
The module ComposeRotation simplifies the specification of rotation parameters if the rotation is composed of multiple rotations about different axes.

The module computes the rotation resulting from the composition of two individual rotations or their inverses. The resulting rotation can be inverted as well.


Enter the input rotations in the Rotation 1 and Rotation 2 fields. Check the Invert or Invert boxes if you want to invert the input rotations before computing the composition.

Check the Invert Result field if you want to invert the resulting rotation. For changes in a rotation field to become effective, the corresponding Apply button has to be pressed.


A rotation is represented by the rotation axis as a normalized vector in the x, y, and z component of a rotation field, and the rotation angle in radiants in the d component.

Rotations are normalized by mapping the angle to the interval [0, 2*pi) and by normalizing the axis vector.


Default Panel


Parameter Fields

Field Index

Invert (invert1): Bool
Invert (invert2): Bool
Invert Result: Bool
Result: Rotation
Rotation 1: Rotation
Rotation 2: Rotation

Visible Fields

Rotation 1

name: rotation1, type: Rotation, default: 0 0 1 0

Sets the first input rotation.

Invert (invert1)

name: invert1, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the Rotation 1 is inverted internally.

Rotation 2

name: rotation2, type: Rotation, default: 0 0 1 0

Sets the second input rotation.

Invert (invert2)

name: invert2, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the Rotation 2 is inverted internally.


name: result, type: Rotation, persistent: no

Shows the resulting rotation.

Invert Result

name: invertResult, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the Result is inverted.