
genre Subimage
author MeVis Medical Solutions AG
package MeVisLab/Standard
dll MLGeometry1
definition MLGeometry1.def
see also ModifyRegion, SubImage
keywords bounding, box, roi, mask, world, coordinates, match


The module MergeRegions provides operations to combine multiple regions described by various input images, which typically represent different regions of a single volume.

The input images representing the regions must have identical orientation, voxel size, and voxel grid translation (see the Details section for exceptions) and are registered according to their translation in the world coordinate system.

The number of images to be combined is user-defined and can be set between 2 and 20 images.


Select the number of images you would like to combine and the region the output image(s) shall describe. If you want to combine the image data itself, you can also select a merge mode (for example, a maximum operation).


  • Use the Merge Mode feature with care; the behavior is not always consistent, especially if 0 is passed for any of the C values or non-zero values for Fill Value.
  • In particular, if the minimum (maximum) value of the output data type results from a maximum (minimum) operation at certain positions, the results of an operation using min or max might be incorrect at those positions. This is due to the ‘in-place’ approach and the necessity of initializing the output memory with a value within the data type range.
  • The module’s main purpose is to cut out and associate images that exist within the same world coordinate system and utilize the same voxel grid. Thus, it is assumed that all input images have identical orientation, voxel size, and are aligned in terms of translations, meaning their voxel grids must be identical. In other words, only the origin and extent of the input images may differ. We refer to this by stating that the images are based on identical voxel grids. This restriction ensures that voxel-based image combinations based on the module’s outputs (Merge Mode == None) or within the module (Merge Mode != None) always associate corresponding voxels. If the voxel grids are not identical, there are two possibilities:
    1. The differences in the input image voxel grids are reasonably small (see Voxel Grid Alignment Tolerance). In this case, the module simply treats the grids as identical and continues to operate as before, while handling the slight coordinate differences in the following manner:
      • If Merge Mode == None, the grid of the corresponding input N is used for each output N.
      • In any other Merge Mode (where there is only one output, output0):
        • If the Use Region mode is set to use input N, the grid of input N is used for the only output (0).
        • If the Use Region mode is NOT set to use input N, the grid of the first valid input image is used for the only output (0).
    2. The differences in the input image voxel grids are too large (with respect to Voxel Grid Alignment Tolerance) to be ignored.


  • Each input image or parameter change is directly relayed to the output image(s).
  • For all merge modes with special treatment of input0 except Bitwise Write with LUT, the first input (input0) must be connected to a valid image in order to obtain an output image.


Note: An exact region can only be computed for the x, y, and z dimensions. Since the c, t, and u dimensions do not possess a global reference coordinate system as the x, y, and z dimensions do, only the c, t, and u extents of the given image (or, for a custom world box, the c, t, and u start and end indices) are taken into account. Any c, t, and u dimension information is neglected, and for the output image’s c, t, and u dimension information, only a clamping to the new size is performed.


Default Panel


Input Fields

The module has as many inputs as specified by Maximum Number of Active Image Connections.

Depending on the selected merge mode, different configurations of unconnected inputs are allowed.

Output Fields

The number of outputs depends on the Merge Mode:

  • Merge Mode == copy only: The number of outputs equals the number of inputs. Every output whose input is connected will display its input image in the selected region (if valid).
  • Merge Mode != copy only: The module has only one (active) output. Output0 will display the result of the selected merge operation with respect to the selected region (if valid). All other outputs will be invalidated (and hidden, if possible).

Parameter Fields

Visible Fields

-> Outbox (in WC)

name: outWorldBox, type: String, default: 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1

Shows the current output box using world coordinates.

In the region modes representing input image regions (everything except custom mode where the box is manually specified by the user) the world box will be computed to point to corner voxel corners to represent the entire region that is covered by the voxels.

NOTE: When converting back to voxel coordinates, it is not immediately clear that one will get the correct voxel coordinates again since slight rounding errors might cause the image region to enlarge. However, MergeRegions normally prevents that by applying a small epsilon (see Voxel Grid Alignment Tolerance) when converting the world box to a voxel box again for each input image.

In custom region mode, an external modification to this field results in an actual change on the output(s).

Fill Value

name: fillValue, type: Double, default: 0

Sets the fill value (fV) for undefined image regions.

Use Region

name: selectROI, type: Enum, default: UseInputRegion

Defines the region of interest to work on.

Note: An exact region can only be computed for the x/y/z dimensions. Since the c/t/u dimensions do not possess a global reference coordinate system as the x/y/z do, only the c/t/u-extent of the given image (or, for a custom world box, the c/t/u start and end indices) is (are) taken into account. Any c/t/u dimension info is neglected, and for the output image c/t/u dimension info, only clamping to the new size is performed.


Title Name Deprecated Name Description
Region from input0 (deprecated, use UseInputRegion instead) UseRegion0_deprecated Use region from input0,UseRegion0  
Region from input1 (deprecated, use UseInputRegion instead) UseRegion1_deprecated Use region from input1,UseRegion1  
Region from input2 (deprecated, use UseInputRegion instead) UseRegion2_deprecated Use region from input2,UseRegion2  
Region from input3 (deprecated, use UseInputRegion instead) UseRegion3_deprecated Use region from input3,UseRegion3  
Input Region UseInputRegion   The exact region of one of the inputs is used for the output image(s). The index of the input is described in the number field (#) appearing on the right hand side of the region selection field. Possible values for the number range from 0 to (Maximum Number of Active Image Connections - 1).
Union of all regions UseUnion Use union of all regions The union of the regions of all input images is used.
Intersection of all regions UseSection Use section of all regions The intersection of the regions of all input images is used.
Custom region UseCustomRegion Use custom region

The region specified by the field Output image box will be used.

It is a SubImgBoxf-field that can be modified manually, by using setStringValue() in scripting or by a field connection from another SubImgBoxf-field in the network (for example, you can use a VecBoxConvert macro to generate a SubImgBox).


name: roiSourceIndex, type: Integer, default: 1, minimum: 0, maximum: 1

Shows the number of used input regions.

Maximum Number of Active Image Connections

name: numActiveImages, type: Integer, default: 2, minimum: 2, maximum: 20

Sets the number of image connections that are displayed in the network and used for output computation.

Note that it is not possible to decrease this value further if this would cause one of the current connections to become inactive. The maximum value of active is fixed (currently at 20) and can only be changed in the source code.

Allow invalid inputs

name: allowInvalidInputs, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If unchecked, no update is possible if any of the active inputs is invalid, independent of Use Region and Merge Mode.

Enable support for input images with unaligned voxel grids

name: allowDifferentInputImageGridsInCopyMode, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the region merging (Merge Mode == None) support for input images with different orientations, resolutions, or voxel grid translations is enabled.

Note that this only really makes sense if at least the input image orientations are identical (or orthogonal) since otherwise, the -> Outbox (in WC) that is used to cut out input image regions will not make sense for all images. If the flag is enabled, the world box is applied to each input image individually like the SubImage module does it in ‘world box’ mode. Of course, it is then no longer ensured that all output images have the same orientation, voxel size, translation, and extent, and they can thus no longer be safely combined on a voxel-by-voxel base.

Voxel Grid Alignment Tolerance

name: worldToVoxelGridConversionTolerance, type: Double, default: 0.001, minimum: 0, maximum: 0.49

Sets a tolerance parameter that is always interpreted as a floating-point voxel coordinate (FPVC) offset (i.e., a value of 1e-4 with a voxel size of (0.1, 1, 2) would result in dimension-specific tolerances of (1e-5, 1e-4, 2e-4)). It has two uses:

  1. Epsilon used to translate the world box into a voxel box for each particular image: If a world coordinate is closer than Voxel Grid Alignment Tolerance (as FPVC) to any voxel border, it is assumed to be located exactly on the border. This prevents minuscule ‘overhangs’ caused by rounding errors to result in the undesired enlargement of the output image, or in apparent misalignment. The epsilon is always applied for the conversion, including the case when Enable support for input images with unaligned voxel grids is enabled. The only difference in this case is that even if the grids differ by more than the given tolerance, the module still computes an output (but only in ‘None’ merge mode).
  2. If Enable support for input images with unaligned voxel grids is disabled, the value is also used to find out if the input images are sufficiently aligned within the output region. This means that any corner position of the output region must not be farther away from a voxel corner in any of the input images than Voxel Grid Alignment Tolerance (as FPVC). Of course, in addition, the number of voxels in each dimension must be the same for all input images for the alignment test to pass.

A typical value for Voxel Grid Alignment Tolerance is 1e-4 (1/10000 of a voxel).

Merge Mode

name: mergeImgMode, type: Enum, default: None

Defines the merge mode.


Title Name Deprecated Name Description
Copy only: outX = inX; X = 0,1,… None [ 0] none

Every output whose corresponding input is connected to an image will put out exactly the input image, but with respect to the selected region.

In every other mode, only the first output image (output0) will be used.

Maximum: out0 = MAX(in0,in1,…) Maximum Max

output0 holds the maximum of the available input images. Where no input image is defined, the Fill Value is written.

Note that the special case where the output data type is of unsigned integer (i.e., has a minimum of 0), the specified Fill Value will be ignored and 0 will be used instead.

Minimum: out0 = MIN(in0,in1,…) Minimum   output0 holds the minimum of the available input images. Where at least one input image is undefined, the Fill Value is written. Try MinWhereDefined mode if this is not what you are looking for.
Minimum where defined: out0 = MIN(inX; X = 0,1,… and inX defined) MinWhereDefined Min

At each position, output0 holds the minimum of the input images where this position is defined (i.e., within the image region). Only if the position is defined by none of the input images, the Fill Value is used.

Note that problems might arise if the maximum value for the output data type is used within one of the input images, where all other input images are not defined (because of this, the maximum data type of the output is utilized for initializing the ‘minimum’ operation).

Bitwise OR: out0 = OR (in0,in1,…) BitWiseOr [ 3] out0 = OR (i0, i1, i2, i3) (bitwise OR)

output0 holds the bit-wise OR of the available input images.

Note that the Fill Value is ignored (i.e., assumed to be 0) in this mode.

In floating point images, Maximum mode will be used instead.

Bitwise AND: out0 = AND(in0,in1,…) BitWiseAnd [ 4] out0 = AND (i0, i1, i2, i3) (bitwise AND)

output0 holds the bit-wise AND of the available input images where all images are defined (otherwise, the Fill Value).

In floating point images, Minimum mode will be used instead.

Bitwise XOR: out0 = XOR(in0,in1,…) BitWiseXor [12] out0 = XOR (i0, i1, i2, i3) (bitwise XOR)

output0 holds the bit-wise XOR of the available input images.

In floating point images, Absolute Difference mode will be used.

Note that the Fill Value is ignored (i.e., assumed to be 0) in this mode.

Mask Original (2): out0 = in1 ? in0 : fV MaskOrig2 [ 5] out0 = i1 ? i0 : fillValue (Masked Original) output0 holds the input image0 masked with image1.
Mask in Original (2): out0 = in1 ? in1 : in0 MaskInOrig2 [ 6] out0 = i1 ? i1 : i0 (Mask In Original)

output0 holds the input image1 masked into image0.

Where no input image is defined, the Fill Value is written.

Mask C in Original (2): out0 = in1 ? C0 : in0 MaskCInOrig2 [ 7] out0 = i1 ? C0 : i0

output0 holds C0 where the input image1 is non-zero; otherwise, image0.

Where no input image is defined, the Fill Value is written.

Absolute Difference: out0 = ABS(in0 - in1) AbsDiff2 [13] out0 = abs(i0 - i1) (Difference)

output0 holds the absolute value of the difference of the input image0 and image1.

Note that the Fill Value is ignored (i.e., assumed to be 0) in this mode.

ArgMax (2): out0 = OR (in0!=0,in1!=0) ? CX; X = ARGMAX(in0, in1) : fV ArgMax2 [15] out0 = OR (i0,i1) ? CX; X = ARGMAX(i0, i1) : fillValue; (ArgMax)

output0 holds basically the C-value that corresponds to the greater image value (but only for non-zero image values).

Where no input image is defined, the Fill Value is written.

Mask Original Any: out0 = OR (in1!=0,in2!=0,…) ? in0 : 0 MaskOrigAny MaskOrig

output0 holds input image 0 only where at least one of the other images is defined and non-zero.

Note that the Fill Value is ignored (i.e., assumed to be 0) in this mode.

Mask Original None: out0 = OR (in1!=0,in2!=0,…) ? 0 : in0 MaskOrigNone  

output0 holds input image0 only where none of the other images is defined or non-zero.

Note that the Fill Value is ignored (i.e., assumed to be 0) in this mode.

Mask Original All: out0 = AND(in1!=0,in2!=0,…) ? in0 : 0 MaskOrigAll  

output0 holds input image0 only where all of the other images are defined and non-zero.

Note that the Fill Value is ignored (i.e., assumed to be 0) in this mode.

Mask Original Not All: out0 = AND(in1!=0,in2!=0,…) ? 0 : in0 MaskOrigNotAll  

output0 holds input image0 only where at least one of the other images is not defined or zero.

Note that Fill Value is ignored (i.e., assumed to be 0) in this mode.

Mask Max in Original: out0 = MAX(in1,in2,…) ? MAX(in1,in2,…) : in0 MaskMaxInOrig [ 9] out0 = MAX (i1,i2,i3) ? MAX(i1,i2,i3) : input0 (Mask In Original)

The maximum of the images with index >= 1 is masked into image0.

Note that the Fill Value is ignored (i.e., assumed to be 0) in this mode.

Mask C in Original : out0 = OR (in1!=0,in2!=0,…) ? C0 : in0 MaskCInOrig [10] out0 = OR (i1,i2,i3) ? C0 : i0

If any of the images with index >= 1 is non-zero, C0 will be written; otherwise, image0.

Note that the Fill Value is ignored (i.e., assumed to be 0) in this mode.

Maximum with LUT: out0 = MAX(inX ? (useCX ? CX : inX) : 0; X = 0,1,…) MaxWithLUT [14] out0 = MAX (iX ? (useCX ? CX : iX) : fillValue; X = 0,1,2,3) (MergeMax) Similar to Mask Max in Original, but allows for selecting a constant instead of the image value for the maximum computation, and allows for using Fill Value.
Bitwise OR with LUT: out0 = OR (inX ? (useCX ? CX : inX) : 0; X = 0,1,…) BitWiseOrWithLUT [11] out0 = OR (iX ? (useCX ? CX : iX) : fillValue; X = 0,1,2,3) (MergeSegResults)

This can be used to merge several masks into one image without losing information.

Opposed to the ordinary OR-option, you can replace positive mask values by a constant. Note that the Fill Value is ignored (i.e., assumed to be 0) in this mode.

Bitwise AND with LUT: out0 = AND (inX ? (useCX ? CX : inX) : 0; X = 0,1,…) BitWiseAndWithLUT   Works like Bitwise OR with LUT, but uses AND for value combination.
Write Label(s) in Orig.: out0 = OR (AND(NEG(C0),in0), AND(C0, OR(inX ? (useCX ? CX : 0) : inX; X = 1,2,…)) BitWiseWriteWithLUT  

This can be used to merge multiple masks (at input1,2,…) into a label image at input0 and thus requires integer images at all connected inputs.

The (optional) input image 0 can only be modified at those bits that are set in c0.

Note that the Fill Value is ignored (i.e., assumed to be 0) in this mode.

Sum: out0 = SUM(in0,in1,…) Sum   Computes the sum of all input images. The Fill Value is ignored.

Auto update

name: autoUpdate, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, automatic updates on all input/parameter field changes are enabled.

Temporarily disabling helps preventing unwanted computation/notifications when multiple input images or parameters change at the same time.


name: update, type: Trigger

When pressed, the box computation and active outputs (unavailable if Auto update is TRUE) are updated.


name: clear, type: Trigger

When pressed, all image outputs (unavailable if Auto update is TRUE) are invalidated.

Output Valid

name: outputValid, type: Bool, persistent: no

Shows whether the output is valid. An empty -> Outbox (in WC) will always result in invalid output. Other reasons for invalid output may include misaligned input images.

If the output is invalid, there should also be an error message in the status field.

Hidden Fields


name: status, type: String, persistent: no

Shows the status of the module, e.g., success or error messages.