
genre DICOM
author MeVis Medical Solutions AG
package MeVisLab/Standard
dll DicomImport
definition DicomImport.def
see also DicomImportExtraOutput, ImageLoad, LoadDicomTree
keywords Read, Load


The purpose of the DicomImport module is to import DICOM files directly via a call to the Dicom Processor Library (DPL) without requiring an intermediate image representation.

After importing from a specified directory or a list of files, all volumes will be displayed in a tree structure containing patients, studies and volumes.

The module output are images loaded from the DICOM frames. The images’ pixel data is only loaded when needed to reduce memory load.

Settings for volume creation and the Dicom Processor Library (DPL) can be defined in the Configuration dialog. The DPL settings can be configured manually or via loading predefined-files.


Choose between the two different input modes, from a directory of a list of files with the switch Input Mode. Either specify the directory via the Source Directory or set a list of full qualified file names Files.

  • Then use the Import button to parse the directories. This composes image volumes from the DICOM files in it and shows them in the patient tree.
  • Check the console and the outLogModel for issues and errors and other information and the generated image volumes.
  • Select any composed volume by clicking on it. The selected volume is made available at output0.

Sorting and parting can be configured directly via Direct Sort Part Configuration or by selecting a file containing the configuration via Sort Part Config File.

In case multiple volumes have been generated during import, it is possible to toggle through the volumes forward (>) and backward (<). The total number of volumes generated can be found in field volumeCount.

Note:After the import, the imported DICOM files are still needed for the image data in the image output, which will be read on demand. Under Windows, they will be locked and cannot be moved away until the import is cleared.


Known issues

There are several reasons why importing can become slow or might not work, the most important and typical ones are listed here:
  • Float value pixel data files (for example used for parametric maps) are currently not supported.
  • DICOM objects with an uncompressed transfer syntax and the stored Photometric Interpretations YBR_FULL_422, YBR_PARTIAL_422 and YBR_PARTIAL_420 are currently not displayed.


You can expand and collapse the patient trees via a context menu on that area.


  • Composing volumes from DICOM source files depends on many factors, such as scan parameters and import settings. DicomImport uses heuristics from the Dicom Processor Library (DPL). Try different parameter combinations if the volume composition is not as expected.
  • When single or multiple DICOM frames are imported and composed to a volume, then the page extent for the result volume is set to the extent of a single frame. This can lead to memory trouble if large frames are composed. In some cases the usage of a ImagePropertyConvert module after DicomImport may help to compensate this problem.
  • In case of issues, you can define the logging level of the module via field logLevel.


Default Panel






Output Fields


name: output0, type: Image

Output connector providing image data of the currently selected volume.


name: outDicomTree, type: DicomTree(MLBase)

The DICOM tree of the currently selected item.

This is the same tree as provided with the image output, but the only way to get at the DICOM tree if the selected item didn’t contain image data.

For accessing this object via scripting see the Scripting Reference: MLABDicomTree.


name: outLogModel, type: StandardItemModel(MLBase)

Output connector providing log information including time stamp and error codes. Each entry corresponds to a warning or error during the import.

An error means that a file could not be processed. All errors are listed as top-level entries in the log model, with one of the error codes described below in the errorcode column.

A warning means that a file was processed, but had some incorrect tags or other problems. All warnings related to a given input file are grouped under a single entry which contains the file path. Each warning has a warning code described below which appears in the errorcode column.

The following attributes are available:
  • timestamp - The time of the log as the number of milliseconds evolved since the epoch (January 1, 1970, 00:00:00)
  • path - The full path of the problematic input file; only given for errors and top-level warning entries
  • tag - if applicable, the tag causing the problem in the format “(gggg,eeee)”, otherwise empty
  • tagname - the tag name for “tag”, if it is known
  • errorcode - a numerical representation of the error or warning, see below
  • message - a textual representation of the error or warning
The following error code are currently available:
  • 1 - Unable to open the DICOM file
  • 2 - The file does not seem to be a DICOM file
  • 3 - The DICOM transfer syntax is not supported
  • 4 - Mandatory DICOM tags needed for processing are missing
  • 5 - Error while reading the DICOM file (errors from the underlying DICOM library)
  • 6 - Warnings have occurred (for the top-level warning entry)
The following warning codes are used:
  • 1 - A value is incorrectly encoded
  • 2 - The specific character set is invalid
  • 3 - Warnings while reading the DICOM file (warnings from the underlying DICOM library)
  • 4 - An incorrect Value Representation has been encountered
For accessing this object via scripting see the Scripting Reference: MLStandardItemModelWrapper.


name: outputModel, type: StandardItemModel(MLBase)

Output connector providing the patient tree(s) of the imported directory.

This lists the imported volumes in a hierarchy consisting of patient, study and imported volumes.

This tree has two attributes, name and id:
  • On the patient level, the name is the PatientName plus the PatientBirthDate (if given).
  • On the study level, the name is the StudyDate and StudyDescription.
  • On the volume level, the name is a combination of Modality, SeriesDescription (only in the case that it is the same for all included frames), and the size of the imported volume (“<Columns>*<Rows>*<slices>*<time points>”), or “<no image data>” if there was no image data for the item. The id is the identification number of the imported item, unique across the whole current MeVisLab instance. This number can be used to select the item as output through the selectedItem field (also DicomImportExtraOutput.selectedItem), or as argument for the DicomImportResultWrapper wrapper of outImportResult.
For accessing this object via scripting see the Scripting Reference: MLStandardItemModelWrapper.


name: outImportResult, type: DicomImportResult(MLBase)

This output field contains all import results. You can access this via scripting, or connect a DicomImportExtraOutput module.

For accessing this object via scripting see the Scripting Reference: DicomImportResultWrapper.

Parameter Fields

Visible Fields

Source Directory

name: source, type: String

The directory (tree) to be parsed for DICOM files.


name: files, type: String

A list of strings, containing the full qualified file names, each separated by a newline.

Input Mode

name: inputMode, type: Enum, default: Directory

The mode to control the input source.


Title Name Description
Directory Directory If this is set, then the Source Directory is taken as input path.
Files Files If this is set, then the Files is taken as list of input files.

Include sub-directories

name: enableRecursiveSearch, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, the given Source Directory is parsed including sub-directories.


name: triggerImport, type: Trigger

Starts the import of DICOM files from source directory.

The import process is asynchronous. The ready field will be set back to True when the import is finished.


name: clearImport, type: Trigger, deprecated name: stopImport

Aborts the import of DICOM files, if an import is currently in progress. Otherwise just clears the output.

Use file for sort/part

name: useSortPartConfigFile, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the sort/part configuration is loaded from file given in Sort Part Config File, otherwise it is taken from Direct Sort Part Configuration.

Sort Part Config File

name: sortPartConfigFile, type: String

Full path to file providing sort/part configuration. Used if Use file for sort/part is True.

Direct Sort Part Configuration

name: directSortPartConfiguration, type: String, default: (,   {Element = (0008,0060); Name = Modality;  Sort = 1; Part = 1; },,   {Element = (0008,0020); Name = StudyDate; Sort = 1; Part = 1; },,   {Element = (0008,0008); Name = ImageType; Sort = 1; Part = 1; },,   {Element = (0018,1030); Name = ProtocolName; Sort = 1; Part = 1; },,   {Element = (0018,0050); Name = SliceThickness; Sort = 1; Part = 1; Tolerance = 0.000005; },,   {Element = (0018,0080); Name = RepetitionTime; Sort = 1; Part = 1; },,   {Element = (0018,0082); Name = InversionTime; Sort = 1; Part = 1; },,   {Element = (0018,0091); Name = EchoTrainLength; Sort = 1; Part = 1; },,   {Element = (0018,1210); Name = ConvolutionKernel; Sort = 1; Part = 1; },,   {Element = (0018,1314); Name = FlipAngle; Sort = 1; Part = 1; },,   {Element = (0018,0015); Name = BodyPartExamined; Sort = 1; Part = 1; },,   {Element = (0028,0008); Name = NumberOfFrames; Sort = 1; Part = 1; },,   {Element = (0028,0010); Name = Rows; Sort = 1; Part = 1; },,   {Element = (0028,0011); Name = Columns; Sort = 1; Part = 1; },,   {Element = (0020,0037); Name = ImageOrientationPatient; Sort = 1; Part = 1; Tolerance = 0.000005; },,   {Element = (0018,1004); Name = PlateID; Sort = 1; Part = 1; },,   {Element = (0018,1000); Name = DeviceSerialNumber; Sort = 1; Part = 1; },,   {Element = (0028,0004); Name = PhotometricInterpretation; Sort = 1; Part = 1; },,   {Element = (0028,0100); Name = BitsAllocated; Sort = 1; Part = 1; },,   {Element = (0028,0102); Name = HighBit; Sort = 1; Part = 1; },,   {Element = (0028,0103); Name = PixelRepresentation; Sort = 1; Part = 1; },,   {Element = (0018,0020); Name = ScanningSequence; Sort = 1; Part = 1; },,   {Element = (0018,0023); Name = MRAcquisitionType; Sort = 1; Part = 1; },,   {Element = (0028,0030); Name = PixelSpacing; Sort = 1; Part = 1; Tolerance = 0.00001; },,   {Element = (0054,0010); Name = EnergyWindowVector; Sort = 1; Part = 1; },,   {Element = (0054,0030); Name = PhaseVector; Sort = 1; Part = 1; },,   {Element = (0054,0060); Name = RRIntervalVector; Sort = 1; Part = 1; },,   {Element = (0054,0050); Name = RotationVector; Sort = 1; Part = 1; },,   {Element = (0028,1101); Name = RedPaletteColorLookupTableDescriptor; Sort = 1; Part = 1; },,   {Element = (0028,1102); Name = GreenPaletteColorLookupTableDescriptor; Sort = 1; Part = 1; },,   {Element = (0028,1103); Name = BluePaletteColorLookupTableDescriptor; Sort = 1; Part = 1; },,   {Element = (0028,1201); Name = RedPaletteColorLookupTableData; Sort = 1; Part = 1; },,   {Element = (0028,1202); Name = GreenPaletteColorLookupTableData; Sort = 1; Part = 1; },,   {Element = (0028,1203); Name = BluePaletteColorLookupTableData; Sort = 1; Part = 1; },,   {Element = (0020,000e); Name = SeriesInstanceUID; Sort = 1; SortCondition = "Modality = NM & !(FrameIncrementPointer = '(0054,0010)')" Part = 1; PartCondition = "Modality = NM & !(FrameIncrementPointer = '(0054,0010)')";       },,   {Element = (0008,0018); Name = SOPInstanceUID; Sort = 1; SortCondition = "Modality = NM & NumberOfFrames > 1";  Part = 1; PartCondition = "Modality = NM & NumberOfFrames > 1";  },,   {Element = (0008,0018); Name = SOPInstanceUID; Sort = 1; SortCondition = "Modality = CR | Modality = DR | Modality = MG | Modality = MX | Modality = RG"; Part = 1; PartCondition = "Modality = CR | Modality = DR | Modality = MG | Modality = MX | Modality = RG";  },,   {Element = (0008,1090); Name = ManufacturerModelName; Sort = 1; Part = 1; },,   {Element = (0008,1010); Name = StationName; Sort = 1; Part = 1; },,   {Element = (0008,0070); Name = Manufacturer; Sort = 1; Part = 1; },,   {Element = (0018,0020); Name = ScanningSequence; Sort = 1; Part = 1; },,   {Element = (0018,0085); Name = ImagedNucleus; Sort = 1; Part = 1; },,   {Element = (0018,0087); Name = MagneticFieldStrength; Sort = 1; Part = 1; },,   {Element = (0018,1020); Name = SoftwareVersion; Sort = 1; Part = 1; },,   {Element = (0018,5100); Name = PatientPosition; Sort = 1; Part = 1; },,   {Element = (0062,000b); Name = ReferencedSegmentNumber; Sort = 1; SortCondition = "SOPClassUID = 1.2.840.10008."; Part = 1;  PartCondition = "SOPClassUID = 1.2.840.10008."; },,   {Element = (0020,000e); Name = SeriesInstanceUID; Sort = 1; SortCondition = "SOPClassUID = 1.2.840.10008."; Part = 1; PartCondition = "SOPClassUID = 1.2.840.10008."; },,   {Element = (0020,0013); Name = InstanceNumber; Sort = 1; Part = 0; },,   {Element = (0008,0030); Name = StudyTime; Sort = 1; Part = 0; },,   {Element = (0020,0011); Name = SeriesNumber; Sort = 1; Part = 0; },,   {Element = (0008,0021); Name = SeriesDate; Sort = 1; Part = 0; },,   {Element = (0008,0031); Name = SeriesTime; Sort = 1; Part = 0; },,   {Element = (0018,0081); Name = EchoTime; Sort = 1; Part = 0; },,   {Element = (0018,0024); Name = SequenceName; Sort = 1; Part = 0; },,   {Element = (0020,0012); Name = AcquisitionNumber; Sort = 1; Part = 0; },,   {Element = (0018,0022); Name = ScanOptions; Sort = 1; Part = 0; },,   {Element = (0008,0022); Name = AcquisitionDate; Sort = 1; Part = 0; },,   {Element = (0008,0032); Name = AcquisitionTime; Sort = 1; Part = 0; },,   {Element = (0008,0023); Name = ContentDate; Sort = 1; Part = 0; },,   {Element = (0008,0033); Name = ContentTime; Sort = 1; Part = 0; },,   {Element = (0020,0032); Name = ImagePositionPatient; Sort = 1; Part = 0; },,   {Element = (0054,0020); Name = DetectorVector; Sort = 1; Part = 0; },,   {Element = (0054,0100); Name = TimeSliceVector; Sort = 1; Part = 0; },,   {Element = (0054,0070); Name = TimeSlotVector; Sort = 1; Part = 0; },,   {Element = (0054,0080); Name = SliceVector; Sort = 1; Part = 0; },,   {Element = (0054,0090); Name = AngularViewVector; Sort = 1; Part = 0; },,   {Element = (0020,9157); Name = DimensionIndexValues; Sort = 1; Part = 0; }, )

Sort/part configuration without file. Used if Use file for sort/part is False.

Reset to Default

name: resetSortPartToDefault, type: Trigger

Reset Direct Sort Part Configuration to its default value.

Relative Distance Tolerance

name: relativeDistanceTolerance, type: Double, default: 0.25, minimum: 0

A factor applied to the distances between previous frames in a block (after sorting) to get a tolerance value. Additionally the value of Absolute Distance Tolerance is added. If the position of a frame differs more than the resulting value from the expected position, a new volume is started.

Absolute Distance Tolerance

name: absoluteDistanceTolerance, type: Double, default: 0.02, minimum: 0

This value is added to the tolerance described in Relative Distance Tolerance.

Position Tolerance In MM

name: positionToleranceInMM, type: Double, default: 0.0999, minimum: 0

The minimum amount by which the position of a single frame should differ from the previous frame. If the difference is too small, the frame is assumed to be at the same position, but at a different time point.

Minimum Number Frames In Volume

name: minimumNumberFramesInVolume, type: Integer, default: 10, minimum: 1

The minimum number of frames in a volume. If a volume would be composed of fewer frames, the frames are imported as single frames instead.

Force 2D+T Condition

name: force2DPlusTCondition, type: String, default: Modality == XA | Modality == US | Modality == RF

This condition describes when to enforce building a time series from frames instead of a 3D block. The frames will have the same world position in MeVisLab in this case.

This is only applied if a time series isn’t generated anyway, which might result in a 4D block instead.

Split Time Points

name: splitTimePoints, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Prevents the creation of 4D images by splitting them into 3D volumes. Does not affect 2D+T images.


name: selectNextItem, type: Trigger

Select next volume in the patient tree.


name: selectPreviousItem, type: Trigger

Select previous volume in the patient tree.

Hidden Fields


name: selectedItem, type: String

The currently selected volume by Id in the patient tree. Valid Ids must be retrieved with the function call DicomImportResultWrapper.imageIds on the outImportResult (or obtained from the outputModel).

The Ids are unique throughout the run of the application. So it is possible to have several instances of this module in the current application without getting into conflict with each other.


name: ready, type: Bool, persistent: no

Indicates if the import has been completed and the output field is ready.


name: progress, type: Float, persistent: no

The progress of the import, which is only displayed while the import is running.


name: volumeCount, type: Integer, persistent: no

The total number of volumes generated.


name: numberOfErrors, type: Integer, persistent: no


name: numberOfWarnings, type: Integer, persistent: no


name: logLevel, type: Enum, default: Warning

The log level of the module.


Title Name
Error Error
Warning Warning
Info Info
Debug Debug


name: info, type: String, persistent: no


name: selectedIndex, type: Integer, persistent: no