
The SoShadowMapping renders the scene that is located below itself using Cascaded Shadow Mapping. The module renders shadows for a single directional light source.

It is based on the Nvidia SDK sample at https://developer.download.nvidia.com/SDK/10/opengl/samples.html#cascaded_shadow_maps and has been ported to work inside Open Inventor.

Example screenshot:



Just add Open Inventor geometry below the node and the will be rendered with shadows.


This module requires OpenGL 2.0, GLSL 1.20, and texture arrays.

It makes use of the GLSL Shader Pipeline and extends the pipeline with a shadowed light. Currently, only a single directional light is supported.

The “Percentage Closer Soft Shadow” (PCSS) mode uses code provided by NVidia, which was ported to from HLSL to GLSL. This software contains source code provided by NVIDIA Corporation.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: child, type: SoNode

Output Fields


name: self, type: SoNode

Parameter Fields

Field Index

Altitude: Float Shadow Darkness: Float
Attach Light To Camera: Bool Shadow Map Size: Integer
Azimuth: Float Shadow Map Splits: Integer
Debug Depth Textures: Bool Shadow Mode: Enum
Diffuse Color: Color supported: Bool
Enabled: Bool  
Penumbra Angle: Float  
Replace Lighting: Bool  

Visible Fields


name: enabled, type: Bool, default: TRUE

Replace Lighting

name: replaceLighting, type: Bool, default: TRUE

Shadow Map Size

name: shadowMapSize, type: Integer, default: 2048

Sets the size of the shadow map (should be a power of two for better performance).

Shadow Map Splits

name: shadowMapSplits, type: Integer, default: 3, minimum: 1, maximum: 4

Sets the number of frustum splits and thus the number of shadow maps that are generated.

Setting this to 1 results in standard shadow mapping. Using four splits uses the most resources but allows scenes with very near and very far objects, while still rendering high detail shadows on the near objects.

Attach Light To Camera

name: attachLightToCamera, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, the light angles are relative to the viewing direction of the camera.


name: lightPolarRho, type: Float, default: -45

Sets the polar coordinate rho.


name: lightPolarPhi, type: Float, default: 45

Sets the polar coordinate phi.

Diffuse Color

name: lightDiffuseColor, type: Color, default: 1 1 1

Sets the diffuse color of the directional light.

Shadow Darkness

name: shadowDarkness, type: Float, default: 0.80000001, minimum: 0, maximum: 1

Sets how dark the shadow is (1.0 means black, 0.0 means fully transparent).

Penumbra Angle

name: penumbraAngle, type: Float, default: 1, minimum: 0.1, maximum: 3

Sets the penumbra angle in degrees for the PCSS soft shadow mode.

Shadow Mode

name: shadowMode, type: Enum, default: PCF_GAUSSIAN_3X3

Defines how the shadow is rendered.


Title Name Description
Hard Shadows SINGLE A single shadow fetch is done. It results in very sharp edges and aliasing.
Hard Shadows - PCF PCF Percent closer filtering done by the hardware. It results in smoother edges.
Hard Shadows - PCF 4 Tap PCF_4TAP Four PCF samples are bilinear interpolated.
Hard Shadows - Gaussian 3x3 PCF_GAUSSIAN_3X3 A 3x3 Gaussian filter is used (using 9 PCF samples). This results in the smoothest shadow edges.
Percentage Closer Soft Shadows PCSS Percentage Closer Soft Shadow mapping as described in https://developer.download.nvidia.com/whitepapers/2008/PCSS_Integration.pdf The implementation uses a directional light, which has a fixed penumbra slope angle.

Debug Depth Textures

name: debugDepthTextures, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the cascaded shadow maps are rendered to the screen.

Hidden Fields


name: supported, type: Bool, default: TRUE