
genre Interaction
author MeVis Medical Solutions AG
package MeVisLab/Standard
dll SoUtils
definition utils.def
see also SoSelection, SoPicking, SoSeparator, SoGroup
keywords picking, normal, object, world, coordinates


The module SoSelection2 provides picking (selection) information in an Open Inventor scene.

This module is an extended SoSelection node. It implements a callback function to receive picking information from points which were selected on any child node.


This module has been superseded by SoPicking.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: child, type: SoNode

Output Fields


name: self, type: SoNode

Parameter Fields

Visible Fields


name: policy, type: Enum, default: SHIFT

Defines the selection policy: how to react on left click.


Title Name Description
Single SINGLE Clicking selects the object below the mouse cursor, if there is no object, no object is selected.
Toggle TOGGLE Clicking toggles the selection for the object below the mouse cursor (if any).
Shift SHIFT Clicking without the shift key pressed behaves like SINGLE policy, with shift key the TOGGLE policy is used.

Select Only On Click

name: selectOnlyOnClick, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, only perform selection on a single click, and not after the mouse has been dragged from the initial mouse down position. This serves a similar purpose as Pick Matching but mixes better with other interactions.

Number of Selected Objects

name: numberOfSelectedObjects, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the number of objects selected (note the Policy setting, which determines if more than one object can be selected).

Object (objectVoxel)

name: objectVoxel, type: Vector3, persistent: no, deprecated name: ObjectCoords

Shows the coordinate of the picked point in voxel space.

Object (objectWorld)

name: objectWorld, type: Vector3, persistent: no, deprecated name: WorldCoords

Shows the coordinate of the picked point in world space.

Normal (normalVoxel)

name: normalVoxel, type: Vector3, persistent: no, deprecated name: ObjectNormal

Shows the normal at the picked position in voxel space.

Normal (normalWorld)

name: normalWorld, type: Vector3, persistent: no, deprecated name: WorldNormal

Shows the normal at the picked position in world space.

Texture3 (textureVoxel3)

name: textureVoxel3, type: Vector3, persistent: no, deprecated name: ObjectTextureCoords3

Shows the texture coordinate of the picked position in voxel space as a Vector3.

Texture3 (textureWorld3)

name: textureWorld3, type: Vector3, persistent: no, deprecated name: WorldTextureCoords3

Shows the texture coordinate of the picked position in world space as a Vector3.


name: textureVoxel4, type: Vector4, persistent: no, deprecated name: ObjectTextureCoords4

Shows the texture coordinate of the picked position in voxel space as a Vector4.


name: textureWorld4, type: Vector4, persistent: no, deprecated name: WorldTextureCoords4

Shows the texture coordinate of the picked position in world space as a Vector4.

Pick Matching

name: pickMatching, type: Bool, default: FALSE, deprecated name: PickMatching

If checked, the selection is performed by just pressing the mouse button.

Otherwise, the selection if performed by pressing and releasing the mouse button.