genre Resample
author MeVis Medical Solutions AG
package MeVisLab/Standard
dll MLResample1
definition MLResample1.def
see also MPR, PathToKeyFrame, SoView2DMarkerEditor
inherits from MPRLight
keywords multi, planar, reformat, slice, keyframes


The module MPRPath extracts a curved multi-planar reformatted image defined by a path of keyframes.

It generates the MPR image at a given keyframe, the complete image stack along the path, and a cross-section along the path at a given angle (0-360°).

It is derived from the MPR module, and hence shares most parameters.


The module requires a KeyFrameList at its input.

This is typically generated by the PathToKeyFrame module, e.g., from a list of markers generated with a SoView2DMarkerEditor (see the example network) or by a skeletonization algorithm.

Any ML module can generate an ml.KeyFrameList or ml.XMarkerList itself and export it as an ml.Base field.

The coordinate system used in the input lists is the world coordinate system.


Each keyframe in the KeyFrameList provided at the input of this module specifies the position of a single output MPR slice in world coordinates and its orientation.

The orientation is defined by a path tangent vector t orthogonal to the MPR slice and an up vector u describing the “vertical” direction. The world coordinate vectors wx, wy, wz of an output MPR slice are given by:

(wx, wy, wz) = (u x t, u, t),

where u x t denotes the cross-product.

Optionally, it is also possible to align the MPR slice along the path. The MPR slice is then centered at the position of the current keyframe, aligned along the orientation of the path at the current keyframe and rotated by Path Angle. Thus the world coordinate vectors defining the orientation are then defined by:

(wx, wy, wz) = (t, u, t x u)

and a rotation around t by Path Angle.

The curved MPR (CPR) output image at output2 is a 2D image in which each voxel column corresponds to a keyframe of the input KeyFrameList. If Path Angle is 0, the voxels in each column are resampled along a line in the negative x direction of the corresponding MPR slice.

Hence, the column vector c is computed from the keyframe’s tangent and up vector by:

c = - u x t.

If Path Angle is > 0, the column vector is rotated counterclockwise by this angle (viewing in the path direction).

The world coordinates of the CPR in output2 cannot be described via a matrix anymore; therefore, it is possible to transform an inputMarkerList into an outputMarkerList, taking into account the individual world coordinate systems of each CPR image column. To do so, every marker is associated with the keyframe whose CPR column is closest to the marker, maximizing the likelihood that it is visualized. (Currently, every marker is output exactly once, even if multiple CPR columns intersect with its world position.)


Definition of Path with Markers:


Curved Cross-Section along Path:


3D Open Inventor Scene Output:


Reorientation of MPR by Aligning to Path:



Default Panel


Input Fields


name: input0, type: Image

Input image

see also MPRLight.input0


name: frames, type: KeyFrameList(MLBase)

KeyFrameList, usually directly connected from PathToKeyFrame

For accessing this object via scripting see the Scripting Reference: MLKeyFrameListWrapper.


name: inputMarkerList, type: XMarkerList(MLBase)

XMarkerList to be transformed into the rectilinear CPR coordinate system

For accessing this object via scripting see the Scripting Reference: MLXMarkerListWrapper.

Output Fields


name: output0, type: Image

The output MPR slice at the position specified by the Current Key Frame parameter.

see also MPRLight.output0


name: output1, type: Image

The complete stack of output MPR slices for all keyframes.


name: output2, type: Image

The curved MPR image with columns resampled orthogonal to the input path.


name: outputSlice, type: SoNode

An Open Inventor scene representing the path and the current MPR slice in 3D.


name: outputMarkerList, type: XMarkerList(MLBase)

Transformed version of inputMarkerList that can be overlaid on output2 (see Details).

For accessing this object via scripting see the Scripting Reference: MLXMarkerListWrapper.

Parameter Fields

Field Index

Activate clip plane: Bool Enable rendering of MPR slice: Bool outputSizeX: Integer
Align output slice along path: Bool enableCurrentSlice: Bool outputSizeY: Integer
Alpha: Float enablePlaneEdit: Bool pageSizeX: Integer
Aspect Ratio: Double Field Of View: Double pageSizeY: Integer
autoCenter: Bool fieldOfViewX: Double Path Angle: Double
axial: Trigger fieldOfViewY: Double Plane (plane): Plane
axialOnInput: Trigger Fill Value: Double Plane (curvedMprPlane): Plane
Blend Mode: Enum Flip Clip Plane: Bool representInputSlice: Trigger
Border Color: Color Image Color: Color Rotation: Rotation
Border Handling: Enum inputSliceNo: Integer sagittal: Trigger
centeredTranslation: Vector3 Interactive manipulator: Bool sagittalOnInput: Trigger
Clip Plane Offset: Float Interpolation: Enum Size (slabSize): Double
coronal: Trigger Markers correspond to frames: Bool Size (curvedMprSlabSize): Double
coronalOnInput: Trigger maxKeyFrame: Integer snapCurrentSliceToIntegerIfOrthogonal: Bool
Current Key Frame: Integer Memory Access: Enum Time Projection: Enum
currentSlice: Double Mode (slabMode): Enum Time Span: Integer
currentSliceMax: Integer Mode (curvedMprSlabMode): Enum Time Start: Integer
currentSliceMin: Integer numberOfSlices: Integer Translation: Vector3
currentSliceRounded: Integer On (showUpVectors): Bool Up-Vector Color: Color
Depth Projection: Enum On (borderOn): Bool upVector: Vector3
disableDirectVoxelCopy: Bool On (drawImageOn): Bool Use Key Frame Distance For Slice Thickness: Bool
Draw axes: Bool Output Size: Integer Use Z buffer: Bool
Enable: Bool outputSizeMode: Enum useUpVector: Bool

Visible Fields


name: rotation, type: Rotation, default: 0 0 1 0

Shows the rotation at the current keyframe.


name: translation, type: Vector3, default: 0 0 0

Shows the translation at the current keyframe.

Plane (plane)

name: plane, type: Plane, default: 0 0 1 0

Shows the plane at the current keyframe.

Fill Value

name: fillValue, type: Double, default: 0, deprecated name: fillvalue

Sets a value used for regions outside of the input image.

Field Of View

name: fieldOfView, type: Double, default: 100

Sets the extent of the MPR slice in the world coordinate system (in mm).

Output Size

name: outputSize, type: Integer, default: 256, minimum: 1

Sets the size of the output MPR slice in (X,Y) pixels. This value is also used as the height of the curved MPR image (output2) in pixels.

Aspect Ratio

name: aspectRatio, type: Double, default: 1

Sets the aspect ratio of the output0 and output1.

Mode (slabMode)

name: slabMode, type: Enum, default: SizeInSlicesForward

Defines how the slab size is calculated.


Title Name
Mm SizeInMm
Mm Forward SizeInMmForward
Slices SizeInSlices
Slices Forward SizeInSlicesForward
Slices Negative First SizeInSlicesNegativeFirst

Size (slabSize)

name: slabSize, type: Double, default: 1, minimum: 0.01, deprecated name: outputDepth


name: interpolation, type: Enum, default: Trilinear, deprecated name: Mode

Defines the interpolation scheme.


Title Name Deprecated Name Description
Nearest Neighbor NearestNeighbor Nearest Neigbour No interpolation, picks the nearest input image voxel.
Trilinear Trilinear Trilinear(skip border),TrilinearSkipBorder Trilinear filtering. The 8-voxel-neighborhood is used for linear interpolation.

Border Handling

name: borderHandling, type: Enum, default: UseFillValue

See MPR for details.

Memory Access

name: memoryAccess, type: Enum, default: Global, deprecated name: pagedInputImage

Defines the type of memory access.

Falls back to VirtualVolume if no sufficient memory space is available.


Title Name Deprecated Name Description
Global Global FALSE,Paged,TRUE

Slower than Global, except for small MPR’s in large input images.

The output MPR is split into tiles that are processed individually. For each tile, the module requests the corresponding 3D region of the input image.

If not enough memory is available, the module falls back to VirtualVolume access.

Virtual Volume VirtualVolume  

Slowest, but works on huge datasets.

All pages of the input image are requested via the virtual volume mechanism, thus only small portions of the input image are needed at the same time.


name: enableSlabProjection, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the projection of the slab to a single slice is enabled.

This applies to the output0 and to the curved MPR output2.

Depth Projection

name: depthSlabRenderMode, type: Enum, default: Maximum

Defines the projection mode for the slab depth.


Title Name
Minimum Minimum
Maximum Maximum
Average Average
Keep Dimension KeepDimension

Time Projection

name: timeSlabRenderMode, type: Enum, default: Maximum

Defines the temporal projection mode.


Title Name
Minimum Minimum
Maximum Maximum
Average Average
Keep Dimension KeepDimension

Time Start

name: timeSlabStart, type: Integer, default: 0

Sets the temporal start position.

Time Span

name: timeSlabSize, type: Integer, default: 1

Sets the number of time points that are projected.

Current Key Frame

name: currentKeyFrame, type: Integer, default: 0, minimum: 0, maximum: :field:`maxKeyFrame`

Sets the index of the current keyframe.

Path Angle

name: pathAngle, type: Double, default: 0, minimum: 0, maximum: 360

Sets the angle (in degrees) about wich the column vectors of the curved MPR image (output2) are rotated.

If Align output slice along path is activated, the MPR slice at output0 and the Open Inventor scene output are also rotated.

Plane (curvedMprPlane)

name: curvedMprPlane, type: Plane, persistent: no

Shows the plane spanned by the current keyframe’s tangent and the corresponding column vector of the curved MPR image.

The section of this plane and the current MPR slice yields the line along which the voxel column in the curved MPR image are resampled.

Align output slice along path

name: alignAlongPath, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the MPR slice at output0 as well as the Open Inventor scene output are rotated to lie in the defined path of keyframes.

Size (curvedMprSlabSize)

name: curvedMprSlabSize, type: Double, default: 1, minimum: 0.01, deprecated name: thicknessOfCurvedMPR

Sets the number of slices of the curved MPR.

If the value is greater than one, the module provides a stack of curved MPR slices at output2 instead of a single curved MPR slice.

Markers correspond to frames

name: markersOnFrames, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, a faster transformation algorithm is used.

This algorithm only works if there is a 1:1 correspondence between the inputMarkerList and the frames, which is a common use case; for example, if connecting the resampled path from PathToKeyFrame.

Mode (curvedMprSlabMode)

name: curvedMprSlabMode, type: Enum, default: SizeInSlices

Defines how the slab size of the curved MPR is defined.


Title Name
Mm SizeInMm
Mm Forward SizeInMmForward
Slices SizeInSlices
Slices Forward SizeInSlicesForward
Slices Negative First SizeInSlicesNegativeFirst

Use Key Frame Distance For Slice Thickness

name: useKeyFrameDistanceForSliceThickness, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, the slice thickness (z voxel size) of output0 is calculated from the distance between the current keyframe and next/previous frames. Otherwise, the voxel size is calculated as in the MPR module.

On (showUpVectors)

name: showUpVectors, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, up vectors are rendered for each MPR.

Enable rendering of MPR slice

name: showFrame, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, the MPR slice data is rendered.

Up-Vector Color

name: upVectorColor, type: Color, default: 1 1 1

Sets the color of the up vector.

Image Color

name: imageColor, type: Color, default: 1 1 1, deprecated name: baseColor

Sets the color of the MPR slices.

Border Color

name: borderColor, type: Color, default: 1 1 1

Sets the color of the border.

On (borderOn)

name: borderOn, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, a border around the MPR slice is rendered.

On (drawImageOn)

name: drawImageOn, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, the rendering of the MPR image in Open Inventor is enabled.

Interactive manipulator

name: manipulatorOn, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, an interactive manipulator is available.

If allows for translating, scaling, and rotating the MPR slice in the Open Inventor scene.

Activate clip plane

name: clipPlaneOn, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the clip plane at the MPR is activated.

Flip Clip Plane

name: flipClipPlane, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the clip plane at the MPR clips the other half-plane.

Clip Plane Offset

name: clipPlaneOffset, type: Float, default: 0

Sets an offset for the clip plane (distance to the MPR).

Draw axes

name: axesOn, type: Bool, default: FALSE, deprecated name: drawVectors

If checked, axes are rendered at the MPR.


name: alphaFactor, type: Float, default: 1, minimum: 0, maximum: 1

Sets the alpha factor of the MPR slice in Open Inventor.

Use Z buffer

name: zBuffer, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, the z-buffer test is active.

Blend Mode

name: blendMode, type: Enum, default: BLEND_REPLACE

Defines the used blend mode.


Title Name

Hidden Fields


name: enablePlaneEdit, type: Bool, default: FALSE


name: autoCenter, type: Bool, default: FALSE


name: centeredTranslation, type: Vector3, persistent: no


name: outputSizeMode, type: Enum, default: AspectRatio


Title Name
Aspect Ratio AspectRatio
Independent Independent
Automatic Automatic


name: fieldOfViewX, type: Double, default: 100


name: fieldOfViewY, type: Double, default: 100


name: outputSizeX, type: Integer, default: 256


name: outputSizeY, type: Integer, default: 256


name: pageSizeX, type: Integer, default: 128


name: pageSizeY, type: Integer, default: 128


name: useUpVector, type: Bool, default: FALSE, deprecated name: forceUpright

If checked, the MPR slice’s y-axis are forced to be close to the world y-axis (or z-axis if the MPR slice normal is parallel to the y-axis).


name: upVector, type: Vector3, default: 0 1 0


name: disableDirectVoxelCopy, type: Bool, default: FALSE


name: inputSliceNo, type: Integer, default: 0


name: representInputSlice, type: Trigger


name: axial, type: Trigger


name: sagittal, type: Trigger


name: coronal, type: Trigger


name: axialOnInput, type: Trigger


name: sagittalOnInput, type: Trigger


name: coronalOnInput, type: Trigger


name: enableCurrentSlice, type: Bool, default: FALSE


name: currentSlice, type: Double, default: 0, minimum: :field:`currentSliceMin`, maximum: :field:`currentSliceMax`


name: currentSliceRounded, type: Integer, default: 0


name: numberOfSlices, type: Integer, default: 0


name: currentSliceMin, type: Integer, default: 0


name: currentSliceMax, type: Integer, default: 0


name: snapCurrentSliceToIntegerIfOrthogonal, type: Bool, default: TRUE


name: maxKeyFrame, type: Integer, default: 0