genre Resample
author MeVis Medical Solutions AG
package MeVisLab/Standard
dll MLResample1
definition MLResample1.def
see also MPRPath, Reformat
inherits from MPRLight
keywords multi, planar, reformat, interaction, oblique


The module MPR calculates a multi-planar reformatted image from its input image.

The reformatting requires sampling of the input image, which can be performed using different filters. The MPR is optimized (using fixed-point arithmetic) for int8 and int16 types but has a fallback implementation for other basic data types.

Depending on the Memory Access mode, it uses different strategies to access the input image.


The MPR outputs a reformatted slice (or a slice stack if the Size parameter is != 1) that is defined by its center world position (Translation) and a Rotation.

The edge length of the reformatted output slices is given by the Field Of View parameter in millimeters, the resolution is specified by the Output Size parameter in pixels.




The coordinate system of the output image is defined by the coordinate vectors wx, wy, and wz, which denote the direction of the image’s voxel rows, columns, and depth direction, respectively. These vectors are computed from the Rotation parameter R by

(wx, wy, wz) = R (ex, ez, -ey),

where ex, ey, and ez are the unit vectors. This definition, especially the swapping of the y and z-direction, is compatible to the conventions used for Open Inventor draggers, which define the y-axis as the direction normal. Accordingly, the translation and rotation fields of an Inventor Dragger (e.g., SoJackDragger, SoPlaneDragger) can directly be connected to the fields of an MPR module.

In order to obtain the MPR rotation parameter for a given plane normal, compute:

rotation = SbRotation(SbVec3f(0, 1, 0), planeNormal);

If three points p1, p2 and p3 on a plane are given, the plane normal can be computed using the cross product:

SbVec3f dir1 = p2 - p1;
SbVec3f dir2 = p3 - p1;
SbVec3f planeNormal = dir1.cross(dir2);

The voxel-to-world-matrix W of the MPR’s output image is computed from the rotation R and the translation T by

W = T R M S D,


  • D describes the translation from image center to origin (-sx/2, -sy/2, 0),
  • S describes the voxel size, and
  • M rotates y to z and z to -y.

Here is the corresponding code snippet:

double voxelSize = fieldOfView / outputSize;
dir1 = rotation * vec3(1, 0, 0) * voxelSize;
dir2 = rotation * vec3(0, 0, 1) * voxelSize;
dir3 = rotation * vec3(0, -1, 0) * voxelSize;

vec3 trans = translation - outputSize/2*dir1 - outputSize/2*dir2 - 1/2*dir3;

toWorldMatrix = mat4(dir1, dir2, dir3, trans);

The above figure shows an input image box drawn in world coordinates and an MPR slice that defines an oblique slice within this box.

The center of the slice is given as the Translation parameter, the slice normal is given by the Rotation applied to the negative world z-axis.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: input0, type: Image

Input image from which an MPR is computed.

see also MPRLight.input0

Output Fields


name: output0, type: Image

Provides the MPR image slice (or slice stack if Size > 1).

see also MPRLight.output0


name: outputSlice, type: SoNode

An Open Inventor scene representing the MPR slice in 3D (see the Inventor parameter section for relevant options).

Parameter Fields

Visible Fields


name: rotation, type: Rotation, default: 0 0 1 0

Sets the rotation of the MPR slice, mapping the world X-, Y-, and Z-axes to the MPR image’s x-, negative z-, and y-axes, respectively.

The easiest way to edit the rotation is to use an Open Inventor dragger and connect its rotation field to this parameter.


name: translation, type: Vector3, default: 0 0 0

Sets the translation vector to the center of the (first) MPR slice (in world coordinates).


name: plane, type: Plane, default: 0 0 1 0

Sets the plane containing the first slice of the MPR output image.

Enable Plane Edit

name: enablePlaneEdit, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the Plane field can be used as an input field.

Incremental modifications of the Plane field are transformed to modifications of the Rotation and Translation parameters.

Auto Center

name: autoCenter, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the Translation is internally moved so that the MPR is centered on the input image box.

This is especially useful in combination with Output Size Mode == ‘Automatic’ and the “Slicing” tab.

Fill Value

name: fillValue, type: Double, default: 0, deprecated name: fillvalue

Sets the value used for regions outside of the input image.

Output Size Mode

name: outputSizeMode, type: Enum, default: AspectRatio

Defines how the output size is defined.


Title Name Description
Aspect Ratio AspectRatio Uses a single size and an aspect ratio to define the output size. Only equal voxel sizes in x/y are possible.
Independent Independent Allows for specifying the output size and field-of-view in x/y separately.
Automatic Automatic Determines the output size automatically to match the input image size, taking the Rotation to account, so that orthogonal views along the input image have the same output size as a OrthoSwapFlip/Subimage combination would have. This mode should be used when using the “Slicing” tab. It is typically useful to also enable Auto Center.

Field Of View

name: fieldOfView, type: Double, default: 100

Sets the extent of the MPR slice in the world coordinate system in millimeters.

Output Size

name: outputSize, type: Integer, default: 256, minimum: 1

Sets the resolution of the output slice (x, y) in pixels.

Aspect Ratio

name: aspectRatio, type: Double, default: 1

Sets the aspect ratio of the MPR.

Values larger than 1.0 produce portrait output, while values smaller than 1.0 produce landscape output.

Field Of View X

name: fieldOfViewX, type: Double, default: 100

Sets the x-extent of the MPR slice in the world coordinate system in millimeters.

Field Of View Y

name: fieldOfViewY, type: Double, default: 100

Sets the y-extent of the MPR slice in the world coordinate system in millimeters.

Output Size X

name: outputSizeX, type: Integer, default: 256

Sets the x-resolution of the output slice in pixels.

Output Size Y

name: outputSizeY, type: Integer, default: 256

Sets the y-resolution of the output slice in pixels.


name: slabMode, type: Enum, default: SizeInSlicesForward

Defines how the slab size is calculated.


Title Name
Mm SizeInMm
Mm Forward SizeInMmForward
Slices SizeInSlices
Slices Forward SizeInSlicesForward
Slices Negative First SizeInSlicesNegativeFirst


name: slabSize, type: Double, default: 1, minimum: 0.01, deprecated name: outputDepth

Sets the slab size (depth/z-size) of the output image.

Depending on the Mode, the slab size is given in millimeters or in slices. At least one slice is rendered, regardless of how small the slab size is set.

Size In Slices

name: currentSlabSizeInSlices, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the current slab size in slices. This may change its value while rotating when a millimeter-based Mode is used.

Use Up Vector

name: useUpVector, type: Bool, default: FALSE, deprecated name: forceUpright

If checked, the MPR is rotated such that its y-axis becomes as close as possible to the Up Vector.

If the Up Vector is orthogonal to the MPR, no rotation will be performed.

Up Vector

name: upVector, type: Vector3, default: 0 1 0

Sets an up vector that can be used to determine the orientation of the MPR axes within the plane.

If Use Up Vector is set, the MPR will be rotated around the center (Translation) in order to align the y-axis with the up-vector.

Slice No.

name: inputSliceNo, type: Integer, default: 0

Sets the slice number to be reproduced by the Represent Input Slice trigger.

Represent Input Slice

name: representInputSlice, type: Trigger

When pressed, Field Of View, Output Size, Aspect Ratio, Translation, and Rotation are adjusted so that the output exactly matches the input slice number Slice No..

Axial (axial)

name: axial, type: Trigger

When pressed, the MPR is set to axial (transversal) orientation in world coordinates.

Sagittal (sagittal)

name: sagittal, type: Trigger

When pressed, the MPR is set to sagittal orientation in world coordinates.

Coronal (coronal)

name: coronal, type: Trigger

When pressed, the MPR is set to coronal orientation in world coordinates.

Axial (axialOnInput)

name: axialOnInput, type: Trigger

When pressed, the MPR is set to axial (transversal) orientation on the input image.

It selects an orientation of the input image that is closest to the world axial orientation. The output of the MPR will be identical to that of an OrthoSwapFlip with axial settings.

Sagittal (sagittalOnInput)

name: sagittalOnInput, type: Trigger

When pressed, the MPR is set to sagittal orientation on the input image.

It selects an orientation of the input image that is closest to the world sagittal orientation. The output of the MPR will be identical to that of an OrthoSwapFlip with sagittal settings.

Coronal (coronalOnInput)

name: coronalOnInput, type: Trigger

When pressed, the MPR is set to coronal orientation on the input image.

It selects an orientation of the input image that is closest to the world coronal orientation. The output of the MPR will be identical to that of an OrthoSwapFlip with coronal settings.


name: interpolation, type: Enum, default: Trilinear, deprecated name: Mode

Defines the interpolation used for resampling.


Title Name Deprecated Name Description
Nearest Neighbor NearestNeighbor Nearest Neigbour

No interpolation, picks the nearest input image voxel.

Fastest mode.

Trilinear Trilinear Trilinear(skip border),TrilinearSkipBorder

Trilinear filtering: The 8-voxel neighborhood is used for linear interpolation.

Slowest mode.

Border Handling

name: borderHandling, type: Enum, default: UseFillValue

Defines how borders are handled in trilinear filtering.


Title Name Description
Clamp To Edge ClampToEdge

Clamps the interpolation to the edge of the input volume and uses the fill value only for values beyond the edge.

Use Fill Value UseFillValue

Uses the fill value for values on the border and outside of the volume.


Memory Access

name: memoryAccess, type: Enum, default: Global, deprecated name: pagedInputImage

Defines how the module accesses the input image.


Title Name Deprecated Name Description
Global Global FALSE,Paged,TRUE

Fastest, but highest memory consumption and initialization time. The input image is accessed as a global image (via the ML memory image). This consumes a lot of memory for large datasets.

If not enough memory is available, the module falls back to the Virtual Volume memory access.

Virtual Volume VirtualVolume   Slowest, but works on huge datasets. All pages of the input image are requested via the virtual volume mechanism, thus only small portions of the input image are needed at the same time.


name: enableSlabProjection, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the projection of the slab onto a single slice is enabled.

The Depth Projection and Time Projection are used to define which projection method is used.

Depth Projection

name: depthSlabRenderMode, type: Enum, default: Maximum

Defines the render mode for depth projection.


Title Name Description
Minimum Minimum Minimum value is computed.
Maximum Maximum Maximum value is computed.
Average Average Average is computed.
Keep Dimension KeepDimension The depth dimension is not projected, the output image will have the same number of slices as the input image.

Time Projection

name: timeSlabRenderMode, type: Enum, default: Maximum

Defines the render mode for temporal projection.


Title Name Description
Minimum Minimum Minimum value is computed.
Maximum Maximum Maximum value is computed.
Average Average Average is computed.
Keep Dimension KeepDimension The time dimension is not projected, the output image will have the same number of time points as the input image.

Time Start

name: timeSlabStart, type: Integer, default: 0

Sets the start time point for temporal projection.

Time Span

name: timeSlabSize, type: Integer, default: 1

Sets the number of time points that are projected.

Enable Current Slice

name: enableCurrentSlice, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the Current Slice field and its synchronization is enabled.

Current Slice

name: currentSlice, type: Double, default: 0, minimum: :field:`currentSliceMin`, maximum: :field:`currentSliceMax`

Sets the current slice along the axis given by the rotation.

The current slice is automatically adjusted when the Rotation of the MPR changes to cover the entire rotated input volume.

Number Of Slices

name: numberOfSlices, type: Integer, default: 0

Sets the number of slices available under the current Rotation.

Snap Current Slice To Integer If Orthogonal

name: snapCurrentSliceToIntegerIfOrthogonal, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, the current slice is snapped to an integer when the rotation is orthogonal on the input image.

This allows the MPR to directly copy input voxels instead of using interpolation in orthogonal cases.

Image Color

name: imageColor, type: Color, default: 1 1 1, deprecated name: baseColor

Sets the color used to display the image data.

Border Color

name: borderColor, type: Color, default: 1 1 1

Sets the color used to render the slice border.

On (borderOn)

name: borderOn, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, the rendering of the slice border is enabled.

On (drawImageOn)

name: drawImageOn, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, the rendering of the image data is enabled.

Interactive manipulator

name: manipulatorOn, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, a 3D manipulator that can be used to translate, rotate, and scale the MPR slice in the Open Inventor scene is enabled.

Activate clip plane

name: clipPlaneOn, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, a clip plane applied to the Open Inventor scene on one side of the MPR plane is enabled.

Flip Clip Plane

name: flipClipPlane, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the half space that is clipped by the clip plane is flipped.

Clip Plane Offset

name: clipPlaneOffset, type: Float, default: 0

Sets an offset to the clip plane in the direction of the MPR slice normal.

Draw axes

name: axesOn, type: Bool, default: FALSE, deprecated name: drawVectors

If checked, the rendering of the MPR output image coordinate axes is enabled.


name: alphaFactor, type: Float, default: 1, minimum: 0, maximum: 1

Sets an alpha value used to draw the image data.

Use Z buffer

name: zBuffer, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If disabled, the z-buffer is ignored when rendering the slice.

Blend Mode

name: blendMode, type: Enum, default: BLEND_REPLACE

Defines how the slice texture is rendered.


Title Name

Hidden Fields


name: centeredTranslation, type: Vector3, persistent: no


name: pageSizeX, type: Integer, default: 128


name: pageSizeY, type: Integer, default: 128


name: disableDirectVoxelCopy, type: Bool, default: FALSE


name: currentSliceRounded, type: Integer, default: 0


name: currentSliceMin, type: Integer, default: 0


name: currentSliceMax, type: Integer, default: 0