
genre GUI
author MeVis Medical Solutions AG
package MeVisLab/Standard
definition dialogs.def
keywords info, alert, warning, confirmation, dialog, display


The module MessageBoxExt displays a modal message dialog box with arbitrary title, message, buttons and an optional icon.

It should be used by applications to display messages or obtain user confirmations.


The application configures the message box by setting the message, title and buttons fields.

Optionally, an icon can be selected in the Icon field, and the Button Width field can be used to specify the width of each button.

Next, the application displays the dialog by touching the show field or by calling showModalDialog("dialog") on the module.

When the dialog is closed, the return value and the Return Code field indicate the number of the button that was pressed, or zero if the dialog has been closed using the window’s close box.






Parameter Fields

Field Index

Button Width: Integer Return Code: Integer
Buttons: String Show: Trigger
Check: Bool Title: String
Check Title: String  
Icon: Enum  
List: String  
List Title: String  
Message: String  

Visible Fields


name: show, type: Trigger

If pressed, the modal message dialog is shown.

This is the same as calling showModalDialog("dialog") on the module.


name: message, type: String, default: Line 1 | Line 2

Sets the message to be displayed. Multiple lines can be separated by vertical bars ( | ).


name: title, type: String

Sets the window title. If left empty, the title can be set using the method’s showModalPanelWithTitle method.

List Title

name: listTitle, type: String

Sets title for the optional list box. If left empty, the list box is not shown.


name: list, type: String

Sets the line entries for the list box separated by the default list box separator.

Check Title

name: checkTitle, type: String

Sets the window title. If left empty, the check box is not shown.


name: check, type: Bool, default: TRUE

Gives an optional boolean flag.


name: buttons, type: String, default: OK, Cancel

Sets the button titles from left to right, separated by commas.

Button Width

name: buttonWidth, type: Integer, default: 80

Sets the width of each button. If set to 0, button widths are selected automatically.


name: icon, type: Enum, default: None

Defines the icon to be displayed beside the message.


Title Name
None None
Alert Alert
Question Question
Critical Critical

Return Code

name: returnCode, type: Integer, default: 0

Shows an integer indicating the button pressed to close the dialog.

Contains 0 if the dialog was closed using the close box in the window title, otherwise the index of the button pressed (numbered from left to right, starting with 1).