
The module CalculateVolume scans the input and counts all voxels which are within a given interval.


The voxel number and the voxel number multiplied with the voxel size (i.e. the volume in microliters, milliliters or liters) is given as result.

Also a factor can be specified to support changes to other units, e.g. from milliliters to gallons.


For 4D images, the time curve / sequence of volumes is given as ml.CurveData to output and can be visualized, e.g., using a SoDiagram2D module.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: input0, type: Image

Output Fields


name: outTimeCurve, type: CurveData(MLBase), deprecated name: outputTimeCurve
For accessing this object via scripting see the Scripting Reference: MLCurveDataWrapper.

Parameter Fields

Field Index

Auto Update: Bool resultsValid: Bool User Timepoint: Integer
Factor: Double Style: Integer Volume (minTimepointVolume): Double
Max: Enum Total Volume: Double Volume (maxTimepointVolume): Double
Max. Timepoint: Integer Type: Enum Volume (userTimepointVolume): Double
Min: Enum Unit: Enum  
Min. Timepoint: Integer Update: Trigger  
No of Timepoints: Integer User Def. (intMin): Double  
progress: Double User Def. (intMax): Double  

Visible Fields


name: minMode, type: Enum, default: UserDefined

Defines the minimum value mode.


Title Name Deprecated Name Description
User Defined UserDefined user defined A user defined value can be set in User Def..
Image Min ImageMin image min The image’s static minimum value is set as the lower bound.

User Def. (intMin)

name: intMin, type: Double, default: 1

Sets a user defined minimum value.

Used if Min is set to UserDefined.


name: maxMode, type: Enum, default: ImageMax

Defines the maximum value mode.


Title Name Deprecated Name Description
User Defined UserDefined user defined A user defined value can be set in User Def..
Image Max ImageMax image max The image’s static maximum value is set as the upper bound.

User Def. (intMax)

name: intMax, type: Double, default: 255

Sets a user defined maximum value.

Used if Max is set to UserDefined.

Auto Update

name: autoUpdate, type: Bool, default: TRUE, deprecated name: autoCompute

If checked, the module computes anew on any field or input change.


name: update, type: Trigger, deprecated name: calculateVolume

If pressed, the module computes anew.


name: unit, type: Enum, default: Milliliters

Defines a unit for the volume output.


Title Name Deprecated Name
Voxels Voxels voxels (numvox)
Microliters (mm^3) Microliters microliters (mm^3)
Milliliters (ml) Milliliters milliliters (ml)
Liters (l) Liters liters (l)
Factor * Voxels FactorTimesVoxels factor * numvox
Factor * mm^3 FactorTimesMicroliters factor * mm^3


name: factor, type: Double, default: 1

Sets a factor that is multiplied with all results.

Total Volume

name: totalVolume, type: Double, persistent: no

Shows the total volume.

No of Timepoints

name: numTimepoints, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the number of time points.

Min. Timepoint

name: minTimepoint, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the time point with the least amount of voxels.

Volume (minTimepointVolume)

name: minTimepointVolume, type: Double, persistent: no

Shows the amount of voxels in the time point with the least amount of voxels.

Max. Timepoint

name: maxTimepoint, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the time point with the largest amount of voxels.

Volume (maxTimepointVolume)

name: maxTimepointVolume, type: Double, persistent: no

Shows the amount of voxels in the time point with the largest amount of voxels.

User Timepoint

name: userTimepoint, type: Integer, default: 0

Sets a specific time point for evaluation.

Volume (userTimepointVolume)

name: userTimepointVolume, type: Double, persistent: no

Shows the amount of voxels in the user defined time point.


name: curveType, type: Enum, default: Line

Defines the type of output curve.


Title Name Deprecated Name
Line Line line
Area Area area


name: curveStyle, type: Integer, default: 0

Sets the line style for the output curve.

Hidden Fields


name: progress, type: Double, persistent: no


name: resultsValid, type: Bool, persistent: no