
genre Vector
author MeVis Medical Solutions AG
package MeVisLab/Standard
definition helpers.def
see also SyncFloat, FanInVector
keywords synchronize, break, loop, cycle, epsilon


The module SyncVector synchronizes the two vectors so that the data they represent is always consistent.


Default Panel


Parameter Fields

Field Index

Epsilon: Float
Epsilon Vec: Vector4
Mode: Enum
Vector1: Vector4
Vector2: Vector4

Visible Fields


name: vector1, type: Vector4, default: 0 0 0 0

Sets and shows the first vector to synchronize.


name: vector2, type: Vector4, default: 0 0 0 0

Sets and shows the second vector to synchronize.


name: epsilon, type: Float, default: 9.9999997e-05

Sets an epsilon value to measure the difference between the two vectors to synchronize.

If one vector differs in one component by more that this value, the other vector is being updated.

Epsilon Vec

name: epsilonVec, type: Vector4, default: 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001

Sets an epsilon vector value.

See Epsilon for more details.


name: mode, type: Enum, default: EpsilonScalar

Defines the mode to compare the two vectors to synchronize.


Title Name
Scalar EpsilonScalar
Vector EpsilonVector