
The module Convolution implements generic kernel-based filtering (linear and shift-invariant).


The implemented kernel functions are defined by


where g denotes the output, f the input, t the kernel, and k is a 6D multi-index.

Please note that in this module not a point-spread function (impulse response) is supplied by the user but a kernel function. The point-spread function h is related to the kernel via mirroring (origin is the kernel center):


One can use some simple pre-defined kernels like Average, Gauss, Laplace, and Sobel, or supply a custom-defined kernel via the kernel-editor module.

Optionally, a threshold interval can be used to select a subset of voxels of the input image to which the filtering is applied. By using this threshold interval, the filtering can be applied selectively to regions in the image.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: input0, type: Image

Output Fields


name: output0, type: Image

Parameter Fields

Field Index

Border Handling: Enum Use (useIntervalOfFilteredVoxels): Bool
External Kernel: String Use (predefKernel): Enum
Fill Value: Double  
Kernel Output: String  
kernelInfo: String  
Max: Double  
Min: Double  
referenceExtentMode: Enum  

Visible Fields

Border Handling

name: borderHandling, type: Enum, default: PadSrcClamp, deprecated name: edgeMode

Defines the border handling mode.

See Border Handling in Kernel Operations for details.


Title Name
No Pad NoPad
Pad Src Fill PadSrcFill
Pad Dst Fill PadDstFill
Pad Dst Fill With Orig PadDstFillWithOrig
Pad Src Undefined PadSrcUndefined
Pad Dst Undefined PadDstUndefined
Pad Src Clamp PadSrcClamp

Fill Value

name: fillValue, type: Double, default: 0

Sets the fill value for certain Border Handling modes.


name: intervalMinOfFilteredVoxels, type: Double, default: 0, deprecated name: ImageIntervalMin

Sets the minimum value threshold for outputting a subset of voxels.


name: intervalMaxOfFilteredVoxels, type: Double, default: 1024, deprecated name: ImageIntervalMax

Sets the maximum value threshold for outputting a subset of voxels.

Use (useIntervalOfFilteredVoxels)

name: useIntervalOfFilteredVoxels, type: Bool, default: FALSE, deprecated name: UseImageInterval

If checked, the module outputs only on a subset of voxels defined by a value range.

External Kernel

name: externalKernel, type: String, deprecated name: kernelInput

Sets an external kernel as a string.

Use the module KernelEditor for editing the kernel or set the kernel by scripting.

Kernel Output

name: kernelOutput, type: String, persistent: no

Shows the used kernel as a string for connecting to other modules that use an external kernel.

Use (predefKernel)

name: predefKernel, type: Enum, default: 3x3 Average Kernel

Defines the applied filter.


Title Name Description
3x3 Average Kernel 3x3 Average Kernel

All elements of this kernel have normalized and equal coefficients.

1/9  1/9  1/9
1/9  1/9  1/9
1/9  1/9  1/9
5x5 Average Kernel 5x5 Average Kernel

All elements of this kernel have normalized and equal coefficients.

1/25  1/25  1/25  1/25  1/25
1/25  1/25  1/25  1/25  1/25
1/25  1/25  1/25  1/25  1/25
1/25  1/25  1/25  1/25  1/25
1/25  1/25  1/25  1/25  1/25
7x7 Average Kernel 7x7 Average Kernel All elements of this kernel have normalized and equal coefficents.
10x10 Average Kernel 10x10 Average Kernel All elements of this kernel have normalized and equal coefficients.
25x25 Average Kernel 25x25 Average Kernel All elements of this kernel have normalized and equal coefficients.
3x3 Gauss Kernel 3x3 Gauss Kernel

Applies a 3x3 Gaussian kernel. Smooths image and emphasizes the inner voxels.

1/16  2/16  1/16
2/16  4/16  2/16
1/16  2/16  1/16
5x5 Gauss Kernel 5x5 Gauss Kernel Applies a 5x5 Gaussian kernel.
Laplace Kernel Laplace Kernel

Applies a 3x3 Laplacian kernel.

0   1   0
1  -4   1
0   1   0
Laplace2 Kernel Laplace2 Kernel

Applies a 3x3 Laplacian kernel for edge detection. This one is taking the second derivation into account.

1   2   1
2 -12   2
1   2   1
Sobel1 Kernel | Sobel1 Kernel |

Applies a 3x3 Sobel1 kernel. Used for edge detection in vertical direction and smoothing in horizontal direction.

1   0  -1
2   0  -2
1   0  -1
Sobel2 Kernel - Sobel2 Kernel -

Applies a 3x3 Sobel2 kernel. Used for edge detection in horizontal direction and smoothing in vertical direction.

 1   2   1
 0   0   0
-1  -2  -1
Sobel3 Kernel Sobel3 Kernel

Applies a 3x3 Sobel3 kernel. Used for edge detection in diagonal direction and smoothing in contrary direction.

0  -1  -2
1   0  -1
2   1   0
Sobel4 Kernel / Sobel4 Kernel /

Applies a 3x3 Sobel4 kernel. Used for edge detection in diagonal direction and smoothing in contrary direction.

-2  -1   0
-1   0   1
 0   1   2
Id Kernel Id Kernel Simply copies the input image to the output.
From Kernel Input From Kernel Input

Uses the kernel specified in the kernel input field.

Usually this will be a kernel passed via a field connection from the text field of a kernel editor.

Note that a kernel defined once can be saved/loaded with the operator state normally even if it is not visible as kernel matrix.

Please note that the kernel editor specifies a kernel function, not a point-spread function.

Hidden Fields


name: referenceExtentMode, type: Enum, default: Overlap


Title Name
Overlap Overlap
Input0 Ext Without Fill Input0_ExtWithoutFill
Input0 Ext With Fill Input0_ExtWithFill
Max Extents Without Fill MaxExtentsWithoutFill
Max Extents With Fill MaxExtentsWithFill


name: kernelInfo, type: String, persistent: no