
author MeVis Medical Solutions AG
package MeVisLab/Standard
dll MLPythonImageProcessing
definition PythonImage.def
keywords numpy, ndarray, tile, global


The module PythonImage allows to set a numpy.ndarray as the output ML image of the module using Python scripting.


The typical usage is to do get the module via ctx.module() and call getInterface on it to get access to its scripting API.

The returned interface supports:

setImage(image, minMaxValues, voxelSize = None, pageSize = None, voxelToWorldMatrix = None)

to set the image and:


to unset the image again.


Here is an example that generates a test pattern:

import numpy as np
import math

interface = ctx.module("PythonImage").call("getInterface")

tile = np.ndarray((64,128,256), np.float32)

# fill tile with some data...
for z in range(0,64):
  zFactor = math.cos(z/64. * math.pi)
  for y in range(0, 128):
    yFactor = math.sin(y/32. * math.pi)
    for x in range(0, 256):
      tile[z,y,x] = math.cos(x/32. * math.pi) * yFactor * zFactor

interface.setImage(tile, minMaxValues = (-1, 1))


Have a look at the PythonImageExample example module for a typical usage inside a MacroModule.

Output Fields


name: output0, type: Image

The output image that is copied from the internal numpy.ndarray.