
genre Vector
author MeVis Medical Solutions AG
package MeVisLab/Standard
dll MLCoordUtils1
definition MLCoordUtils1.def
see also SoCalculator, CalculateAngle
keywords cross, product, length


The module CalculateVectorFromVectors performs calculations on two given vectors.


Default Panel


Parameter Fields

Field Index

Flip to Half-Space: Enum
Mode: Enum
Normalize: Bool
Result: Vector3
Vector 1: Vector3
Vector 2: Vector3

Visible Fields


name: mode, type: Enum, default: Add

Defines the function.


Title Name Deprecated Name Description
Add Add add (a+b) Adds the two input vectors.
Subtract Subtract subtract (a-b) Subtracts the second vector from the first one.
Cross Cross cross product (axb) Computes the cross product of the input vectors.
Ortho Project OrthoProject project a to plane orthogonal to b ((bxa)xb)

Projects the first vector onto a plane orthogonal to the second vector.

r = ((b x a) x b)

NOTE that the input vectors are not normalized.


name: normalize, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the Result vector is normalized.

Flip to Half-Space

name: flipToHalfSpace, type: Enum, default: None

Defines one of six coordinate half-spaces available according to the three coordinate axes x, y, and z.

If a given condition is not met, the vector is inverted, i.e. flipped by multiplying each coordinate with (-1).


Title Name Deprecated Name
None None none
Pos X PosX positive x
Neg X NegX negative x
Pos Y PosY positive y
Neg Y NegY negative y
Pos Z PosZ positive z
Neg Z NegZ negative z

Vector 1

name: v1, type: Vector3, default: 0 0 0, deprecated name: vectorA

Sets the first input vector.

Vector 2

name: v2, type: Vector3, default: 0 0 0, deprecated name: vectorB

Sets the second input vector.


name: result, type: Vector3, persistent: no, deprecated name: vector

Shows the result vector.