
The module ImageSeparator offers operations to separate an image.

It can separate the lines, columns, or slices up to the 6th dimension of the input image.


If x is the Out Column value, every xth voxel of the selected dimension will be displayed in each of the x output images.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: input0, type: Image

Input image.

Output Fields

The number of active outputs depends on setting of Out Column.

Parameter Fields

Visible Fields

Out Column

name: outColumn, type: Enum, default: 2

Defines the number of columns in which the image should be divided.


Title Name
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6


name: Dimension, type: Enum, default: x

Defines the dimension that should be separated.


Title Name
x x
y y
z z
c c
t t
u u