
genre DICOM
author MeVis Medical Solutions AG
package MeVisLab/Standard
dll MLRTStructSupport
definition MLRTStructSupport.def
see also ExtractRTStruct
keywords radiotherapy, structure, contours, dicom, roi


This module creates an RT Structure Set DICOM tree from a CSO list and the associated image. The DICOM tree can be manipulated if needed and saved to an RTSTRUCT DICOM file using SaveDicomTree.


Creating of the contours is done automatically if the Mode is set to AUTO_UPDATE, otherwise on pressing the Update button.


This module create a DICOM conform RTSTRUCT DICOM tree from the input CSO list and the input image to which they related.

The input image shall be either an original image, or the output of a (Direct)DicomImport module. Any operations on that image that may have broken the relationship between the image and the contained original DICOM tree (such as creation of sub-images) are not supported. The DICOM tree will contain all modules that are required for an RT Structure Set IOD:

  • Patient Module (C.7.1.1)
  • General Study (C.7.2.1)
  • General Equipment (C.7.5.1)
  • SOP Common (C.12.1)
  • RT Series (C.8.8.1)
  • Structure Set (C.8.8.5)
  • ROI Contour (C.8.8.6)
  • RT ROI Observations (C.8.8.8)

To generate a valid DICOM file, at least the following fields should not be empty:

  • Manufacturer (used for DICOM tag Manufacturer)
  • Label (DICOM tag Structure Set Label)

Each CSO group defines a ROI in the RTSTRUCT, which is defined as an item in the Structure Set ROI Sequence. The following tags are set for the ROI:

  • ROI Number - taken from CSO group user data “ROINumber” if set, otherwise from the CSO ID, or the next available number, if that is already used
  • ROI Name - taken from CSO group label
  • ROI Description - taken from CSO group description if set, otherwise not created
  • ROI Volume - taken from CSO group user data “ROIVolume” if set, otherwise not created
  • ROI Generation Algorithm - taken from CSO group user data “ROIGenerationAlgorithm” if set, otherwise taken from field generation Generation Algorithm
  • ROI Generation Description - taken from CSO group user data “ROIGenerationDescription” if set, otherwise not created

Each CSO group also defines an item in the RT ROI Observations Sequence. The following tags are set for this item:

  • Referenced ROI Number - same as ROI Number in the Structure Set ROI Sequence
  • Observation Number - same as Referenced ROI Number
  • RT ROI Interpreted Type - taken from CSO group user data “RTROIInterpretedType” if set, otherwise empty
  • ROI Interpreter - taken from CSO group user data “ROIInterpreter” if set, otherwise empty

Each CSO group also defines an item in the ROI Contour Sequence, which contains the actual contour data. The CSO group color defines the ROI Display Color value. Each CSO in the group defines an item in the Contour Sequence with the following tags:

  • Contour Geometric Type - depending on the ROI type is one of POINT, OPEN_PLANAR, OPEN_NONPLANAR and CLOSED_PLANAR. Note that closed non-planar CSOs cannot be mapped to a contour. If such CSOs are encountered, a warning will be issued, the Had Error flag will be set, and the CSO will be ignored.
  • Number of Contour Points - the number of CSO path points
  • Contour Data - the CSO path points


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: inCSOList, type: CSOList(MLBase)

The CSOList containing the contours to be converted into an RT Structure Set.

For accessing this object via scripting see the Scripting Reference: MLCSOListWrapper.


name: input0, type: Image

The image the input CSO list is related to.

Output Fields


name: outDicom, type: MutableDicomTree(MLBase)

The DICOM tree containing the RT Structure Set.

For accessing this object via scripting see the Scripting Reference: MLABMutableDicomTree.

Parameter Fields

Field Index

Clear: Trigger Name: String
Description: String Number of decimal places: Integer
Generation Algorithm: Enum numberOfTimePoints: Integer
Had Error: Bool Time Point: Integer
Label: String Update: Trigger
Manufacturer: String Use time points from CSOs: Bool
Mode: Enum  
Model Name: String  

Visible Fields


name: structureSetLabel, type: String

User-defined label for Structure Set. Used for mandatory DICOM tag ‘Structure Set Label’.


name: structureSetName, type: String

User-defined name for Structure Set. Written to DICOM tag ‘Structure Set Name’ if set.


name: structureSetDescription, type: String

User-defined description for Structure Set. Written to DICOM tag ‘Structure Set Description’ if set.


name: manufacturer, type: String

Manufacturer of the RTSTRUCT. Used for mandatory DICOM tag ‘Manufacturer’.

Model Name

name: manufacturersModelName, type: String

Model name that produced the RTSTRUCT instance.

Use time points from CSOs

name: useCSOTimePoints, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If set, the referenced image is taken from the time point saved in the CSO, otherwise Time Point is used.

Time Point

name: timePoint, type: Integer, default: 0

The zero-based time point index if the image is a 4D image. If Use time points from CSOs is not set, this time point is used as reference time point for all contours.

Number of decimal places

name: pointPrecision, type: Integer, default: 6

The number of decimal places used for writing the x, y and z components of each contour point. Defaults to 6, maximum is 10.


name: updateMode, type: Enum, default: AUTO_UPDATE

What to do when the input CSO list or image fields change.


Title Name Description
Off OFF Do nothing, output isn’t changed. Update must be triggered manually.
Auto Clear AUTO_CLEAR Automatically clear the output. Update must be triggered manually.
Auto Update AUTO_UPDATE Automatically update the output.

Generation Algorithm

name: generationAlgorithm, type: Enum, default: NONE

The generation mode for the ROI. Defines the DICOM tag ROI Generation Algorithm.


Title Name Description
Automatic AUTOMATIC calculated ROI
Semiautomatic SEMIAUTOMATIC ROI calculated with user assistance
Manual MANUAL user-entered ROI
None NONE No algorithm defined (tag will be empty)


name: update, type: Trigger

Update the output of this module. Not necessary if Mode is AUTO_UPDATE, and the output has not been cleared using Clear.


name: clear, type: Trigger

Clears the output of this module.

Had Error

name: hadError, type: Bool, persistent: no

Set if some CSOs could not be processed.

Hidden Fields


name: numberOfTimePoints, type: Integer, persistent: no