input image |
MinMaxScan | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Info | MLMiscModules | Determines correct minimum and maximum values and the adequate data type of an input image. |
RuntimeView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Module to give an overview about currently registered runtime types |
Scale | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Scale | MLMiscModules | Scales data from input to output with possible data type conversion. |
StylePalette | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Visualization | MLBase | Provides colors, curve styles and marker type settings. |
uid |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DicomTagViewer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | DICOM | MLImageFile | Shows DICOM tags of an image |
DicomTool | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Several DICOM tools: Save slices, send to PACS (storescu, dcmsend), check DICOM connectivity (echoscu). |
unary |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TypeArithmetic1 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Collection of unary operations for non scalar voxel types |
undo |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoUndoActions | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoInteractionControllers | Provides undo and redo command actions with default shortcuts |
UndoManager | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLUndoContext | Provide an undo/redo stack to be used by other modules. |
uniform |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
AddNoise | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Generators | MLBasicModules | Creates noise based on various models. |
union |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
WEMLevelSetBoolean | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLOpenVDB | allows to perform boolean operations on WEM meshes using a level set representation |
unique |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
MakeName | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Generates a new filename from an input filename and a template |
unit |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TestCenter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Test | | The new TestCenter |
VoxelValueRescale | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Scale | MLMiscModules | Convert voxel values and LUT parameters between stored and output representation |
units |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DicomRescale | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | DICOM | MLImageFile | Rescales (DICOM) images to user-defined (DICOM) intercept and slope values |
unix |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
OSType | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Info | | Macro provides field connections to control os-dependent information flow |
unpack |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
TypeDecomposer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Decomposes all voxel components to different images |
TypeDecomposerN | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Decomposes all voxel components to different images |
TypeToScalars | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Decomposes all voxel components to scalars |
unsigned |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
MinMaxScan | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Info | MLMiscModules | Determines correct minimum and maximum values and the adequate data type of an input image. |
Scale | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Scale | MLMiscModules | Scales data from input to output with possible data type conversion. |
upper |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
StringUtils | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLMiscModules | A collection of various string utilities |
user |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DynamicStylePalette | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Visualization | MLBase | Provides a dynamic number of colors, line and marker styles. |
StylePalette | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Visualization | MLBase | Provides colors, curve styles and marker type settings. |
user-defined |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoView2DAnnotation | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2D | Draws annotations (dicom and userdefined) on the SoView2D |
valence |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
WEMGenerateStatistics | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMProcessing | MLWEMModules | Add statistical primitive value list to nodes, edges and faces. |
value |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ApplyLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | Apply LUT to an ML image |
BitMaskConvert | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Image | MLFilter2 | Set/Clears/Inverts certain bit planes in an image in dependency of a second input image as mask |
CurveCursor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Diagram | MLCurve | Pick curve values and display curve cursor |
DiscardNegative | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Image | MLBasicModules | Replaces negative voxels by 0. Algorithm optimized for this special task, faster than IntervalThreshold. |
ImagePropertyConvert | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | ImageMain | MLBasicModules | Converts image properties. |
ObjectInspector | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Allows inspecting, editing and extraction of field values of ML objects that support TreeNode-Export. |
SoView2DVoxelView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2D | SoView2D | SoView2D extension for detailed voxel viewing |
WEMGenerateStatistics | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMProcessing | MLWEMModules | Add statistical primitive value list to nodes, edges and faces. |
variables |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CoreControl | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLControl | Interface module to ML core settings |
variance |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ImageStatistics | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Statistics | MLMiscModules | Compute statistical values for a complete image or slice by slice |
MarkerStatistics | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Marker | MLGeometry1 | Compute statistics on a marker list |
OrthoProjection | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLGeometry1 | Projects a volume dataset along a given dimension |
StandardDeviation | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLKernel | Kernel filter to calculate the standard deviation or variance of a voxel neighbourhood defined by the kernel |
TextureFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLFilter2 | Applies statistic texture filters to an image |
varianz |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
StandardDeviation | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLKernel | Kernel filter to calculate the standard deviation or variance of a voxel neighbourhood defined by the kernel |
vascular |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ConnectEdges | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLGraphEditing | Connects edges in a graph |
DisconnectEdges | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLGraphEditing | Disconnects or removes edges in a graph |
GetTreeLabels | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLGraphEditing | Retrieves tree labels |
GraphManager | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLGraphEditing | Enables graph editing with undo/redo |
LabelByThresholdedVolume | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLGraphEditing | Sets labels for image voxel values under the skeleton positions |
LabelFromEdgeToLeaves | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLGraphEditing | Sets labels from a selected down to the leaves |
LabelSelectedTree | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLGraphEditing | Sets labels to a selected tree |
LabelTrees | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLGraphEditing | Sets labels to trees in order of descending size |
RemoveTree | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLGraphEditing | Removes a tree |
SetLabelToTreeDepth | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLGraphEditing | Sets labels accordings to tree depth from roots to leaves |
SetRoot | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLGraphEditing | Sets a new root in a tree |
SplitGraph | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLGraphEditing | Splits a graph and removes trees if label values criterion is not met |
VascularInspector | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Inspectors | | Inspector for vascular systems (more general: for MLGraph). |
vector |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Arithmetic0 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLMiscModules | simple arithmetic and logic expresions evaluated one or two float or Vector3 arguments, simpler to use than SoCalculator |
CalculateAngle | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Geometry | MLCoordUtils1 | Calculates angle between two vectors |
CalculateGradient | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Filters | MLFilter1 | Calculates the gradient image in all directions |
ComposeMatrix | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Coordinate | MLCoordUtils1 | Composes matrix from float values or vectors |
So3DMarkerEditor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | So3DXMarker | visualization and interactive placement of markers in three dimensions |
So3DMarkerRenderer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | So3DXMarker | visualization of markers in three dimensions |
SoTensorFieldVis | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | DTIVisualization | SoTensorFieldVis | 3D Visualization of DTI images, vector fields and tensor fields |
SoView2DArrowHeadSettings | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoView2D | Adjusts rendering settings of the arrow heads of vector markers. |
SoView2DDeformationGridView | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2D | SoView2D | SoView2D extension for displaying a deformation grid as an image overlay. |
SoView2DMarkerEditor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoView2DMarkerEditor | Manages a list of markers that can be selected and are drawn on the SoView2D |
TypeArithmetic1 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Collection of unary operations for non scalar voxel types |
TypeArithmetic2 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Binary operations between non scalar types of two input images. |
TypeComposer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Composes different images to a new image of other voxel type |
TypeComposerN | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Composes different images to a new image of other voxel type |
TypeDecomposer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Decomposes all voxel components to different images |
TypeDecomposerN | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Decomposes all voxel components to different images |
TypeFromDimension | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Extracts non scalar voxels from a certain image dimension. |
TypeFromScalars | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Composes a type from scalar components of all voxels. |
TypeToScalars | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Decomposes all voxel components to scalars |
XMarkerListContainer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Marker | MLBase | Container for a string list object. |
Vector3 |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Arithmetic0 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLMiscModules | simple arithmetic and logic expresions evaluated one or two float or Vector3 arguments, simpler to use than SoCalculator |
vectorfloat |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DecomposeVector3 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Vector | MLCoordUtils1 | Decomposes vector3 to single float values |
DecomposeVector4 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Vector | MLCoordUtils1 | Decomposes vector4 to single float values |
vectors |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DecomposeMatrix | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Coordinate | MLCoordUtils1 | Decomposes matrix to vectors |
vectorvalues |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DecomposeVector3 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Vector | MLCoordUtils1 | Decomposes vector3 to single float values |
DecomposeVector4 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Vector | MLCoordUtils1 | Decomposes vector4 to single float values |
vertex |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoCheckShaderSupport | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | check for shader support |
SoClearShaderState | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | clear shader-related elements in traversal state |
SoFragmentShader | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | fragment shader |
SoGeometryShader | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | geometry shader |
SoGLRenderState | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | modify OpenGL state |
SoMLImageProperties | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoMLSupport | set ML image properties in Open Inventor state |
SoMLSampler1D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader sampler 1D parameter |
SoMLSampler2D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader sampler 2D parameter |
SoMLSampler3D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader sampler 3D parameter |
SoMLSamplerCubeMap | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader sampler cubemap parameter |
SoMultiplePass | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | render scene multiple times |
SoShaderParameter1f | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader float parameter |
SoShaderParameter1fv | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader float array parameter |
SoShaderParameter1i | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader 1 integer parameter |
SoShaderParameter2f | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader 2 float parameter |
SoShaderParameter2i | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader 2 integer parameters |
SoShaderParameter3f | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader 3 float parameter |
SoShaderParameter3i | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader 3 integer parameters |
SoShaderParameter4f | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader 4 float parameter |
SoShaderParameterColor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader color parameter |
SoShaderParameterMatrix | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader matrix parameter |
SoShaderParameterMLImageProperties | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader ML image properties parameter |
SoShaderParameterMLImageSize | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader ML image size parameter |
SoShaderParameterPlane | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader plane parameter |
SoShaderParameterRotation | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader rotation parameter |
SoShaderProgram | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoShader | shader program |
vertical |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoDiagram2DRuler | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Diagram | SoDiagram2D | Measures interactively distances in a diagram. |
vessel |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ConnectEdges | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLGraphEditing | Connects edges in a graph |
DisconnectEdges | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLGraphEditing | Disconnects or removes edges in a graph |
GetTreeLabels | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLGraphEditing | Retrieves tree labels |
GraphManager | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLGraphEditing | Enables graph editing with undo/redo |
HessianFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Kernel | MLFilter2 | Vesselness filter similar to Frangi et al. |
LabelByThresholdedVolume | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLGraphEditing | Sets labels for image voxel values under the skeleton positions |
LabelFromEdgeToLeaves | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLGraphEditing | Sets labels from a selected down to the leaves |
LabelSelectedTree | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLGraphEditing | Sets labels to a selected tree |
LabelTrees | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLGraphEditing | Sets labels to trees in order of descending size |
RemoveTree | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLGraphEditing | Removes a tree |
SetLabelToTreeDepth | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLGraphEditing | Sets labels accordings to tree depth from roots to leaves |
SetRoot | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLGraphEditing | Sets a new root in a tree |
SoVascularSystem | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | VesselVis | SoVascularSystem | Visualizes a vascular system and allows for some interaction |
SplitGraph | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLGraphEditing | Splits a graph and removes trees if label values criterion is not met |
WEMVascularSystem | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMGenerate | MLWEMModules | Vessel Visualization with Convolution Surfaces |
vessels |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DtfSkeletonization | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Distance | MLDTF | 3D distance transformation by homotopic thinning, skeletonization |
FuzzyConnectDistance | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fuzzy | MLFuzzy | Uses distance-based fuzzy connectedness for the segmentation of an image. |
video |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
AnimationRecorder | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | |
VideoWriterInventor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLVideoWriter | |
VideoWriterML | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLVideoWriter | |
view |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
RuntimeDump | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Inspectors | MLDiagnosis | Installs a dump function for bad runtime typed object |
SoCameraAnimation | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoCameraAnimation | Rotates a camera around an inventor scene in a smooth pan. |
SoCameraInteraction | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoCameraInteraction | Control camera/headlight with mouse. |
SoFocus | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoUtils | General facility to detect focus changes |
VascularInspector | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Inspectors | | Inspector for vascular systems (more general: for MLGraph). |
view2d |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoMLLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | LUT | SoUtils | Sets an ML look-up table in the state of the inventor scene |
SoMLLUTChangeColor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | LUT | SoUtils | Changes following SoMLLUT as it is done by the ChangeLUTColor module. |
view2Dextension |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoView2DMenu | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2DMenu | Popup Menu Node For 2D Viewing |
SoView2DMenuItem | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2DMenu | Item For View2D Menus |
SoView2DMenuItems | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | View2DExtended | | Macro containing 10 SoView2DItem nodes under a group node |
view3d |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoMLLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | LUT | SoUtils | Sets an ML look-up table in the state of the inventor scene |
SoMLLUTChangeColor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | LUT | SoUtils | Changes following SoMLLUT as it is done by the ChangeLUTColor module. |
viewall |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoCameraInteraction | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoCameraInteraction | Control camera/headlight with mouse. |
viewer |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CurveInspector | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Inspectors | | Inspector for CurveData/CurveList objects. |
GVROrthoView2D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | View2D | | Orthogonal viewer using GVR volume |
JointDisplay | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Image | MLJointHist | Merges two images for joint display. |
OrthoView2D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | View2D | | Orthogonal viewer |
RegistrationManual | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Registration | | Manual 3D rigid body registration |
SoMLLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | LUT | SoUtils | Sets an ML look-up table in the state of the inventor scene |
SoMLLUTChangeColor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | LUT | SoUtils | Changes following SoMLLUT as it is done by the ChangeLUTColor module. |
SoOrientationInset | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Visualization | SoOrientation | displays a scene graph as inset with the same orientation as the main scene |
SoOrientationModel | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Visualization | SoOrientation | displays several predefined models |
SoOrthoView2D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2D | SoView2D | 2D viewer that show three orthogonal viewers and allows different layout types |
SoRenderArea | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View3D | SoViewers | Simple viewer with no interaction, nice to use with SoView2D |
SoView2D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2D | SoView2D | 2D viewer that draws slices and sends drawing and mouse/keyboard events to its extensions |
View2D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | View2D | | 2D Viewer with optional inventor inputs (NOT for use in applications) |
View3D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | View3D | | 3D volume renderer with optional inventor inputs |
viewport |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoImagePlane | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Shader | SoFrameBufferObjects | screen aligned image plane |
visual |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
LUTInfo | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | Display properties of a LUT object |
visualization |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoTensorFieldVis | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | DTIVisualization | SoTensorFieldVis | 3D Visualization of DTI images, vector fields and tensor fields |
SoView2DScene | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2DScene | 2D slice visualization of connected scene |
SoWEMRenderer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | WEMRendering | SoWEM | Renders a WEM to OpenInventor |
SoWEMRendererBoundingBox | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | WEMRendering | SoWEM | Renders the bounding boxes of WEMPatches (AA/OA). |
SoWEMRendererDecorateMesh | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | WEMRendering | SoWEM | Adds an Inventor scene directly before the faces. |
SoWEMRendererEdges | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | WEMRendering | SoWEM | Renders the edges of WEMPatches. |
SoWEMRendererNodes | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | WEMRendering | SoWEM | Renders the nodes of WEMPatches. |
SoWEMRendererNormals | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | WEMRendering | SoWEM | Renders the node normals of WEMPatches. |
SoWEMRendererTangents | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | WEMRendering | SoWEM | Allows to send tangents as vertex attributes |
SoWEMRendererVertexAttributes | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | WEMRendering | SoWEM | Allows to send PVLs as vertex attributes |
WEMVascularSystem | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMGenerate | MLWEMModules | Vessel Visualization with Convolution Surfaces |
voi |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
DicomLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | Generate modality and/or VOI LUT from an image's DICOM tags, optionally compose with input LUT |
ModifyRegion | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Region | | Allows up- or downsizing of an ROI by absolute mm or voxel offsets or a relative fraction in x,y and z dimension. |
ROISelect | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Subimage | | Allows to select a volume of interest interactively. For 4d images, all or one specific timepoint is selected. |
volume |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Arithmetic0 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLMiscModules | simple arithmetic and logic expresions evaluated one or two float or Vector3 arguments, simpler to use than SoCalculator |
BoundingBox | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Subimage | MLMiscModules | Extracts the bounding box of an object given by an interval from an image |
BoundingBox | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Subimage | MLMiscModules | Extracts the bounding box of an object given by an interval from an image |
Compose3DFrom2DFiles | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Creates a 3d image from 2d images with the same size. This can be used to create a ML image from a set of tiff slices. |
ImageLoadMulti | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Provides convenient access to sets of images. |
ImageStatistics | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Statistics | MLMiscModules | Compute statistical values for a complete image or slice by slice |
ROISelect | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Subimage | | Allows to select a volume of interest interactively. For 4d images, all or one specific timepoint is selected. |
SoGVRMeanIPMode | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | VolRendExtensions | SoGVR | implements a mean/average intensity projection as GVR extension |
SoGVRTagObjectStyle | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | VolRendExtensions | SoGVR | allows to extend the SoGVRVolumeRenderer with shading parameters per tag object id |
SoPathTracerVolume | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoPathTracer | Adds a volume to a SoPathTracer. |
SoView2DContour | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2DContour | Calculates and draws multiple contours in 2D or 3D objects |
VOISelect2D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Subimage | | Often the roi shall be selected in x and y only while preserving all slices. |
VoxelizeInventorScene | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Visualization | MLVoxelizeInvScene | Voxelizes an arbitrary inventor scene into a volume |
VoxelizeInventorSceneGPU | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLVoxelizeInventorSceneGPU | implements voxelization using the GPU |
voronoi |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
EuclideanDistanceTransform | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Distance | MLDTF | calculates the euclidean distance image in 1D, 2D or 3D. It is also possible to calculate the Voronoi division. |
voxel |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ApplyLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | Apply LUT to an ML image |
DiscardNegative | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Image | MLBasicModules | Replaces negative voxels by 0. Algorithm optimized for this special task, faster than IntervalThreshold. |
ImagePropertyConvert | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | ImageMain | MLBasicModules | Converts image properties. |
Info | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Info | MLBasicModules | Display properties of input image |
ModifyRegion | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Region | | Allows up- or downsizing of an ROI by absolute mm or voxel offsets or a relative fraction in x,y and z dimension. |
SetWorldMatrix | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Coordinate | MLCoordUtils1 | Copy voxel-to-world-matrix from reference image or compose using elementary transforms |
TypeFromDimension | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Extracts non scalar voxels from a certain image dimension. |
TypeFromScalars | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Composes a type from scalar components of all voxels. |
TypeToScalars | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | NonScalar | MLTypeSupport | Decomposes all voxel components to scalars |
voxelization |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Raster | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Draw | MLMiscModules | Rasters an object (list) into an image. |
RasterFunctions | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Draw | MLMiscModules | A collection of raster functions. |
VoxelizeInventorScene | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Visualization | MLVoxelizeInvScene | Voxelizes an arbitrary inventor scene into a volume |
voxelize |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CSOGenerateSmoothSurfaceFromSparseContours | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOModule | MLCSOModules | Generates a smooth surface for sparsly distributed, arbitrarily oriented but plane, and closed contours, and voxelizes that surface into an ML image. |
CSOVoxelizeContours | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOModule | MLCSOModules | Voxelizes all closed, plane contours into an ML image. |
CSOVoxelSetToImage | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | CSOModule | MLCSOModules | Converts CSOVoxelSets to an ML image for testing. |
SliceDistanceTransform | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | SliceDistanceTransform | Computes a slice-wise distance transform and can also interpolate slices in-between |
WEMLevelSetRemesh | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLOpenVDB | remesh a WEM using a level set representation |
voxels |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BoundingBox | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Subimage | MLMiscModules | Extracts the bounding box of an object given by an interval from an image |
CalculateVolume | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Volumetry | MLVolumetry | Calculates voxel volume and number of voxels in interval, also for all timepoints and individual timepoints |
ImageStatistics | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Statistics | MLMiscModules | Compute statistical values for a complete image or slice by slice |
SubImageStatistics | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Statistics | MLMiscModules | do statistics on selectable dimensions of an image |
vrml |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoSceneWriter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | InventorFile | SoUtils | Writes the scene graph to a file (diverse formats). |
wall |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
LUTPrimitive | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | A single channel LUT with predefined primitives of different shapes |
warning |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
MessageBox | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | GUI | | Configurable message dialog |
MessageBoxExt | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | GUI | | Configurable message dialog with additional elements |
SoWEMDiagnosis | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | WEMInformation | SoWEM | Displays WEM information with an Inventor scene |
watch |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
LapTimer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Extras | MLMiscModules | Lap Timer to measure times. Used in HepaVision for automatic logging of times for each image processing step. |
watershed |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SeparateBits | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Scale | MLVolumetry | Spreads all gray levels that occur in an image to separate bits, and reverse. |
wedge |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
LinearLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | A simple color/gray wedge LUT |
RampFilter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Generators | MLBasicModules | Creates a grey value ramp with amplitude and direction; add to input or ramp alone. |
weickert |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Diffusion | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Diffusion | MLDiffusion1 | Nonlinear Diffusion Filter |
weight |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ImageStatistics | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Statistics | MLMiscModules | Compute statistical values for a complete image or slice by slice |
SubImageStatistics | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Statistics | MLMiscModules | do statistics on selectable dimensions of an image |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CSOToSurface | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLOpenVDB | creates a WEM surface from a list of CSOs |
IsoSurface | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | IsoSurf | | Generates a WEM iso surface and provides smoothing and polygon reduction. |
MarkersToSurface | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLOpenVDB | creates a WEM surface from a marker list by rasterizing the markers as spheres |
SoCSODrawOnSurface | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | SoCSO | SoCSO | Allows to draw CSOs on 3D surfaces. |
WEMInitialize | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | WEMGenerate | MLWEMModules | Initializes a WEM with a simple shape. |
wheel |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoGenericOffsetAction | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoInteractionControllers | Generic offset action supporting the Managed Interaction scheme |
white |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
AddNoise | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Generators | MLBasicModules | Creates noise based on various models. |
widget |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoView2DRigidRegistrationEditor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2D | SoView2D | manual rigid registration editor |
width |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
LUTPrimitive | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | A single channel LUT with predefined primitives of different shapes |
RampLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | A pair of RGB/alpha ramp LUTs |
VoxelValueRescale | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Scale | MLMiscModules | Convert voxel values and LUT parameters between stored and output representation |
Window | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLMiscModules | Apply window/level to integer gray value images |
window |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
LUTPrimitive | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | A single channel LUT with predefined primitives of different shapes |
RampLUT | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLLUTTools | A pair of RGB/alpha ramp LUTs |
windows |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
OSType | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Info | | Macro provides field connections to control os-dependent information flow |
woodcock |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoPathTracerVolume | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoPathTracer | Adds a volume to a SoPathTracer. |
workflow |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ImageLoadMulti | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Provides convenient access to sets of images. |
world |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
GetVoxelValue | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Unary | MLBasicModules | Getting the value of an image to a given world coordinate |
Info | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Info | MLBasicModules | Display properties of input image |
MergeRegions | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Subimage | MLGeometry1 | Merges up to 4 different Regions belonging to the same volume. Several merge modes (mask, max, ...) available. |
ModifyRegion | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Region | | Allows up- or downsizing of an ROI by absolute mm or voxel offsets or a relative fraction in x,y and z dimension. |
SoPicking | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoUtils | Helper module for picking in Inventor scenes |
SoSelection2 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoUtils | Helper module for picking in Inventor scenes |
SynchroView2D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | View2D | | Two 2D viewers synchronized via their world coordinates. |
SynchroView2D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | View2D | | Two 2D viewers synchronized via their world coordinates. |
wrap |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
MultiFieldInventorTrafo | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Coordinate | MLCoordUtils1 | Transform between inventor and ml multifields |
write |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
BitImageLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | BitImageIO | MLBitImageTools | Loads a BitImage from file and provides it as ML image and base object |
BitImageSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | BitImageIO | MLBitImageTools | Save an ML image as BitImage with interval segmentation |
FileInformation | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Access file information such as size, creation date and permissions. Can also be used to create valid pathnames from directory, basename and extension and check for existance of files. |
ImageROIsFileCache | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | Caches an image in a file and allows for combining new ROIs into this initial image; useful for combining masks. |
MLImageFormatFileCache | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Buffers the input volume in an cache file of ML image format and can protect it from input changes. |
MLImageFormatInfo | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Information module for ML image format |
MLImageFormatLoad | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Load module for ML image format |
MLImageFormatSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | MLImageFormat | MLImageFormat | Save module for ML image format |
WEMDicomSave | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | DICOM | | Store a WEM to a DICOM file |
writer |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
AnimationRecorder | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | |
x-ray |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Radon | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Projection | MLTransformation | 2D Radon Transform |
XMarker |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
MarkerPCA | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Marker | MLGeometry1 | Does a principal component analysis on the markers. |
MaskToMarkers | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Marker | MLGeometry1 | Create a list of XMarkers from a Mask image |
SoView2DMarkerEditor | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | Interaction | SoView2DMarkerEditor | Manages a list of markers that can be selected and are drawn on the SoView2D |
xmarkerlist |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
CopyList | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLBase | Copies (ListBase-derived) object lists. |
xml |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
EditObject | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Fields | MLParser | Allows the editing of a base object via its XML representation. |
LoadBase | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | File | MLParser | Loads a ml::Base object from a file. |
LocalBase | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | File | | Used to resolve base object files relative to network or to the local MeVisLab installation |
SaveBase | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | File | MLParser | Saves an ml::Base object to a file. |
xor |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Arithmetic0 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | | MLMiscModules | simple arithmetic and logic expresions evaluated one or two float or Vector3 arguments, simpler to use than SoCalculator |
Arithmetic1 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Unary | MLBasicModules | Arithmetic processing of an image |
Arithmetic2 | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Binary | MLBasicModules | Arithmetic processing of two images |
BitConvert | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Image | MLFilter2 | Set/Clears/Inverts certain bit planes in an image |
BitImageArithmetic | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | BitImageTools | MLBitImageTools | Unary and binary operations on a bit image |
BitMaskConvert | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Image | MLFilter2 | Set/Clears/Inverts certain bit planes in an image in dependency of a second input image as mask |
xray |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Radon | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Projection | MLTransformation | 2D Radon Transform |
xyz |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ColorModelConverter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLColor | changes color model of an input image |
yiq |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ColorModelConverter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLColor | changes color model of an input image |
yuv |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
ColorModelConverter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | LUT | MLColor | changes color model of an input image |
z3d |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoSceneWriter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | InventorFile | SoUtils | Writes the scene graph to a file (diverse formats). |
zone |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
SoPointingActionSwitcher | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | Fields | | Switch managed pointing actions depending on mouse cursor position |
zoom |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
Magnify | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Subimage | MLGeometry1 | Extract a region from the input image and scale its voxel-to-world-matrix |
MagnifyMacro | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | | | shows a moveable magnifier rectangle on a SoView2D |
Resample3D | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MLModule | Resample | MLGeometry1 | Interpolation in 3d on arbitrary planar parallel grid. 17 filters available |
SoCameraWidget | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | | SoCameraInteraction | Control existing camera with viewer widgets. |
SoCustomExaminerViewer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View3D | SoCustomViewer | customizable examiner viewer |
SoExaminerViewer | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View3D | SoViewers | The examiner viewer is used to view an OpenInventor scene graph. It stores the current settings and the camera position |
SoView2DAutoCenter | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | InventorModule | View2DExtended | SoView2D | Zooms into a region of a slice. |
View2DExtensions | MeVis Medical Solutions AG | MacroModule | View2D | | Standard, customizable View2D extensions |