
This module serves the same purpose as GenericPointingAction, but acts as a SoView2DExtension and for this reason has some additional status fields.

Only additional parameters will be described here.


Usage of this module is the same as for GenericPointingAction, but instead of GenericPointingAction.relativePosition or GenericPointingAction.absolutePosition one might also use Image Voxel Position or Image World Position.


Default Panel


Output Fields


name: output, type: SoNode

Simply connect the output of this module into an Inventor scene.

Parameter Fields

Field Index

Device Position: Vector2
draggingEnded: Trigger
draggingStarted: Trigger
ID: String
Image Position Valid: Bool
Image Voxel Position: Vector3
Image World Position: Vector3

This section doesn’t contain the fields that are already described for GenericPointingAction.

Visible Fields

Device Position

name: devicePosition, type: Vector2, persistent: no

The device position is the absolute position of the mouse cursor, but corrected for the current view port and flipped in y position.

In 3D this may be a virtual position.

Image Voxel Position

name: imageVoxelPosition, type: Vector3, persistent: no

This field holds the current pointer position in image voxel coordinates. This value is only valid while GenericPointingAction.inViewer is true.

Image World Position

name: imageWorldPosition, type: Vector3, persistent: no

This field holds the current pointer position in image world coordinates. This value is only valid while GenericPointingAction.inViewer is true.

Image Position Valid

name: imagePositionValid, type: Bool, persistent: no

This field will be true if the pointer position is over the displayed image of the SoView2D. If this is false, Image Voxel Position and Image World Position might still contain valid positions, that just lie outside the image area. This value is only valid while GenericPointingAction.inViewer is true.


name: currentViewerId, type: String, persistent: no

SoView2D.viewerId of the SoView2D the mouse is over (or was over last)

Hidden Fields


name: draggingStarted, type: Trigger, persistent: no


name: draggingEnded, type: Trigger, persistent: no